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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Broadcom Corporation
      4  *
      5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  *  limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  ******************************************************************************/
     18 #include "OverrideLog.h"
     19 #include <sys/types.h>
     20 #include <sys/stat.h>
     21 #include <fcntl.h>
     22 #include <errno.h>
     23 #include "buildcfg.h"
     24 #include "nfa_mem_co.h"
     25 #include "nfa_nv_co.h"
     26 #include "nfa_nv_ci.h"
     27 #include "config.h"
     29 #define LOG_TAG "BrcmNfcNfa"
     30 #define PRINT(s) __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BrcmNci", s)
     31 #define MAX_NCI_PACKET_SIZE  259
     32 #define MAX_LOGCAT_LINE     4096
     33 static char log_line[MAX_LOGCAT_LINE];
     35 extern UINT32 ScrProtocolTraceFlag;         // = SCR_PROTO_TRACE_ALL; // 0x017F;
     36 static const char* sTable = "0123456789abcdef";
     37 extern char bcm_nfc_location[];
     39 /*******************************************************************************
     40 **
     41 ** Function         nfa_mem_co_alloc
     42 **
     43 ** Description      allocate a buffer from platform's memory pool
     44 **
     45 ** Returns:
     46 **                  pointer to buffer if successful
     47 **                  NULL otherwise
     48 **
     49 *******************************************************************************/
     50 NFC_API extern void *nfa_mem_co_alloc(UINT32 num_bytes)
     51 {
     52     return malloc(num_bytes);
     53 }
     56 /*******************************************************************************
     57 **
     58 ** Function         nfa_mem_co_free
     59 **
     60 ** Description      free buffer previously allocated using nfa_mem_co_alloc
     61 **
     62 ** Returns:
     63 **                  Nothing
     64 **
     65 *******************************************************************************/
     66 NFC_API extern void nfa_mem_co_free(void *pBuffer)
     67 {
     68     free(pBuffer);
     69 }
     72 /*******************************************************************************
     73 **
     74 ** Function         nfa_nv_co_read
     75 **
     76 ** Description      This function is called by NFA to read in data from the
     77 **                  previously opened file.
     78 **
     79 ** Parameters       pBuffer   - buffer to read the data into.
     80 **                  nbytes  - number of bytes to read into the buffer.
     81 **
     82 ** Returns          void
     83 **
     84 **                  Note: Upon completion of the request, nfa_nv_ci_read() is
     85 **                        called with the buffer of data, along with the number
     86 **                        of bytes read into the buffer, and a status.  The
     87 **                        call-in function should only be called when ALL requested
     88 **                        bytes have been read, the end of file has been detected,
     89 **                        or an error has occurred.
     90 **
     91 *******************************************************************************/
     92 NFC_API extern void nfa_nv_co_read(UINT8 *pBuffer, UINT16 nbytes, UINT8 block)
     93 {
     94     char filename[256], filename2[256];
     95     strcpy(filename2, bcm_nfc_location);
     96     strcat(filename2, "/nfaStorage.bin");
     97     if (strlen(filename2) > 200)
     98     {
     99         ALOGE ("%s: filename too long", __FUNCTION__);
    100         return;
    101     }
    102     sprintf (filename, "%s%u", filename2, block);
    104     ALOGD ("%s: buffer len=%u; file=%s", __FUNCTION__, nbytes, filename);
    105     int fileStream = open (filename, O_RDONLY);
    106     if (fileStream > 0)
    107     {
    108         size_t actualRead = read (fileStream, pBuffer, nbytes);
    109         if (actualRead > 0)
    110         {
    111             ALOGD ("%s: read bytes=%u", __FUNCTION__, actualRead);
    112             nfa_nv_ci_read (actualRead, NFA_NV_CO_OK, block);
    113         }
    114         else
    115         {
    116             ALOGE ("%s: fail to read", __FUNCTION__);
    117             nfa_nv_ci_read (actualRead, NFA_NV_CO_FAIL, block);
    118         }
    119         close (fileStream);
    120     }
    121     else
    122     {
    123         ALOGE ("%s: fail to open", __FUNCTION__);
    124         nfa_nv_ci_read (0, NFA_NV_CO_FAIL, block);
    125     }
    126 }
    128 /*******************************************************************************
    129 **
    130 ** Function         nfa_nv_co_write
    131 **
    132 ** Description      This function is called by io to send file data to the
    133 **                  phone.
