/prebuilts/ndk/8/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include/linux/ |
sem.h | 37 struct sem_undo *undo; member in struct:semid_ds
/prebuilts/ndk/8/platforms/android-9/arch-mips/usr/include/linux/ |
sem.h | 37 struct sem_undo *undo; member in struct:semid_ds
/prebuilts/ndk/8/platforms/android-9/arch-x86/usr/include/linux/ |
sem.h | 37 struct sem_undo *undo; member in struct:semid_ds
/external/ceres-solver/internal/ceres/ |
dense_qr_solver.cc | 59 // Temporarily append a diagonal block to the A matrix, but undo 76 // Undo the modifications to the matrix A.
/external/valgrind/main/coregrind/m_demangle/ |
demangle.c | 47 undo that. 53 Therefore, VG_(demangle) first tries to undo (2). If successful, 55 Then, it tries to undo (1) (using demangling code from GNU/FSF). 64 - undo (2) [Z-encoding] 65 - undo (1) [C++ mangling] 69 - undo (2) [Z-encoding] 96 /* Possibly undo (2) */ 108 /* Possibly undo (1) */
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/haiku/WebCoreSupport/ |
EditorClientHaiku.h | 87 virtual void undo(); 122 bool m_inUndoRedo; // our undo stack works differently - don't re-enter!
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/ |
EditorClientQt.h | 87 virtual void undo(); 123 bool m_inUndoRedo; // our undo stack works differently - don't re-enter!
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/manifest/ |
ManifestEditorContributor.java | 80 actionBars.setGlobalActionHandler(ActionFactory.UNDO.getId(), 81 getAction(editor, ITextEditorActionConstants.UNDO));
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/app_modal_dialogs/ |
app_modal_dialog_queue.cc | 52 // would write NULL into |active_dialog_| and this function would then undo
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/examples/ |
tab_manipulation.applescript | 22 undo
/external/skia/src/pdf/ |
SkPDFFormXObject.cpp | 43 // it doesn't get applied twice. We can't just undo it because it's
/external/valgrind/main/memcheck/tests/ |
err_disable1.c | 54 // now gradually undo them until an error appears
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/wx/ |
WebEdit.cpp | 65 // the impl. is ref-counted, so don't delete it as it may be in an undo/redo stack
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/extensions/ |
extension_install_ui.cc | 100 // Remember the current theme in case the user presses undo. 108 // to undo theme installation. 244 // and keep the first install info bar, so that they can easily undo to
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/win/Interfaces/ |
IWebUIDelegate.idl | 635 /// Undo related UI delegate methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639 @abstract Registers an undo operation of a IWebUndoTarget on the undo/redo stack. 641 @param actionName The name of the action - this will be passed back to the target when we need to undo the operation 642 @param actionArg An object that target used to save undo information 648 @abstract remove all the undo operations that are registered for the passed in target on the undo/redo stack. 655 @abstract Sets the name of the action for the current group of undo operations 661 @method undo: 662 @abstract Undo the last group of operation [all...] |
/bionic/libc/kernel/common/linux/ |
sem.h | 44 struct sem_undo *undo; member in struct:semid_ds
/external/chromium/net/base/ |
net_util_posix.cc | 41 // GURL stores strings as percent-encoded 8-bit, this will undo if possible.
/external/e2fsprogs/misc/ |
mke2fs.conf.5.in | 113 to always try to create an undo file, even if the undo file might be 161 This relation specifies the directory where the undo file should be 167 will not create an undo file.
/external/icu4c/common/ |
ucln_cmn.c | 62 cmemory_cleanup(); /* undo any heap functions set by u_setMemoryFunctions(). */
/external/libmtp/examples/ |
format.c | 65 printf("you will not be able to undo this operation.\n");
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/android/layers/ |
MediaLayer.cpp | 73 // the layer's shader draws the content inverted so we must undo
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/win/ |
WKView.h | 37 // Undo Client.
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/mac/ |
PageClientImpl.mm | 222 [undoManager registerUndoWithTarget:m_undoTarget.get() selector:((undoOrRedo == WebPageProxy::Undo) ? @selector(undoEditing:) : @selector(redoEditing:)) object:commandObjC.get()]; 234 return (undoOrRedo == WebPageProxy::Undo) ? [[m_wkView undoManager] canUndo] : [[m_wkView undoManager] canRedo]; 239 return (undoOrRedo == WebPageProxy::Undo) ? [[m_wkView undoManager] undo] : [[m_wkView undoManager] redo];
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/win/ |
WebUndoClient.cpp | 41 m_client.registerEditCommand(toAPI(view), toAPI(command.release().releaseRef()), (undoOrRedo == WebPageProxy::Undo) ? kWKViewUndo : kWKViewRedo, m_client.clientInfo);
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/i686-linux-glibc2.7-4.4.3/sysroot/usr/include/bits/ |
sem.h | 26 #define SEM_UNDO 0x1000 /* undo the operation on exit */