List of potential checkers

This page contains a list of potential checkers to implement in the static analyzer. If you are interested in contributing to the analyzer's development, this is a good resource to help you get started. The specific names of the checkers are subject to review, and are provided here as suggestions.


Name, DescriptionExampleProgress
(C, C++)

Memory may be never released, potential leak of memory
#include <stdlib.h>

int f() {};

void test() { 
  int *p1 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); // warn
  int *p2 = new int; // warn
  int x = f();
  if (x==1)
  delete p2;
enhancement to unix.Malloc
(C, C++)

Mismatched deallocation function is used
#include <stdlib.h>

void test() {
  int *p1 = new int;
  int *p2 = new int[1];

  free(p1); // warn
  free(p2); // warn
(C, C++)

Mismatched deallocation function is used
#include <stdlib.h>

void test() {
  int *p1 = new int;
  int *p2 = new int[1];
  int *p3 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));

  delete[] p1; // warn
  delete p2; // warn
  delete p3; // warn

Attempt to deallocate released memory
#include <new>

void test() {
  int *p1 = new int;
  int *p2 = new(p1) int;
  int *p3 = p1;
  delete p1;
  delete p1; // warn
  delete p2; // warn
  delete p3; // warn
enhancement to unix.Malloc
(C, C++)

Potential memory leak: a pointer to newly allocated data loses its original value
#include <stdlib.h>

void f(const int *);
void g(int *);

void test() {
  int *p1 = new int;
  p1++; // warn
  int *p2 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
  p2 = p1; // warn
  int *p3 = new int;
  p3++; // warn
  int *p4 = new int;
  p4++; // ok
done at r174678 (C case)
enhancement to unix.Malloc
(C, C++)

Deallocation function is applied to non-pointer
#include <stdlib.h>

class A {
  int *p;
  operator int *() { return p; }  

void test() {
  A a;
  delete a; // warn
  free(a); // warn
  const char *s = "text";
  delete s; // warn
  free(s); // warn
(C, C++)

Potential memory leak: argument evaluation order is undefined, g() may never be called
#include <stdlib.h>

void f1(int, int);
void f2(int*, int*);
int g(int *) { throw 1; };
int h();

void test() {
  f1(g(new int), h()); // warn
  f1(g((int *)malloc(sizeof(int))), h()); // warn
  f2(new int, new int);
(C, C++)

Destination buffer too small
#include <string.h>

void test() {
  const char* s1 = "abc";
  char *s2 = new char;
  strcpy(s2, s1); // warn

  int* p1 = new int[3];
  int* p2 = new int;
  memcpy(p2, p1, 3); // warn
enhancement to
(C, C++)

'n' is used to specify the buffer size may be negative
#include <stdlib.h>

void test() {
  int *p;
  int n1 = -1;
  p = new int[n1]; // warn


Name, DescriptionExampleProgress

It is dangerous to let an exception leave a destructor. Using try..catch will solve the problem.
void f();

class A {
  A() {}
  ~A() { throw 1; } // warn

Calls to functions inside a destructor that are known to throw exceptions is dangerous. Using try..catch will solve the problem.
void f() { throw 1; };

class A {
  A() {}
  ~A() { f(); } // warn


Name, DescriptionExampleProgress

Function prototype has throw(T) specifier but the function do not throw
void f() throw(int) { // warn

An exception is throw from a function having the throw() specifier
void f() throw() {
  throw(1); // warn

The type of a thrown exception differs from those specified in the throw(T) specifier
struct S{};
void f() throw(int) {
  S s;
  throw (s); // warn

smart pointers

Name, DescriptionExampleProgress

C++03: auto_ptr should store a pointer to an object obtained via new as allocated memory will be cleaned using delete
C++11: one should use unique_ptr<T[]> to keep a pointer to memory allocated by new[]
C++11: to keep a pointer to memory allocated by new[] in a shared_ptr one should use a custom deleter that calls delete[]
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory>

void test() {
  std::auto_ptr<int> p1(new int); // Ok
  std::auto_ptr<int> p2(new int[3]); // warn
         p3((int *)malloc(sizeof(int))); // warn

undefined behavior

Name, DescriptionExampleProgress

Undefined behavior: std::exit is called to end the program during the destruction of an object with static storage duration
#include <cstdlib>

class A {
  ~A() {
    std::exit(1); // warn

A a;