    134 **
    135 ** Parameters       pBuffer   - buffer to read the data from.
    136 **                  nbytes  - number of bytes to write out to the file.
    137 **
    138 ** Returns          void
    139 **
    140 **                  Note: Upon completion of the request, nfa_nv_ci_write() is
    141 **                        called with the file descriptor and the status.  The
    142 **                        call-in function should only be called when ALL requested
    143 **                        bytes have been written, or an error has been detected,
    144 **
    145 *******************************************************************************/
    146 NFC_API extern void nfa_nv_co_write(const UINT8 *pBuffer, UINT16 nbytes, UINT8 block)
    147 {
    148     char filename[256], filename2[256];
    149     strcpy(filename2, bcm_nfc_location);
    150     strcat(filename2, "/nfaStorage.bin");
    151     if (strlen(filename2) > 200)
    152     {
    153         ALOGE ("%s: filename too long", __FUNCTION__);
    154         return;
    155     }
    156     sprintf (filename, "%s%u", filename2, block);
    157     ALOGD ("%s: bytes=%u; file=%s", __FUNCTION__, nbytes, filename);
    159     int fileStream = 0;
    161     fileStream = open (filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    162     if (fileStream > 0)
    163     {
    164         size_t actualWritten = write (fileStream, pBuffer, nbytes);
    165         ALOGD ("%s: %d bytes written", __FUNCTION__, actualWritten);
    166         if (actualWritten > 0) {
    167             nfa_nv_ci_write (NFA_NV_CO_OK);
    168         }
    169         else
    170         {
    171             ALOGE ("%s: fail to write", __FUNCTION__);
    172             nfa_nv_ci_write (NFA_NV_CO_FAIL);
    173         }
    174         close (fileStream);
    175     }
    176     else
    177     {
    178         ALOGE ("%s: fail to open, error = %d", __FUNCTION__, errno);
    179         nfa_nv_ci_write (NFA_NV_CO_FAIL);
    180     }
    181 }
    183 /*******************************************************************************
    184 **
    185 ** Function         byte2hex
    186 **
    187 ** Description      convert a byte array to hexadecimal string
    188 **
    189 ** Returns:
    190 **                  Nothing
    191 **
    192 *******************************************************************************/
    193 static inline void byte2hex(const char* data, char** str)
    194 {
    195     **str = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
    196     ++*str;
    197     **str = sTable[*data & 0xf];
    198     ++*str;
    199 }
    201 /*******************************************************************************
    202 **
    203 ** Function         byte2char
    204 **
    205 ** Description      convert a byte array to displayable text string
    206 **
    207 ** Returns:
    208 **                  Nothing
    209 **
    210 *******************************************************************************/
    211 static inline void byte2char(const char* data, char** str)
    212 {
    213     **str = *data < ' ' ? '.' : *data > '~' ? '.' : *data;
    214     ++(*str);
    215 }
    217 /*******************************************************************************
    218 **
    219 ** Function         word2hex
    220 **
    221 ** Description      Convert a two byte into text string as little-endian WORD
    222 **
    223 ** Returns:
    224 **                  Nothing
    225 **
    226 *******************************************************************************/
    227 static inline void word2hex(const char* data, char** hex)
    228 {
    229     byte2hex(&data[1], hex);
    230     byte2hex(&data[0], hex);
    231 }
    233 /*******************************************************************************
    234 **
    235 ** Function         dumpbin
    236 **
    237 ** Description      convert a byte array to a blob of text string for logging
    238 **
    239 ** Returns:
    240 **                  Nothing
    241 **
    242 *******************************************************************************/
    243 void dumpbin(const char* data, int size, UINT32 trace_layer, UINT32 trace_type)
    244 {
    245     char line_buff[256];
    246     char *line;
    247     int i, j, addr;
    248     const int width = 16;
    249     if(size <= 0)
    250         return;
    251 #ifdef __RAW_HEADER
    252     //write offset
    253     line = line_buff;
    254     *line++ = ' ';
    255     *line++ = ' ';
    256     *line++ = ' ';
    257     *line++ = ' ';
    258     *line++ = ' ';
    259     *line++ = ' ';
    260     for(j = 0; j < width; j++)
    261     {
    262         byte2hex((const char*)&j, &line);
    263         *line++ = ' ';
    264     }
    265     *line = 0;
    266     PRINT(line_buff);
    267 #endif
    268     for(i = 0; i < size / width; i++)
    269     {
    270         line = line_buff;
