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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Broadcom Corporation
      4  *
      5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  *  limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  ******************************************************************************/
     18 #ifndef BTA_HH_API_H
     19 #define BTA_HH_API_H
     21 #include "bta_api.h"
     22 #include "hidh_api.h"
     24 /*****************************************************************************
     25 **  Constants and Type Definitions
     26 *****************************************************************************/
     27 #ifndef BTA_HH_DEBUG
     28 #define BTA_HH_DEBUG    FALSE
     29 #endif
     31 #ifndef BTA_HH_SSR_MAX_LATENCY_DEF
     32 #define BTA_HH_SSR_MAX_LATENCY_DEF  1600
     33 #endif
     35 #ifndef BTA_HH_SSR_MIN_TOUT_DEF
     36 #define BTA_HH_SSR_MIN_TOUT_DEF     2
     37 #endif
     39 /* BTA HID Host callback events */
     40 #define BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT       0       /* HH enabled */
     41 #define BTA_HH_DISABLE_EVT      1       /* HH disabled */
     42 #define BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT         2       /* connection opened */
     43 #define BTA_HH_CLOSE_EVT        3       /* connection closed */
     44 #define BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT      4       /* BTA_HhGetReport callback */
     45 #define BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT      5       /* BTA_HhSetReport callback */
     46 #define BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT    6       /* BTA_GetProtoMode callback */
     47 #define BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT    7       /* BTA_HhSetProtoMode callback */
     48 #define BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT     8       /* BTA_HhGetIdle comes callback */
     49 #define BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT     9       /* BTA_HhSetIdle finish callback */
     50 #define BTA_HH_GET_DSCP_EVT     10      /* Get report descripotor */
     51 #define BTA_HH_ADD_DEV_EVT      11      /* Add Device callback */
     52 #define BTA_HH_RMV_DEV_EVT      12      /* remove device finished */
     53 #define BTA_HH_VC_UNPLUG_EVT    13      /* virtually unplugged */
     54 #define BTA_HH_UPDATE_UCD_EVT   14
     55 #define BTA_HH_API_ERR_EVT      15      /* API error is caught */
     57 typedef UINT16 tBTA_HH_EVT;
     59 /* defined the minimum offset */
     60 #define BTA_HH_MIN_OFFSET       L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET+1
     62 #define BTA_HH_MAX_KNOWN        HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES
     63 /* invalid device handle */
     64 #define BTA_HH_INVALID_HANDLE   0xff
     66 /* type of protocol mode */
     67 #define BTA_HH_PROTO_RPT_MODE                   (0x00)
     68 #define BTA_HH_PROTO_BOOT_MODE                  (0x01)
     69 #define BTA_HH_PROTO_UNKNOWN                    (0xff)
     70 typedef UINT8   tBTA_HH_PROTO_MODE;
     72 enum
     73 {
     74     BTA_HH_KEYBD_RPT_ID  =               1,
     75     BTA_HH_MOUSE_RPT_ID
     76 };
     77 typedef UINT8 tBTA_HH_BOOT_RPT_ID;
     79 /* type of devices, bit mask */
     80 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_UNKNOWN      0x00
     81 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_JOS          0x01           /* joy stick */
     82 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_GPD          0x02           /* game pad */
     83 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_RMC          0x03           /* remote control */
     84 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_SED          0x04           /* sensing device */
     85 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_DGT          0x05           /* Digitizer tablet */
     86 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_CDR          0x06           /* card reader */
     87 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_KBD          0x10           /* keyboard */
     88 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_MIC          0x20           /* pointing device */
     89 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_COM          0x30           /* Combo keyboard/pointing */
     90 #define BTA_HH_DEVT_OTHER        0x80
     91 typedef UINT8  tBTA_HH_DEVT;
     93 enum
     94 {
     95     BTA_HH_OK,
     96     BTA_HH_HS_HID_NOT_READY,    /* handshake error : device not ready */
     97     BTA_HH_HS_INVALID_RPT_ID,   /* handshake error : invalid report ID */
     98     BTA_HH_HS_TRANS_NOT_SPT,    /* handshake error : transaction not spt */
     99     BTA_HH_HS_INVALID_PARAM,    /* handshake error : invalid paremter */
    100     BTA_HH_HS_ERROR,            /* handshake error : unspecified HS error */
    101     BTA_HH_ERR,                 /* general BTA HH error */
    102     BTA_HH_ERR_SDP,             /* SDP error */
    103     BTA_HH_ERR_PROTO,           /* SET_Protocol error,