Undefined behavior: function containing a definition of static local object is called during the destruction of an object with static storage duration so that flow of control passes through the definition of the previously destroyed static local object
void f();

class A {
  ~A() {
    f(); // warn

class B {};

A a;

void f() {
  static B b; // <-
enhancement to unix.Malloc
(C, C++)

Pointer to deleted object is referenced (The effect of using an invalid pointer value is undefined)
#include <stdlib.h>

void test() {
  int *p = new int;
  delete p;
  int i = *p; // warn

enhancement to unix.Malloc
(C, C++)

The effect of dereferencing a pointer returned as a request for zero size is undefined
#include <stdlib.h>

int *p = new int[0];
int i = p[0]; // warn

Undefined behavior: the following usage of the pointer to the object whose lifetime has ended can result in undefined behavior
// C++03
#include <new>

class A {
  int i;
  void f() {};

class B : public A {

void test() {
  B *b = new B;
  new(b) A;
  b->i; // warn
  b->f(); // warn
  static_cast<A*>(b); // warn
  dynamic_cast<A*>(b); // warn
  delete b; // warn

// C++11
#include <new>

class A {
  int i;
  void f() {};

class B : public A {
  ~B() {};

void test() {
  A *a = new A;
  new(a) B;
  a->i; // warn
  a->f(); // warn
  B *b = new B;
  new(b) A;
  b->i; // warn
  b->f(); // warn
  static_cast<A*>(b); // warn
  dynamic_cast<A*>(b); // warn
  delete b; // warn

Undefined behavior: the program must ensure that an object occupies the same storage location when the implicit or explicit destructor call takes place
#include <new>

class T { };
struct B {

void test() {
  B *b1 = new B;
  B b2;
  new (b1) T;
  new (&b2) T;
  delete b1; // warn
} // warn
(C, C++03)

Undefined behavior: a scalar object shall have its stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an expression
void test () {
  int i = 0;
  int v[1] = {0};
  i = v[i++]; // warn
  i = ++i + 1; // warn

Undefined behavior: static declaration is re-entered while the object is being initialized
int test(int i) {
  static int s = test(2*i); // warn
  return i+1;
(C, C++)

Undefined behavior: const object is being modified
#include <stdlib.h>

class X {
public :
  mutable int i;
  int j;
class Y {
public :
  X x;

void test() {
  const int *ciq = 
    (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
  int *iq = const_cast<int *>(ciq);
  *iq = 1; // warn

  const Y y;
  Y* p = const_cast<Y*>(&y);
  p->x.i = 1; // ok
  p->x.j = 1; // warn

Undefined behavior: the destructor is invoked for an object whose lifetime has ended
class A {
  void f() {};
  A() {};
  ~A() {};

void test() {
  A a;
} // warn

Undefined behavior: calls member function but base not yet initialized
class A {
public :
  A(int );
class B : public A {
public :
  int f();
  B() : A(f()) {} // warn

C++ Undefined behavior: non-static member or base class of non-POD class type is referred before constructor begins execution
C++11 Undefined behavior: non-static member or base class of a class with a non-trivial constructor is referred before constructor begins execution
// C++03
struct POD { 
  int i; 

struct non_POD : public POD { 
  int j; 
  POD pod;

extern POD pod;
extern non_POD non_pod;

int *p1 = &non_pod.j; // warn
int *p2 = &non_pod.pod.i; // warn
int *p3 = &pod.i; // ok
POD *p4 = &non_pod; // warn

POD a;
non_POD b;

struct S {
  int *k;
  non_POD non_pod;
  S() : k(&non_pod.j) {} // warn

// C++11
struct trivial { 
  int i; 

struct non_trivial: public trivial { 
  non_trivial() {};
  int j; 
  trivial pod;

extern trivial t;
extern non_trivial nt;

int *p1 = &nt.j; // warn
int *p2 = &nt.i; // warn
int *p3 = &t.i; // ok
trivial *p4 = &nt;

trivial t;
non_trivial nt;

