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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/history/expire_history_backend.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <limits>
     10 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     11 #include "base/file_util.h"
     12 #include "base/message_loop.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_service.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/history/archived_database.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/history/text_database.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/history/text_database_manager.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/history/thumbnail_database.h"
     20 #include "content/common/notification_type.h"
     22 using base::Time;
     23 using base::TimeDelta;
     25 namespace history {
     27 namespace {
     29 // The number of days by which the expiration threshold is advanced for items
     30 // that we want to expire early, such as those of AUTO_SUBFRAME transition type.
     31 const int kEarlyExpirationAdvanceDays = 30;
     33 // Reads all types of visits starting from beginning of time to the given end
     34 // time. This is the most general reader.
     35 class AllVisitsReader : public ExpiringVisitsReader {
     36  public:
     37   virtual bool Read(Time end_time, HistoryDatabase* db,
     38                     VisitVector* visits, int max_visits) const {
     39     DCHECK(db) << "must have a database to operate upon";
     40     DCHECK(visits) << "visit vector has to exist in order to populate it";
     42     db->GetAllVisitsInRange(Time(), end_time, max_visits, visits);
     43     // When we got the maximum number of visits we asked for, we say there could
     44     // be additional things to expire now.
     45     return static_cast<int>(visits->size()) == max_visits;
     46   }
     47 };
     49 // Reads only AUTO_SUBFRAME visits, within a computed range. The range is
     50 // computed as follows:
     51 // * |begin_time| is read from the meta table. This value is updated whenever
     52 //   there are no more additional visits to expire by this reader.
     53 // * |end_time| is advanced forward by a constant (kEarlyExpirationAdvanceDay),
     54 //   but not past the current time.
     55 class AutoSubframeVisitsReader : public ExpiringVisitsReader {
     56  public:
     57   virtual bool Read(Time end_time, HistoryDatabase* db,
     58                     VisitVector* visits, int max_visits) const {
     59     DCHECK(db) << "must have a database to operate upon";
     60     DCHECK(visits) << "visit vector has to exist in order to populate it";
     62     Time begin_time = db->GetEarlyExpirationThreshold();
     63     // Advance |end_time| to expire early.
     64     Time early_end_time = end_time +
     65         TimeDelta::FromDays(kEarlyExpirationAdvanceDays);
     67     // We don't want to set the early expiration threshold to a time in the
     68     // future.
     69     Time now = Time::Now();
     70     if (early_end_time > now)
     71       early_end_time = now;
     73     db->GetVisitsInRangeForTransition(begin_time, early_end_time,
     74                                       max_visits,
     75                                       PageTransition::AUTO_SUBFRAME,
     76                                       visits);
     77     bool more = static_cast<int>(visits->size()) == max_visits;
     78     if (!more)
     79       db->UpdateEarlyExpirationThreshold(early_end_time);
     81     return more;
     82   }
     83 };
     85 // Returns true if this visit is worth archiving. Otherwise, this visit is not
     86 // worth saving (for example, subframe navigations and redirects) and we can
     87 // just delete it when it gets old.
     88 bool ShouldArchiveVisit(const VisitRow& visit) {
     89   int no_qualifier = PageTransition::StripQualifier(visit.transition);
     91   // These types of transitions are always "important" and the user will want
     92   // to see them.
     93   if (no_qualifier == PageTransition::TYPED ||
     94       no_qualifier == PageTransition::AUTO_BOOKMARK ||
     95       no_qualifier == PageTransition::START_PAGE)
     96     return true;
     98   // Only archive these "less important" transitions when they were the final
     99   // navigation and not part of a redirect chain.
    100   if ((no_qualifier == PageTransition::LINK ||
    101        no_qualifier == PageTransition::FORM_SUBMIT ||
    102        no_qualifier == PageTransition::KEYWORD ||
    103        no_qualifier == PageTransition::GENERATED) &&
    104       visit.transition & PageTransition::CHAIN_END)
    105     return true;
    107   // The transition types we ignore are AUTO_SUBFRAME and MANUAL_SUBFRAME.
    108   return false;
    109 }
    111 // The number of visits we will expire very time we check for old items. This
    112 // Prevents us from doing too much work any given time.
