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      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     16 #
     18 . `dirname $0`/prebuilt-common.sh
     19 PROGDIR=`dirname $0`
     20 PROGNAME=`basename $0`
     22 if [ -z "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ] ; then
     23     echo "ERROR: The environment variable ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT is not defined!"
     24 fi
     26 # This sets HOST_TAG to linux-x86 or darwin-x86 on 64-bit systems
     27 force_32bit_binaries
     29 # We need to extract the auto-detected platform level to display it in
     30 # the help. Do not barf if we can't do it right now, to keep --help working
     31 # in this case.
     32 #
     33 BUILD_PROP=$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/build.prop
     34 if [ ! -f "$BUILD_PROP" ] ; then
     35     # Use this as default if the build.prop file does not exist
     36     # We will generate an error after the extract_parameters call
     37     # in this specific case, but we want --help to work before that.
     38     PLATFORM=9
     39 else
     40     PLATFORM=`awk -F '=' '$1 == "ro.build.version.sdk" { print $2; }' $BUILD_PROP`
     41     if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
     42         dump "WARNING: Could not extract default platform level from $BUILD_PROP!"
     43         PLATFORM=9
     44         dump "Defaulting to $PLATFORM"
     45     fi
     46 fi
     48 PROGRAM_PARAMETERS="<level> [<level2>...]"
     50 "This script is used to update the NDK's platform headers and system libraries
     51 from those generated after a full build of the Android platform. Run it after
     52 modifying and rebuilding one of the public libraries exposed through the NDK.
     54 The first parameter must be a platform/API level. For example, to update the
     55 NDK definitions for the 'android-9' platform, use one of:
     57     $PROGNAME android-9
     58     $PROGNAME 9
     60 You can also use several values to update several levels at once, e.g.:
     64 NOTE: The currently auto-detected API level for your build is $PLATFORM,
     65       but this value may be incorrect if your platform has not been assigned
     66       a new API level yet.
     68 This script is really in charge of the following tasks:
     70   1/ Import system headers from \$ANDROID/framework/base/ and other
     71      locations in the full system source tree.
     73   2/ Locate system shared libraries from \$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/lib
     74      and convert them into small \"shell\" .so files that only export the
     75      same functions and variables. These can be used with the NDK at link
     76      time, are much smaller, and also do not require the use of special
     77      linker flags when used with the standalone NDK toolchain
     78      (i.e. -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined)
     80   3/ For each shared library, also generate a list of symbols exported
     81      by the shell. This makes it easier to see with 'git diff' which
     82      symbols were added (or even removed) since the last invocation.
     84   4/ Copy a few system static libraries (libc.a, libm.a, etc...) used
     85      to generate static executables. As well as a few key object files
     86      required by the C runtime (e.g. crtbegin_dynamic.o), when needed.
     88 By default, all files are placed under \$ANDROID/development/ndk
     89 but you can override this with the --out-dir=<path> option.
     91 By default, the build-specific platform/API level is autodetected, and
     92 only the files under \$ANDROID_ROOT/development/ndk/platforms/android-<level>/
     93 will be affected. This ensures you don't accidentally overwrite files
     94 corresponding to previous releases.
     95 "
     97 ARCH=arm
     98 register_var_option "--arch=<name>" ARCH "Specify architecture name."
    100 FORCE=no
    101 register_var_option "--force" FORCE "Force-copy all files."
    103 DEVDIR="$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/../development/ndk"
    104 if [ -d "$DEVDIR" ] ; then
    105     OUT_DIR=`cd $DEVDIR && pwd`
    106 else
    107     OUT_DIR=
    108 fi
    109 register_var_option "--out-dir=<path>" OUT_DIR "Specify output directory."
    112 register_var_option "--toolchain-prefix=<path>" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "Path and prefix for the toolchain"
    113 log "Toolchain prefix: $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX"
    115 extract_parameters "$@"
    117 if [ -z "$PARAMETERS" ] ; then
    118     dump "ERROR: Missing required API/platform level. See --help for usage instructions."