    104                                     only used in BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT callback */
    105     BTA_HH_ERR_DB_FULL,         /* device database full error, used in
    106                                    BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT/BTA_HH_ADD_DEV_EVT */
    107     BTA_HH_ERR_TOD_UNSPT,       /* type of device not supported */
    108     BTA_HH_ERR_NO_RES,          /* out of system resources */
    109     BTA_HH_ERR_AUTH_FAILED,     /* authentication fail */
    110     BTA_HH_ERR_HDL
    111 };
    112 typedef UINT8 tBTA_HH_STATUS;
    115 #define BTA_HH_VIRTUAL_CABLE           HID_VIRTUAL_CABLE
    117 #define BTA_HH_RECONN_INIT             HID_RECONN_INIT
    118 #define BTA_HH_SDP_DISABLE             HID_SDP_DISABLE
    119 #define BTA_HH_BATTERY_POWER           HID_BATTERY_POWER
    120 #define BTA_HH_REMOTE_WAKE             HID_REMOTE_WAKE
    121 #define BTA_HH_SUP_TOUT_AVLBL          HID_SUP_TOUT_AVLBL
    122 #define BTA_HH_SEC_REQUIRED             HID_SEC_REQUIRED
    123 typedef UINT16 tBTA_HH_ATTR_MASK;
    126 /* supported type of device and corresponding application ID */
    127 typedef struct
    128 {
    129     tBTA_HH_DEVT        tod;        /* type of device               */
    130     UINT8               app_id;     /* corresponding application ID */
    131 }tBTA_HH_SPT_TOD;
    133 /* configuration struct */
    134 typedef struct
    135 {
    136     UINT8                max_devt_spt; /* max number of types of devices spt */
    137     tBTA_HH_SPT_TOD     *p_devt_list;  /* supported types of device list     */
    138     UINT16               sdp_db_size;
    139 }tBTA_HH_CFG;
    141 enum
    142 {
    143     BTA_HH_RPTT_RESRV,      /* reserved         */
    144     BTA_HH_RPTT_INPUT,      /* input report     */
    145     BTA_HH_RPTT_OUTPUT,     /* output report    */
    146     BTA_HH_RPTT_FEATURE     /* feature report   */
    147 };
    148 typedef UINT8 tBTA_HH_RPT_TYPE;
    150 /* HID_CONTROL operation code used in BTA_HhSendCtrl()
    151 */
    152 enum
    153 {
    154     BTA_HH_CTRL_NOP         = 0 + HID_PAR_CONTROL_NOP ,/* mapping from BTE */
    155     BTA_HH_CTRL_HARD_RESET,                            /* hard reset       */
    156     BTA_HH_CTRL_SOFT_RESET,                            /* soft reset       */
    157     BTA_HH_CTRL_SUSPEND,                               /* enter suspend    */
    158     BTA_HH_CTRL_EXIT_SUSPEND,                          /* exit suspend     */
    159     BTA_HH_CTRL_VIRTUAL_CABLE_UNPLUG                   /* virtual unplug   */
    160 };
    161 typedef UINT8 tBTA_HH_TRANS_CTRL_TYPE;
    165 /* id DI is not existing in remote device, vendor_id in tBTA_HH_DEV_DSCP_INFO will be set to 0xffff */
    166 #define BTA_HH_VENDOR_ID_INVALID       0xffff
    169 /* report descriptor information */
    170 typedef struct
    171 {
    172     UINT16              vendor_id;      /* vendor ID */
    173     UINT16              product_id;     /* product ID */
    174     UINT16              version;        /* version */
    175     UINT16              ssr_max_latency;    /* SSR max latency */
    176     UINT16              ssr_min_tout;       /* SSR min timeout */
    177     UINT8               ctry_code;      /*Country Code.*/
    178     tBTA_HH_DEV_DESCR   descriptor;
    181 /* callback event data for BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT */
    182 typedef struct
    183 {
    184     BD_ADDR         bda;                /* HID device bd address    */
    185     tBTA_HH_STATUS  status;             /* operation status         */
    186     UINT8           handle;             /* device handle            */
    187 } tBTA_HH_CONN;
    189 typedef tBTA_HH_CONN tBTA_HH_DEV_INFO;
    191 /* callback event data */
    192 typedef struct
    193 {
    194     tBTA_HH_STATUS              status;     /* operation status         */
    195     UINT8                       handle;     /* device handle            */
    196 } tBTA_HH_CBDATA;
    198 enum
    199 {
    200     BTA_HH_MOD_CTRL_KEY,
    201     BTA_HH_MOD_SHFT_KEY,
    202     BTA_HH_MOD_ALT_KEY,
    203     BTA_HH_MOD_GUI_KEY,
    204     BTA_HH_MOD_MAX_KEY
    205 };
    207 /* parsed boot mode keyboard report */
    208 typedef struct
    209 {
    210     UINT8               this_char[6];       /* virtual key code     */
    211     BOOLEAN             mod_key[BTA_HH_MOD_MAX_KEY];
    212                                             /* ctrl, shift, Alt, GUI */
    213                                             /* modifier key: is Shift key pressed */
    214                                             /* modifier key: is Ctrl key pressed  */
    215                                             /* modifier key: is Alt key pressed   */
    216                                             /* modifier key: GUI up/down */
    217     BOOLEAN             caps_lock;          /* is caps locked       */
    218     BOOLEAN             num_lock;           /* is Num key pressed   */