    271         //write address:
    272         addr = i*width;
    273         word2hex((const char*)&addr, &line);
    274         *line++ = ':'; *line++ = ' ';
    275         //write hex of data
    276         for(j = 0; j < width; j++)
    277         {
    278             byte2hex(&data[j], &line);
    279             *line++ = ' ';
    280         }
    281         //write char of data
    282         for(j = 0; j < width; j++)
    283             byte2char(data++, &line);
    284         //wirte the end of line
    285         *line = 0;
    286         //output the line
    287         PRINT(line_buff);
    288     }
    289     //last line of left over if any
    290     int leftover = size % width;
    291     if(leftover > 0)
    292     {
    293         line = line_buff;
    294         //write address:
    295         addr = i*width;
    296         word2hex((const char*)&addr, &line);
    297         *line++ = ':'; *line++ = ' ';
    298         //write hex of data
    299         for(j = 0; j < leftover; j++)
    300         {
    301             byte2hex(&data[j], &line);
    302             *line++ = ' ';
    303         }
    304         //write hex padding
    305         for(; j < width; j++)
    306         {
    307             *line++ = ' ';
    308             *line++ = ' ';
    309             *line++ = ' ';
    310         }
    311         //write char of data
    312         for(j = 0; j < leftover; j++)
    313             byte2char(data++, &line);
    314         //write the end of line
    315         *line = 0;
    316         //output the line
    317         PRINT(line_buff);
    318     }
    319 }
    321 /*******************************************************************************
    322 **
    323 ** Function         scru_dump_hex
    324 **
    325 ** Description      print a text string to log
    326 **
    327 ** Returns:
    328 **                  text string
    329 **
    330 *******************************************************************************/
    331 UINT8 *scru_dump_hex (UINT8 *p, char *pTitle, UINT32 len, UINT32 layer, UINT32 type)
    332 {
    333     if(pTitle && *pTitle)
    334         PRINT(pTitle);
    335     dumpbin(p, len, layer, type);
    336     return p;
    337 }
    339 /*******************************************************************************
    340 **
    341 ** Function         DispHciCmd
    342 **
    343 ** Description      Display a HCI command string
    344 **
    345 ** Returns:
    346 **                  Nothing
    347 **
    348 *******************************************************************************/
    349 void DispHciCmd (BT_HDR *p_buf)
    350 {
    351     int i,j;
    352     int nBytes = ((BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len)*2)+1;
    353     UINT8 * data = (UINT8*) p_buf;
    354     int data_len = BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
    356     if (!(ScrProtocolTraceFlag & SCR_PROTO_TRACE_HCI_SUMMARY))
    357         return;
    359     if (nBytes > sizeof(log_line))
    360         return;
    362     for(i = 0, j = 0; i < data_len && j < sizeof(log_line)-3; i++)
    363     {
    364         log_line[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
    365         log_line[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
    366         data++;
    367     }
    368     log_line[j] = '\0';
    370     __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BrcmHciX", log_line);
    371 }
    374 /*******************************************************************************
    375 **
    376 ** Function         DispHciEvt
    377 **
    378 ** Description      display a NCI event
    379 **
    380 ** Returns:
    381 **                  Nothing
    382 **
    383 *******************************************************************************/
    384 void DispHciEvt (BT_HDR *p_buf)
    385 {
    386     int i,j;
    387     int nBytes = ((BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len)*2)+1;
    388     UINT8 * data = (UINT8*) p_buf;
    389     int data_len = BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
    391     if (!(ScrProtocolTraceFlag & SCR_PROTO_TRACE_HCI_SUMMARY))
    392         return;
    394     if (nBytes > sizeof(log_line))
    395         return;
    397     for(i = 0, j = 0; i < data_len && j < sizeof(log_line)-3; i++)
    398     {
    399         log_line[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
    400         log_line[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
    401         data++;
    402     }
    403     log_line[j] = '\0';
    405     __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BrcmHciR", log_line);
    406 }
    408 /*******************************************************************************
    409 **
    410 ** Function         DispNciDump
    411 **
    412 ** Description      Log raw NCI packet as hex-ascii bytes
    413 **
    414 ** Returns          None.