    119     exit 1
    120 fi
    122 # Normalize platform names, i.e. get rid of android- prefix in a list of
    123 # platform levels
    124 #
    125 #  3 android-4 foo-5 -> 3 4 foo-5  (foo-5 is invalid name)
    126 #
    127 # $1: list of platform levels
    128 #
    129 normalize_platforms ()
    130 {
    131     local RET=$(echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e 's!android-!!g' | tr '\n' ' ')
    132     echo ${RET%% }
    133 }
    135 PLATFORMS=`normalize_platforms $PARAMETERS`
    136 log "Target platform levels: $PLATFORMS"
    138 if [ "$FORCE" = "yes" ] ;then
    139     # We can't accept several platform levels in --force mode.
    140     NUM_PLATFORMS=$(echo $PLATFORMS | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l)
    141     if [ "$NUM_PLATFORMS" != 1 ]; then
    142         echo "ERROR: You can only use a single platform level when using --force ($NUM_PLATFORMS)"
    143         exit 1
    144     fi
    145 fi
    147 # Return the list of files under a given directory
    148 # $1: directory
    149 # $2: (optional) file patterns
    150 list_regular_files_in ()
    151 {
    152     local DIR="$1"
    153     shift
    154     local PATTERNS="$@"
    155     if [ -z "$PATTERNS" ]; then
    156         PATTERNS="."
    157     fi
    158     cd "$DIR" && find $PATTERNS -type f | sed -e 's!^./!!g'
    159 }
    161 # Check that a given platform level was listed on the command line
    162 # $1: Platform numerical level (e.g. '3')
    163 # returns true if the platform is listed
    164 platform_check ()
    165 {
    166     if [ "$FORCE" = "yes" ]; then
    167         PLATFORM_ROOT="$OUT_DIR/platforms/android-$PLATFORMS/arch-$ARCH"
    168         log "Platform root (forced): $PLATFORM_ROOT"
    169         return 0
    170     fi
    171     echo "$PLATFORMS" | tr ' ' '\n' | fgrep -q "$1"
    172     if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
    173         # Not listed, return an error code for 'if'
    174         return 1
    175     else
    176         PLATFORM_ROOT="$OUT_DIR/platforms/android-$1/arch-$ARCH"
    177         log "Platform root: $PLATFORM_ROOT"
    178         return 0
    179     fi
    180 }
    182 # Determine Android build tree root
    183 ANDROID_ROOT=`cd $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/../../../.. && pwd`
    184 log "Android build tree root: $ANDROID_ROOT"
    185 log "Android product out: $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT"
    187 case $ARCH in
    188     arm)
    191         ;;
    192     x86)
    195         ;;
    196     mips)
    199         ;;
    200     *)
    201         echo "ERROR: Unsupported architecture: $ARCH"
    202         exit 1
    203 esac
    205 if [ -z "$TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX" ]; then
    206     TOOLCHAIN_NAME=$(get_default_toolchain_name_for_arch $ARCH)
    207     TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=$(get_default_toolchain_prefix_for_arch $ARCH)
    210     if [ -z "$TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX" ]; then
    211         echo "ERROR: Unsupported architecture"
    212         exit 1
    213     fi
    214     echo "Autoconfig: --toolchain-prefix=$TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX"
    215 fi
    217 if [ ! -d "$(dirname $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX)" ]; then
    218     echo "ERROR: Toolchain not installed, missing directory: $(dirname $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX)"
    219     exit 1
    220 fi
    222 if [ ! -f "$TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-readelf" ]; then
    223     echo "ERROR: Toolchain not installed, missing program: $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-readelf"
    224     exit 1
    225 fi
    227 if [ -z "$OUT_DIR" ] ; then
    228     dump "ERROR: Could not find valid output directory (e.g. \$NDK/../development/ndk)."
    229     dump "Please use --out-dir=<path> to specify one!"