    219 } tBTA_HH_KEYBD_RPT;
    221 /* parsed boot mode mouse report */
    222 typedef struct
    223 {
    224     UINT8               mouse_button;       /* mouse button is clicked   */
    225     INT8                delta_x;            /* displacement x            */
    226     INT8                delta_y;            /* displacement y            */
    227 }tBTA_HH_MICE_RPT;
    229 /* parsed Boot report */
    230 typedef struct
    231 {
    232     tBTA_HH_BOOT_RPT_ID dev_type;           /* type of device report */
    233     union
    234     {
    235         tBTA_HH_KEYBD_RPT   keybd_rpt;      /* keyboard report      */
    236         tBTA_HH_MICE_RPT    mice_rpt;       /* mouse report         */
    237     }                   data_rpt;
    238 } tBTA_HH_BOOT_RPT;
    240 /* handshake data */
    241 typedef struct
    242 {
    243     tBTA_HH_STATUS  status;                 /* handshake status */
    244     UINT8           handle;                 /* device handle    */
    245     union
    246     {
    247         tBTA_HH_PROTO_MODE      proto_mode; /* GET_PROTO_EVT :protocol mode */
    248         BT_HDR                  *p_rpt_data;   /* GET_RPT_EVT   : report data  */
    249         UINT8                   idle_rate;  /* GET_IDLE_EVT  : idle rate    */
    250     }               rsp_data;
    252 }tBTA_HH_HSDATA;
    254 /* union of data associated with HD callback */
    255 typedef union
    256 {
    257     tBTA_HH_DEV_INFO        dev_info;           /* BTA_HH_ADD_DEV_EVT, BTA_HH_RMV_DEV_EVT   */
    258     tBTA_HH_CONN            conn;               /* BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT      */
    259     tBTA_HH_CBDATA          dev_status;         /* BTA_HH_CLOSE_EVT,
    260                                                    BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT
    261                                                    BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT
    262                                                    BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT  */
    264     tBTA_HH_STATUS          status;             /* BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT */
    265     tBTA_HH_DEV_DSCP_INFO   dscp_info;          /* BTA_HH_GET_DSCP_EVT */
    266     tBTA_HH_HSDATA          hs_data;            /* GET_ transaction callback
    267                                                    BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT
    268                                                    BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT
    269                                                    BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT */
    270 } tBTA_HH;
    272 /* BTA HH callback function */
    273 typedef void (tBTA_HH_CBACK) (tBTA_HH_EVT event, tBTA_HH *p_data);
    276 /*****************************************************************************
    277 **  External Function Declarations
    278 *****************************************************************************/
    279 #ifdef __cplusplus
    280 extern "C"
    281 {
    282 #endif
    284 /*******************************************************************************
    285 **
    286 ** Function         BTA_HhRegister
    287 **
    288 ** Description      This function enable HID host and registers HID-Host with
    289 **                  lower layers.
    290 **
    291 ** Returns          void
    292 **
    293 *******************************************************************************/
    294 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhEnable(tBTA_SEC sec_mask, BOOLEAN ucd_enabled, tBTA_HH_CBACK *p_cback);
    296 /*******************************************************************************
    297 **
    298 ** Function         BTA_HhDeregister
    299 **
    300 ** Description      This function is called when the host is about power down.
    301 **
    302 ** Returns          void
    303 **
    304 *******************************************************************************/
    305 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhDisable(void);
    307 /*******************************************************************************
    308 **
    309 ** Function         BTA_HhOpen
    310 **
    311 ** Description      This function is called to start an inquiry and read SDP
    312 **                  record of responding devices; connect to a device if only
    313 **                  one active HID device is found.
    314 **
    315 ** Returns          void
    316 **
    317 *******************************************************************************/
    318 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhOpen (BD_ADDR dev_bda, tBTA_HH_PROTO_MODE mode,
    319                                 tBTA_SEC sec_mask);
    321 /*******************************************************************************
    322 **
    323 ** Function         BTA_HhClose
    324 **
    325 ** Description      This function disconnects the device.
