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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
     19 import android.content.SharedPreferences;
     20 import android.content.res.Configuration;
     21 import android.content.res.Resources;
     22 import android.util.Log;
     23 import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
     25 import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeySpecParser;
     26 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo;
     28 import java.util.ArrayList;
     29 import java.util.Arrays;
     31 /**
     32  * When you call the constructor of this class, you may want to change the current system locale by
     33  * using {@link LocaleUtils.RunInLocale}.
     34  */
     35 public final class SettingsValues {
     36     private static final String TAG = SettingsValues.class.getSimpleName();
     37     // "floatNegativeInfinity" is a special marker string for Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITE
     38     // currently used for auto-correction
     39     private static final String FLOAT_NEGATIVE_INFINITY_MARKER_STRING = "floatNegativeInfinity";
     41     // From resources:
     42     public final int mDelayUpdateOldSuggestions;
     43     public final int[] mSymbolsPrecededBySpace;
     44     public final int[] mSymbolsFollowedBySpace;
     45     public final int[] mWordConnectors;
     46     public final SuggestedWords mSuggestPuncList;
     47     public final String mWordSeparators;
     48     public final CharSequence mHintToSaveText;
     50     // From preferences, in the same order as xml/prefs.xml:
     51     public final boolean mAutoCap;
     52     public final boolean mVibrateOn;
     53     public final boolean mSoundOn;
     54     public final boolean mKeyPreviewPopupOn;
     55     private final String mVoiceMode;
     56     public final boolean mIncludesOtherImesInLanguageSwitchList;
     57     public final boolean mShowsLanguageSwitchKey;
     58     public final boolean mUseContactsDict;
     59     public final boolean mUseDoubleSpacePeriod;
     60     public final boolean mBlockPotentiallyOffensive;
     61     // Use bigrams to predict the next word when there is no input for it yet
     62     public final boolean mBigramPredictionEnabled;
     63     public final boolean mGestureInputEnabled;
     64     public final boolean mGesturePreviewTrailEnabled;
     65     public final boolean mGestureFloatingPreviewTextEnabled;
     66     public final boolean mSlidingKeyInputPreviewEnabled;
     67     public final int mKeyLongpressTimeout;
     69     // From the input box
     70     public final InputAttributes mInputAttributes;
     72     // Deduced settings
     73     public final int mKeypressVibrationDuration;
     74     public final float mKeypressSoundVolume;
     75     public final int mKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay;
     76     private final boolean mAutoCorrectEnabled;
     77     public final float mAutoCorrectionThreshold;
     78     public final boolean mCorrectionEnabled;
     79     public final int mSuggestionVisibility;
     80     private final boolean mVoiceKeyEnabled;
     81     private final boolean mVoiceKeyOnMain;
     83     // Debug settings
     84     public final boolean mIsInternal;
     86     public SettingsValues(final SharedPreferences prefs, final Resources res,
     87             final InputAttributes inputAttributes) {
     88         // Get the resources
     89         mDelayUpdateOldSuggestions = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_delay_update_old_suggestions);
     90         mSymbolsPrecededBySpace =
     91                 StringUtils.toCodePointArray(res.getString(R.string.symbols_preceded_by_space));
     92         Arrays.sort(mSymbolsPrecededBySpace);
     93         mSymbolsFollowedBySpace =
     94                 StringUtils.toCodePointArray(res.getString(R.string.symbols_followed_by_space));
     95         Arrays.sort(mSymbolsFollowedBySpace);
     96         mWordConnectors =
     97                 StringUtils.toCodePointArray(res.getString(R.string.symbols_word_connectors));
     98         Arrays.sort(mWordConnectors);
     99         final String[] suggestPuncsSpec = StringUtils.parseCsvString(res.getString(
    100                 R.string.suggested_punctuations));
    101         mSuggestPuncList = createSuggestPuncList(suggestPuncsSpec);
    102         mWordSeparators = res.getString(R.string.symbols_word_separators);
    103         mHintToSaveText = res.getText(R.string.hint_add_to_dictionary);
    105         // Store the input attributes
    106         if (null == inputAttributes) {
    107             mInputAttributes = new InputAttributes(null, false /* isFullscreenMode */);
    108         } else {
    109             mInputAttributes = inputAttributes;
    110         }
    112         // Get the settings preferences
    113         mAutoCap = prefs.getBoolean(Settings.PREF_AUTO_CAP, true);
    114         mVibrateOn = Settings.readVibrationEnabled(prefs, res);
    115         mSoundOn = Settings.readKeypressSoundEnabled(prefs, res);
    116         mKeyPreviewPopupOn = Settings.readKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(prefs, res);
    117         mSlidingKeyInputPreviewEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(
    118                 Settings.PREF_SLIDING_KEY_INPUT_PREVIEW, true);
    119         final String voiceModeMain = res.getString(R.string.voice_mode_main);
    120         final String voiceModeOff = res.getString(R.string.voice_mode_off);
    121         mVoiceMode = prefs.getString(Settings.PREF_VOICE_MODE, voiceModeMain);