    415 **
    416 *******************************************************************************/
    417 void DispNciDump (UINT8 *data, UINT16 len, BOOLEAN is_recv)
    418 {
    419     if (!(ScrProtocolTraceFlag & SCR_PROTO_TRACE_NCI))
    420         return;
    422     char line_buf[(MAX_NCI_PACKET_SIZE*2)+1];
    423     int i,j;
    425     for(i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < sizeof(line_buf)-3; i++)
    426     {
    427         line_buf[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
    428         line_buf[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
    429         data++;
    430     }
    431     line_buf[j] = '\0';
    433     __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, (is_recv) ? "BrcmNciR": "BrcmNciX", line_buf);
    434 }
    437 /*******************************************************************************
    438 **
    439 ** Function         DispLLCP
    440 **
    441 ** Description      Log raw LLCP packet as hex-ascii bytes
    442 **
    443 ** Returns          None.
    444 **
    445 *******************************************************************************/
    446 void DispLLCP (BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_recv)
    447 {
    448     int i,j;
    449     int nBytes = ((BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len)*2)+1;
    450     UINT8 * data = (UINT8*) p_buf;
    451     int data_len = BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
    453     if (appl_trace_level < BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG)
    454         return;
    456     for (i = 0; i < data_len; )
    457     {
    458         for(j = 0; i < data_len && j < sizeof(log_line)-3; i++)
    459         {
    460             log_line[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
    461             log_line[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
    462             data++;
    463         }
    464         log_line[j] = '\0';
    465         __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, (is_recv) ? "BrcmLlcpR": "BrcmLlcpX", log_line);
    466     }
    467 }
    470 /*******************************************************************************
    471 **
    472 ** Function         DispHcp
    473 **
    474 ** Description      Log raw HCP packet as hex-ascii bytes
    475 **
    476 ** Returns          None.
    477 **
    478 *******************************************************************************/
    479 void DispHcp (UINT8 *data, UINT16 len, BOOLEAN is_recv)
    480 {
    481     int i,j;
    482     int nBytes = (len*2)+1;
    483     char line_buf[400];
    485     if (appl_trace_level < BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG)
    486         return;
    488     if (nBytes > sizeof(line_buf))
    489         return;
    491     // Only trace HCP if we're tracing HCI as well
    492     if (!(ScrProtocolTraceFlag & SCR_PROTO_TRACE_HCI_SUMMARY))
    493         return;
    495     for(i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < sizeof(line_buf)-3; i++)
    496     {
    497         line_buf[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
    498         line_buf[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
    499         data++;
    500     }
    501     line_buf[j] = '\0';
    503     __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, (is_recv) ? "BrcmHcpR": "BrcmHcpX", line_buf);
    504 }
    506 void DispSNEP (UINT8 local_sap, UINT8 remote_sap, BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_first, BOOLEAN is_rx) {}
    507 void DispCHO (UINT8 *pMsg, UINT32 MsgLen, BOOLEAN is_rx) {}
    508 void DispT3TagMessage(BT_HDR *p_msg, BOOLEAN is_rx) {}
    509 void DispRWT4Tags (BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_rx) {}
    510 void DispCET4Tags (BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_rx) {}
    511 void DispRWI93Tag (BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_rx, UINT8 command_to_respond) {}
    512 void DispNDEFMsg (UINT8 *pMsg, UINT32 MsgLen, BOOLEAN is_recv) {}