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      1 //===-- GraphWriter.cpp - Implements GraphWriter support routines ---------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file implements misc. GraphWriter support routines.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
     15 #include "llvm/Config/config.h"
     16 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
     17 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     18 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
     19 using namespace llvm;
     21 static cl::opt<bool> ViewBackground("view-background", cl::Hidden,
     22   cl::desc("Execute graph viewer in the background. Creates tmp file litter."));
     24 std::string llvm::DOT::EscapeString(const std::string &Label) {
     25   std::string Str(Label);
     26   for (unsigned i = 0; i != Str.length(); ++i)
     27   switch (Str[i]) {
     28     case '\n':
     29       Str.insert(Str.begin()+i, '\\');  // Escape character...
     30       ++i;
     31       Str[i] = 'n';
     32       break;
     33     case '\t':
     34       Str.insert(Str.begin()+i, ' ');  // Convert to two spaces
     35       ++i;
     36       Str[i] = ' ';
     37       break;
     38     case '\\':
     39       if (i+1 != Str.length())
     40         switch (Str[i+1]) {
     41           case 'l': continue; // don't disturb \l
     42           case '|': case '{': case '}':
     43             Str.erase(Str.begin()+i); continue;
     44           default: break;
     45         }
     46     case '{': case '}':
     47     case '<': case '>':
     48     case '|': case '"':
     49       Str.insert(Str.begin()+i, '\\');  // Escape character...
     50       ++i;  // don't infinite loop
     51       break;
     52   }
     53   return Str;
     54 }
     56 /// \brief Get a color string for this node number. Simply round-robin selects
     57 /// from a reasonable number of colors.
     58 StringRef llvm::DOT::getColorString(unsigned ColorNumber) {
     59   static const int NumColors = 20;
     60   static const char* Colors[NumColors] = {
     61     "aaaaaa", "aa0000", "00aa00", "aa5500", "0055ff", "aa00aa", "00aaaa",
     62     "555555", "ff5555", "55ff55", "ffff55", "5555ff", "ff55ff", "55ffff",
     63     "ffaaaa", "aaffaa", "ffffaa", "aaaaff", "ffaaff", "aaffff"};
     64   return Colors[ColorNumber % NumColors];
     65 }
     67 // Execute the graph viewer. Return true if successful.
     68 static bool LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED
     69 ExecGraphViewer(const sys::Path &ExecPath, std::vector<const char*> &args,
     70                 const sys::Path &Filename, bool wait, std::string &ErrMsg) {
     71   if (wait) {
     72     if (sys::Program::ExecuteAndWait(ExecPath, &args[0],0,0,0,0,&ErrMsg)) {
     73       errs() << "Error: " << ErrMsg << "\n";
     74       return false;
     75     }
     76     Filename.eraseFromDisk();
     77     errs() << " done. \n";
     78   }
     79   else {
     80     sys::Program::ExecuteNoWait(ExecPath, &args[0],0,0,0,&ErrMsg);
     81     errs() << "Remember to erase graph file: " << Filename.str() << "\n";
     82   }
     83   return true;
     84 }
     86 void llvm::DisplayGraph(const sys::Path &Filename, bool wait,
     87                         GraphProgram::Name program) {
     88   wait &= !ViewBackground;
     89   std::string ErrMsg;
     90 #if HAVE_GRAPHVIZ
     91   sys::Path Graphviz(LLVM_PATH_GRAPHVIZ);
     93   std::vector<const char*> args;
     94   args.push_back(Graphviz.c_str());
     95   args.push_back(Filename.c_str());
     96   args.push_back(0);
     98   errs() << "Running 'Graphviz' program... ";
     99   if (!ExecGraphViewer(Graphviz, args, Filename, wait, ErrMsg))
    100     return;
    102 #elif HAVE_XDOT_PY
