/external/chromium/chrome/browser/extensions/ |
extension_tts_api.h | 21 // Speak the given utterance with the given parameters if possible, 22 // and return true on success. Utterance will always be nonempty. 26 // The ExtensionTtsController will only try to speak one utterance at 31 const std::string& utterance, 57 // One speech utterance. 58 class Utterance { 60 // Construct an utterance given a profile, the text to speak, 62 // when the utterance is done speaking. 63 Utterance(Profile* profile, 67 ~Utterance(); [all...] |
extension_tts_api.cc | 20 const char kSpeechInterruptedError[] = "Utterance interrupted."; 21 const char kSpeechRemovedFromQueueError[] = "Utterance removed from queue."; 47 // Utterance 51 int Utterance::next_utterance_id_ = 0; 53 Utterance::Utterance(Profile* profile, 101 Utterance::~Utterance() { 105 void Utterance::FinishAndDestroy() { 131 void ExtensionTtsController::SpeakOrEnqueue(Utterance* utterance) 289 Utterance* utterance = utterance_queue_.front(); local 297 Utterance* utterance = utterance_queue_.front(); local [all...] |
extension_tts_api_mac.mm | 20 const std::string& utterance, 51 const std::string& utterance, 81 [NSString stringWithUTF8String: utterance.c_str()]];
extension_tts_api_win.cc | 22 const std::string& utterance, 60 std::wstring utterance = UTF8ToUTF16(src_utterance); local 79 utterance = L"<pitch absmiddle=\"" + pitch_value + L"\">" + 80 utterance + L"</pitch>"; 93 utterance.c_str(), SPF_ASYNC | SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK, NULL);
extension_tts_api_linux.cc | 19 const std::string& utterance,
extension_tts_apitest.cc | 31 bool(const std::string& utterance, 94 // Ensure that the first utterance keeps going until it's interrupted. 99 // Expect the second utterance and allow it to continue for two calls to 114 // interrupts. Speak() never gets called on the second utterance. 121 // Ensure that the first utterance keeps going until it's interrupted. 126 // Expect the third utterance and allow it to continue for two calls to
extension_tts_api_chromeos.cc | 23 const std::string& utterance, 56 const std::string& utterance, 112 return cros_library->GetSpeechSynthesisLibrary()->Speak(utterance.c_str());
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/speech/tts/ |
UtteranceProgressListener.java | 6 * Listener for events relating to the progress of an utterance through 7 * the synthesis queue. Each utterance is associated with a call to 9 * associated utterance identifier, as per {@link TextToSpeech.Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}. 15 * Called when an utterance "starts" as perceived by the caller. This will 20 * @param utteranceId the utterance ID of the utterance. 25 * Called when an utterance has successfully completed processing. 31 * @param utteranceId the utterance ID of the utterance. 40 * the same utterance [all...] |
EventLogger.java | 24 * The data that is logged includes the calling app, length of the utterance, 135 // the length of the utterance). 151 * @return the length of the utterance for the given synthesis, 0 152 * if the utterance was {@code null}. 155 final String utterance = mRequest.getText(); local 156 return utterance == null ? 0 : utterance.length();
ITextToSpeechService.aidl | 81 * Interrupts the current utterance (if from the given app) and removes any utterances 147 * Sets the callback that will be notified when playback of utterance from the 150 * @param callingApp Package name for the app whose utterance the callback will handle.
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/page/ |
SpeechInputResult.cpp | 33 PassRefPtr<SpeechInputResult> SpeechInputResult::create(const String& utterance, double confidence) 35 return adoptRef(new SpeechInputResult(utterance, confidence)); 43 SpeechInputResult::SpeechInputResult(const String& utterance, double confidence) 44 : m_utterance(utterance) 54 const String& SpeechInputResult::utterance() const function in class:WebCore::SpeechInputResult
SpeechInputResult.h | 42 static PassRefPtr<SpeechInputResult> create(const String& utterance, double confidence); 45 const String& utterance() const; 48 SpeechInputResult(const String& utterance, double confidence);
SpeechInputResult.idl | 31 readonly attribute DOMString utterance;
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ |
wizard_accessibility_helper.h | 34 // specifies whether this utterance will be queued or spoken immediately. 35 // |interruptible| specified whether this utterance can be flushed by a 36 // subsequent utterance.
