/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ |
clipboard_dispatcher.h | 17 // for copy/paste, which is why it's not in app/clipboard/clipboard.h. It can 19 // - The copy/paste clipboard, which contains data that has been copied/cut. 20 // - The dragging clipboard, which contains data that is currently being 22 // - On X, the selection clipboard, which contains data for the current
/external/chromium/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/api/notifications/ |
manifest.json | 5 "Shows off desktop notifications, which are \"toast\" windows that pop up on the desktop.",
/external/chromium/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/api/processes/show_tabs/ |
manifest.json | 4 "description": "Adds a browser action showing which tabs share the current tab's process.",
/external/chromium/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/extensions/irc/ |
README.txt | 1 This directory contains a simple irc app which is a work in progress. 3 /app - contains the manifest and any additional resources which are to be 6 /servlet - contains the java servlet which will serve the live resources and 12 which supports WebSockets.
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/ |
README.chromium | 8 Libjingle provides xmpp support to the sync code, which
/external/clang/test/CodeGen/ |
2002-01-24-ComplexSpaceInType.c | 6 // which caused problems because of the space int the complex int type
/external/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/ |
apple-kext-guard-variable.cpp | 8 static int x = foo(); // expected-error {{this initialization requires a guard variable, which the kernel does not support}}
/external/clang/test/Sema/ |
format-string-percentm.c | 4 // PR 4142 - support glibc extension to printf: '%m' (which prints strerror(errno)).
/external/clang/test/SemaCXX/ |
PR7410.cpp | 10 X Foo(); // expected-error{{virtual function 'Foo' has a different return type ('X') than the function it overrides (which has return type 'BaseReturn')}}
/external/compiler-rt/lib/arm/ |
softfloat-alias.list | 2 # These are soft float functions which can be
/external/dnsmasq/contrib/dns-loc/ |
README | 3 Here is a patch against dnsmasq 2.39 which provides support for LOC
/external/eigen/blas/ |
README.txt | 4 This is currently a work in progress which is far to be ready for use,
/external/guava/ |
README.maven | 1 These folders host the maven metadata which are used to 9 provide alternate packaging of the sub-pmodules, which 13 or other Unix platforms which support symbolic linking, 21 on methods which implement an interface method, and
/external/iptables/extensions/ |
libxt_connmark.man | 2 (which can be set using the \fBCONNMARK\fP target below).
libxt_mark.man | 2 (which can be set using the
/external/iptables/include/linux/netfilter/ |
xt_SECMARK.h | 10 * 'mode' refers to the specific security subsystem which the
/external/javassist/src/main/javassist/runtime/ |
package.html | 8 of every support class to know which kind of modification needs
/external/kernel-headers/original/linux/netfilter/ |
xt_SECMARK.h | 8 * 'mode' refers to the specific security subsystem which the
/external/libyuv/ |
public.mk | 1 # This file contains all the common make variables which are useful for
/external/objenesis/ |
README.android | 1 Objenesis is a library which makes it easier to instantiate objects bypassing
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/docs/man3/ |
SDL_JoyButtonEvent.3 | 9 Uint8 which; 32 A \fBSDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN\fP or \fBSDL_JOYBUTTONUP\fP event occurs when ever a user presses or releases a button on a joystick\&. The field \fBwhich\fR is the index of the joystick that reported the event and \fBbutton\fR is the index of the button (for a more detailed explaination see the \fIJoystick section\fR)\&. \fBstate\fR is the current state or the button which is either \fBSDL_PRESSED\fP or \fBSDL_RELEASED\fP\&.
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/test/ |
autogen.sh | 7 do if which $autoconf >/dev/null 2>&1; then $autoconf && found=true; break; fi
/external/valgrind/main/drd/tests/ |
pth_barrier_reinit.c | 1 /** Trigger barrier reinitialization, which is not allowed by the POSIX
/external/valgrind/main/memcheck/tests/ |
err_disable4.vgtest | 4 ## This is so as to get rid of the "Thread #" lines, which
/external/valgrind/main/none/tests/ |
execve.c | 9 // This tests the case where argv and envp are NULL, which is easy to