/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/session/phone/ |
channel.cc | 114 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Created channel"; 131 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Destroyed channel"; 277 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Dropping outgoing " << content_name_ << " " 304 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to protect " << content_name_ 313 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to protect " << content_name_ 332 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Dropping incoming " << content_name_ << " " 346 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to unprotect " << content_name_ 355 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to unprotect " << content_name_ 392 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failure in SetLocalContent with CA_OFFER"; 399 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failure in SetLocalContent with CA_ANSWER" [all...] |
/external/openfst/src/bin/ |
fstdifference.cc | 53 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << ": Can't take both inputs from standard input."; 75 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << ": Bad filter type \""
fstequivalent.cc | 56 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << ": Can't take both inputs from standard input."; 78 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << ": Unknown selection type \""
fstintersect.cc | 54 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << ": Can't take both inputs from standard input."; 76 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << "Unknown compose filter type: "
/external/openfst/src/extensions/pdt/ |
pdtshortestpath.cc | 54 LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << ": No PDT parenthesis label pairs provided"; 72 LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown or unsupported queue type: " << FLAGS_queue_type;
/external/openfst/src/include/fst/ |
log.h | 0 // log.h 50 #define LOG(type) LogMessage(#type).stream() 51 #define VLOG(level) if ((level) <= FLAGS_v) LOG(INFO)
/external/openfst/src/lib/ |
util.cc | 68 LOG(ERROR) << "AlignInput: can't determine stream position"; 83 LOG(ERROR) << "AlignOutput: can't determine stream position";
/external/smack/src/com/kenai/jbosh/ |
HTTPExchange.java | 36 private static final Logger LOG = 117 LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Interrupted", intx);
/external/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/ |
RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp | 41 #define LOG_CHANNEL_PREFIX Log 71 LOG(RefCountedLeaks, "LEAK: %u %s", m_count, m_description); 73 // This logs only one reason. Later we could change it so we log all the reasons. 74 LOG(RefCountedLeaks, "No leak checking done: %s", leakMessageSuppressionReasons->begin()->first);
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/fileapi/ |
FileThread.cpp | 98 LOG(FileAPI, "Started FileThread %p", this); 107 LOG(FileAPI, "About to detach thread %i and clear the ref to FileThread %p, which currently has %i ref(s)", m_threadID, this, refCount());
FileReader.cpp | 84 LOG(FileAPI, "FileReader: reading as array buffer: %s %s\n", blob->url().string().utf8().data(), blob->isFile() ? static_cast<File*>(blob)->path().utf8().data() : ""); 94 LOG(FileAPI, "FileReader: reading as binary: %s %s\n", blob->url().string().utf8().data(), blob->isFile() ? static_cast<File*>(blob)->path().utf8().data() : ""); 104 LOG(FileAPI, "FileReader: reading as text: %s %s\n", blob->url().string().utf8().data(), blob->isFile() ? static_cast<File*>(blob)->path().utf8().data() : ""); 115 LOG(FileAPI, "FileReader: reading as data URL: %s %s\n", blob->url().string().utf8().data(), blob->isFile() ? static_cast<File*>(blob)->path().utf8().data() : ""); 146 LOG(FileAPI, "FileReader: aborting\n");
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/websockets/ |
