Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in safe_browsing
      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      4 //
      5 // This test creates a safebrowsing service using test safebrowsing database
      6 // and a test protocol manager. It is used to test logics in safebrowsing
      7 // service.
      9 #include "base/command_line.h"
     10 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     11 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     12 #include "crypto/sha2.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_database.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_service.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_util.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_manager.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
     19 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     20 #include "chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h"
     21 #include "chrome/test/ui_test_utils.h"
     22 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     23 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
     24 #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
     25 #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view.h"
     27 using base::Histogram;
     28 using base::StatisticsRecorder;
     30 // A SafeBrowingDatabase class that allows us to inject the malicious URLs.
     31 class TestSafeBrowsingDatabase :  public SafeBrowsingDatabase {
     32  public:
     33   TestSafeBrowsingDatabase() {}
     35   virtual ~TestSafeBrowsingDatabase() {}
     37   // Initializes the database with the given filename.
     38   virtual void Init(const FilePath& filename) {}
     40   // Deletes the current database and creates a new one.
     41   virtual bool ResetDatabase() {
     42     badurls_.clear();
     43     return true;
     44   }
     46   // Called on the IO thread to check if the given URL is safe or not.  If we
     47   // can synchronously determine that the URL is safe, CheckUrl returns true,
     48   // otherwise it returns false.
     49   virtual bool ContainsBrowseUrl(const GURL& url,
     50                                  std::string* matching_list,
     51                                  std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
     52                                  std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* full_hits,
     53                                  base::Time last_update) {
     54     std::vector<GURL> urls(1, url);
     55     return ContainsUrl(safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList,
     56                        safe_browsing_util::kPhishingList,
     57                        urls, prefix_hits, full_hits);
     58   }
     59   virtual bool ContainsDownloadUrl(const std::vector<GURL>& urls,
     60                                    std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) {
     61     std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hits;
     62     bool found = ContainsUrl(safe_browsing_util::kBinUrlList,
     63                              safe_browsing_util::kBinHashList,
     64                              urls, prefix_hits, &full_hits);
     65     if (!found)
     66       return false;
     67     DCHECK_LE(1U, prefix_hits->size());
     68     return true;
     69   }
     70   virtual bool ContainsDownloadHashPrefix(const SBPrefix& prefix) {
     71     return download_digest_prefix_.count(prefix) > 0;
     72   }
     73   virtual bool ContainsCsdWhitelistedUrl(const GURL& url) {
     74     return true;
     75   }
     76   virtual bool UpdateStarted(std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>* lists) {
     77     ADD_FAILURE() << "Not implemented.";
     78     return false;
     79   }
     80   virtual void InsertChunks(const std::string& list_name,
     81                             const SBChunkList& chunks) {
     82     ADD_FAILURE() << "Not implemented.";
     83   }
     84   virtual void DeleteChunks(const std::vector<SBChunkDelete>& chunk_deletes) {
     85     ADD_FAILURE() << "Not implemented.";
     86   }
     87   virtual void UpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded) {
     88     ADD_FAILURE() << "Not implemented.";
     89   }
     90   virtual void CacheHashResults(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
     91       const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hits) {
     92     // Do nothing for the cache.
     93     return;
     94   }
     96   // Fill up the database with test URL.
     97   void AddUrl(const GURL& url,
     98               const std::string& list_name,
     99               const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefix_hits,
    100               const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hits) {
    101     badurls_[url.spec()].list_name = list_name;
    102     badurls_[url.spec()].prefix_hits = prefix_hits;
    103     badurls_[url.spec()].full_hits = full_hits;
    104   }
    106   // Fill up the database with test hash digest.