struct S {
  int *k;
  non_trivial nt;
  S() : k(&nt.j) {} // warn

C++03: Undefined behavior: non-static member of non-POD class type is referred after destructor ends execution
C++11: Undefined behavior: non-static member of a class with a non-trivial destructor is referred after destructor ends execution
// C++03
struct non_POD {
  virtual void f() {};

void test() {
  non_POD *non_pod = new non_POD();
  non_pod->f(); // warn

// C++11
struct S {
  ~S() {};
  void f() {};

void test() {
  S *s = new S();
  s->f(); // warn

Undefined behavior: call to virtual function of an object under construction whose type is neither the constructors own class or one of its bases
class A {
  virtual void f() {};

class B {
  B(A* a) { a->f(); } // warn

class C : public A, B {
  C() : B((A*)this) {}
undefbehavior.CtorForeignCast undefbehavior.CtorForeignTypeid

Undefined behavior: the operand of typeid/dynamic_cast is an object under construction whose type is neither the constructors own class or one of its bases
#include <typeinfo>

class A {
  virtual void f() {};

class B {
  B(A* a) { 
    typeid(*a); // warn
    dynamic_cast<B*>(a); //warn

class C : public A, B {
  C() : B((A*)this) {}
undefbehavior.MemberRefInCatch undefbehavior.BaseRefInCatch

Undefined behavior: referring to any non-static member or base class of an object in the handler for a function-try-block of a constructor or destructor for that object results in undefined behavior
class C {
  int i;
public :
  : i(1) {}
  catch (...)
    i=2; // warn

Undefined behavior: a function returns when control reaches the end of a handler. This results in undefined behavior in a value-returning function
int test() try {
catch(int) {
} // warn

Undefined behavior: if more than one auto_ptr owns the same object at the same time the behavior of the program is undefined.
#include <memory>

void test() {
  int *data = new int;
  std::auto_ptr<int> p(data);
  std::auto_ptr<int> q(data); // warn

Undefined behavior: out-of-bound basic_string access
void test() {
  std::basic_string<char> s;
  char c = s[10]; // warn

Undefined behavior: out-of-bound basic_string modification
void test() {
  std::basic_string<char> s;
  s[10] = 0; // warn

Undefined behavior: the result of operator*() on an end of stream is undefined
#include <vector>

void test() {
  std::vector<int> v;
  int i = *v.end(); // warn
  *v.end() = 0; // warn
undefbehavior.QsortNonPOD undefbehavior.QsortNonTrivial

C++03: Undefined behavior: the objects in the array passed to qsort are of non-POD type
C++11: Undefined behavior: the objects in the array passed to qsort are of non-trivial type
// C++03
#include <cstdlib>

struct non_POD {
  int i;
  non_POD(int ii) : i(ii) {}

non_POD values[] = { non_POD(2), non_POD(1) };

int compare(const void *a, 
            const void *b) {
  return ( (*(non_POD*)a).i -
           (*(non_POD*)b).i );

void test() {
  qsort(values, 2, sizeof(non_POD), 
        compare); // warn

// C++11
#include <cstdlib>

struct S {};

struct trivial_non_POD : public S {
  int i;

struct non_trivial {
  int i;
  non_trivial() {}

trivial_non_POD tnp[2];
non_trivial nt[2];

int compare1(const void *a, 
             const void *b) {
  return ( (*(trivial_non_POD *)a).i -
           (*(trivial_non_POD *)b).i );

int compare2(const void *a, 
             const void *b) {
  return ( (*(non_trivial *)a).i -
           (*(non_trivial *)b).i );

void test() {
  qsort(tnp, 2, sizeof(trivial_non_POD), 
        compare1); // ok
  qsort(nt, 2, sizeof(non_trivial), 
        compare2); // warn

Undefined behavior: copy constructor/assignment operator can throw an exception. The effects are undefined if an exception is thrown.
struct S {
  int i, j;
  S (const S &s) {
    i = s.i;
    throw 1; // warn
    j = s.j;
  S &operator=(const S &s) {
    i = s.i;
    throw 1; // warn
    j = s.j;