WebSocket.cpp | 115 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p connect to %s protocol=%s", this, url.string().utf8().data(), protocol.utf8().data()); 158 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p send %s", this, message.utf8().data()); 175 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p close", this); 210 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p scriptExecutionContext destroyed", this); 247 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p didConnect", this); 259 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p didReceiveMessage %s", this, msg.utf8().data()); 270 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p didReceiveErrorMessage", this); 279 LOG(Network, "WebSocket %p didClose", this);
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/bridge/ |
testbindings.mm | 40 #define LOG(formatAndArgs...) { \ 58 LOG ("\n"); 131 LOG ("\n"); 138 LOG ("\n"); 145 LOG ("myInt = %d\n", myInt); 151 LOG ("anInt = %d\n", anInt); 162 LOG ("\n");
/external/webkit/Tools/MiniBrowser/mac/ |
AppDelegate.m | 46 LOG(@"ContextInjectedBundleClient - didRecieveMessage - MessageName: %@ MessageBody %@", cfMessageName, cfMessageBody); 49 LOG(@"ContextInjectedBundleClient - didRecieveMessage - MessageName: %@ (MessageBody Unhandeled)\n", cfMessageName); 75 LOG(@"HistoryClient - didNavigateWithNavigationData - title: %@ - url: %@", title, url); 84 LOG(@"HistoryClient - didPerformClientRedirect - sourceURL: %@ - destinationURL: %@", cfSourceURL, cfDestinationURL); 93 LOG(@"HistoryClient - didPerformServerRedirect - sourceURL: %@ - destinationURL: %@", cfSourceURL, cfDestinationURL); 102 LOG(@"HistoryClient - didUpdateHistoryTitle - title: %@ - URL: %@", cfTitle, cfURL); 109 LOG(@"HistoryClient - populateVisitedLinks");
BrowserWindowController.m | 153 LOG(@"windowShouldClose"); 245 LOG(@"Main frame source\n \"%@\"", (NSString *)cfResult); 274 LOG(@"didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame"); 279 LOG(@"didFinishLoadForFrame"); 295 LOG(@"didReceiveTitleForFrame \"%@\"", (NSString *)cfTitle); 301 LOG(@"didFirstLayoutForFrame"); 306 LOG(@"didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutForFrame"); 311 LOG(@"didRemoveFrameFromHierarchy"); 316 LOG(@"didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame"); 321 LOG(@"didRunInsecureContentForFrame") [all...] |
/external/chromium/net/base/ |
keygen_handler_win.cc | 186 LOG(ERROR) << "Keygen failed: Couldn't acquire a CryptoAPI provider " 192 LOG(ERROR) << "Keygen failed: Couldn't acquire a CryptoAPI provider " 201 LOG(ERROR) << "Keygen failed: Couldn't generate an RSA key"; 208 LOG(ERROR) << "Keygen failed: Couldn't generate the signed public key " 215 LOG(ERROR) << "Keygen failed: Couldn't convert signed key into base64";
/external/chromium/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ |
vcencoder.cc | 134 LOG(DFATAL) << "Internal error: " 148 LOG(ERROR) << "EncodeChunk called before StartEncoding" << LOG_ENDL; 161 LOG(ERROR) << "FinishEncoding called before StartEncoding" << LOG_ENDL; 201 LOG(DFATAL) << "GetMatchCounts() called with NULL argument" << LOG_ENDL; 213 LOG(ERROR) << "Error initializing HashedDictionary" << LOG_ENDL;
vcdecoder.cc | 83 // <Handle error case. An error log message has already been generated.> 380 LOG(ERROR) << "Specified maximum target window size " 413 LOG(DFATAL) << "Internal error: Decoded data size " 478 LOG(DFATAL) << "SetAllowVcdTarget() called after StartDecoding()" 641 LOG(DFATAL) << "StartDecoding() called twice without FinishDecoding()" 693 LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized VCDIFF format version" << LOG_ENDL; 714 LOG(ERROR) << "Did not find VCDIFF header bytes; " 722 LOG(ERROR) << "Secondary compression is not supported" << LOG_ENDL; [all...] |
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ |
macutils.cc | 168 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed opening Apple Script component"; 174 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed creating Apple Script description"; 185 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error compiling Apple Script"; 193 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error when executing Apple Script: " << script; 200 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Script error: " << data;