    230     exit 1
    231 fi
    233 # Check the platform value and set PLATFORM_ROOT
    234 #
    236 # Normalize the value: android-3 -> android-3   3 -> android-3
    237 PLATFORM=${PLATFORM##android-}
    238 PLATFORM=android-$PLATFORM
    241 # Temp file used to list shared library symbol exclusions
    242 # See set_symbol_excludes and extract_shared_library_xxxx functions below
    243 SYMBOL_EXCLUDES=/tmp/ndk-$USER/ndk-symbol-excludes.txt
    245 # Temp file used to list shared library symbol inclusions, these
    246 # are essentially overrides to the content of SYMBOL_EXCLUDES
    247 SYMBOL_INCLUDES=/tmp/ndk-$USER/ndk-symbol-includes.txt
    249 # Reset the symbol exclusion list to its default
    250 reset_symbol_excludes ()
    251 {
    252     # By default, do not export C++ mangled symbol, which all start with _Z
    253     echo '^_Z' > $SYMBOL_EXCLUDES
    254     > $SYMBOL_INCLUDES
    255 }
    257 # Add new exclusion patterns to SYMBOL_EXCLUDES
    258 set_symbol_excludes ()
    259 {
    260     (echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n') >> $SYMBOL_EXCLUDES
    261 }
    263 # Add new inclusion patterns to SYMBOL_INCLUDES
    264 set_symbol_includes ()
    265 {
    266     (echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n') >> $SYMBOL_INCLUDES
    267 }
    269 # Clear symbol exclusion/inclusion files
    270 clear_symbol_excludes ()
    271 {
    273 }
    275 # Filter the list of symbols from a file
    276 # $1: path to symbol list file
    277 filter_symbols ()
    278 {
    279     (grep -v -f $SYMBOL_EXCLUDES $1 ; grep -f $SYMBOL_INCLUDES $1) | sort -u
    280 }
    282 #
    283 # Dump the list of dynamic functions exported by a given shared library
    284 # $1: Path to shared library object
    285 extract_shared_library_functions ()
    286 {
    287     $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-readelf -s -D -W $1 | awk '$5 ~ /FUNC/ && $6 ~ /GLOBAL/ && $8 !~ /UND/ { print $9; }' > $TMPC
    288     filter_symbols $TMPC
    289 }
    291 # Dump the list of global variables exposed by a given shared library
    292 # $1: Path to shared library object
    293 extract_shared_library_variables ()
    294 {
    295     $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-readelf -s -D -W $1 | awk '$5 ~ /OBJECT/ && $6 ~ /GLOBAL/ && $8 !~ /UND/ { print $9; }' > $TMPC
    296     filter_symbols $TMPC
    297 }
    299 # Generate link library, i.e. a special tiny shell .so that exports the
    300 # same symbols as a reference shared library, and can be used during
    301 # link with the NDK toolchain.
    302 #
    303 # Having these shells allows two things:
    304 #
    305 # - Reduce the size of the NDK release package (some libs are very large)
    306 # - Use the standalone toolchain without -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined
    307 #
    308 # Note that the list of symbols for each generated library is stored
    309 # under arch-$ARCH/symbols/<libname>.txt
    310 #
    311 # $1: Path to reference shared library
    312 # $2: Path to output shared library (can be the same as $1)
    313 #
    314 generate_shell_library ()
    315 {
    316     # First, extract the list of functions and variables exported by the
    317     # reference library.
    318     local funcs="`extract_shared_library_functions $1`"
    319     local vars="`extract_shared_library_variables $1`"
    320     local numfuncs=`echo $funcs | wc -w`
    321     local numvars=`echo $vars | wc -w`
    322     dump "Generating shell library for `basename $1` ($numfuncs functions + $numvars variables)"
    324     # Now generate a small C source file that contains similarly-named stubs
    325     echo "/* Auto-generated file, do not edit */" > $TMPC
    326     local func var
    327     for func in $funcs; do
    328         echo "void $func(void) {}" >> $TMPC
    329     done
    330     for var in $vars; do
    331         echo "int $var;" >> $TMPC
    332     done
    334     # Build it with our cross-compiler. It will complain about conflicting
    335     # types for built-in functions, so just shut it up.