    113 const int kNumExpirePerIteration = 10;
    115 // The number of seconds between checking for items that should be expired when
    116 // we think there might be more items to expire. This timeout is used when the
    117 // last expiration found at least kNumExpirePerIteration and we want to check
    118 // again "soon."
    119 const int kExpirationDelaySec = 30;
    121 // The number of minutes between checking, as with kExpirationDelaySec, but
    122 // when we didn't find enough things to expire last time. If there was no
    123 // history to expire last iteration, it's likely there is nothing next
    124 // iteration, so we want to wait longer before checking to avoid wasting CPU.
    125 const int kExpirationEmptyDelayMin = 5;
    127 // The number of minutes that we wait for before scheduling a task to
    128 // delete old history index files.
    129 const int kIndexExpirationDelayMin = 2;
    131 // The number of the most recent months for which we do not want to delete
    132 // the history index files.
    133 const int kStoreHistoryIndexesForMonths = 12;
    135 }  // namespace
    137 struct ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteDependencies {
    138   // The time range affected. These can be is_null() to be unbounded in one
    139   // or both directions.
    140   base::Time begin_time, end_time;
    142   // ----- Filled by DeleteVisitRelatedInfo or manually if a function doesn't
    143   //       call that function. -----
    145   // The unique URL rows affected by this delete.
    146   std::map<URLID, URLRow> affected_urls;
    148   // ----- Filled by DeleteOneURL -----
    150   // The URLs deleted during this operation.
    151   std::vector<URLRow> deleted_urls;
    153   // The list of all favicon IDs that the affected URLs had. Favicons will be
    154   // shared between all URLs with the same favicon, so this is the set of IDs
    155   // that we will need to check when the delete operations are complete.
    156   std::set<FaviconID> affected_favicons;
    158   // Tracks the set of databases that have changed so we can optimize when
    159   // when we're done.
    160   TextDatabaseManager::ChangeSet text_db_changes;
    161 };
    163 ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireHistoryBackend(
    164     BroadcastNotificationDelegate* delegate,
    165     BookmarkService* bookmark_service)
    166     : delegate_(delegate),
    167       main_db_(NULL),
    168       archived_db_(NULL),
    169       thumb_db_(NULL),
    170       text_db_(NULL),
    171       ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(factory_(this)),
    172       bookmark_service_(bookmark_service) {
    173 }
    175 ExpireHistoryBackend::~ExpireHistoryBackend() {
    176 }
    178 void ExpireHistoryBackend::SetDatabases(HistoryDatabase* main_db,
    179                                         ArchivedDatabase* archived_db,
    180                                         ThumbnailDatabase* thumb_db,
    181                                         TextDatabaseManager* text_db) {
    182   main_db_ = main_db;
    183   archived_db_ = archived_db;
    184   thumb_db_ = thumb_db;
    185   text_db_ = text_db;
    186 }
    188 void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteURL(const GURL& url) {
    189   if (!main_db_)
    190     return;
    192   URLRow url_row;
    193   if (!main_db_->GetRowForURL(url, &url_row))
    194     return;  // Nothing to delete.
    196   // Collect all the visits and delete them. Note that we don't give up if
    197   // there are no visits, since the URL could still have an entry that we should
    198   // delete.
    199   // TODO(brettw): bug 1171148: We should also delete from the archived DB.
    200   VisitVector visits;
    201   main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(url_row.id(), &visits);
    203   DeleteDependencies dependencies;
    204   DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(visits, &dependencies);
    206   // We skip ExpireURLsForVisits (since we are deleting from the URL, and not
    207   // starting with visits in a given time range). We therefore need to call the
    208   // deletion and favicon update functions manually.
    210   BookmarkService* bookmark_service = GetBookmarkService();
    211   bool is_bookmarked =
    212       (bookmark_service && bookmark_service->IsBookmarked(url));
    214   DeleteOneURL(url_row, is_bookmarked, &dependencies);
    215   if (!is_bookmarked)
    216     DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(dependencies.affected_favicons);
    218   if (text_db_)
    219     text_db_->OptimizeChangedDatabases(dependencies.text_db_changes);
    221   BroadcastDeleteNotifications(&dependencies);
    222 }
    224 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireHistoryBetween(
    225     const std::set<GURL>& restrict_urls, Time begin_time, Time end_time) {
    226   if (!main_db_)
    227     return;
    229   // There may be stuff in the text database manager's temporary cache.