    107   void AddDownloadPrefix(SBPrefix prefix) {
    108     download_digest_prefix_.insert(prefix);
    109   }
    111  private:
    112   struct Hits {
    113     std::string list_name;
    114     std::vector<SBPrefix> prefix_hits;
    115     std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hits;
    116   };
    118   bool ContainsUrl(const std::string& list_name0,
    119                    const std::string& list_name1,
    120                    const std::vector<GURL>& urls,
    121                    std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
    122                    std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* full_hits) {
    123     bool hit = false;
    124     for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) {
    125       const GURL& url = urls[i];
    126       base::hash_map<std::string, Hits>::const_iterator
    127           badurls_it = badurls_.find(url.spec());
    129       if (badurls_it == badurls_.end())
    130         continue;
    132       if (badurls_it->second.list_name == list_name0 ||
    133           badurls_it->second.list_name == list_name1) {
    134         prefix_hits->insert(prefix_hits->end(),
    135                             badurls_it->second.prefix_hits.begin(),
    136                             badurls_it->second.prefix_hits.end());
    137         full_hits->insert(full_hits->end(),
    138                           badurls_it->second.full_hits.begin(),
    139                           badurls_it->second.full_hits.end());
    140         hit = true;
    141       }
    143     }
    144     return hit;
    145   }
    147   base::hash_map<std::string, Hits> badurls_;
    148   base::hash_set<SBPrefix> download_digest_prefix_;
    149 };
    151 // Factory that creates TestSafeBrowsingDatabase instances.
    152 class TestSafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory : public SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory {
    153  public:
    154   TestSafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory() : db_(NULL) {}
    155   virtual ~TestSafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory() {}
    157   virtual SafeBrowsingDatabase* CreateSafeBrowsingDatabase(
    158       bool enable_download_protection,
    159       bool enable_client_side_whitelist) {
    160     db_ = new TestSafeBrowsingDatabase();
    161     return db_;
    162   }
    163   TestSafeBrowsingDatabase* GetDb() {
    164     return db_;
    165   }
    166  private:
    167   // Owned by the SafebrowsingService.
    168   TestSafeBrowsingDatabase* db_;
    169 };
    171 // A TestProtocolManager that could return fixed responses from
    172 // safebrowsing server for testing purpose.
    173 class TestProtocolManager :  public SafeBrowsingProtocolManager {
    174  public:
    175   TestProtocolManager(SafeBrowsingService* sb_service,
    176                       const std::string& client_name,
    177                       const std::string& client_key,
    178                       const std::string& wrapped_key,
    179                       net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
    180                       const std::string& info_url_prefix,
    181                       const std::string& mackey_url_prefix,
    182                       bool disable_auto_update)
    183       : SafeBrowsingProtocolManager(sb_service, client_name, client_key,
    184                                     wrapped_key, request_context_getter,
    185                                     info_url_prefix, mackey_url_prefix,
    186                                     disable_auto_update),
    187         sb_service_(sb_service),
    188         delay_ms_(0) {
    189   }
    191   // This function is called when there is a prefix hit in local safebrowsing
    192   // database and safebrowsing service issues a get hash request to backends.
    193   // We return a result from the prefilled full_hashes_ hash_map to simulate
    194   // server's response. At the same time, latency is added to simulate real
    195   // life network issues.
    196   virtual void GetFullHash(SafeBrowsingService::SafeBrowsingCheck* check,
    197                            const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes) {
    198     // When we get a valid response, always cache the result.
    199     bool cancache = true;
    200     BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask(
    201         BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
    202         NewRunnableMethod(
    203             sb_service_, &SafeBrowsingService::HandleGetHashResults,
    204             check, full_hashes_, cancache),
    205         delay_ms_);
    206   }
    208   // Prepare the GetFullHash results for the next request.
    209   void SetGetFullHashResponse(const SBFullHashResult& full_hash_result) {
    210     full_hashes_.clear();
    211     full_hashes_.push_back(full_hash_result);
    212   }
    214   void IntroduceDelay(int64 ms) {
    215     delay_ms_ = ms;
    216   }
    218  private:
    219   std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hashes_;
    220   SafeBrowsingService* sb_service_;
    221   int64 delay_ms_;
    222 };
    224 // Factory that creates TestProtocolManager instances.