    336     $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-gcc -Wl,-shared,-Bsymbolic -nostdlib -o $TMPO $TMPC 1>/dev/null 2>&1
    337     if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
    338         dump "ERROR: Can't generate shell library for: $1"
    339         dump "See the content of $TMPC for details."
    340         exit 1
    341     fi
    343     # Sanity check: the generated shared library must export the same
    344     # functions and variables, or something is really rotten!
    345     local newfuncs="`extract_shared_library_functions $TMPO`"
    346     local newvars="`extract_shared_library_variables $TMPO`"
    347     if [ "$newfuncs" != "$funcs" ] ; then
    348         dump "ERROR: mismatch in generated functions list"
    349         exit 1
    350     fi
    351     if [ "$newvars" != "$vars" ] ; then
    352         dump "ERROR: mismatch in generated variables list"
    353         exit 1
    354     fi
    356     # Copy to our destination now
    357     local libdir=`dirname "$2"`
    358     mkdir -p "$libdir" && cp -f $TMPO "$2"
    359     if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
    360         dump "ERROR: Can't copy shell library for: $1"
    361         dump "target location is: $2"
    362         exit 1
    363     fi
    365     # Write the functions and variables to a symbols file now
    366     local symdir=`dirname "$libdir"`/symbols
    367     local symfile="$symdir/`basename $1.txt`"
    369     dump "Generating symbol file: $symfile"
    370     mkdir -p "$symdir" && > $symfile
    371     (echo "$funcs" | tr ' ' '\n') >>     $symfile
    372     (echo "$vars" | tr ' ' '\n') >> $symfile
    374     # Clear the export exclusion list
    375     reset_symbol_excludes
    376 }
    378 # 'Copy' a given system library. This really reads the shared library to
    379 # to generate a small shell version that will be installed at the destination
    380 # $1: Library name (e.g. libEGL.so)
    381 #
    382 copy_system_shared_library ()
    383 {
    384     local src="$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/lib/$1.so"
    385     if [ ! -f "$src" ] ; then
    386         dump "ERROR: Missing system library: $src"
    387         exit 1
    388     fi
    389     local dst="$PLATFORM_ROOT/lib/$1.so"
    390     mkdir -p `dirname "$dst"` &&
    391     generate_shell_library "$src" "$dst"
    392 }
    394 copy_system_static_library ()
    395 {
    396     local src="$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/$1_intermediates/$1.a"
    397     if [ ! -f "$src" ] ; then
    398         dump "ERROR: Missing system static library: $src"
    399         exit 1
    400     fi
    401     local dst="$PLATFORM_ROOT/lib/$1.a"
    402     dump "Copying system static library: $1.a"
    403     mkdir -p `dirname "$dst"` && cp -f "$src" "$dst"
    404 }
    406 copy_system_object_file ()
    407 {
    408     local src="$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/obj/lib/$1.o"
    409     if [ ! -f "$src" ] ; then
    410         dump "ERROR: Missing system object file: $src"
    411         exit 1
    412     fi
    413     local dst="$PLATFORM_ROOT/lib/$1.o"
    414     dump "Copying system object file: $1.o"
    415     mkdir -p `dirname "$dst"` &&
    416     cp -f "$src" "$dst"
    417 }
    419 # Copy the content of a given directory to $SYSROOT/usr/include
    420 # $1: Source directory
    421 # $2+: List of headers
    422 copy_system_headers ()
    423 {
    424     local srcdir="$1"
    425     shift
    426     local header
    427     dump "Copying system headers from: $srcdir"
    428     for header; do
    429         dump "  $header"
    430         local src="$srcdir/$header"
    431         local dst="$PLATFORM_ROOT/../include/$header"
    432         if [ ! -f "$srcdir/$header" ] ; then
    433             dump "ERROR: Missing system header: $srcdir/$header"
    434             exit 1
    435         fi