    230   if (text_db_)
    231     text_db_->DeleteFromUncommitted(restrict_urls, begin_time, end_time);
    233   // Find the affected visits and delete them.
    234   // TODO(brettw): bug 1171164: We should query the archived database here, too.
    235   VisitVector visits;
    236   main_db_->GetAllVisitsInRange(begin_time, end_time, 0, &visits);
    237   if (!restrict_urls.empty()) {
    238     std::set<URLID> url_ids;
    239     for (std::set<GURL>::const_iterator url = restrict_urls.begin();
    240         url != restrict_urls.end(); ++url)
    241       url_ids.insert(main_db_->GetRowForURL(*url, NULL));
    242     VisitVector all_visits;
    243     all_visits.swap(visits);
    244     for (VisitVector::iterator visit = all_visits.begin();
    245          visit != all_visits.end(); ++visit) {
    246       if (url_ids.find(visit->url_id) != url_ids.end())
    247         visits.push_back(*visit);
    248     }
    249   }
    250   if (visits.empty())
    251     return;
    253   DeleteDependencies dependencies;
    254   DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(visits, &dependencies);
    256   // Delete or update the URLs affected. We want to update the visit counts
    257   // since this is called by the user who wants to delete their recent history,
    258   // and we don't want to leave any evidence.
    259   ExpireURLsForVisits(visits, &dependencies);
    260   DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(dependencies.affected_favicons);
    262   // An is_null begin time means that all history should be deleted.
    263   BroadcastDeleteNotifications(&dependencies);
    265   // Pick up any bits possibly left over.
    266   ParanoidExpireHistory();
    267 }
    269 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ArchiveHistoryBefore(Time end_time) {
    270   if (!main_db_)
    271     return;
    273   // Archive as much history as possible before the given date.
    274   ArchiveSomeOldHistory(end_time, GetAllVisitsReader(),
    275                         std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
    276   ParanoidExpireHistory();
    277 }
    279 void ExpireHistoryBackend::InitWorkQueue() {
    280   DCHECK(work_queue_.empty()) << "queue has to be empty prior to init";
    282   for (size_t i = 0; i < readers_.size(); i++)
    283     work_queue_.push(readers_[i]);
    284 }
    286 const ExpiringVisitsReader* ExpireHistoryBackend::GetAllVisitsReader() {
    287   if (!all_visits_reader_.get())
    288     all_visits_reader_.reset(new AllVisitsReader());
    289   return all_visits_reader_.get();
    290 }
    292 const ExpiringVisitsReader*
    293     ExpireHistoryBackend::GetAutoSubframeVisitsReader() {
    294   if (!auto_subframe_visits_reader_.get())
    295     auto_subframe_visits_reader_.reset(new AutoSubframeVisitsReader());
    296   return auto_subframe_visits_reader_.get();
    297 }
    299 void ExpireHistoryBackend::StartArchivingOldStuff(
    300     TimeDelta expiration_threshold) {
    301   expiration_threshold_ = expiration_threshold;
    303   // Remove all readers, just in case this was method was called before.
    304   readers_.clear();
    305   // For now, we explicitly add all known readers. If we come up with more
    306   // reader types (in case we want to expire different types of visits in
    307   // different ways), we can make it be populated by creator/owner of
    308   // ExpireHistoryBackend.
    309   readers_.push_back(GetAllVisitsReader());
    310   readers_.push_back(GetAutoSubframeVisitsReader());
    312   // Initialize the queue with all tasks for the first set of iterations.
    313   InitWorkQueue();
    314   ScheduleArchive();
    315   ScheduleExpireHistoryIndexFiles();
    316 }
    318 void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(
    319     const std::set<FaviconID>& favicon_set) {
    320   if (!thumb_db_)
    321     return;
    323   for (std::set<FaviconID>::const_iterator i = favicon_set.begin();
    324        i != favicon_set.end(); ++i) {
    325     if (!thumb_db_->HasMappingFor(*i))
    326       thumb_db_->DeleteFavicon(*i);
    327   }
    328 }
    330 void ExpireHistoryBackend::BroadcastDeleteNotifications(
    331     DeleteDependencies* dependencies) {
    332   if (!dependencies->deleted_urls.empty()) {
    333     // Broadcast the URL deleted notification. Note that we also broadcast when
    334     // we were requested to delete everything even if that was a NOP, since
    335     // some components care to know when history is deleted (it's up to them to
    336     // determine if they care whether anything was deleted).
