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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
      7   /**
      8    * The class name to set on the document element.
      9    * @const
     10    */
     11   var CLASS_NAME = 'focus-outline-visible';
     13   /**
     14    * This class sets a CSS class name on the HTML element of |doc| when the user
     15    * presses the tab key. It removes the class name when the user clicks
     16    * anywhere.
     17    *
     18    * This allows you to write CSS like this:
     19    *
     20    * html.focus-outline-visible my-element:focus {
     21    *   outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
     22    * }
     23    *
     24    * And the outline will only be shown if the user uses the keyboard to get to
     25    * it.
     26    *
     27    * @param {Document} doc The document to attach the focus outline manager to.
     28    * @constructor
     29    */
     30   function FocusOutlineManager(doc) {
     31     this.classList_ = doc.documentElement.classList;
     32     var self = this;
     33     doc.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
     34       if (e.keyCode == 9)  // Tab
     35         self.visible = true;
     36     }, true);
     38     doc.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
     39       self.visible = false;
     40     }, true);
     41   }
     43   FocusOutlineManager.prototype = {
     44     /**
     45      * Whether the focus outline should be visible.
     46      * @type {boolean}
     47      */
     48     set visible(visible) {
     49       if (visible)
     50         this.classList_.add(CLASS_NAME);
     51       else
     52         this.classList_.remove(CLASS_NAME);
     53     },
     54     get visible() {
     55       this.classList_.contains(CLASS_NAME);
     56     }
     57   };
     59   /**
     60    * Array of Document and FocusOutlineManager pairs.
     61    * @type {Array}
     62    */
     63   var docsToManager = [];
     65   /**
     66    * Gets a per document sigleton focus outline manager.
     67    * @param {Document} doc The document to get the |FocusOutlineManager| for.
     68    * @return {FocusOutlineManager} The per document singleton focus outline
     69    *     manager.
     70    */
     71   FocusOutlineManager.forDocument = function(doc) {
     72     for (var i = 0; i < docsToManager.length; i++) {
     73       if (doc == docsToManager[i][0])
     74         return docsToManager[i][1];
     75     }
     76     var manager = new FocusOutlineManager(doc);
     77     docsToManager.push([doc, manager]);
     78     return manager;
     79   };
     81   return {
     82     FocusOutlineManager: FocusOutlineManager
     83   };
     84 });