    225 class TestSBProtocolManagerFactory : public SBProtocolManagerFactory {
    226  public:
    227   TestSBProtocolManagerFactory() : pm_(NULL) {}
    228   virtual ~TestSBProtocolManagerFactory() {}
    230   virtual SafeBrowsingProtocolManager* CreateProtocolManager(
    231       SafeBrowsingService* sb_service,
    232       const std::string& client_name,
    233       const std::string& client_key,
    234       const std::string& wrapped_key,
    235       net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
    236       const std::string& info_url_prefix,
    237       const std::string& mackey_url_prefix,
    238       bool disable_auto_update) {
    239     pm_ = new TestProtocolManager(
    240         sb_service, client_name, client_key, wrapped_key,
    241         request_context_getter, info_url_prefix, mackey_url_prefix,
    242         disable_auto_update);
    243     return pm_;
    244   }
    245   TestProtocolManager* GetProtocolManager() {
    246     return pm_;
    247   }
    248  private:
    249   // Owned by the SafebrowsingService.
    250   TestProtocolManager* pm_;
    251 };
    253 // Tests the safe browsing blocking page in a browser.
    254 class SafeBrowsingServiceTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
    255  public:
    256   SafeBrowsingServiceTest() {
    257   }
    259   static void GenUrlFullhashResult(const GURL& url,
    260                                    const std::string& list_name,
    261                                    int add_chunk_id,
    262                                    SBFullHashResult* full_hash) {
    263     std::string host;
    264     std::string path;
    265     safe_browsing_util::CanonicalizeUrl(url, &host, &path, NULL);
    266     crypto::SHA256HashString(host + path, &full_hash->hash,
    267                              sizeof(SBFullHash));
    268     full_hash->list_name = list_name;
    269     full_hash->add_chunk_id = add_chunk_id;
    270   }
    272   static void GenDigestFullhashResult(const std::string& full_digest,
    273                                       const std::string& list_name,
    274                                       int add_chunk_id,
    275                                       SBFullHashResult* full_hash) {
    276     safe_browsing_util::StringToSBFullHash(full_digest, &full_hash->hash);
    277     full_hash->list_name = list_name;
    278     full_hash->add_chunk_id = add_chunk_id;
    279   }
    281   virtual void SetUp() {
    282     // InProcessBrowserTest::SetUp() intantiates SafebrowsingService and
    283     // RegisterFactory has to be called before SafeBrowsingService is created.
    284     SafeBrowsingDatabase::RegisterFactory(&db_factory_);
    285     SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::RegisterFactory(&pm_factory_);
    286     InProcessBrowserTest::SetUp();
    287   }
    289   virtual void TearDown() {
    290     InProcessBrowserTest::TearDown();
    292     // Unregister test factories after InProcessBrowserTest::TearDown
    293     // (which destructs SafeBrowsingService).
    294     SafeBrowsingDatabase::RegisterFactory(NULL);
    295     SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::RegisterFactory(NULL);
    296   }
    298   virtual void SetUpCommandLine(CommandLine* command_line) {
    299     // Makes sure the auto update is not triggered during the test.
    300     // This test will fill up the database using testing prefixes
    301     // and urls.
    302     command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kSbDisableAutoUpdate);
    303   }
    305   virtual void SetUpInProcessBrowserTestFixture() {
    306     ASSERT_TRUE(test_server()->Start());
    307   }
    309   // This will setup the "url" prefix in database and prepare protocol manager
    310   // to response with |full_hash| for get full hash request.
    311   void SetupResponseForUrl(const GURL& url, const SBFullHashResult& full_hash) {
    312     std::vector<SBPrefix> prefix_hits;
    313     prefix_hits.push_back(full_hash.hash.prefix);
    315     // Make sure the full hits is empty unless we need to test the
    316     // full hash is hit in database's local cache.
    317     std::vector<SBFullHashResult> empty_full_hits;
    318     TestSafeBrowsingDatabase* db = db_factory_.GetDb();
    319     db->AddUrl(url, full_hash.list_name, prefix_hits, empty_full_hits);
    321     TestProtocolManager* pm = pm_factory_.GetProtocolManager();
    322     pm->SetGetFullHashResponse(full_hash);
    323   }
    325   // This will setup the binary digest prefix in database and prepare protocol
    326   // manager to response with |full_hash| for get full hash request.