    436         mkdir -p `dirname "$dst"` && cp -f "$src" "$dst"
    437         if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
    438             dump "ERROR: Could not copy system header: $src"
    439             dump "Target location: $dst"
    440             exit 1
    441         fi
    442     done
    443 }
    445 # Copy all headers found under $1
    446 # $1: source directory
    447 copy_system_headers_from ()
    448 {
    449     local headers=$(list_regular_files_in "$1")
    450     copy_system_headers $1 $headers
    451 }
    453 # Same as copy_system_headers, but for arch-specific files
    454 # $1: Source directory
    455 # $2+: List of headers
    456 copy_arch_system_headers ()
    457 {
    458     local srcdir="$1"
    459     shift
    460     local header
    461     for header; do
    462         dump "Copying $arch system header: $header from $srcdir"
    463         local src="$srcdir/$header"
    464         local dst="$PLATFORM_ROOT/include/$header"
    465         if [ ! -f "$srcdir/$header" ] ; then
    466             dump "ERROR: Missing $ARCH system header: $srcdir/$header"
    467             exit 1
    468         fi
    469         mkdir -p `dirname "$dst"` && cp -f "$src" "$dst"
    470         if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
    471             dump "ERROR: Could not copy $ARCH system header: $src"
    472             dump "Target location: $dst"
    473             exit 1
    474         fi
    475     done
    476 }
    478 copy_arch_system_headers_from ()
    479 {
    480     local headers=$(list_regular_files_in "$1")
    481     copy_arch_system_headers $1 $headers
    482 }
    484 copy_arch_kernel_headers_from ()
    485 {
    486     local headers=$(list_regular_files_in "$1" asm)
    487     copy_arch_system_headers $1 $headers
    488 }
    490 # Now do the work
    492 reset_symbol_excludes
    494 # API level 3
    495 if platform_check 3; then
    496     # Remove a few internal symbols that should not be exposed
    497     # from the C library (we plan to clean that up soon by using the
    498     # "hidden" visibility attribute in the near future).
    499     #
    500     set_symbol_excludes \
    501         '^the_' '^dns_' 'load_domain_search_list' 'res_get_dns_changed' \
    502         '^_resolv_cache' '^_dns_getht' '^_thread_atexit' \
    503         '^free_malloc_leak_info' 'fake_gmtime_r' 'fake_localtime_r' \
    504         '^gAllocationsMutex' '^gHashTable' '^gMallocLeakZygoteChild' \
    506     copy_system_shared_library libc
    507     copy_system_static_library libc
    508     copy_system_headers_from $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libc/include
    509     copy_arch_system_headers_from $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libc/arch-$ARCH/include
    510     copy_arch_kernel_headers_from $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libc/kernel/arch-$ARCH
    512     copy_system_object_file crtbegin_dynamic
    513     copy_system_object_file crtbegin_static
    514     copy_system_object_file crtend_android
    515     case $ARCH in
    516     x86)
    517         copy_system_object_file crtbegin_so
    518         copy_system_object_file crtend_so
    519         ;;
    520     esac
    522     copy_system_shared_library libm
    523     copy_system_static_library libm
    524     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libm/include math.h
    525     case "$ARCH" in
    526     x86 )
    527         copy_arch_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libm/include/i387 fenv.h
    528         ;;
    529     * )
    530         copy_arch_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libm/$ARCH fenv.h
    531         ;;
    532     esac
    534     # The <dlfcn.h> header was already copied from bionic/libc/include
    535     copy_system_shared_library libdl
    536     # There is no libdl.a at the moment, we might need one in
    537     # the future to build gdb-7.1.x though.