/cts/tests/tests/speech/src/android/speech/tts/cts/ |
TextToSpeechServiceTest.java | 31 private static final String UTTERANCE_ID = "utterance"; 32 private static final String UTTERANCE = "text to speech cts test"; 59 int result = getTts().synthesizeToFile(UTTERANCE, createParams(), sampleFile.getPath()); 72 int result = getTts().speak(UTTERANCE, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, createParams());
/external/srec/srec/include/ |
simapi.h | 288 int terminal_timeout; /* end of utterance timeout at terminal node */ 289 int optional_terminal_timeout; /* end of utterance timeout at optional terminal node */ 290 int non_terminal_timeout; /* end of utterance timeout at non terminal node */ 291 int eou_threshold; /* select hypotheses for end-of-utterance tests */ 826 * hUtt valid utterance handle 835 * Frames can be accessed, on-by-one, from an utterance object into 837 * value then an utterance frame is available for processing and a call 858 * hUtt valid utterance object handle 866 * The current frames is pulled in from an utterance object into 1030 * Returns Handle to a new utterance objec [all...] |
creccons.h | 36 * CREC Utterance Constants 54 * CREC end of utterance constants
swicms.h | 44 * frames of speech and uses that as a channel mean for the next utterance. A forget_factor 67 /* for in-utterance channel normalization */
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/ |
WebSpeechInputResult.cpp | 44 void WebSpeechInputResult::set(const WebString& utterance, double confidence) 46 m_private = WebCore::SpeechInputResult::create(utterance, confidence);
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/accessibility/ |
TaskBackService.java | 124 StringBuilder utterance = new StringBuilder(taskStr); local 133 utterance.append(SEPARATOR); 134 utterance.append(contentDescription); 138 // Announce the utterance. 139 mTts.speak(utterance.toString(), TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null); 140 Log.d(LOG_TAG, utterance.toString());
ClockBackService.java | 132 * The queuing mode we are using - interrupt a spoken utterance before 229 String utterance = (String) message.obj; 230 mTts.speak(utterance, QUEUING_MODE_INTERRUPT, null); 301 String utterance = generateScreenOnOrOffUtternace(feedbackIndex); 302 mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_SPEAK, utterance).sendToTarget(); 373 * Generates an utterance for announcing screen on and screen off. 376 * @return The utterance. 518 * Formats an utterance from an {@link AccessibilityEvent}. 520 * @param event The event from which to format an utterance. 521 * @return The formatted utterance 524 StringBuilder utterance = mUtterance; local [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/ |
speech_synthesis_library.h | 27 // Stops speaking the current utterance.
/packages/apps/VoiceDialer/src/com/android/voicedialer/ |
VoiceDialerActivity.java | 64 * once the greeting utterance completes: 83 * once the try again utterance completes: 89 * once the utterance completes: 96 * once the utterance completes: 288 Log.e(TAG, "utterance completion not delivered, using fallback"); 315 // utterance completes. As a fallback in case the utterance 372 // since the utterance has completed, we no longer need the fallback. 515 // utterance completes. As a fallback in case the utterance [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/ |
WebSpeechInputResult.h | 47 WEBKIT_API void set(const WebString& utterance, double confidence);
/external/srec/srec/Recognizer/src/ |
RecognizerImpl.c | 537 /* Create an utterance object */ 538 impl->utterance = CA_AllocateUtterance(); 539 if (impl->utterance == NULL) 545 CA_InitUtteranceForFrontend(impl->utterance, frontendParams); 546 CA_AttachCMStoUtterance(impl->wavein, impl->utterance); 563 if (impl->utterance != NULL) 565 CA_ClearUtterance(impl->utterance); 566 CA_FreeUtterance(impl->utterance); 567 impl->utterance = NULL; 671 impl->utterance = NULL [all...] |