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      1 // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/process_util.h"
      7 #include <ctype.h>
      8 #include <dirent.h>
      9 #include <dlfcn.h>
     10 #include <errno.h>
     11 #include <fcntl.h>
     12 #include <sys/time.h>
     13 #include <sys/types.h>
     14 #include <sys/wait.h>
     15 #include <time.h>
     16 #include <unistd.h>
     18 #include "base/file_util.h"
     19 #include "base/logging.h"
     20 #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
     21 #include "base/string_split.h"
     22 #include "base/string_tokenizer.h"
     23 #include "base/string_util.h"
     24 #include "base/sys_info.h"
     25 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     27 namespace {
     29 enum ParsingState {
     30   KEY_NAME,
     31   KEY_VALUE
     32 };
     34 // Reads /proc/<pid>/stat and populates |proc_stats| with the values split by
     35 // spaces. Returns true if successful.
     36 bool GetProcStats(pid_t pid, std::vector<std::string>* proc_stats) {
     37   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
     38   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
     40   FilePath stat_file("/proc");
     41   stat_file = stat_file.Append(base::IntToString(pid));
     42   stat_file = stat_file.Append("stat");
     43   std::string mem_stats;
     44   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_file, &mem_stats))
     45     return false;
     46   base::SplitString(mem_stats, ' ', proc_stats);
     47   return true;
     48 }
     50 // Reads /proc/<pid>/cmdline and populates |proc_cmd_line_args| with the command
     51 // line arguments. Returns true if successful.
     52 // Note: /proc/<pid>/cmdline contains command line arguments separated by single
     53 // null characters. We tokenize it into a vector of strings using '\0' as a
     54 // delimiter.
     55 bool GetProcCmdline(pid_t pid, std::vector<std::string>* proc_cmd_line_args) {
     56   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
     57   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
     59   FilePath cmd_line_file("/proc");
     60   cmd_line_file = cmd_line_file.Append(base::IntToString(pid));
     61   cmd_line_file = cmd_line_file.Append("cmdline");
     62   std::string cmd_line;
     63   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(cmd_line_file, &cmd_line))
     64     return false;
     65   std::string delimiters;
     66   delimiters.push_back('\0');
     67   Tokenize(cmd_line, delimiters, proc_cmd_line_args);
     68   return true;
     69 }
     71 // Get the total CPU of a single process.  Return value is number of jiffies
     72 // on success or -1 on error.
     73 int GetProcessCPU(pid_t pid) {
     74   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
     75   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
     77   // Use /proc/<pid>/task to find all threads and parse their /stat file.
     78   FilePath path = FilePath(StringPrintf("/proc/%d/task/", pid));
     80   DIR* dir = opendir(path.value().c_str());
     81   if (!dir) {
     82     PLOG(ERROR) << "opendir(" << path.value() << ")";
     83     return -1;
     84   }
     86   int total_cpu = 0;
     87   while (struct dirent* ent = readdir(dir)) {
     88     if (ent->d_name[0] == '.')