    539     copy_system_shared_library libz
    540     copy_system_static_library libz
    541     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/external/zlib zconf.h zlib.h
    543     set_symbol_excludes '^.*'         # exclude everything
    544     set_symbol_includes '^__android_' # except __android_xxxx functions
    545     copy_system_shared_library liblog
    546     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/system/core/include android/log.h
    548     # NOTE: We do not copy the C++ headers, they are part of the NDK
    549     #        under $NDK/source/cxx-stl. They were separated from the rest
    550     #        of the platform headers in order to make room for other STL
    551     #        implementations (e.g. STLport or GNU Libstdc++-v3)
    552     #
    553     # This is the only library that is allowed to export C++ symbols for now.
    554     set_symbol_includes '^_Z.*'
    555     copy_system_shared_library libstdc++
    556     copy_system_static_library libstdc++
    558     # We link gdbserver statically with libthreadb, so there is no point
    559     # in copying the shared library (which by the way has an unstable ABI
    560     # anyway).
    561     copy_system_static_library libthread_db
    562     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/bionic/libthread_db/include thread_db.h sys/procfs.h
    564     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/libnativehelper/include/nativehelper jni.h
    565 fi
    567 # API level 4
    568 if platform_check 4; then
    569     copy_system_shared_library libGLESv1_CM
    570     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/frameworks/base/opengl/include \
    571         GLES/gl.h \
    572         GLES/glext.h \
    573         GLES/glplatform.h
    575     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/frameworks/base/opengl/include \
    576         KHR/khrplatform.h
    577 fi
    579 # API level 5
    580 if platform_check 5; then
    581     copy_system_shared_library libGLESv2
    582     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/frameworks/base/opengl/include \
    583         GLES2/gl2.h \
    584         GLES2/gl2ext.h \
    585         GLES2/gl2platform.h
    586 fi
    588 # API level 8
    589 if platform_check 8; then
    590     copy_system_shared_library libandroid
    591     copy_system_shared_library libjnigraphics
    592     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/frameworks/base/native/include \
    593         android/bitmap.h
    594 fi
    596 # API level 9
    597 if platform_check 9; then
    598     case $ARCH in
    599     arm)
    600         copy_system_object_file crtbegin_so
    601         copy_system_object_file crtend_so
    602         ;;
    603     esac
    605     copy_system_shared_library libandroid
    606     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/frameworks/base/native/include \
    607         android/asset_manager.h \
    608         android/asset_manager_jni.h \
    609         android/configuration.h \
    610         android/input.h \
    611         android/keycodes.h \
    612         android/looper.h \
    613         android/native_activity.h \
    614         android/native_window.h \
    615         android/native_window_jni.h \
    616         android/obb.h \
    617         android/rect.h \
    618         android/sensor.h \
    619         android/storage_manager.h \
    620         android/window.h
    622     copy_system_shared_library libEGL
    623     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/frameworks/base/opengl/include \
    624         EGL/egl.h \
    625         EGL/eglext.h \
    626         EGL/eglplatform.h
    628     set_symbol_excludes '^_' '^MPH_' # remove MPH_to_xxx definitions
    629     copy_system_shared_library libOpenSLES
    630     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/system/media/wilhelm/include \
    631         SLES/OpenSLES.h \
    632         SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h \
    633         SLES/OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration.h \
    634         SLES/OpenSLES_AndroidMetadata.h \
    635         SLES/OpenSLES_Platform.h
    636 fi
    638 # API level 14
    639 if platform_check 14; then
    640     set_symbol_excludes '^_' '^MPH_' # remove MPH_to_xxx definitions
    641     copy_system_shared_library libOpenMAXAL
    642     copy_system_headers $ANDROID_ROOT/system/media/wilhelm/include \
    643         OMXAL/OpenMAXAL.h \
    644         OMXAL/OpenMAXAL_Android.h \
    645         OMXAL/OpenMAXAL_Platform.h
    646 fi
    648 clear_symbol_excludes
    650 dump "Done!"