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Lines Matching refs:cout

94 function cout(message, colorIndex) {
1760 cout("Going into single clock speed mode.", 0);
1765 cout("Going into double clock speed mode.", 0);
3240 cout("Illegal op code 0xD3 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3319 cout("Illegal op code 0xDB called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3342 cout("Illegal op code 0xDD called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3386 cout("Illegal op code 0xE3 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3392 cout
3447 cout("Illegal op code 0xEB called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3453 cout("Illegal op code 0xEC called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3459 cout("Illegal op code 0xED called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3510 cout("Illegal op code 0xF4 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3569 cout("Illegal op code 0xFC called, pausing emulation.", 2);
3575 cout("Illegal op code 0xFD called, pausing emulation.", 2);
5811 cout("Starting without the GBC boot ROM.", 0);
5924 cout("Starting the selected boot ROM.", 0);
6028 cout("Game Title: " + this.name + "[" + this.gameCode + "][" + this.ROMImage[0x143] + "]", 0);
6029 cout("Game Code: " + this.gameCode, 0);
6032 cout("Cartridge type #" + this.cartridgeType, 0);
6172 cout("Cartridge type is unknown.", 2);
6175 cout("Cartridge Type: " + MBCType + ".", 0);
6178 cout(this.numROMBanks + " ROM banks.", 0);
6181 cout("No RAM banking requested for allocation or MBC is of type 2.", 0);
6184 cout("1 RAM bank requested for allocation.", 0);
6187 cout("4 RAM banks requested for allocation.", 0);
6190 cout("16 RAM banks requested for allocation.", 0);
6193 cout("RAM bank amount requested is unknown, will use maximum allowed by specified MBC type.", 0);
6200 cout("Only GB mode detected.", 0);
6205 cout("Created a boot exception for Game and Watch Gallery 2 (GBC ID byte is wrong on the cartridge).", 1);
6213 cout("GB and GBC mode detected.", 0);
6217 cout("Only GBC mode detected.", 0);
6221 cout("Unknown GameBoy game type code #" + this.ROM[0x143] + ", defaulting to GB mode (Old games don't have a type code).", 1);
6239 cout("Old style license code: " + cOldLicense, 0);
6243 cout("New style license code: " + cNewLicense, 0);
6305 cout("Actual bytes of MBC RAM allocated: " + (this.numRAMBanks * 0x2000), 0);
6358 cout("Falling back to the getImageData initialization (Error \"" + error.message + "\").", 1);
6425 cout("Audio system cannot run: " + error.message, 2);
7054 cout("Iterator restarted a faulted core.", 2);
7668 cout("Stepping down from GBC mode.", 0);
9122 //cout("Reading from disabled RAM.", 1);
9152 //cout("Reading from disabled RAM.", 1);
9181 //cout("Reading from invalid or disabled RAM.", 1);
9503 cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1);
9511 cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1);
9519 cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1);
9531 cout("Invalid MBC3 bank address selected: " + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank, 0);
10553 cout("Boot ROM reads blocked: Bootstrap process has ended.", 0);
10565 cout("Created a boot exception for Game and Watch Gallery 2 (GBC ID byte is wrong on the cartridge).", 1);
10567 cout("Booted to GBC Mode: " + parentObj.cGBC, 0);
10608 cout("Could not convert an array to a typed array: " + error.message, 1);
10624 cout("Conversion from a typed array failed: " + error.message, 1);
10659 cout("Could not convert an array to a typed array: " + error.message, 1);
10673 cout("Detected faulty math by your browser.", 2);
10718 cout("Starting the iterator.", 0);
10730 cout("The GameBoy core is already running.", 1);
10734 cout("GameBoy core cannot run while it has not been initialized.", 1);
10743 cout("GameBoy core has already been paused.", 1);
10747 cout("GameBoy core cannot be paused while it has not been initialized.", 1);
10754 cout("The previous emulation has been cleared.", 0);
10757 cout("No previous emulation was found to be cleared.", 0);
10768 cout("Saved the current state as: FREEZE_" + gameboy.name + "_" + state_suffix, 0);
10771 cout("Could not save the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2);
10775 cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1);
10784 cout("Saving the SRAM...", 0);
10787 cout("Deleting the old SRAM save due to outdated format.", 0);
10793 cout("SRAM could not be saved because it was empty.", 1);
10797 cout("Could not save the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2);
10801 cout("Cannot save a game that does not have battery backed SRAM specified.", 1);
10806 cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1);
10813 cout("Saving the RTC...", 0);
10817 cout("Could not save the RTC of the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2);
10822 cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1);
10827 cout("Automatically saving the SRAM.", 0);
10835 cout("Found a previous SRAM state (Will attempt to load).", 0);
10839 cout("Found a previous SRAM state (Will attempt to load).", 0);
10843 cout("Could not find any previous SRAM copy for the current ROM.", 0);
10847 cout("Could not open the SRAM of the saved emulation state.", 2);
10854 cout("Found a previous RTC state (Will attempt to load).", 0);
10858 cout("Could not find any previous RTC copy for the current ROM.", 0);
10862 cout("Could not open the RTC data of the saved emulation state.", 2);
10871 cout("Attempting to run a saved emulation state.", 0);
10882 cout("Could not find the save state " + filename + "\".", 2);
10886 cout("Could not open the saved emulation state.", 2);
10894 cout("Importing blob \"" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID + "\"", 0);
10904 cout("Save file imported had blob \"" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID + "\" with no blob data interpretable.", 2);
10907 cout("Blob chunk information missing completely.", 2);
10912 cout("Could not decode the imported file.", 2);
10916 cout("Could not decode the imported file.", 2);
11006 cout("Blob length check failed, blob determined to be incomplete.", 2);
11011 cout("Blob was incomplete, bailing out.", 2);
11016 cout("Blob was incomplete, bailing out.", 2);