/hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/mobicore/ |
README.android | 50 this the daemon supports a fallback location(eg /system/app/mcRegistry): it first tries to load the trustlet 51 from /data/app/mcRegistry/[uuid].tlbin and if it fails then it tries to read the trustlet from /system/app/mcRegistry/[uuid].tlb
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/p2p/ |
GoNegRequesterTestActivity.java | 24 * Test activity that tries to connect to the p2p device with group owner negotiation.
P2pClientTestActivity.java | 24 * Test activity that tries to join an existing p2p group.
/dalvik/dx/tests/062-dex-synch-method/ |
expected.txt | 23 tries: 74 tries: 97 tries: 144 tries:
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/instant/ |
instant_unload_handler.h | 36 // Destroys the old tab. This is invoked if script tries to close the page.
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/net/websocket_experiment/ |
websocket_experiment_runner.h | 7 // It tries to open WebSocket connection to websocket-experiment.chromium.org,
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/search_engines/ |
search_engine_tab_helper.h | 39 // If params has a searchable form, this tries to create a new keyword.
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/ARM/ |
2012-03-26-FoldImmBug.ll | 4 ; produces a 32-bit immediate which is consumed by the use. It tries to
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/ |
lsr-nonaffine.ll | 4 ; doesn't know how to do anything with them, and when it tries, it
/external/marisa-trie/ |
README | 16 This project *marisa-trie* provides a C++ library *libmarisa* and command line tools *`marisa-*`* for building and operating nesting patricia tries. The brand-new dictionary structure is designed to be static and space efficient. Also, *marisa-trie* enables not only simple lookups but also prefix searches and predictive searches.
/external/valgrind/main/gdbserver_tests/ |
filter_memcheck_monitor | 16 # gdb 7.2 sometimes tries to access address 0x0 (same as with standard gdbserver)
/external/valgrind/main/none/tests/ |
pth_once.c | 14 * A program spawns multiple threads and each one tries to
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/storage/domstorage/localstorage/ |
simple-usage.html | 46 This test tries simple operations on localStorage<br>
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/storage/ |
quota-tracking-expected.txt | 3 The test clears all databases, sets the quota for the origin to 40k, then tries to insert 17k of data into two databases. If things go as planned, the second insert should fail, the UI Delegate should be informed of the exceeded quota and should increase the quota for this origin. Inserting 17k of data the third time should succeed again.
/external/webrtc/src/system_wrappers/interface/ |
critical_section_wrapper.h | 28 // Tries to grab lock, beginning of a critical section. Will wait for the
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/res/layout/ |
brightness_limit.xml | 21 <!-- Tries to set brightness to 0. See corresponding Java code. -->
/frameworks/base/core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsBT/src/com/android/framework/externalsharedpermsbttestapp/ |
ExternalSharedPermsBTTest.java | 26 /** The use of bluetooth below is simply to simulate an activity that tries to use bluetooth
/frameworks/base/core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsFL/src/com/android/framework/externalsharedpermsfltestapp/ |
ExternalSharedPermsFLTest.java | 29 * tries to use it, so we can verify whether permissions are granted and accessible.
/frameworks/base/tests/BandwidthTests/res/values/ |
strings.xml | 18 <string name="app_desc">Tries several tricks to get Internet access.</string>
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/ |
IllegalAccessError.java | 21 * Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries access a field
NoSuchFieldError.java | 21 * Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries to reference,
NoSuchFieldException.java | 21 * Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries to reference,
NoSuchMethodError.java | 21 * Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries to reference,
NoSuchMethodException.java | 21 * Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries to reference,
/system/extras/tests/bionic/libc/common/ |
bench_pthread.c | 141 int tries = SUBCOUNT; \ 143 count -= tries; \ 144 for ( ; tries > 0; tries-- ) {\