    337     URLsDeletedDetails* deleted_details = new URLsDeletedDetails;
    338     deleted_details->all_history = false;
    339     std::vector<URLRow> typed_urls_changed;  // Collect this for later.
    340     for (size_t i = 0; i < dependencies->deleted_urls.size(); i++) {
    341       deleted_details->urls.insert(dependencies->deleted_urls[i].url());
    342       if (dependencies->deleted_urls[i].typed_count() > 0)
    343         typed_urls_changed.push_back(dependencies->deleted_urls[i]);
    344     }
    345     delegate_->BroadcastNotifications(NotificationType::HISTORY_URLS_DELETED,
    346                                       deleted_details);
    348     // Broadcast the typed URL changed modification (this updates the inline
    349     // autocomplete database).
    350     //
    351     // Note: if we ever need to broadcast changes to more than just typed URLs,
    352     // this notification should be changed rather than a new "non-typed"
    353     // notification added. The in-memory database can always do the filtering
    354     // itself in that case.
    355     if (!typed_urls_changed.empty()) {
    356       URLsModifiedDetails* modified_details = new URLsModifiedDetails;
    357       modified_details->changed_urls.swap(typed_urls_changed);
    358       delegate_->BroadcastNotifications(
    359           NotificationType::HISTORY_TYPED_URLS_MODIFIED,
    360           modified_details);
    361     }
    362   }
    363 }
    365 void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(
    366     const VisitVector& visits,
    367     DeleteDependencies* dependencies) {
    368   for (size_t i = 0; i < visits.size(); i++) {
    369     // Delete the visit itself.
    370     main_db_->DeleteVisit(visits[i]);
    372     // Add the URL row to the affected URL list.
    373     std::map<URLID, URLRow>::const_iterator found =
    374         dependencies->affected_urls.find(visits[i].url_id);
    375     const URLRow* cur_row = NULL;
    376     if (found == dependencies->affected_urls.end()) {
    377       URLRow row;
    378       if (!main_db_->GetURLRow(visits[i].url_id, &row))
    379         continue;
    380       dependencies->affected_urls[visits[i].url_id] = row;
    381       cur_row = &dependencies->affected_urls[visits[i].url_id];
    382     } else {
    383       cur_row = &found->second;
    384     }
    386     // Delete any associated full-text indexed data.
    387     if (visits[i].is_indexed && text_db_) {
    388       text_db_->DeletePageData(visits[i].visit_time, cur_row->url(),
    389                                &dependencies->text_db_changes);
    390     }
    391   }
    392 }
    394 void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteOneURL(
    395     const URLRow& url_row,
    396     bool is_bookmarked,
    397     DeleteDependencies* dependencies) {
    398   main_db_->DeleteSegmentForURL(url_row.id());
    400   // The URL may be in the text database manager's temporary cache.
    401   if (text_db_) {
    402     std::set<GURL> restrict_urls;
    403     restrict_urls.insert(url_row.url());
    404     text_db_->DeleteFromUncommitted(restrict_urls, base::Time(), base::Time());
    405   }
    407   if (!is_bookmarked) {
    408     dependencies->deleted_urls.push_back(url_row);
    410     // Delete stuff that references this URL.
    411     if (thumb_db_) {
    412       thumb_db_->DeleteThumbnail(url_row.id());
    414       // Collect shared information.
    415       std::vector<IconMapping> icon_mappings;
    416       if (thumb_db_->GetIconMappingsForPageURL(url_row.url(), &icon_mappings)) {
    417         for (std::vector<IconMapping>::iterator m = icon_mappings.begin();
    418              m != icon_mappings.end(); ++m) {
    419           dependencies->affected_favicons.insert(m->icon_id);
    420         }
    421         // Delete the mapping entries for the url.