    327   void SetupResponseForDigest(const std::string& digest,
    328                               const SBFullHashResult& hash_result) {
    329     TestSafeBrowsingDatabase* db = db_factory_.GetDb();
    330     SBFullHash full_hash;
    331     safe_browsing_util::StringToSBFullHash(digest, &full_hash);
    332     db->AddDownloadPrefix(full_hash.prefix);
    334     TestProtocolManager* pm = pm_factory_.GetProtocolManager();
    335     pm->SetGetFullHashResponse(hash_result);
    336   }
    338   bool ShowingInterstitialPage() {
    339     TabContents* contents = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
    340     InterstitialPage* interstitial_page = contents->interstitial_page();
    341     return interstitial_page != NULL;
    342   }
    344   void IntroduceGetHashDelay(int64 ms) {
    345     pm_factory_.GetProtocolManager()->IntroduceDelay(ms);
    346   }
    348   int64 DownloadUrlCheckTimeout(SafeBrowsingService* sb_service) {
    349     return sb_service->download_urlcheck_timeout_ms_;
    350   }
    352   int64 DownloadHashCheckTimeout(SafeBrowsingService* sb_service) {
    353     return sb_service->download_hashcheck_timeout_ms_;
    354   }
    356   void SetDownloadUrlCheckTimeout(SafeBrowsingService* sb_service, int64 ms) {
    357     sb_service->download_urlcheck_timeout_ms_ = ms;
    358   }
    360   void SetDownloadHashCheckTimeout(SafeBrowsingService* sb_service, int64 ms) {
    361     sb_service->download_hashcheck_timeout_ms_ = ms;
    362   }
    364  private:
    365   TestSafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory db_factory_;
    366   TestSBProtocolManagerFactory pm_factory_;
    368   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SafeBrowsingServiceTest);
    369 };
    371 namespace {
    373 const char kEmptyPage[] = "files/empty.html";
    374 const char kMalwareFile[] = "files/downloads/dangerous/dangerous.exe";
    375 const char kMalwareIframe[] = "files/safe_browsing/malware_iframe.html";
    376 const char kMalwarePage[] = "files/safe_browsing/malware.html";
    378 // This test goes through DownloadResourceHandler.
    379 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, Malware) {
    380   GURL url = test_server()->GetURL(kEmptyPage);
    382   // After adding the url to safebrowsing database and getfullhash result,
    383   // we should see the interstitial page.
    384   SBFullHashResult malware_full_hash;
    385   int chunk_id = 0;
    386   GenUrlFullhashResult(url, safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList, chunk_id,
    387                        &malware_full_hash);
    388   SetupResponseForUrl(url, malware_full_hash);
    389   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
    390   EXPECT_TRUE(ShowingInterstitialPage());
    391 }
    393 const char kPrefetchMalwarePage[] = "files/safe_browsing/prefetch_malware.html";
    395 // This test confirms that prefetches don't themselves get the
    396 // interstitial treatment.
    397 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, Prefetch) {
    398   GURL url = test_server()->GetURL(kPrefetchMalwarePage);
    399   GURL malware_url = test_server()->GetURL(kMalwarePage);
    401   class SetPrefetchForTest {
    402    public:
    403     explicit SetPrefetchForTest(bool prefetch)
    404         : old_prefetch_state_(ResourceDispatcherHost::is_prefetch_enabled()) {
    405       ResourceDispatcherHost::set_is_prefetch_enabled(prefetch);
    406     }
    408     ~SetPrefetchForTest() {
    409       ResourceDispatcherHost::set_is_prefetch_enabled(old_prefetch_state_);
    410     }
    411    private:
    412     bool old_prefetch_state_;
    413   } set_prefetch_for_test(true);
    415   // Even though we have added this uri to the safebrowsing database and
    416   // getfullhash result, we should not see the interstitial page since the
    417   // only malware was a prefetch target.
    418   SBFullHashResult malware_full_hash;
    419   int chunk_id = 0;
    420   GenUrlFullhashResult(malware_url, safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList,
    421                        chunk_id, &malware_full_hash);
    422   SetupResponseForUrl(malware_url, malware_full_hash);
    423   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
    424   EXPECT_FALSE(ShowingInterstitialPage());
    426   // However, when we navigate to the malware page, we should still get
    427   // the interstitial.
