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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Broadcom Corporation
      4  *
      5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  *  limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  ******************************************************************************/
     19 /******************************************************************************
     20  *
     21  *  NFA interface to NFCEE
     22  *
     23  ******************************************************************************/
     24 #ifndef NFA_EE_API_H
     25 #define NFA_EE_API_H
     27 #include "nfc_target.h"
     28 #include "nfa_api.h"
     29 #include "nfc_api.h"
     31 /*****************************************************************************
     32 **  Constants and data types
     33 *****************************************************************************/
     34 #define NFA_MAX_AID_LEN             NFC_MAX_AID_LEN /* 16 per ISO 7816 specification    */
     35 #define NFA_EE_HANDLE_DH            (NFA_HANDLE_GROUP_EE|NFC_DH_ID)
     37 /* NFA EE callback events */
     38 enum
     39 {
     40     NFA_EE_DISCOVER_EVT,        /* The status for NFA_EeDiscover ()                      */
     41     NFA_EE_REGISTER_EVT,        /* The status for NFA_EeRegister ()                      */
     42     NFA_EE_DEREGISTER_EVT,      /* The status for NFA_EeDeregister ()                    */
     43     NFA_EE_MODE_SET_EVT,        /* The status for activating or deactivating an NFCEE    */
     44     NFA_EE_ADD_AID_EVT,         /* The status for adding an AID to a routing table entry */
     45     NFA_EE_REMOVE_AID_EVT,      /* The status for removing an AID from a routing table   */
     46     NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT,    /* The status for setting the routing based on RF tech.  */
     47     NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT,   /* The status for setting the routing based on protocols */
     48     NFA_EE_CONNECT_EVT,         /* Result of NFA_EeConnect                               */
     49     NFA_EE_DATA_EVT,            /* Received data from NFCEE.                             */
     50     NFA_EE_DISCONNECT_EVT,      /* NFCEE connection closed.                              */
     51     NFA_EE_NEW_EE_EVT,          /* A new NFCEE is discovered                             */
     52     NFA_EE_ACTION_EVT,          /* An action happened in NFCEE                           */
     53     NFA_EE_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT,    /* NFCEE Discover Request Notification                   */
     54     NFA_EE_ROUT_ERR_EVT,        /* Error - exceed NFCC CE Routing size                   */
     55     NFA_EE_NO_MEM_ERR_EVT,      /* Error - out of GKI buffers                            */
     56     NFA_EE_NO_CB_ERR_EVT        /* Error - Can not find control block or wrong state     */
     57 };
     58 typedef UINT8 tNFA_EE_EVT;
     60 /* tNFA_NFCEE_INTERFACE values */
     61 #define NFA_EE_INTERFACE_APDU         NFC_NFCEE_INTERFACE_APDU          /* APDU Interface       */
     63 #define NFA_EE_INTERFACE_T3T          NFC_NFCEE_INTERFACE_T3T           /* T3T Command Interface*/
     66 typedef UINT8 tNFA_EE_INTERFACE;
     68 #define NFA_EE_TAG_HW_ID             NFC_NFCEE_TAG_HW_ID                /* HW/Registration ID   */
     69 #define NFA_EE_TAG_ATR_BYTES         NFC_NFCEE_TAG_ATR_BYTES            /* ATR Bytes            */
     70 #define NFA_EE_TAG_T3T_INFO          NFC_NFCEE_TAG_T3T_INFO             /* T3T Supplement. Info */
     71 #define NFA_EE_TAG_HCI_HOST_ID       NFC_NFCEE_TAG_HCI_HOST_ID          /* Broadcom Proprietary */
     72 typedef UINT8 tNFA_EE_TAG;
     74 /* for NFA_EeModeSet () */
     75 #define NFA_EE_MD_ACTIVATE          NFC_MODE_ACTIVATE
     77 typedef UINT8 tNFA_EE_MD;
     79 #define NFA_EE_PWR_STATE_ON         0x01    /* The device is on                 */
     80 #define NFA_EE_PWR_STATE_SWITCH_OFF 0x02    /* The device is switched off       */
     81 #define NFA_EE_PWR_STATE_BATT_OFF   0x04    /* The device's battery is removed  */
     82 #define NFA_EE_PWR_STATE_NONE       0       /* used to remove a particular technology or protocol based routing cfg of a handle from the routing table. */
     83 typedef UINT8 tNFA_EE_PWR_STATE;
     86 #define NFA_EE_STATUS_INACTIVE          NFC_NFCEE_STATUS_INACTIVE /* NFCEE connected and inactive */
     87 #define NFA_EE_STATUS_ACTIVE            NFC_NFCEE_STATUS_ACTIVE   /* NFCEE connected and active   */
     88 #define NFA_EE_STATUS_REMOVED           NFC_NFCEE_STATUS_REMOVED  /* NFCEE removed                */
     89 #define NFA_EE_STATUS_PENDING           0x10                      /* waiting for response from NFCC */
     92 typedef UINT8 tNFA_EE_STATUS;
     96 /* additional NFCEE Info */
     97 typedef struct
     98 {
     99     tNFA_EE_TAG             tag;
    100     UINT8                   len;
    101     UINT8                   info[NFC_MAX_EE_INFO];
    102 } tNFA_EE_TLV;