    422         thumb_db_->DeleteIconMappings(url_row.url());
    423       }
    424     }
    425     // Last, delete the URL entry.
    426     main_db_->DeleteURLRow(url_row.id());
    427   }
    428 }
    430 URLID ExpireHistoryBackend::ArchiveOneURL(const URLRow& url_row) {
    431   if (!archived_db_)
    432     return 0;
    434   // See if this URL is present in the archived database already. Note that
    435   // we must look up by ID since the URL ID will be different.
    436   URLRow archived_row;
    437   if (archived_db_->GetRowForURL(url_row.url(), &archived_row)) {
    438     // TODO(sky): bug 1168470, need to archive past search terms.
    439     // TODO(brettw): should be copy the visit counts over? This will mean that
    440     // the main DB's visit counts are only for the last 3 months rather than
    441     // accumulative.
    442     archived_row.set_last_visit(url_row.last_visit());
    443     archived_db_->UpdateURLRow(archived_row.id(), archived_row);
    444     return archived_row.id();
    445   }
    447   // This row is not in the archived DB, add it.
    448   return archived_db_->AddURL(url_row);
    449 }
    451 namespace {
    453 struct ChangedURL {
    454   ChangedURL() : visit_count(0), typed_count(0) {}
    455   int visit_count;
    456   int typed_count;
    457 };
    459 }  // namespace
    461 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireURLsForVisits(
    462     const VisitVector& visits,
    463     DeleteDependencies* dependencies) {
    464   // First find all unique URLs and the number of visits we're deleting for
    465   // each one.
    466   std::map<URLID, ChangedURL> changed_urls;
    467   for (size_t i = 0; i < visits.size(); i++) {
    468     ChangedURL& cur = changed_urls[visits[i].url_id];
    469     cur.visit_count++;
    470     // NOTE: This code must stay in sync with HistoryBackend::AddPageVisit().
    471     // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1148304 We shouldn't be marking so many URLs as
    472     // typed, which would eliminate the need for this code.
    473     PageTransition::Type transition =
    474         PageTransition::StripQualifier(visits[i].transition);
    475     if ((transition == PageTransition::TYPED &&
    476          !PageTransition::IsRedirect(visits[i].transition)) ||
    477         transition == PageTransition::KEYWORD_GENERATED)
    478       cur.typed_count++;
    479   }
    481   // Check each unique URL with deleted visits.
    482   BookmarkService* bookmark_service = GetBookmarkService();
    483   for (std::map<URLID, ChangedURL>::const_iterator i = changed_urls.begin();
    484        i != changed_urls.end(); ++i) {
    485     // The unique URL rows should already be filled into the dependencies.
    486     URLRow& url_row = dependencies->affected_urls[i->first];
    487     if (!url_row.id())
    488       continue;  // URL row doesn't exist in the database.
    490     // Check if there are any other visits for this URL and update the time
    491     // (the time change may not actually be synced to disk below when we're
    492     // archiving).
    493     VisitRow last_visit;
    494     if (main_db_->GetMostRecentVisitForURL(url_row.id(), &last_visit))
    495       url_row.set_last_visit(last_visit.visit_time);
    496     else
    497       url_row.set_last_visit(Time());
    499     // Don't delete URLs with visits still in the DB, or bookmarked.
    500     bool is_bookmarked =
    501         (bookmark_service && bookmark_service->IsBookmarked(url_row.url()));
    502     if (!is_bookmarked && url_row.last_visit().is_null()) {
    503       // Not bookmarked and no more visits. Nuke the url.
    504       DeleteOneURL(url_row, is_bookmarked, dependencies);
    505     } else {
    506       // NOTE: The calls to std::max() below are a backstop, but they should
    507       // never actually be needed unless the database is corrupt (I think).
    508       url_row.set_visit_count(
    509           std::max(0, url_row.visit_count() - i->second.visit_count));
    510       url_row.set_typed_count(
    511           std::max(0, url_row.typed_count() - i->second.typed_count));
    513       // Update the db with the new details.