Undefined behavior: the value of the second argument is greater than the number of values pointed to by the first argument
#include <valarray>

struct S {
  int i;
  S(int ii) : i(ii) {};

void test(void) {
  S s[] = { S(1), S(2) };
  std::valarray<S> v(s,3); // warn

Undefined behavior: valarray operands are of different length
// C++03
#include <valarray>

void test(void) {
  std::valarray<int> a(0, 1), b(0, 2);
  std::valarray<bool> c(false, 1);
  a = b; // warn
  a *= b; // warn
  a = a * b; // warn
  c = a == b; // warn
  a = b; // OK

// C++11
#include <valarray>

void test(void) {
  std::valarray<int> a(0, 1), b(0, 2);
  std::valarray<bool> c(false, 1);
  a = b; // ok
  a *= b; // ok
  a = a * b; // warn
  c = a == b; // warn
  a = b; // OK

Undefined behavior: calling sum()/min()/max() method of an array having zero length, the behavior is undefined
#include <valarray>

void test(void) {
  std::valarray<int> v(0, 0);
  v.sum(); // warn
  v.min(); // warn
  v.max(); // warn

Undefined behavior: element N is specified more than once in the indirection
#include <valarray>

void test() {
  size_t addr[] = {0, 1, 1}; // N is 1
  std::valarray<size_t>indirect(addr, 3);
  std::valarray<int> a(0, 5), b(1, 3);
  a[indirect] = b; //warn
  a[indirect] *= b; //warn

Undefined behavior: ios_base object is destroyed before initialization have taken place. basic_ios::init should be call to initialize ios_base members
#include <ios>

using namespace std;
template <class T, class Traits = std::char_traits<T>>
class my_stream1 : public std::basic_ios<T, Traits> {

template <class T, class Traits = std::char_traits<T>>
class my_stream2 : public std::basic_ios<T, Traits> {
  class my_streambuf : public std::basic_streambuf<T, Traits> {
  my_stream2() {
    this->init(new my_streambuf);

void test() {
  my_stream1<char> *p1 = new my_stream1<char>
  my_stream2<char> *p2 = new my_stream2<char>
  delete p1; // warn
  delete p2; // ok

Undefined behavior: ios_base object is used before initialization have taken place. basic_ios::init should be call to initialize ios_base members
#include <ios>

using namespace std;
template <class T, class Traits = std::char_traits<T>>
class my_stream1 : public std::basic_ios<T, Traits> {

template <class T, class Traits = std::char_traits<T>>
class my_stream2 : public std::basic_ios<T, Traits> {
  class my_streambuf : public std::basic_streambuf<T, Traits> {
  my_stream2() {
    this->init(new my_streambuf);

void test() {
  my_stream1<char> *p1 = new my_stream1<char>
  my_stream2<char> *p2 = new my_stream2<char>
  p1->narrow('a', 'b'); // warn
  p2->narrow('a', 'b'); // ok
  delete p1; // warn
  delete p2; // ok

Undefined behavior: passing -1 to any streambuf/istream/ostream member that accepts a value of type traits::pos_type result in undefined behavior
#include <fstream>

class my_streambuf : public std::streambuf {
  void f() {
    seekpos(-1); // warn

void test() {
  std::filebuf fb;
  std::istream in(&fb);
  std::ostream out(&fb);
  std::filebuf::off_type pos(-1);
  in.seekg(pos); // warn
  out.seekp(-1); // warn


Name, DescriptionExampleProgress

Errors because of the order of evaluation of function arguments is undefined
void f(int, int);

void test() {
  int i = 0;
  int v[1] = {0};
  f(v[i], i++); // warn

There are identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of the operator
#define A 1
#define B 1

bool isNan(double d) { 
  return d != d; // ok

int f();

void test() {
  int i = 0;
  if (i != 0 && i != 0) {} // warn

  if(i == A || i == B) {} // ok

  if (++i != 0 && ++i != 0) {} // ok

  if (f() && f()) {} // ok

Possibly a function call should be used instead of a pointer to function
int f();

void test() {
  if (f == 0) {} // warn

The use of 'if (A) {...} else if (A) {...}' pattern was detected. There is a probability of logical error presence
void test() { 
  int i = 7;
  if (i == 1) {}
  else if (i == 1) {} // warn

Successive assign to a variable
void test() { 
  int i=0;
  i=2; // warn
enhancement to core.NullDereference

Dereferencing of the null pointer might take place. Checking the pointer for null should be performed first
struct S {
  int x;