    104 typedef struct
    105 {
    106     tNFA_HANDLE         ee_handle;              /* handle for NFCEE oe DH   */
    107     tNFA_EE_STATUS      ee_status;              /* The NFCEE status         */
    108     UINT8               num_interface;          /* number of NFCEE interface*/
    109     tNFA_EE_INTERFACE   ee_interface[NFC_MAX_EE_INTERFACE];/* NFCEE supported interface */
    110     UINT8               num_tlvs;               /* number of TLVs           */
    111     tNFA_EE_TLV         ee_tlv[NFC_MAX_EE_TLVS];/* the TLV                  */
    112 } tNFA_EE_INFO;
    116 typedef struct
    117 {
    118     tNFA_STATUS         status;                         /* NFA_STATUS_OK is successful      */
    119     UINT8               num_ee;                         /* number of NFCEEs found           */
    120     tNFA_EE_INFO        ee_info[NFA_EE_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED];/*NFCEE information                */
    121 } tNFA_EE_DISCOVER;
    123 typedef struct
    124 {
    125     tNFA_HANDLE         ee_handle;      /* Handle of NFCEE                                  */
    126     tNFA_STATUS         status;         /* NFA_STATUS_OK is successful                      */
    127     tNFA_EE_INTERFACE   ee_interface;   /* NFCEE interface associated with this connection  */
    128 } tNFA_EE_CONNECT;
    130 #define NFA_EE_TRGR_SELECT              NFC_EE_TRIG_7816_SELECT  /* ISO 7816-4 SELECT command */
    131 #define NFA_EE_TRGR_RF_PROTOCOL         NFC_EE_TRIG_RF_PROTOCOL  /* RF Protocol changed       */
    132 #define NFA_EE_TRGR_RF_TECHNOLOGY       NFC_EE_TRIG_RF_TECHNOLOGY/* RF Technology changed     */
    133 #define NFA_EE_TRGR_APP_INIT            NFC_EE_TRIG_APP_INIT     /* Application initiation    */
    134 typedef tNFC_EE_TRIGGER tNFA_EE_TRIGGER;
    136 /* Union of NFCEE action parameter depending on the associated trigger */
    137 typedef union
    138 {
    139     tNFA_NFC_PROTOCOL   protocol;   /* NFA_EE_TRGR_RF_PROTOCOL: the protocol that triggers this event */
    140     tNFC_RF_TECH        technology; /* NFA_EE_TRGR_RF_TECHNOLOGY:the technology that triggers this event */
    141     tNFC_AID            aid;        /* NFA_EE_TRGR_SELECT      : the AID in the received SELECT AID command */
    142     tNFC_APP_INIT       app_init;   /* NFA_EE_TRGR_APP_INIT:     The information for the application initiated trigger */
    145 typedef struct
    146 {
    147     tNFA_HANDLE             ee_handle;      /* Handle of NFCEE                  */
    148     tNFA_EE_TRIGGER         trigger;        /* the trigger of this event        */
    149     tNFA_EE_ACTION_PARAM    param;
    150 } tNFA_EE_ACTION;
    152 typedef struct
    153 {
    154     tNFA_HANDLE         ee_handle;  /* Handle of NFCEE              */
    155     tNFA_STATUS         status;     /* NFA_STATUS_OK is successful  */
    156     tNFA_EE_STATUS      ee_status;  /* The NFCEE status             */
    157 } tNFA_EE_MODE_SET;
    159 typedef struct
    160 {
    161     tNFA_HANDLE         ee_handle;          /* Handle of MFCEE      */
    162     tNFA_NFC_PROTOCOL   la_protocol;        /* Listen A protocol    */
    163     tNFA_NFC_PROTOCOL   lb_protocol;        /* Listen B protocol    */
    164     tNFA_NFC_PROTOCOL   lf_protocol;        /* Listen F protocol    */
    165     tNFA_NFC_PROTOCOL   lbp_protocol;       /* Listen B' protocol   */
    168 /* Data for NFA_EE_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT */
    169 typedef struct
    170 {
    171     UINT8                   status;                         /* NFA_STATUS_OK if successful   */
    172     UINT8                   num_ee;                         /* number of MFCEE information   */
    173     tNFA_EE_DISCOVER_INFO   ee_disc_info[NFA_DM_MAX_UICC];  /* MFCEE DISCOVER Request info   */
    177 /* Union of all EE callback structures */
    178 typedef union
    179 {
    180     tNFA_STATUS             status;             /* NFA_STATUS_OK is successful; otherwise NFA_STATUS_FAILED */
    181     tNFA_DATA               data;
    182     tNFA_HANDLE             handle;
    183     tNFA_EE_DISCOVER        ee_discover;
    184     tNFA_STATUS             ee_register;
    185     tNFA_STATUS             deregister;
    186     tNFA_STATUS             add_aid;
    187     tNFA_STATUS             remove_aid;
    188     tNFA_STATUS             set_tech;
    189     tNFA_STATUS             set_proto;
    190     tNFA_EE_CONNECT         connect;
    191     tNFA_EE_ACTION          action;
    192     tNFA_EE_MODE_SET        mode_set;
    193     tNFA_EE_INFO            new_ee;
    194     tNFA_EE_DISCOVER_REQ    discover_req;
    195 } tNFA_EE_CBACK_DATA;
    198 /* EE callback */
    199 typedef void (tNFA_EE_CBACK) (tNFA_EE_EVT event, tNFA_EE_CBACK_DATA *p_data);
    201 /*****************************************************************************
    202 **  External Function Declarations
    203 *****************************************************************************/