    514       main_db_->UpdateURLRow(url_row.id(), url_row);
    515     }
    516   }
    517 }
    519 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ArchiveURLsAndVisits(
    520     const VisitVector& visits,
    521     DeleteDependencies* dependencies) {
    522   if (!archived_db_ || !main_db_)
    523     return;
    525   // Make sure all unique URL rows are added to the dependency list and the
    526   // archived database. We will also keep the mapping between the main DB URLID
    527   // and the archived one.
    528   std::map<URLID, URLID> main_id_to_archived_id;
    529   for (size_t i = 0; i < visits.size(); i++) {
    530     std::map<URLID, URLRow>::const_iterator found =
    531       dependencies->affected_urls.find(visits[i].url_id);
    532     if (found == dependencies->affected_urls.end()) {
    533       // Unique URL encountered, archive it.
    534       URLRow row;  // Row in the main DB.
    535       URLID archived_id;  // ID in the archived DB.
    536       if (!main_db_->GetURLRow(visits[i].url_id, &row) ||
    537           !(archived_id = ArchiveOneURL(row))) {
    538         // Failure archiving, skip this one.
    539         continue;
    540       }
    542       // Only add URL to the dependency list once we know we successfully
    543       // archived it.
    544       main_id_to_archived_id[row.id()] = archived_id;
    545       dependencies->affected_urls[row.id()] = row;
    546     }
    547   }
    549   // Retrieve the sources for all the archived visits before archiving.
    550   // The returned visit_sources vector should contain the source for each visit
    551   // from visits at the same index.
    552   VisitSourceMap visit_sources;
    553   main_db_->GetVisitsSource(visits, &visit_sources);
    555   // Now archive the visits since we know the URL ID to make them reference.
    556   // The source visit list should still reference the visits in the main DB, but
    557   // we will update it to reflect only the visits that were successfully
    558   // archived.
    559   for (size_t i = 0; i < visits.size(); i++) {
    560     // Construct the visit that we will add to the archived database. We do
    561     // not store referring visits since we delete many of the visits when
    562     // archiving.
    563     VisitRow cur_visit(visits[i]);
    564     cur_visit.url_id = main_id_to_archived_id[cur_visit.url_id];
    565     cur_visit.referring_visit = 0;
    566     VisitSourceMap::iterator iter = visit_sources.find(visits[i].visit_id);
    567     archived_db_->AddVisit(
    568         &cur_visit,
    569         iter == visit_sources.end() ? SOURCE_BROWSED : iter->second);
    570     // Ignore failures, we will delete it from the main DB no matter what.
    571   }
    572 }
    574 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ScheduleArchive() {
    575   TimeDelta delay;
    576   if (work_queue_.empty()) {
    577     // If work queue is empty, reset the work queue to contain all tasks and
    578     // schedule next iteration after a longer delay.
    579     InitWorkQueue();
    580     delay = TimeDelta::FromMinutes(kExpirationEmptyDelayMin);
    581   } else {
    582     delay = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kExpirationDelaySec);
    583   }
    585   MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
    586           &ExpireHistoryBackend::DoArchiveIteration), delay.InMilliseconds());
    587 }
    589 void ExpireHistoryBackend::DoArchiveIteration() {
    590   DCHECK(!work_queue_.empty()) << "queue has to be non-empty";
    592   const ExpiringVisitsReader* reader = work_queue_.front();
    593   bool more_to_expire = ArchiveSomeOldHistory(GetCurrentArchiveTime(), reader,
    594                                               kNumExpirePerIteration);
    596   work_queue_.pop();
    597   // If there are more items to expire, add the reader back to the queue, thus
    598   // creating a new task for future iterations.
    599   if (more_to_expire)
    600     work_queue_.push(reader);
    602   ScheduleArchive();
    603 }
    605 bool ExpireHistoryBackend::ArchiveSomeOldHistory(
    606     base::Time end_time,
    607     const ExpiringVisitsReader* reader,
    608     int max_visits) {
    609   if (!main_db_)
    610     return false;
    612   // Add an extra time unit to given end time, because
    613   // GetAllVisitsInRange, et al. queries' end value is non-inclusive.
    614   Time effective_end_time =
    615       Time::FromInternalValue(end_time.ToInternalValue() + 1);
    617   VisitVector affected_visits;
    618   bool more_to_expire = reader->Read(effective_end_time, main_db_,
    619                                      &affected_visits, max_visits);
    621   // Some visits we'll delete while others we'll archive.