     89       continue;
     91     FilePath stat_path = path.AppendASCII(ent->d_name).AppendASCII("stat");
     92     std::string stat;
     93     if (file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_path, &stat)) {
     94       int cpu = base::ParseProcStatCPU(stat);
     95       if (cpu > 0)
     96         total_cpu += cpu;
     97     }
     98   }
     99   closedir(dir);
    101   return total_cpu;
    102 }
    104 }  // namespace
    106 namespace base {
    108 ProcessId GetParentProcessId(ProcessHandle process) {
    109   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    110   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    112   FilePath stat_file("/proc");
    113   stat_file = stat_file.Append(base::IntToString(process));
    114   stat_file = stat_file.Append("status");
    115   std::string status;
    116   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_file, &status))
    117     return -1;
    119   StringTokenizer tokenizer(status, ":\n");
    120   ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
    121   std::string last_key_name;
    122   while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
    123     switch (state) {
    124       case KEY_NAME:
    125         last_key_name = tokenizer.token();
    126         state = KEY_VALUE;
    127         break;
    128       case KEY_VALUE:
    129         DCHECK(!last_key_name.empty());
    130         if (last_key_name == "PPid") {
    131           int ppid;
    132           base::StringToInt(tokenizer.token(), &ppid);
    133           return ppid;
    134         }
    135         state = KEY_NAME;
    136         break;
    137     }
    138   }
    139   NOTREACHED();
    140   return -1;
    141 }
    143 FilePath GetProcessExecutablePath(ProcessHandle process) {
    144   FilePath stat_file("/proc");
    145   stat_file = stat_file.Append(base::IntToString(process));
    146   stat_file = stat_file.Append("exe");
    147   FilePath exe_name;
    148   if (!file_util::ReadSymbolicLink(stat_file, &exe_name)) {
    149     // No such process.  Happens frequently in e.g. TerminateAllChromeProcesses
    150     return FilePath();
    151   }
    152   return exe_name;
    153 }
    155 ProcessIterator::ProcessIterator(const ProcessFilter* filter)
    156     : filter_(filter) {
    157   procfs_dir_ = opendir("/proc");
    158 }
    160 ProcessIterator::~ProcessIterator() {
    161   if (procfs_dir_) {
    162     closedir(procfs_dir_);
    163     procfs_dir_ = NULL;
    164   }
    165 }
    167 bool ProcessIterator::CheckForNextProcess() {
    168   // TODO(port): skip processes owned by different UID
    170   dirent* slot = 0;
    171   const char* openparen;
    172   const char* closeparen;
    173   std::vector<std::string> cmd_line_args;
    175   // Arbitrarily guess that there will never be more than 200 non-process
    176   // files in /proc.  Hardy has 53.
    177   int skipped = 0;
    178   const int kSkipLimit = 200;
    179   while (skipped < kSkipLimit) {
    180     slot = readdir(procfs_dir_);
    181     // all done looking through /proc?
    182     if (!slot)
    183       return false;
    185     // If not a process, keep looking for one.
    186     bool notprocess = false;
    187     int i;
    188     for (i = 0; i < NAME_MAX && slot->d_name[i]; ++i) {
    189        if (!isdigit(slot->d_name[i])) {
    190          notprocess = true;
    191          break;
    192        }
    193     }
    194     if (i == NAME_MAX || notprocess) {
    195       skipped++;
    196       continue;
    197     }
    199     // Read the process's command line.
    200     std::string pid_string(slot->d_name);
    201     int pid;
    202     if (StringToInt(pid_string, &pid) && !GetProcCmdline(pid, &cmd_line_args))
    203       continue;
    205     // Read the process's status.
    206     char buf[NAME_MAX + 12];
    207     sprintf(buf, "/proc/%s/stat", slot->d_name);
    208     FILE *fp = fopen(buf, "r");
    209     if (!fp)
    210       continue;
    211     const char* result = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
    212     fclose(fp);
    213     if (!result)
    214       continue;
    216     // Parse the status.  It is formatted like this:
    217     // %d (%s) %c %d %d ...
    218     // pid (name) runstate ppid gid
    219     // To avoid being fooled by names containing a closing paren, scan
    220     // backwards.
    221     openparen = strchr(buf, '(');
    222     closeparen = strrchr(buf, ')');
    223     if (!openparen || !closeparen)
    224       continue;
    225     char runstate = closeparen[2];
    227     // Is the process in 'Zombie' state, i.e. dead but waiting to be reaped?
    228     // Allowed values: D R S T Z
    229     if (runstate != 'Z')
    230       break;
    232     // Nope, it's a zombie; somebody isn't cleaning up after their children.
    233     // (e.g. WaitForProcessesToExit doesn't clean up after dead children yet.)
    234     // There could be a lot of zombies, can't really decrement i here.
    235   }
    236   if (skipped >= kSkipLimit) {
    237     NOTREACHED();
    238     return false;
    239   }
    241   // This seems fragile.
    242   entry_.pid_ = atoi(slot->d_name);
    243   entry_.ppid_ = atoi(closeparen + 3);
    244   entry_.gid_ = atoi(strchr(closeparen + 4, ' '));
    246   entry_.cmd_line_args_.assign(cmd_line_args.begin(), cmd_line_args.end());
    248   // TODO(port): read pid's commandline's $0, like killall does.  Using the
    249   // short name between openparen and closeparen won't work for long names!
