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      1 /*
      2 **
      3 ** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
      4 **
      5 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 **
      9 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 **
     11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 ** limitations under the License.
     16 */
     18 #define LOG_TAG "LatinIME: jni: BinaryDictionary"
     20 #include "binary_format.h"
     21 #include "correction.h"
     22 #include "com_android_inputmethod_latin_BinaryDictionary.h"
     23 #include "defines.h"
     24 #include "dictionary.h"
     25 #include "jni.h"
     26 #include "jni_common.h"
     27 #include "proximity_info.h"
     29 #include <assert.h>
     30 #include <errno.h>
     31 #include <stdio.h>
     34 #include <sys/mman.h>
     35 #include <sys/types.h>
     36 #include <sys/stat.h>
     37 #include <fcntl.h>
     38 #include <unistd.h>
     39 #else // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
     40 #include <stdlib.h>
     41 #endif // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
     43 namespace latinime {
     45 void releaseDictBuf(void* dictBuf, const size_t length, int fd);
     47 static jlong latinime_BinaryDictionary_open(JNIEnv *env, jobject object,
     48         jstring sourceDir, jlong dictOffset, jlong dictSize,
     49         jint typedLetterMultiplier, jint fullWordMultiplier, jint maxWordLength, jint maxWords) {
     50     PROF_OPEN;
     51     PROF_START(66);
     52     const char *sourceDirChars = env->GetStringUTFChars(sourceDir, 0);
     53     if (sourceDirChars == 0) {
     54         AKLOGE("DICT: Can't get sourceDir string");
     55         return 0;
     56     }
     57     int fd = 0;
     58     void *dictBuf = 0;
     59     int adjust = 0;
     61     /* mmap version */
     62     fd = open(sourceDirChars, O_RDONLY);
     63     if (fd < 0) {
     64         AKLOGE("DICT: Can't open sourceDir. sourceDirChars=%s errno=%d", sourceDirChars, errno);
     65         return 0;
     66     }
     67     int pagesize = getpagesize();
     68     adjust = dictOffset % pagesize;
     69     int adjDictOffset = dictOffset - adjust;
     70     int adjDictSize = dictSize + adjust;
     71     dictBuf = mmap(0, sizeof(char) * adjDictSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, adjDictOffset);
     72     if (dictBuf == MAP_FAILED) {
     73         AKLOGE("DICT: Can't mmap dictionary. errno=%d", errno);
     74         return 0;
     75     }
     76     dictBuf = (void *)((char *)dictBuf + adjust);
     77 #else // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
     78     /* malloc version */
     79     FILE *file = 0;
     80     file = fopen(sourceDirChars, "rb");
     81     if (file == 0) {
     82         AKLOGE("DICT: Can't fopen sourceDir. sourceDirChars=%s errno=%d", sourceDirChars, errno);
     83         return 0;
     84     }
     85     dictBuf = malloc(sizeof(char) * dictSize);
     86     if (!dictBuf) {
     87         AKLOGE("DICT: Can't allocate memory region for dictionary. errno=%d", errno);
     88         return 0;
     89     }
     90     int ret = fseek(file, (long)dictOffset, SEEK_SET);
     91     if (ret != 0) {
     92         AKLOGE("DICT: Failure in fseek. ret=%d errno=%d", ret, errno);
     93         return 0;
     94     }
     95     ret = fread(dictBuf, sizeof(char) * dictSize, 1, file);
     96     if (ret != 1) {
     97         AKLOGE("DICT: Failure in fread. ret=%d errno=%d", ret, errno);
     98         return 0;
     99     }
    100     ret = fclose(file);
    101     if (ret != 0) {
    102         AKLOGE("DICT: Failure in fclose. ret=%d errno=%d", ret, errno);
    103         return 0;
    104     }
    105 #endif // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    106     env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(sourceDir, sourceDirChars);
    108     if (!dictBuf) {
    109         AKLOGE("DICT: dictBuf is null");
    110         return 0;
    111     }
    112     Dictionary *dictionary = 0;
    113     if (BinaryFormat::UNKNOWN_FORMAT == BinaryFormat::detectFormat((uint8_t*)dictBuf)) {
    114         AKLOGE("DICT: dictionary format is unknown, bad magic number");
    116         releaseDictBuf(((char*)dictBuf) - adjust, adjDictSize, fd);
    117 #else // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    118         releaseDictBuf(dictBuf, 0, 0);
    119 #endif // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    120     } else {
    121         dictionary = new Dictionary(dictBuf, dictSize, fd, adjust, typedLetterMultiplier,