    122         final String autoCorrectionThresholdRawValue = prefs.getString(
    123                 Settings.PREF_AUTO_CORRECTION_THRESHOLD,
    124                 res.getString(R.string.auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_modest));
    125         mIncludesOtherImesInLanguageSwitchList = prefs.getBoolean(
    126                 Settings.PREF_INCLUDE_OTHER_IMES_IN_LANGUAGE_SWITCH_LIST, false);
    127         mShowsLanguageSwitchKey = Settings.readShowsLanguageSwitchKey(prefs);
    128         mUseContactsDict = prefs.getBoolean(Settings.PREF_KEY_USE_CONTACTS_DICT, true);
    129         mUseDoubleSpacePeriod = prefs.getBoolean(Settings.PREF_KEY_USE_DOUBLE_SPACE_PERIOD, true);
    130         mBlockPotentiallyOffensive = Settings.readBlockPotentiallyOffensive(prefs, res);
    131         mAutoCorrectEnabled = Settings.readAutoCorrectEnabled(autoCorrectionThresholdRawValue, res);
    132         mBigramPredictionEnabled = readBigramPredictionEnabled(prefs, res);
    134         // Compute other readable settings
    135         mKeyLongpressTimeout = Settings.readKeyLongpressTimeout(prefs, res);
    136         mKeypressVibrationDuration = Settings.readKeypressVibrationDuration(prefs, res);
    137         mKeypressSoundVolume = Settings.readKeypressSoundVolume(prefs, res);
    138         mKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay = Settings.readKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay(prefs, res);
    139         mAutoCorrectionThreshold = readAutoCorrectionThreshold(res,
    140                 autoCorrectionThresholdRawValue);
    141         mVoiceKeyEnabled = mVoiceMode != null && !mVoiceMode.equals(voiceModeOff);
    142         mVoiceKeyOnMain = mVoiceMode != null && mVoiceMode.equals(voiceModeMain);
    143         mGestureInputEnabled = Settings.readGestureInputEnabled(prefs, res);
    144         mGesturePreviewTrailEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(Settings.PREF_GESTURE_PREVIEW_TRAIL, true);
    145         mGestureFloatingPreviewTextEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(
    146                 Settings.PREF_GESTURE_FLOATING_PREVIEW_TEXT, true);
    147         mCorrectionEnabled = mAutoCorrectEnabled && !mInputAttributes.mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect;
    148         final String showSuggestionsSetting = prefs.getString(
    149                 Settings.PREF_SHOW_SUGGESTIONS_SETTING,
    150                 res.getString(R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_default_value));
    151         mSuggestionVisibility = createSuggestionVisibility(res, showSuggestionsSetting);
    152         mIsInternal = Settings.isInternal(prefs);
    153     }
    155     public boolean isApplicationSpecifiedCompletionsOn() {
    156         return mInputAttributes.mApplicationSpecifiedCompletionOn;
    157     }
    159     public boolean isSuggestionsRequested(final int displayOrientation) {
    160         return mInputAttributes.mIsSettingsSuggestionStripOn
    161                 && (mCorrectionEnabled
    162                         || isSuggestionStripVisibleInOrientation(displayOrientation));
    163     }
    165     public boolean isSuggestionStripVisibleInOrientation(final int orientation) {
    166         return (mSuggestionVisibility == SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_SHOW_VALUE)
    167                 || (mSuggestionVisibility == SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_SHOW_ONLY_PORTRAIT_VALUE
    168                         && orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
    169     }
    171     public boolean isWordSeparator(final int code) {
    172         return mWordSeparators.contains(String.valueOf((char)code));
    173     }
    175     public boolean isWordConnector(final int code) {
    176         return Arrays.binarySearch(mWordConnectors, code) >= 0;
    177     }
    179     public boolean isUsuallyPrecededBySpace(final int code) {
    180         return Arrays.binarySearch(mSymbolsPrecededBySpace, code) >= 0;
    181     }
    183     public boolean isUsuallyFollowedBySpace(final int code) {
    184         return Arrays.binarySearch(mSymbolsFollowedBySpace, code) >= 0;
    185     }
    187     public boolean shouldInsertSpacesAutomatically() {
    188         return mInputAttributes.mShouldInsertSpacesAutomatically;
    189     }
    191     public boolean isVoiceKeyEnabled(final EditorInfo editorInfo) {
    192         final boolean shortcutImeEnabled = SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance().isShortcutImeEnabled();
    193         final int inputType = (editorInfo != null) ? editorInfo.inputType : 0;
    194         return shortcutImeEnabled && mVoiceKeyEnabled
    195                 && !InputTypeUtils.isPasswordInputType(inputType);
    196     }
    198     public boolean isVoiceKeyOnMain() {
    199         return mVoiceKeyOnMain;
    200     }
    202     public boolean isLanguageSwitchKeyEnabled() {
    203         if (!mShowsLanguageSwitchKey) {
    204             return false;
    205         }
    206         final RichInputMethodManager imm = RichInputMethodManager.getInstance();
    207         if (mIncludesOtherImesInLanguageSwitchList) {
    208             return imm.hasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes(false /* include aux subtypes */);
    209         } else {
    210             return imm.hasMultipleEnabledSubtypesInThisIme(false /* include aux subtypes */);
    211         }
    212     }
    214     public boolean isSameInputType(final EditorInfo editorInfo) {
    215         return mInputAttributes.isSameInputType(editorInfo);
    216     }
    218     // Helper functions to create member values.