S* f();

void test() {
  S *p1 = f();
  int x1 = p1->x; // warn
  if (p1) {};

  S *p2 = f();
  int x2 = p2->x; // ok
enhancement to core.NullDereference

Dereferencing of the null pointer might take place. Checking the pointer for null should be performed first
struct S{bool b;};

S* f();

void test() {
  S *p = f();
  if (p->b && p) {}; // warn

The 'else' statement is equivalent to the 'then' statement
void test() {
  int i;
  if (i==1) {
  else { // warn

multiple accessors met for 'class::field'
class A {
  int i;
  int j;
  int getI() { return i; }
  int getJ() { return i; } // warn
  void setI(int& ii) { i = ii; }
  void setJ(int& jj) { i = jj; } // warn

Accessors exist for 'class::field'. Should this field really be public?
class A {
  int i; // warn
  int getI() { return i; }
  void setI(int& ii) { i = ii; }
(C, C++)

Calling 'f' ignoring its return value is of no use (* create the list of known system/library/API functions falling into this category)
#include <vector>

void test() {
  std::vector<int> v;
  v.empty(); // warn
(C, C++)

Possibly wrong variable is used in the loop/cond-expression of the 'for' statement. Did you mean 'proper_variable_name'?
void test() {
  int i;
  int j;
  for (j=0; j<3; ++i); // warn
  for (int j=0; i<3; ++j); // warn

Comparing floating point numbers may be not precise
#include <math.h>

void test() {
  double b = sin(M_PI / 6.0);
  if (b == 0.5) // warn
    b = 0;
maybe merge with experimental.core.BoolAssignment
(C, C++)

Comparing boolean to a value other then 0 or 1
void test() {
  int i;
  if (0 < i < 3) {}; // warn
  bool b;
  if (b == 3) {}; // warn
maybe join with experimental.core.BoolAssignment
(C, C++)

bool value is used at the left/right part of the & (|) operator. Did you mean && (||) ?
int f();

void test() {
  bool b = true;
  if (b & f()) {} // warn

Possible misprint: label found inside the switch() statement. (* did you mean 'default'?)
void test() {
  int c = 7;
  case 1:
    c += 1; break;
  defalt: // warn
    c -= 1; break;

The conditions of two subsequent 'if' statements are identical
void test() {
  int c = 7;
  if (c > 5) // <-
    c += 1;
  if (c > 5) // warn
    c -= 1;

The return expressions of the '?:' operator are identical
void test() {
  unsigned a;
  a = a > 5 ? a : a; // warn

Using 'unary +' with unsigned is meaningless
void test() {
  unsigned a;
  a = +a; // warn

The second operand of the && operator has no impact on expression result
void test() {
  unsigned a;
  if (a<7 && a<10) {}; // warn

The expression always evaluates to true/false
void test() {
  int i=0;
  if (i!=0) {}; // warn
  if (i==0 && i==1) {}; // warn
  if (i<0 || i>=0) {}; // warn

Comparison of unsigned expression 'op expr' is always true/false
void test() {
  unsigned u;
  if (u < -1) {}; // warn
  if (u >= 0) {}; // warn

Comparison operation has higher precedence then assignment. Bool value is assigned to variable of type 'type'. Parenthesis may bee required around an assignment
int f();

void test() {
  bool b;
  int x, y;
  if((b = x != y)) {} // ok
  if((x = f() != y)) {} // warn

?: has lower precedence then <<
#include <iostream>

void test() {
  int a;
  std::cout << a ? "a" : "b"; // warn
  a << a>7 ? 1 : 2; // warn

The object was created but is not being used

The exception object was created but is not being used. Did you mean 'throw std::exception();'?
#include <exception>

struct S {
  int x, y;
  S(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy) {
  S(int xx) {
    S(xx, 0); // warn

void test() {
  S(0, 0); // warn
  std::exception(); // warn

Pointer to static array is being compared to NULL. May the subscripting is missing
void test() {
  int a1[1];
  if (a1 == 0) {}; // warn

  int a2[1][1];
  if (a2[0]) {}; // warn
maybe join with experimental.core.BoolAssignment
(C, C++)

Odd implicit conversion from 'type' to 'bool'
bool test() {
  return 1.; // warn
  return ""; // warn
enhancement to[v2]
(C, C++)