    122                 fullWordMultiplier, maxWordLength, maxWords);
    123     }
    124     PROF_END(66);
    125     PROF_CLOSE;
    126     return (jlong)dictionary;
    127 }
    129 static int latinime_BinaryDictionary_getSuggestions(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong dict,
    130         jlong proximityInfo, jintArray xCoordinatesArray, jintArray yCoordinatesArray,
    131         jintArray inputArray, jint arraySize, jintArray prevWordForBigrams,
    132         jboolean useFullEditDistance, jcharArray outputArray, jintArray frequencyArray) {
    133     Dictionary *dictionary = (Dictionary*)dict;
    134     if (!dictionary) return 0;
    135     ProximityInfo *pInfo = (ProximityInfo*)proximityInfo;
    136     int *xCoordinates = env->GetIntArrayElements(xCoordinatesArray, 0);
    137     int *yCoordinates = env->GetIntArrayElements(yCoordinatesArray, 0);
    138     int *frequencies = env->GetIntArrayElements(frequencyArray, 0);
    139     int *inputCodes = env->GetIntArrayElements(inputArray, 0);
    140     jchar *outputChars = env->GetCharArrayElements(outputArray, 0);
    141     jint *prevWordChars = prevWordForBigrams
    142             ? env->GetIntArrayElements(prevWordForBigrams, 0) : 0;
    143     jsize prevWordLength = prevWordChars ? env->GetArrayLength(prevWordForBigrams) : 0;
    144     int count = dictionary->getSuggestions(pInfo, xCoordinates, yCoordinates, inputCodes,
    145             arraySize, prevWordChars, prevWordLength, useFullEditDistance,
    146             (unsigned short*) outputChars, frequencies);
    147     if (prevWordChars) {
    148         env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(prevWordForBigrams, prevWordChars, JNI_ABORT);
    149     }
    150     env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(outputArray, outputChars, 0);
    151     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(inputArray, inputCodes, JNI_ABORT);
    152     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(frequencyArray, frequencies, 0);
    153     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(yCoordinatesArray, yCoordinates, 0);
    154     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(xCoordinatesArray, xCoordinates, 0);
    155     return count;
    156 }
    158 static int latinime_BinaryDictionary_getBigrams(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong dict,
    159         jintArray prevWordArray, jint prevWordLength, jintArray inputArray, jint inputArraySize,
    160         jcharArray outputArray, jintArray frequencyArray, jint maxWordLength, jint maxBigrams) {
    161     Dictionary *dictionary = (Dictionary*)dict;
    162     if (!dictionary) return 0;
    163     jint *prevWord = env->GetIntArrayElements(prevWordArray, 0);
    164     int *inputCodes = env->GetIntArrayElements(inputArray, 0);
    165     jchar *outputChars = env->GetCharArrayElements(outputArray, 0);
    166     int *frequencies = env->GetIntArrayElements(frequencyArray, 0);
    167     int count = dictionary->getBigrams(prevWord, prevWordLength, inputCodes,
    168             inputArraySize, (unsigned short*) outputChars, frequencies, maxWordLength, maxBigrams);
    169     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(frequencyArray, frequencies, 0);
    170     env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(outputArray, outputChars, 0);
    171     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(inputArray, inputCodes, JNI_ABORT);
    172     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(prevWordArray, prevWord, JNI_ABORT);
    173     return count;
    174 }
    176 static jint latinime_BinaryDictionary_getFrequency(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong dict,
    177         jintArray wordArray, jint wordLength) {
    178     Dictionary *dictionary = (Dictionary*)dict;
    179     if (!dictionary) return (jboolean) false;
    180     jint *word = env->GetIntArrayElements(wordArray, 0);
    181     jint result = dictionary->getFrequency(word, wordLength);
    182     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(wordArray, word, JNI_ABORT);
    183     return result;
    184 }
    186 static jboolean latinime_BinaryDictionary_isValidBigram(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong dict,
    187         jintArray wordArray1, jintArray wordArray2) {
    188     Dictionary *dictionary = (Dictionary*)dict;
    189     if (!dictionary) return (jboolean) false;
    190     jint *word1 = env->GetIntArrayElements(wordArray1, 0);
    191     jint *word2 = env->GetIntArrayElements(wordArray2, 0);