    219     private static SuggestedWords createSuggestPuncList(final String[] puncs) {
    220         final ArrayList<SuggestedWordInfo> puncList = CollectionUtils.newArrayList();
    221         if (puncs != null) {
    222             for (final String puncSpec : puncs) {
    223                 // TODO: Stop using KeySpceParser.getLabel().
    224                 puncList.add(new SuggestedWordInfo(KeySpecParser.getLabel(puncSpec),
    225                         SuggestedWordInfo.MAX_SCORE, SuggestedWordInfo.KIND_HARDCODED,
    226                         Dictionary.TYPE_HARDCODED));
    227             }
    228         }
    229         return new SuggestedWords(puncList,
    230                 false /* typedWordValid */,
    231                 false /* hasAutoCorrectionCandidate */,
    232                 true /* isPunctuationSuggestions */,
    233                 false /* isObsoleteSuggestions */,
    234                 false /* isPrediction */);
    235     }
    237     private static final int SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_SHOW_VALUE =
    238             R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_value;
    239     private static final int SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_SHOW_ONLY_PORTRAIT_VALUE =
    240             R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_value;
    241     private static final int SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_HIDE_VALUE =
    242             R.string.prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_value;
    243     private static final int[] SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_VALUE_ARRAY = new int[] {
    247     };
    249     private static int createSuggestionVisibility(final Resources res,
    250             final String suggestionVisiblityStr) {
    251         for (int visibility : SUGGESTION_VISIBILITY_VALUE_ARRAY) {
    252             if (suggestionVisiblityStr.equals(res.getString(visibility))) {
    253                 return visibility;
    254             }
    255         }
    256         throw new RuntimeException("Bug: visibility string is not configured correctly");
    257     }
    259     private static boolean readBigramPredictionEnabled(final SharedPreferences prefs,
    260             final Resources res) {
    261         return prefs.getBoolean(Settings.PREF_BIGRAM_PREDICTIONS, res.getBoolean(
    262                 R.bool.config_default_next_word_prediction));
    263     }
    265     private static float readAutoCorrectionThreshold(final Resources res,
    266             final String currentAutoCorrectionSetting) {
    267         final String[] autoCorrectionThresholdValues = res.getStringArray(
    268                 R.array.auto_correction_threshold_values);
    269         // When autoCorrectionThreshold is greater than 1.0, it's like auto correction is off.
    270         float autoCorrectionThreshold = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    271         try {
    272             final int arrayIndex = Integer.valueOf(currentAutoCorrectionSetting);
    273             if (arrayIndex >= 0 && arrayIndex < autoCorrectionThresholdValues.length) {
    274                 final String val = autoCorrectionThresholdValues[arrayIndex];
    275                 if (FLOAT_NEGATIVE_INFINITY_MARKER_STRING.equals(val)) {
    276                     autoCorrectionThreshold = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    277                 } else {
    278                     autoCorrectionThreshold = Float.parseFloat(val);
    279                 }
    280             }
    281         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    282             // Whenever the threshold settings are correct, never come here.
    283             autoCorrectionThreshold = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    284             Log.w(TAG, "Cannot load auto correction threshold setting."
    285                     + " currentAutoCorrectionSetting: " + currentAutoCorrectionSetting
    286                     + ", autoCorrectionThresholdValues: "
    287                     + Arrays.toString(autoCorrectionThresholdValues), e);
    288         }
    289         return autoCorrectionThreshold;
    290     }
    291 }