winping.cc | 147 LOG(LERROR) << "LoadLibrary: " << GetLastError(); 155 LOG(LERROR) << "GetProcAddress(ICMP_*): " << GetLastError(); 161 LOG(LERROR) << "IcmpCreateFile: " << GetLastError(); 179 LOG(WARNING) << "IcmpCloseHandle: " << GetLastError(); 222 LOG(LERROR) << "IcmpSendEcho(" << talk_base::SocketAddress::IPToString(ip)
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/WebCoreSupport/ |
ChromiumIncludes.h | 34 // Both WebKit and Chromium define LOG. In AOSP, the framework also defines 35 // LOG. To avoid conflicts, we undefine LOG before including Chromium code, 37 #ifdef LOG 39 #undef LOG 49 // Copied from log.h. 117 #undef LOG 118 // If LOG was defined, restore it to the WebKit macro. 120 // If LOG was defined, JOIN_LOG_CHANNEL_WITH_PREFIX must be too. 123 #define LOG(channel, ...) ((void)0 [all...] |
/external/chromium/net/tools/flip_server/ |
epoll_server.cc | 104 LOG(FATAL) << "Error " << saved_errno 150 LOG(INFO) << "\n" << event_recorder_; 233 LOG(FATAL) << "Error " << saved_errno 244 LOG(FATAL) << "Error " << saved_errno 357 LOG(DFATAL) << 462 LOG(FATAL) << "Alarm already exists " << ac; 524 LOG(ERROR) << "----------------------Epoll Server---------------------------"; 525 LOG(ERROR) << "Epoll server " << this << " polling on fd " << epoll_fd_; 526 LOG(ERROR) << "timeout_in_us_: " << timeout_in_us_; 528 // Log sessions with alarms [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/ |
SQLiteStatement.cpp | 73 LOG(SQLDatabase, "SQL - prepare - %s", m_query.ascii().data()); 86 LOG(SQLDatabase, "sqlite3_prepare16 failed (%i)\n%s\n%s", error, m_query.ascii().data(), sqlite3_errmsg(m_database.sqlite3Handle())); 106 LOG(SQLDatabase, "SQL - step - %s", m_query.ascii().data()); 109 LOG(SQLDatabase, "sqlite3_step failed (%i)\nQuery - %s\nError - %s", 123 LOG(SQLDatabase, "SQL - finalize - %s", m_query.ascii().data()); 134 LOG(SQLDatabase, "SQL - reset - %s", m_query.ascii().data()); 428 LOG(SQLDatabase, "Finalize failed"); 430 LOG(SQLDatabase, "Prepare failed"); 434 LOG(SQLDatabase, "Step wasn't a row"); 465 LOG(SQLDatabase, "Error reading results from database query %s", m_query.ascii().data()) [all...] |
/external/regex-re2/re2/testing/ |
tester.cc | 15 DEFINE_bool(log_okay, false, "log successful runs"); 67 LOG(INFO) << "Warning: no engines enabled."; 72 LOG(INFO) << EngineString(i) << " enabled"; 181 LOG(INFO) << "Cannot parse: " << CEscape(regexp_str_) 189 LOG(INFO) << "Cannot compile: " << CEscape(regexp_str_); 194 LOG(INFO) << "Prog for " 207 LOG(INFO) << "Cannot reverse compile: " << CEscape(regexp_str_); 212 LOG(INFO) << rprog_->Dump(); 235 LOG(INFO) << "Cannot RE2: " << CEscape(re); 260 LOG(INFO) << "Cannot PCRE: " << CEscape(re) [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/win/ |
WebDownloadCFNet.cpp | 95 LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Created WebDownload %p from existing connection (%s)", this, request.url().string().utf8().data()); 121 LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Initialized download of url %s in WebDownload %p", url.string().utf8().data(), this); 132 LOG(Download, "WebDownload - initWithRequest failed - not a WebMutableURLRequest"); 139 LOG(Download, "Delegate is %p", m_delegate.get()); 159 LOG(Download, "WebDownload - initWithRequest complete, started download of url %s", webRequest->resourceRequest().url().string().utf8().data()); 167 LOG(Download, "Attempting resume of download bundle %s", String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)).ascii().data()); 177 LOG(Download, "Delegate is %p", m_delegate.get()); 189 LOG(Download, "Failed to create CFURLDownloadRef for resume"); 205 LOG(Download, "WebDownload - initWithRequest complete, resumed download of bundle %s", String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)).ascii().data()); 211 LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Starting download (%p)", this) [all...] |