    103   std::vector<const char*> args;
    104   args.push_back(LLVM_PATH_XDOT_PY);
    105   args.push_back(Filename.c_str());
    107   switch (program) {
    108   case GraphProgram::DOT:   args.push_back("-f"); args.push_back("dot"); break;
    109   case GraphProgram::FDP:   args.push_back("-f"); args.push_back("fdp"); break;
    110   case GraphProgram::NEATO: args.push_back("-f"); args.push_back("neato");break;
    111   case GraphProgram::TWOPI: args.push_back("-f"); args.push_back("twopi");break;
    112   case GraphProgram::CIRCO: args.push_back("-f"); args.push_back("circo");break;
    113   }
    115   args.push_back(0);
    117   errs() << "Running 'xdot.py' program... ";
    118   if (!ExecGraphViewer(sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_XDOT_PY), args, Filename, wait, ErrMsg))
    119     return;
    121 #elif (HAVE_GV && (HAVE_DOT || HAVE_FDP || HAVE_NEATO || \
    122                    HAVE_TWOPI || HAVE_CIRCO))
    123   sys::Path PSFilename = Filename;
    124   PSFilename.appendSuffix("ps");
    126   sys::Path prog;
    128   // Set default grapher
    129 #if HAVE_CIRCO
    130   prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_CIRCO);
    131 #endif
    132 #if HAVE_TWOPI
    133   prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_TWOPI);
    134 #endif
    135 #if HAVE_NEATO
    136   prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_NEATO);
    137 #endif
    138 #if HAVE_FDP
    139   prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_FDP);
    140 #endif
    141 #if HAVE_DOT
    142   prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_DOT);
    143 #endif
    145   // Find which program the user wants
    146 #if HAVE_DOT
    147   if (program == GraphProgram::DOT)
    148     prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_DOT);
    149 #endif
    150 #if (HAVE_FDP)
    151   if (program == GraphProgram::FDP)
    152     prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_FDP);
    153 #endif
    154 #if (HAVE_NEATO)
    155   if (program == GraphProgram::NEATO)
    156     prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_NEATO);
    157 #endif
    158 #if (HAVE_TWOPI)
    159   if (program == GraphProgram::TWOPI)
    160     prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_TWOPI);
    161 #endif
    162 #if (HAVE_CIRCO)
    163   if (program == GraphProgram::CIRCO)
    164     prog = sys::Path(LLVM_PATH_CIRCO);
    165 #endif
    167   std::vector<const char*> args;
    168   args.push_back(prog.c_str());
    169   args.push_back("-Tps");
    170   args.push_back("-Nfontname=Courier");
    171   args.push_back("-Gsize=7.5,10");
    172   args.push_back(Filename.c_str());
    173   args.push_back("-o");
    174   args.push_back(PSFilename.c_str());
    175   args.push_back(0);
    177   errs() << "Running '" << prog.str() << "' program... ";
    179   if (!ExecGraphViewer(prog, args, Filename, wait, ErrMsg))
    180     return;
    182   sys::Path gv(LLVM_PATH_GV);
    183   args.clear();
    184   args.push_back(gv.c_str());
    185   args.push_back(PSFilename.c_str());
    186   args.push_back("--spartan");
    187   args.push_back(0);
    189   ErrMsg.clear();
    190   if (!ExecGraphViewer(gv, args, PSFilename, wait, ErrMsg))
    191     return;
    193 #elif HAVE_DOTTY
    194   sys::Path dotty(LLVM_PATH_DOTTY);
    196   std::vector<const char*> args;
    197   args.push_back(dotty.c_str());
    198   args.push_back(Filename.c_str());
    199   args.push_back(0);
    201 // Dotty spawns another app and doesn't wait until it returns
    202 #if defined (__MINGW32__) || defined (_WINDOWS)
    203   wait = false;
    204 #endif
    205   errs() << "Running 'dotty' program... ";
    206   if (!ExecGraphViewer(dotty, args, Filename, wait, ErrMsg))
    207     return;
    208 #endif
    209 }