    622   VisitVector deleted_visits, archived_visits;
    623   for (size_t i = 0; i < affected_visits.size(); i++) {
    624     if (ShouldArchiveVisit(affected_visits[i]))
    625       archived_visits.push_back(affected_visits[i]);
    626     else
    627       deleted_visits.push_back(affected_visits[i]);
    628   }
    630   // Do the actual archiving.
    631   DeleteDependencies archived_dependencies;
    632   ArchiveURLsAndVisits(archived_visits, &archived_dependencies);
    633   DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(archived_visits, &archived_dependencies);
    635   DeleteDependencies deleted_dependencies;
    636   DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(deleted_visits, &deleted_dependencies);
    638   // This will remove or archive all the affected URLs. Must do the deleting
    639   // cleanup before archiving so the delete dependencies structure references
    640   // only those URLs that were actually deleted instead of having some visits
    641   // archived and then the rest deleted.
    642   ExpireURLsForVisits(deleted_visits, &deleted_dependencies);
    643   ExpireURLsForVisits(archived_visits, &archived_dependencies);
    645   // Create a union of all affected favicons (we don't store favicons for
    646   // archived URLs) and delete them.
    647   std::set<FaviconID> affected_favicons(
    648       archived_dependencies.affected_favicons);
    649   for (std::set<FaviconID>::const_iterator i =
    650            deleted_dependencies.affected_favicons.begin();
    651        i != deleted_dependencies.affected_favicons.end(); ++i) {
    652     affected_favicons.insert(*i);
    653   }
    654   DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(affected_favicons);
    656   // Send notifications for the stuff that was deleted. These won't normally be
    657   // in history views since they were subframes, but they will be in the visited
    658   // link system, which needs to be updated now. This function is smart enough
    659   // to not do anything if nothing was deleted.
    660   BroadcastDeleteNotifications(&deleted_dependencies);
    662   return more_to_expire;
    663 }
    665 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ParanoidExpireHistory() {
    666   // TODO(brettw): Bug 1067331: write this to clean up any errors.
    667 }
    669 void ExpireHistoryBackend::ScheduleExpireHistoryIndexFiles() {
    670   if (!text_db_) {
    671     // Can't expire old history index files because we
    672     // don't know where they're located.
    673     return;
    674   }
    676   TimeDelta delay = TimeDelta::FromMinutes(kIndexExpirationDelayMin);
    677   MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
    678       FROM_HERE, factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
    679           &ExpireHistoryBackend::DoExpireHistoryIndexFiles),
    680       delay.InMilliseconds());
    681 }
    683 void ExpireHistoryBackend::DoExpireHistoryIndexFiles() {
    684   Time::Exploded exploded;
    685   Time::Now().LocalExplode(&exploded);
    686   int cutoff_month =
    687       exploded.year * 12 + exploded.month - kStoreHistoryIndexesForMonths;
    688   TextDatabase::DBIdent cutoff_id =
    689       (cutoff_month / 12) * 100 + (cutoff_month % 12);
    691   FilePath::StringType history_index_files_pattern = TextDatabase::file_base();
    692   history_index_files_pattern.append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("*"));
    693   file_util::FileEnumerator file_enumerator(
    694       text_db_->GetDir(), false, file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES,
    695       history_index_files_pattern);
    696   for (FilePath file = file_enumerator.Next(); !file.empty();
    697        file = file_enumerator.Next()) {
    698     TextDatabase::DBIdent file_id = TextDatabase::FileNameToID(file);
    699     if (file_id < cutoff_id)
    700       file_util::Delete(file, false);
    701   }
    702 }
    704 BookmarkService* ExpireHistoryBackend::GetBookmarkService() {
    705   // We use the bookmark service to determine if a URL is bookmarked. The
    706   // bookmark service is loaded on a separate thread and may not be done by the
    707   // time we get here. We therefor block until the bookmarks have finished
    708   // loading.
    709   if (bookmark_service_)
    710     bookmark_service_->BlockTillLoaded();
    711   return bookmark_service_;
    712 }
    714 }  // namespace history