    250   int len = closeparen - openparen - 1;
    251   entry_.exe_file_.assign(openparen + 1, len);
    252   return true;
    253 }
    255 bool NamedProcessIterator::IncludeEntry() {
    256   if (executable_name_ != entry().exe_file())
    257     return false;
    258   return ProcessIterator::IncludeEntry();
    259 }
    262 // static
    263 ProcessMetrics* ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process) {
    264   return new ProcessMetrics(process);
    265 }
    267 // On linux, we return vsize.
    268 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPagefileUsage() const {
    269   std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
    270   if (!GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats))
    271     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get process stats.";
    272   const size_t kVmSize = 22;
    273   if (proc_stats.size() > kVmSize) {
    274     int vm_size;
    275     base::StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmSize], &vm_size);
    276     return static_cast<size_t>(vm_size);
    277   }
    278   return 0;
    279 }
    281 // On linux, we return the high water mark of vsize.
    282 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakPagefileUsage() const {
    283   std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
    284   if (!GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats))
    285     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get process stats.";
    286   const size_t kVmPeak = 21;
    287   if (proc_stats.size() > kVmPeak) {
    288     int vm_peak;
    289     if (base::StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmPeak], &vm_peak))
    290       return vm_peak;
    291   }
    292   return 0;
    293 }
    295 // On linux, we return RSS.
    296 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetSize() const {
    297   std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
    298   if (!GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats))
    299     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get process stats.";
    300   const size_t kVmRss = 23;
    301   if (proc_stats.size() > kVmRss) {
    302     int num_pages;
    303     if (base::StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmRss], &num_pages))
    304       return static_cast<size_t>(num_pages) * getpagesize();
    305   }
    306   return 0;
    307 }
    309 // On linux, we return the high water mark of RSS.
    310 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakWorkingSetSize() const {
    311   std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
    312   if (!GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats))
    313     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get process stats.";
    314   const size_t kVmHwm = 23;
    315   if (proc_stats.size() > kVmHwm) {
    316     int num_pages;
    317     base::StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmHwm], &num_pages);
    318     return static_cast<size_t>(num_pages) * getpagesize();
    319   }
    320   return 0;
    321 }
    323 bool ProcessMetrics::GetMemoryBytes(size_t* private_bytes,
    324                                     size_t* shared_bytes) {
    325   WorkingSetKBytes ws_usage;
    326   if (!GetWorkingSetKBytes(&ws_usage))
    327     return false;
    329   if (private_bytes)
    330     *private_bytes = ws_usage.priv << 10;
    332   if (shared_bytes)
    333     *shared_bytes = ws_usage.shared * 1024;
    335   return true;
    336 }
    338 // Private and Shared working set sizes are obtained from /proc/<pid>/smaps.
    339 // When that's not available, use the values from /proc<pid>/statm as a
    340 // close approximation.
    341 // See http://www.pixelbeat.org/scripts/ps_mem.py
    342 bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytes(WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage) const {
    343   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    344   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    346   FilePath proc_dir = FilePath("/proc").Append(base::IntToString(process_));
    347   std::string smaps;
    348   int private_kb = 0;
    349   int pss_kb = 0;
    350   bool have_pss = false;
    351   bool ret;
    353   {
    354     FilePath smaps_file = proc_dir.Append("smaps");
    355     // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    356     base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    357     ret = file_util::ReadFileToString(smaps_file, &smaps);
    358   }
    359   if (ret && smaps.length() > 0) {
    360     const std::string private_prefix = "Private_";
    361     const std::string pss_prefix = "Pss";
    362     StringTokenizer tokenizer(smaps, ":\n");
    363     StringPiece last_key_name;
    364     ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
    365     while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
    366       switch (state) {
    367         case KEY_NAME:
    368           last_key_name = tokenizer.token_piece();
    369           state = KEY_VALUE;
    370           break;
    371         case KEY_VALUE:
    372           if (last_key_name.empty()) {
    373             NOTREACHED();
    374             return false;
    375           }
    376           if (last_key_name.starts_with(private_prefix)) {
    377             int cur;
    378             base::StringToInt(tokenizer.token(), &cur);
    379             private_kb += cur;
    380           } else if (last_key_name.starts_with(pss_prefix)) {
    381             have_pss = true;
    382             int cur;
    383             base::StringToInt(tokenizer.token(), &cur);
    384             pss_kb += cur;
    385           }
    386           state = KEY_NAME;
    387           break;
    388       }
    389     }
    390   } else {
    391     // Try statm if smaps is empty because of the SUID sandbox.