Out-of-bound dynamic array access
#include <stdlib.h>

void test() {
  int *p2 = new int[1];
  if(p2[1]) {}; // warn
  int i = 1;
  if(p2[i]) {}; // warn
enhancement to experimental.unix.cstring.OutOfBounds

Buffer copy without checking size of input
void test(char* string) {
  char buf[24];
  strcpy(buf, string); // warn

Integer overflow
#include <limits.h>

int f(int x) {
  return INT_MAX+1; // warn

void test() {
  int x = INT_MAX+1; // warn
  f(INT_MAX+1); // warn

  int y = INT_MAX/2+1; // warn
  x = y*2; // warn

Unexpected sign extension might take place
void f(unsigned int i);
int g();

unsigned int test() {
  long long sll;
  unsigned long long ull = sll; // warn
  long sl;
  unsigned long ul = sl; // warn
  int si;
  unsigned int ui = si; // warn
  short ss;
  unsigned short us = ss; // warn
  signed char sc;
  unsigned char uc = sc; // warn
  f(si); // warn
  ui = g(); // warn
  return si; // warn

Numeric truncation might take place
void f(int i);
int g();

int test() {
  unsigned long long ull;
  long long sll;
  unsigned long ul = ull; // warn
  long sl = sll; // warn
  unsigned int ui = ul; // warn
  int si = sl; // warn
  unsigned short us = ui; // warn
  short ss = si; // warn
  unsigned char uc = us; // warn
  signed char sc = uc; // warn
  f(sll); // warn
  ss = g(); // warn
  return sll; // warn
(C, C++)

The class has dynamically allocated data members but do not define a copy constructor/assignment operator
class C { // warn
  int *p; // <-
  C() { p = new int; }
  ~C() { delete p; }


Name, DescriptionExampleProgress

After calling CreateProcess(), ensure that process and thread handles get closed (* for the given example: examine data flow from pi, pi.hProcess and pi.hThread)
#include <windows.h>

void test() {
  BOOL fSuccess;
  fSuccess = CreateProcess(
    NULL, TEXT("MyProgram.exe"), NULL, NULL, 
    TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
} // warn

Calling LoadLibrary without a fully qualified path may allow to load a DLL from arbitrary location
#include <windows.h>

void test() {
  HINSTANCE h = LoadLibrary("X.dll"); // warn

Buffer overrun while calling WideCharToMultiByte
#include <windows.h>

void test() 
  wchar_t ws[] = L"abc";
  char s[3];
  int res1 = WideCharToMultiByte(
               CP_UTF8, 0, ws, -1, s, 
               3, NULL, NULL); // warn
  int res2 = WideCharToMultiByte(
               CP_UTF8, 0, ws, -1, s, 
               3, NULL, NULL); // ok
  if (res2 == sizeof(s))
    s[res2-1] = 0;
   s[res2] = 0;


Name, DescriptionExampleProgress
(C, C++)

Optimization: It is more effective to pass const n-th parameter by reference to avoid unnecessary object copying
struct A {
  int a[20];
  int b;

bool FirstIsZero(const struct A a) { // warn
  return a.a[0] == 0;

Optimization: It is more effective to use prefix ++ with iterator here
#include <vector>

void test() {
  std::vector<int> v;
  std::vector<int>::const_iterator it;
  for(it = v.begin(); 
      it != v.end(); it++) {}; // warn

Optimization: multiple calls to strlen for a given string in the given expression. It is more effective to hold strlen result in a temporary variable
#include <string.h>

void test() {
  const char* s = "abc";
  if (strlen(s) > 0 &&
      strlen(s) < 7) {}; // warn

Optimization: it is more efficient to use "str[0] != '\0'" to identify an empty string
#include <string.h>

void test() {
  const char* s = "abc";
  if (strlen(s) > 0) {}; // warn
(C, C++)

Optimization: it is more efficient to use string::length() method to calculate string length
#include <string>
#include <string.h>

void test() {
  std::string s;
  if (strlen(s.c_str()) != 0) {}; // warn
(C, C++)

Optimization: It is more efficient to use container.empty() to identify an empty container
#include <list>

void test() {
  std::list<int> l;
  if (l.size() != 0) {}; // warn