    428   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), malware_url);
    429   EXPECT_TRUE(ShowingInterstitialPage());
    430 }
    432 }  // namespace
    434 class TestSBClient
    435     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TestSBClient>,
    436       public SafeBrowsingService::Client {
    437  public:
    438   TestSBClient() : result_(SafeBrowsingService::SAFE),
    439                    safe_browsing_service_(g_browser_process->
    440                                           resource_dispatcher_host()->
    441                                           safe_browsing_service()) {
    442   }
    444   int GetResult() {
    445     return result_;
    446   }
    448   void CheckDownloadUrl(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain) {
    449     BrowserThread::PostTask(
    450         BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
    451         NewRunnableMethod(this,
    452                           &TestSBClient::CheckDownloadUrlOnIOThread,
    453                           url_chain));
    454     ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();  // Will stop in OnDownloadUrlCheckResult.
    455   }
    457   void CheckDownloadHash(const std::string& full_hash) {
    458     BrowserThread::PostTask(
    459         BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
    460         NewRunnableMethod(this,
    461                           &TestSBClient::CheckDownloadHashOnIOThread,
    462                           full_hash));
    463     ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();  // Will stop in OnDownloadHashCheckResult.
    464   }
    466  private:
    467   void CheckDownloadUrlOnIOThread(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain) {
    468     safe_browsing_service_->CheckDownloadUrl(url_chain, this);
    469   }
    471   void CheckDownloadHashOnIOThread(const std::string& full_hash) {
    472     safe_browsing_service_->CheckDownloadHash(full_hash, this);
    473   }
    475   // Called when the result of checking a download URL is known.
    476   void OnDownloadUrlCheckResult(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain,
    477                                 SafeBrowsingService::UrlCheckResult result) {
    478     result_ = result;
    479     BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    480       NewRunnableMethod(this, &TestSBClient::DownloadCheckDone));
    481   }
    483   // Called when the result of checking a download hash is known.
    484   void OnDownloadHashCheckResult(const std::string& hash,
    485                                  SafeBrowsingService::UrlCheckResult result) {
    486     result_ = result;
    487     BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    488       NewRunnableMethod(this, &TestSBClient::DownloadCheckDone));
    489   }
    491   void DownloadCheckDone() {
    492     MessageLoopForUI::current()->Quit();
    493   }
    495   SafeBrowsingService::UrlCheckResult result_;
    496   SafeBrowsingService* safe_browsing_service_;
    499 };
    501 // These tests use SafeBrowsingService::Client to directly interact with
    502 // SafeBrowsingService.
    503 namespace {
    505 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, CheckDownloadUrl) {
    506   GURL badbin_url = test_server()->GetURL(kMalwareFile);
    507   std::vector<GURL> badbin_urls(1, badbin_url);
    509   scoped_refptr<TestSBClient> client(new TestSBClient);
    510   client->CheckDownloadUrl(badbin_urls);
    512   // Since badbin_url is not in database, it is considered to be safe.
    513   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::SAFE, client->GetResult());
    515   SBFullHashResult full_hash_result;
    516   int chunk_id = 0;
    517   GenUrlFullhashResult(badbin_url, safe_browsing_util::kBinUrlList,
    518                        chunk_id, &full_hash_result);
    519   SetupResponseForUrl(badbin_url, full_hash_result);
    521   client->CheckDownloadUrl(badbin_urls);
    523   // Now, the badbin_url is not safe since it is added to download database.
    524   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::BINARY_MALWARE_URL, client->GetResult());
    525 }
    527 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, CheckDownloadUrlRedirects) {
    528   GURL original_url = test_server()->GetURL(kEmptyPage);
    529   GURL badbin_url = test_server()->GetURL(kMalwareFile);
    530   GURL final_url = test_server()->GetURL(kEmptyPage);
    531   std::vector<GURL> badbin_urls;
    532   badbin_urls.push_back(original_url);
    533   badbin_urls.push_back(badbin_url);
    534   badbin_urls.push_back(final_url);
    536   scoped_refptr<TestSBClient> client(new TestSBClient);
    537   client->CheckDownloadUrl(badbin_urls);
    539   // Since badbin_url is not in database, it is considered to be safe.
    540   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::SAFE, client->GetResult());
    542   SBFullHashResult full_hash_result;
    543   int chunk_id = 0;
    544   GenUrlFullhashResult(badbin_url, safe_browsing_util::kBinUrlList,
    545                        chunk_id, &full_hash_result);
    546   SetupResponseForUrl(badbin_url, full_hash_result);
    548   client->CheckDownloadUrl(badbin_urls);
    550   // Now, the badbin_url is not safe since it is added to download database.