    326 **
    327 ** Returns          void
    328 **
    329 *******************************************************************************/
    330 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhClose(UINT8 dev_handle);
    332 /*******************************************************************************
    333 **
    334 ** Function         BTA_HhSetProtoMode
    335 **
    336 ** Description      This function set the protocol mode at specified HID handle
    337 **
    338 ** Returns          void
    339 **
    340 *******************************************************************************/
    341 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhSetProtoMode(UINT8 handle, tBTA_HH_PROTO_MODE t_type);
    343 /*******************************************************************************
    344 **
    345 ** Function         BTA_HhGetProtoMode
    346 **
    347 ** Description      This function get the protocol mode of a specified HID device.
    348 **
    349 ** Returns          void
    350 **
    351 *******************************************************************************/
    352 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhGetProtoMode(UINT8 dev_handle);
    353 /*******************************************************************************
    354 **
    355 ** Function         BTA_HhSetReport
    356 **
    357 ** Description      send SET_REPORT to device.
    358 **
    359 ** Returns          void
    360 **
    361 *******************************************************************************/
    362 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhSetReport(UINT8 dev_handle, tBTA_HH_RPT_TYPE r_type,
    363                                         BT_HDR *p_data);
    365 /*******************************************************************************
    366 **
    367 ** Function         BTA_HhGetReport
    368 **
    369 ** Description      Send a GET_REPORT to HID device.
    370 **
    371 ** Returns          void
    372 **
    373 *******************************************************************************/
    374 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhGetReport(UINT8 dev_handle, tBTA_HH_RPT_TYPE r_type,
    375                                     UINT8 rpt_id, UINT16 buf_size);
    376 /*******************************************************************************
    377 **
    378 ** Function         BTA_HhSendCtrl
    379 **
    380 ** Description      Send HID_CONTROL request to a HID device.
    381 **
    382 ** Returns          void
    383 **
    384 *******************************************************************************/
    385 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhSendCtrl(UINT8 dev_handle,
    386                                    tBTA_HH_TRANS_CTRL_TYPE c_type);
    388 /*******************************************************************************
    389 **
    390 ** Function         BTA_HhSetIdle
    391 **
    392 ** Description      send SET_IDLE to device.
    393 **
    394 ** Returns          void
    395 **
    396 *******************************************************************************/
    397 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhSetIdle(UINT8 dev_handle, UINT16 idle_rate);
    400 /*******************************************************************************
    401 **
    402 ** Function         BTA_HhGetIdle
    403 **
    404 ** Description      Send a GET_IDLE from HID device.
    405 **
    406 ** Returns          void
    407 **
    408 *******************************************************************************/
    409 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhGetIdle(UINT8 dev_handle);
    411 /*******************************************************************************
    412 **
    413 ** Function         BTA_HhSendData
    414 **
    415 ** Description      Send DATA transaction to a HID device.
    416 **
    417 ** Returns          void
    418 **
    419 *******************************************************************************/
    420 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhSendData(UINT8 dev_handle, BD_ADDR dev_bda, BT_HDR  *p_buf);
    422 /*******************************************************************************
    423 **
    424 ** Function         BTA_HhGetDscpInfo
    425 **
    426 ** Description      Get report descriptor of the device
    427 **
    428 ** Returns          void
    429 **
    430 *******************************************************************************/
    431 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhGetDscpInfo(UINT8 dev_handle);
    433 /*******************************************************************************
    434 **
    435 ** Function         BTA_HhAddDev
    436 **
    437 ** Description      Add a virtually cabled device into HID-Host device list
    438 **                  to manage and assign a device handle for future API call,
    439 **                  host applciation call this API at start-up to initialize its
    440 **                  virtually cabled devices.
    441 **
    442 ** Returns          void
    443 **
    444 *******************************************************************************/
    445 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhAddDev(BD_ADDR bda, tBTA_HH_ATTR_MASK attr_mask,
    446                                  UINT8 sub_class, UINT8 app_id,
    447                                  tBTA_HH_DEV_DSCP_INFO dscp_info);
    448 /*******************************************************************************
    449 **
    450 ** Function         BTA_HhRemoveDev
    451 **
    452 ** Description      Remove a device from the HID host devices list.
    453 **
    454 ** Returns          void
    455 **
    456 *******************************************************************************/
    457 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhRemoveDev(UINT8 dev_handle );
    458 /*******************************************************************************
    459 **
    460 **              Parsing Utility Functions
    461 **
    462 *******************************************************************************/
    463 /*******************************************************************************
    464 **
    465 ** Function         BTA_HhParseBootRpt
    466 **
    467 ** Description      This utility function parse a boot mode report.
    468 **
    469 ** Returns          void
    470 **
    471 *******************************************************************************/
    472 BTA_API extern void BTA_HhParseBootRpt(tBTA_HH_BOOT_RPT *p_data, UINT8 *p_report,
    473                                        UINT16 report_len);
    475 #ifdef __cplusplus
    476 }
    477 #endif
    479 #endif  /* BTA_HH_API_H */