    392     // First we need to get the page size though.
    393     int page_size_kb = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) / 1024;
    394     if (page_size_kb <= 0)
    395       return false;
    397     std::string statm;
    398     {
    399       FilePath statm_file = proc_dir.Append("statm");
    400       // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    401       base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    402       ret = file_util::ReadFileToString(statm_file, &statm);
    403     }
    404     if (!ret || statm.length() == 0)
    405       return false;
    407     std::vector<std::string> statm_vec;
    408     base::SplitString(statm, ' ', &statm_vec);
    409     if (statm_vec.size() != 7)
    410       return false;  // Not the format we expect.
    412     int statm1, statm2;
    413     base::StringToInt(statm_vec[1], &statm1);
    414     base::StringToInt(statm_vec[2], &statm2);
    415     private_kb = (statm1 - statm2) * page_size_kb;
    416   }
    417   ws_usage->priv = private_kb;
    418   // Sharable is not calculated, as it does not provide interesting data.
    419   ws_usage->shareable = 0;
    421   ws_usage->shared = 0;
    422   if (have_pss)
    423     ws_usage->shared = pss_kb;
    424   return true;
    425 }
    427 double ProcessMetrics::GetCPUUsage() {
    428   // This queries the /proc-specific scaling factor which is
    429   // conceptually the system hertz.  To dump this value on another
    430   // system, try
    431   //   od -t dL /proc/self/auxv
    432   // and look for the number after 17 in the output; mine is
    433   //   0000040          17         100           3   134512692
    434   // which means the answer is 100.
    435   // It may be the case that this value is always 100.
    436   static const int kHertz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
    438   struct timeval now;
    439   int retval = gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
    440   if (retval)
    441     return 0;
    442   int64 time = TimeValToMicroseconds(now);
    444   if (last_time_ == 0) {
    445     // First call, just set the last values.
    446     last_time_ = time;
    447     last_cpu_ = GetProcessCPU(process_);
    448     return 0;
    449   }
    451   int64 time_delta = time - last_time_;
    452   DCHECK_NE(time_delta, 0);
    453   if (time_delta == 0)
    454     return 0;
    456   int cpu = GetProcessCPU(process_);
    458   // We have the number of jiffies in the time period.  Convert to percentage.
    459   // Note this means we will go *over* 100 in the case where multiple threads
    460   // are together adding to more than one CPU's worth.
    461   int percentage = 100 * (cpu - last_cpu_) /
    462       (kHertz * TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(time_delta).InSecondsF());
    464   last_time_ = time;
    465   last_cpu_ = cpu;
    467   return percentage;
    468 }
    470 // To have /proc/self/io file you must enable CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING
    471 // in your kernel configuration.