    192     jsize length1 = word1 ? env->GetArrayLength(wordArray1) : 0;
    193     jsize length2 = word2 ? env->GetArrayLength(wordArray2) : 0;
    194     jboolean result = dictionary->isValidBigram(word1, length1, word2, length2);
    195     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(wordArray2, word2, JNI_ABORT);
    196     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(wordArray1, word1, JNI_ABORT);
    197     return result;
    198 }
    200 static jfloat latinime_BinaryDictionary_calcNormalizedScore(JNIEnv *env, jobject object,
    201         jcharArray before, jint beforeLength, jcharArray after, jint afterLength, jint score) {
    202     jchar *beforeChars = env->GetCharArrayElements(before, 0);
    203     jchar *afterChars = env->GetCharArrayElements(after, 0);
    204     jfloat result = Correction::RankingAlgorithm::calcNormalizedScore((unsigned short*)beforeChars,
    205             beforeLength, (unsigned short*)afterChars, afterLength, score);
    206     env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(after, afterChars, JNI_ABORT);
    207     env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(before, beforeChars, JNI_ABORT);
    208     return result;
    209 }
    211 static jint latinime_BinaryDictionary_editDistance(JNIEnv *env, jobject object,
    212         jcharArray before, jint beforeLength, jcharArray after, jint afterLength) {
    213     jchar *beforeChars = env->GetCharArrayElements(before, 0);
    214     jchar *afterChars = env->GetCharArrayElements(after, 0);
    215     jint result = Correction::RankingAlgorithm::editDistance(
    216             (unsigned short*)beforeChars, beforeLength, (unsigned short*)afterChars, afterLength);
    217     env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(after, afterChars, JNI_ABORT);
    218     env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(before, beforeChars, JNI_ABORT);
    219     return result;
    220 }
    222 static void latinime_BinaryDictionary_close(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong dict) {
    223     Dictionary *dictionary = (Dictionary*)dict;
    224     if (!dictionary) return;
    225     void *dictBuf = dictionary->getDict();
    226     if (!dictBuf) return;
    228     releaseDictBuf((void *)((char *)dictBuf - dictionary->getDictBufAdjust()),
    229             dictionary->getDictSize() + dictionary->getDictBufAdjust(), dictionary->getMmapFd());
    230 #else // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    231     releaseDictBuf(dictBuf, 0, 0);
    232 #endif // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    233     delete dictionary;
    234 }
    236 void releaseDictBuf(void* dictBuf, const size_t length, int fd) {
    238     int ret = munmap(dictBuf, length);
    239     if (ret != 0) {
    240         AKLOGE("DICT: Failure in munmap. ret=%d errno=%d", ret, errno);
    241     }
    242     ret = close(fd);
    243     if (ret != 0) {
    244         AKLOGE("DICT: Failure in close. ret=%d errno=%d", ret, errno);
    245     }
    246 #else // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    247     free(dictBuf);
    248 #endif // USE_MMAP_FOR_DICTIONARY
    249 }
    251 static JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = {
    252     {"openNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;JJIIII)J", (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_open},
    253     {"closeNative", "(J)V", (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_close},
    254     {"getSuggestionsNative", "(JJ[I[I[II[IZ[C[I)I",
    255             (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_getSuggestions},
    256     {"getFrequencyNative", "(J[II)I", (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_getFrequency},
    257     {"isValidBigramNative", "(J[I[I)Z", (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_isValidBigram},
    258     {"getBigramsNative", "(J[II[II[C[III)I", (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_getBigrams},
    259     {"calcNormalizedScoreNative", "([CI[CII)F",
    260             (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_calcNormalizedScore},
    261     {"editDistanceNative", "([CI[CI)I", (void*)latinime_BinaryDictionary_editDistance}
    262 };
    264 int register_BinaryDictionary(JNIEnv *env) {
    265     const char* const kClassPathName = "com/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary";
    266     return registerNativeMethods(env, kClassPathName, sMethods,
    267             sizeof(sMethods) / sizeof(sMethods[0]));
    268 }
    270 } // namespace latinime