    551   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::BINARY_MALWARE_URL, client->GetResult());
    552 }
    554 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, CheckDownloadHash) {
    555   const std::string full_hash = "12345678902234567890323456789012";
    557   scoped_refptr<TestSBClient> client(new TestSBClient);
    558   client->CheckDownloadHash(full_hash);
    560   // Since badbin_url is not in database, it is considered to be safe.
    561   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::SAFE, client->GetResult());
    563   SBFullHashResult full_hash_result;
    564   int chunk_id = 0;
    565   GenDigestFullhashResult(full_hash, safe_browsing_util::kBinHashList,
    566                           chunk_id, &full_hash_result);
    567   SetupResponseForDigest(full_hash, full_hash_result);
    569   client->CheckDownloadHash(full_hash);
    571   // Now, the badbin_url is not safe since it is added to download database.
    572   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::BINARY_MALWARE_HASH, client->GetResult());
    573 }
    575 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, CheckDownloadUrlTimedOut) {
    576   GURL badbin_url = test_server()->GetURL(kMalwareFile);
    577   std::vector<GURL> badbin_urls(1, badbin_url);
    579   scoped_refptr<TestSBClient> client(new TestSBClient);
    580   SBFullHashResult full_hash_result;
    581   int chunk_id = 0;
    582   GenUrlFullhashResult(badbin_url, safe_browsing_util::kBinUrlList,
    583                        chunk_id, &full_hash_result);
    584   SetupResponseForUrl(badbin_url, full_hash_result);
    585   client->CheckDownloadUrl(badbin_urls);
    587   // badbin_url is not safe since it is added to download database.
    588   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::BINARY_MALWARE_URL, client->GetResult());
    590   //
    591   // Now introducing delays and we should hit timeout.
    592   //
    593   SafeBrowsingService* sb_service =
    594       g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host()->safe_browsing_service();
    595   const int64 kOneSec = 1000;
    596   const int64 kOneMs = 1;
    597   int64 default_urlcheck_timeout = DownloadUrlCheckTimeout(sb_service);
    598   IntroduceGetHashDelay(kOneSec);
    599   SetDownloadUrlCheckTimeout(sb_service, kOneMs);
    600   client->CheckDownloadUrl(badbin_urls);
    602   // There should be a timeout and the hash would be considered as safe.
    603   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::SAFE, client->GetResult());
    605   // Need to set the timeout back to the default value.
    606   SetDownloadHashCheckTimeout(sb_service, default_urlcheck_timeout);
    607 }
    609 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SafeBrowsingServiceTest, CheckDownloadHashTimedOut) {
    610   const std::string full_hash = "12345678902234567890323456789012";
    612   scoped_refptr<TestSBClient> client(new TestSBClient);
    613   SBFullHashResult full_hash_result;
    614   int chunk_id = 0;
    615   GenDigestFullhashResult(full_hash, safe_browsing_util::kBinHashList,
    616                           chunk_id, &full_hash_result);
    617   SetupResponseForDigest(full_hash, full_hash_result);
    618   client->CheckDownloadHash(full_hash);
    620   // The badbin_url is not safe since it is added to download database.
    621   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::BINARY_MALWARE_HASH, client->GetResult());
    623   //
    624   // Now introducing delays and we should hit timeout.
    625   //
    626   SafeBrowsingService* sb_service =
    627       g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host()->safe_browsing_service();
    628   const int64 kOneSec = 1000;
    629   const int64 kOneMs = 1;
    630   int64 default_hashcheck_timeout = DownloadHashCheckTimeout(sb_service);
    631   IntroduceGetHashDelay(kOneSec);
    632   SetDownloadHashCheckTimeout(sb_service, kOneMs);
    633   client->CheckDownloadHash(full_hash);
    635   // There should be a timeout and the hash would be considered as safe.
    636   EXPECT_EQ(SafeBrowsingService::SAFE, client->GetResult());
    638   // Need to set the timeout back to the default value.
    639   SetDownloadHashCheckTimeout(sb_service, default_hashcheck_timeout);
    640 }
    642 }  // namespace