    472 bool ProcessMetrics::GetIOCounters(IoCounters* io_counters) const {
    473   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    474   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    476   std::string proc_io_contents;
    477   FilePath io_file("/proc");
    478   io_file = io_file.Append(base::IntToString(process_));
    479   io_file = io_file.Append("io");
    480   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(io_file, &proc_io_contents))
    481     return false;
    483   (*io_counters).OtherOperationCount = 0;
    484   (*io_counters).OtherTransferCount = 0;
    486   StringTokenizer tokenizer(proc_io_contents, ": \n");
    487   ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
    488   std::string last_key_name;
    489   while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
    490     switch (state) {
    491       case KEY_NAME:
    492         last_key_name = tokenizer.token();
    493         state = KEY_VALUE;
    494         break;
    495       case KEY_VALUE:
    496         DCHECK(!last_key_name.empty());
    497         if (last_key_name == "syscr") {
    498           base::StringToInt64(tokenizer.token(),
    499               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).ReadOperationCount));
    500         } else if (last_key_name == "syscw") {
    501           base::StringToInt64(tokenizer.token(),
    502               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).WriteOperationCount));
    503         } else if (last_key_name == "rchar") {
    504           base::StringToInt64(tokenizer.token(),
    505               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).ReadTransferCount));
    506         } else if (last_key_name == "wchar") {
    507           base::StringToInt64(tokenizer.token(),
    508               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).WriteTransferCount));
    509         }
    510         state = KEY_NAME;
    511         break;
    512     }
    513   }
    514   return true;
    515 }
    517 ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process)
    518     : process_(process),
    519       last_time_(0),
    520       last_system_time_(0),
    521       last_cpu_(0) {
    522   processor_count_ = base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
    523 }
    526 // Exposed for testing.
    527 int ParseProcStatCPU(const std::string& input) {
    528   // /proc/<pid>/stat contains the process name in parens.  In case the
    529   // process name itself contains parens, skip past them.
    530   std::string::size_type rparen = input.rfind(')');
    531   if (rparen == std::string::npos)
    532     return -1;
    534   // From here, we expect a bunch of space-separated fields, where the
    535   // 0-indexed 11th and 12th are utime and stime.  On two different machines
    536   // I found 42 and 39 fields, so let's just expect the ones we need.
    537   std::vector<std::string> fields;
    538   base::SplitString(input.substr(rparen + 2), ' ', &fields);
    539   if (fields.size() < 13)
    540     return -1;  // Output not in the format we expect.
    542   int fields11, fields12;
    543   base::StringToInt(fields[11], &fields11);
    544   base::StringToInt(fields[12], &fields12);
    545   return fields11 + fields12;
    546 }
    548 namespace {
    550 // The format of /proc/meminfo is:
    551 //
    552 // MemTotal:      8235324 kB
    553 // MemFree:       1628304 kB
    554 // Buffers:        429596 kB
    555 // Cached:        4728232 kB
    556 // ...
    557 const size_t kMemTotalIndex = 1;
    558 const size_t kMemFreeIndex = 4;
    559 const size_t kMemBuffersIndex = 7;
    560 const size_t kMemCacheIndex = 10;
    562 }  // namespace
    564 size_t GetSystemCommitCharge() {
    565   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    566   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    568   // Used memory is: total - free - buffers - caches
    569   FilePath meminfo_file("/proc/meminfo");
    570   std::string meminfo_data;
    571   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(meminfo_file, &meminfo_data)) {
    572     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open /proc/meminfo.";
    573     return 0;
    574   }
    575   std::vector<std::string> meminfo_fields;
    576   SplitStringAlongWhitespace(meminfo_data, &meminfo_fields);
    578   if (meminfo_fields.size() < kMemCacheIndex) {
    579     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse /proc/meminfo.  Only found " <<
    580       meminfo_fields.size() << " fields.";
    581     return 0;
    582   }
    584   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemTotalIndex-1], "MemTotal:");
    585   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemFreeIndex-1], "MemFree:");
    586   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemBuffersIndex-1], "Buffers:");
    587   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemCacheIndex-1], "Cached:");
    589   int mem_total, mem_free, mem_buffers, mem_cache;
    590   base::StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemTotalIndex], &mem_total);
    591   base::StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemFreeIndex], &mem_free);
    592   base::StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemBuffersIndex], &mem_buffers);
    593   base::StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemCacheIndex], &mem_cache);
    595   return mem_total - mem_free - mem_buffers - mem_cache;
    596 }
    598 namespace {
    600 void OnNoMemorySize(size_t size) {
    601   if (size != 0)
    602     LOG(FATAL) << "Out of memory, size = " << size;
    603   LOG(FATAL) << "Out of memory.";
    604 }
    606 void OnNoMemory() {
    607   OnNoMemorySize(0);
    608 }
    610 }  // namespace
    612 extern "C" {
    613 #if !defined(USE_TCMALLOC)
    615 extern "C" {
    616 void* __libc_malloc(size_t size);
    617 void* __libc_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size);
    618 void* __libc_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
    619 void* __libc_valloc(size_t size);
    620 void* __libc_pvalloc(size_t size);
    621 void* __libc_memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size);
    622 }  // extern "C"
    624 // Overriding the system memory allocation functions:
    625 //
    626 // For security reasons, we want malloc failures to be fatal. Too much code
    627 // doesn't check for a NULL return value from malloc and unconditionally uses
    628 // the resulting pointer. If the first offset that they try to access is
    629 // attacker controlled, then the attacker can direct the code to access any
    630 // part of memory.