    204 #ifdef __cplusplus
    205 extern "C"
    206 {
    207 #endif
    209 /*******************************************************************************
    210 **
    211 ** Function         NFA_EeDiscover
    212 **
    213 ** Description      This function retrieves the NFCEE information from NFCC.
    214 **                  The NFCEE information is reported in NFA_EE_DISCOVER_EVT.
    215 **
    216 **                  This function may be called when a system supports removable
    217 **                  NFCEEs,
    218 **
    219 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if information is retrieved successfully
    220 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED If wrong state (retry later)
    221 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    222 **
    223 *******************************************************************************/
    224 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeDiscover (tNFA_EE_CBACK *p_cback);
    226 /*******************************************************************************
    227 **
    228 ** Function         NFA_EeGetInfo
    229 **
    230 ** Description      This function retrieves the NFCEE information from NFA.
    231 **                  The actual number of NFCEE is returned in p_num_nfcee
    232 **                  and NFCEE information is returned in p_info
    233 **
    234 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if information is retrieved successfully
    235 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED If wrong state (retry later)
    236 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    237 **
    238 *******************************************************************************/
    239 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeGetInfo (UINT8        *p_num_nfcee,
    240                                           tNFA_EE_INFO *p_info);
    242 /*******************************************************************************
    243 **
    244 ** Function         NFA_EeRegister
    245 **
    246 ** Description      This function registers a callback function to receive the
    247 **                  events from NFA-EE module.
    248 **
    249 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    250 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    251 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    252 **
    253 *******************************************************************************/
    254 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeRegister (tNFA_EE_CBACK *p_cback);
    256 /*******************************************************************************
    257 **
    258 ** Function         NFA_EeDeregister
    259 **
    260 ** Description      This function de-registers the callback function
    261 **
    262 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    263 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    264 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    265 **
    266 *******************************************************************************/
    267 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeDeregister (tNFA_EE_CBACK *p_cback);
    269 /*******************************************************************************
    270 **
    271 ** Function         NFA_EeModeSet
    272 **
    273 ** Description      This function is called to activate (mode = NFA_EE_MD_ACTIVATE)
    274 **                  or deactivate (mode = NFA_EE_MD_DEACTIVATE) the NFCEE
    275 **                  identified by the given ee_handle. The result of this
    276 **                  operation is reported with the NFA_EE_MODE_SET_EVT.
    277 **
    278 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    279 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    280 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    281 **
    282 *******************************************************************************/
    283 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeModeSet (tNFA_HANDLE    ee_handle,
    284                                           tNFA_EE_MD     mode);
    287 /*******************************************************************************
    288 **
    289 ** Function         NFA_EeSetDefaultTechRouting
    290 **
    291 ** Description      This function is called to add, change or remove the
    292 **                  default routing based on RF technology in the listen mode
    293 **                  routing table for the given ee_handle. The status of this
    294 **                  operation is reported as the NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT.
    295 **
    296 ** Note:            If RF discovery is started, NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT
    297 **                  should happen before calling this function
    298 **
    299 ** Note:            NFA_EeUpdateNow() should be called after last NFA-EE function
    300 **                  to change the listen mode routing is called.
