Lines Matching refs:operation
880 is a pointer to the structure you want to hold the information for the mode of operation.
1086 These will get or set the 16--octet IV. Note that setting the IV is the same as \textit{seeking} and unlike other modes is not a free operation. It requires
1172 of operation.
1332 P. Rogaway, M. Bellare, J. Black, T. Krovetz, \textit{OCB: A Block Cipher Mode of Operation for Efficient Authenticated Encryption}.}
1457 This performs the \textit{CCM} operation on the data. The \textit{cipher} variable indicates which cipher in the descriptor table to use. It must have a
2337 The PMAC\footnote{J.Black, P.Rogaway, \textit{A Block--Cipher Mode of Operation for Parallelizable Message Authentication}}
2731 When a program is first executed the normal course of operation is:
3783 This will import the ECC key from \textit{in}, and store it in the ecc\_key structure pointed to by \textit{key}. If the operation fails it will free
5356 to functions that do the required work. For a given class of operation (e.g. cipher, hash, prng, bignum) the functions of a descriptor have identical prototypes which makes
6402 All functions (except where noted otherwise) return \textbf{CRYPT\_OK} to signify a successful operation. All error codes must be valid LibTomCrypt error codes.