    631 //
    632 // Thus, we define all the standard malloc functions here and mark them as
    633 // visibility 'default'. This means that they replace the malloc functions for
    634 // all Chromium code and also for all code in shared libraries. There are tests
    635 // for this in process_util_unittest.cc.
    636 //
    637 // If we are using tcmalloc, then the problem is moot since tcmalloc handles
    638 // this for us. Thus this code is in a !defined(USE_TCMALLOC) block.
    639 //
    640 // We call the real libc functions in this code by using __libc_malloc etc.
    641 // Previously we tried using dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, ...) but that failed depending on
    642 // the link order. Since ld.so needs calloc during symbol resolution, it
    643 // defines its own versions of several of these functions in dl-minimal.c.
    644 // Depending on the runtime library order, dlsym ended up giving us those
    645 // functions and bad things happened. See crbug.com/31809
    646 //
    647 // This means that any code which calls __libc_* gets the raw libc versions of
    648 // these functions.
    650 #define DIE_ON_OOM_1(function_name) \
    651   void* function_name(size_t) __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))); \
    652   \
    653   void* function_name(size_t size) { \
    654     void* ret = __libc_##function_name(size); \
    655     if (ret == NULL && size != 0) \
    656       OnNoMemorySize(size); \
    657     return ret; \
    658   }
    660 #define DIE_ON_OOM_2(function_name, arg1_type) \
    661   void* function_name(arg1_type, size_t) \
    662       __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))); \
    663   \
    664   void* function_name(arg1_type arg1, size_t size) { \
    665     void* ret = __libc_##function_name(arg1, size); \
    666     if (ret == NULL && size != 0) \
    667       OnNoMemorySize(size); \
    668     return ret; \
    669   }
    671 DIE_ON_OOM_1(malloc)
    672 DIE_ON_OOM_1(valloc)
    673 DIE_ON_OOM_1(pvalloc)
    675 DIE_ON_OOM_2(calloc, size_t)
    676 DIE_ON_OOM_2(realloc, void*)
    677 DIE_ON_OOM_2(memalign, size_t)
    679 // posix_memalign has a unique signature and doesn't have a __libc_ variant.
    680 int posix_memalign(void** ptr, size_t alignment, size_t size)
    681     __attribute__ ((visibility("default")));
    683 int posix_memalign(void** ptr, size_t alignment, size_t size) {
    684   // This will use the safe version of memalign, above.
    685   *ptr = memalign(alignment, size);
    686   return 0;
    687 }
    689 #endif  // !defined(USE_TCMALLOC)
    690 }  // extern C
    692 void EnableTerminationOnOutOfMemory() {
    693   // Set the new-out of memory handler.
    694   std::set_new_handler(&OnNoMemory);
    695   // If we're using glibc's allocator, the above functions will override
    696   // malloc and friends and make them die on out of memory.
    697 }
    699 bool AdjustOOMScore(ProcessId process, int score) {
    700   if (score < 0 || score > 15)
    701     return false;
    703   FilePath oom_adj("/proc");
    704   oom_adj = oom_adj.Append(base::Int64ToString(process));
    705   oom_adj = oom_adj.AppendASCII("oom_adj");
    707   if (!file_util::PathExists(oom_adj))
    708     return false;
    710   std::string score_str = base::IntToString(score);
    711   return (static_cast<int>(score_str.length()) ==
    712           file_util::WriteFile(oom_adj, score_str.c_str(), score_str.length()));
    713 }
    715 }  // namespace base