    301 **
    302 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    303 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    304 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    305 **
    306 *******************************************************************************/
    307 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeSetDefaultTechRouting (tNFA_HANDLE          ee_handle,
    308                                                         tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK technologies_switch_on,
    309                                                         tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK technologies_switch_off,
    310                                                         tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK technologies_battery_off);
    312 /*******************************************************************************
    313 **
    314 ** Function         NFA_EeSetDefaultProtoRouting
    315 **
    316 ** Description      This function is called to add, change or remove the
    317 **                  default routing based on Protocol in the listen mode routing
    318 **                  table for the given ee_handle. The status of this
    319 **                  operation is reported as the NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT.
    320 **
    321 ** Note:            If RF discovery is started, NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT
    322 **                  should happen before calling this function
    323 **
    324 ** Note:            NFA_EeUpdateNow() should be called after last NFA-EE function
    325 **                  to change the listen mode routing is called.
    326 **
    327 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    328 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    329 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    330 **
    331 *******************************************************************************/
    332 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeSetDefaultProtoRouting (tNFA_HANDLE         ee_handle,
    333                                                          tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK  protocols_switch_on,
    334                                                          tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK  protocols_switch_off,
    335                                                          tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK  protocols_battery_off);
    337 /*******************************************************************************
    338 **
    339 ** Function         NFA_EeAddAidRouting
    340 **
    341 ** Description      This function is called to add an AID entry in the
    342 **                  listen mode routing table in NFCC. The status of this
    343 **                  operation is reported as the NFA_EE_ADD_AID_EVT.
    344 **
    345 ** Note:            If RF discovery is started, NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT
    346 **                  should happen before calling this function
    347 **
    348 ** Note:            NFA_EeUpdateNow() should be called after last NFA-EE function
    349 **                  to change the listen mode routing is called.
    350 **
    351 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    352 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    353 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    354 **
    355 *******************************************************************************/
    356 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeAddAidRouting (tNFA_HANDLE          ee_handle,
    357                                                 UINT8                aid_len,
    358                                                 UINT8               *p_aid,
    359                                                 tNFA_EE_PWR_STATE    power_state);
    361 /*******************************************************************************
    362 **
    363 ** Function         NFA_EeRemoveAidRouting
    364 **
    365 ** Description      This function is called to remove the given AID entry from the
    366 **                  listen mode routing table. If the entry configures VS,
    367 **                  it is also removed. The status of this operation is reported
    368 **                  as the NFA_EE_REMOVE_AID_EVT.
    369 **
    370 ** Note:            If RF discovery is started, NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT
    371 **                  should happen before calling this function
    372 **
    373 ** Note:            NFA_EeUpdateNow() should be called after last NFA-EE function
    374 **                  to change the listen mode routing is called.
    375 **
    376 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    377 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    378 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    379 **
    380 *******************************************************************************/
    381 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeRemoveAidRouting (UINT8     aid_len,
    382                                                    UINT8    *p_aid);
    384 /*******************************************************************************
    385 **
    386 ** Function         NFA_EeUpdateNow
    387 **
    388 ** Description      This function is called to send the current listen mode
    389 **                  routing table and VS configuration to the NFCC
    390 **
    391 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    392 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    393 **
    394 *******************************************************************************/
    395 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeUpdateNow (void);
    397 /*******************************************************************************
    398 **
    399 ** Function         NFA_EeConnect
    400 **
    401 ** Description      Open connection to an NFCEE attached to the NFCC
    402 **
    403 **                  The status of this operation is
    404 **                  reported with the NFA_EE_CONNECT_EVT.
    405 **
    406 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    407 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    408 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    409 **
    410 *******************************************************************************/
    411 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeConnect (tNFA_HANDLE    ee_handle,
    412                                           UINT8          ee_interface,
    413                                           tNFA_EE_CBACK *p_cback);
    415 /*******************************************************************************
    416 **
    417 ** Function         NFA_EeSendData
    418 **
    419 ** Description      Send data to the given NFCEE.
    420 **                  This function shall be called after NFA_EE_CONNECT_EVT is reported
    421 **                  and before NFA_EeDisconnect is called on the given ee_handle.
    422 **
    423 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    424 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    425 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    426 **
    427 *******************************************************************************/
    428 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeSendData (tNFA_HANDLE  ee_handle,
    429                                            UINT16       data_len,
    430                                            UINT8       *p_data);
    432 /*******************************************************************************
    433 **
    434 ** Function         NFA_EeDisconnect
    435 **
    436 ** Description      Disconnect (if a connection is currently open) from an
    437 **                  NFCEE interface. The result of this operation is reported
    438 **                  with the NFA_EE_DISCONNECT_EVT.
    439 **
    440 ** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
    441 **                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
    442 **                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM If bad parameter
    443 **
    444 *******************************************************************************/
    445 NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_EeDisconnect (tNFA_HANDLE ee_handle);
    448 #ifdef __cplusplus
    449 }
    450 #endif
    452 #endif /* NFA_EE_API_H */