/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ |
PanelView.java | 43 public final void LOG(String fmt, Object... args) { 224 if (DEBUG) LOG("peek to height=%.1f", mPeekHeight); 259 if (DEBUG) LOG("tick: v=%.2fpx/s dt=%.4fs", mVel, dt); 260 if (DEBUG) LOG("tick: before: h=%d", (int) mExpandedHeight); 298 if (DEBUG) LOG("tick: new h=%d closing=%s", (int) h, mClosing?"true":"false"); 370 if (DEBUG) LOG("handle view: " + mHandleView); 377 if (DEBUG) LOG("handle.onTouch: a=%s y=%.1f rawY=%.1f off=%.1f", 464 if (DEBUG) LOG("gesture: dy=%f vel=(%f,%f) vlinear=%f", 479 if (DEBUG) LOG("fling: vel=%.3f, this=%s", vel, this); 499 if (DEBUG) LOG("onViewAdded: " + child) [all...] |
/external/ceres-solver/examples/ |
bundle_adjuster.cc | 147 LOG(INFO) << "Camera blocks for inner iterations"; 153 LOG(INFO) << "Point blocks for inner iterations"; 159 LOG(INFO) << "Camera followed by point blocks for inner iterations"; 168 LOG(INFO) << "Point followed by camera blocks for inner iterations"; 177 LOG(INFO) << "Choosing automatic blocks for inner iterations"; 179 LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown block type for inner iterations: " 332 LOG(ERROR) << "Usage: bundle_adjustment_example --input=bal_problem";
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/extensions/ |
convert_web_app.cc | 90 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get path to profile temporary directory."; 96 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary directory."; 140 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not serialize manifest."; 147 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create icons directory."; 157 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create icon file."; 163 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not write icon file."; 177 LOG(ERROR) << error;
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/policy/ |
device_policy_cache.cc | 100 LOG(WARNING) << "Integer value " << value 147 LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing to accept policy on non-enterprise device."; 156 LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid policy protobuf"; 163 LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing policy blob for " << policy_data.username() 180 LOG(WARNING) << "Tried to set DevicePolicyCache to 'unmanaged'!"; 199 LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse PolicyData protobuf."; 244 LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse ChromeDeviceSettingsProto.";
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/ |
foreign_session_handler.cc | 99 LOG(ERROR) << "ForeignSessionHandler failed to get session data from" 135 LOG(ERROR) << "openForeignWindow called with only " << args->GetSize() 143 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract session tag."; 152 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract window number."; 161 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract tab SessionID."; 172 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load foreign tab."; 180 LOG(ERROR) << "ForeignSessionHandler failed to get session data from"
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ |
opensslidentity.cc | 57 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Making key pair"; 83 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Returning key pair"; 90 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Making certificate for " << common_name; 136 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Returning certificate"; 146 // This dumps the SSL error stack to the log. 152 LOG(LS_ERROR) << prefix << ": " << error_buf << "\n"; 174 // Print a certificate to the log, for debugging. 185 LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << buffer; 260 LOG(LS_INFO) << "Identity generation failed";
/external/regex-re2/re2/testing/ |
filtered_re2_test.cc | 159 LOG(WARNING) << "Failed " << testname; 160 LOG(WARNING) << "Expected #atoms = " << expected.size(); 162 LOG(WARNING) << expected[i]; 163 LOG(WARNING) << "Found #atoms = " << v->atoms.size(); 165 LOG(WARNING) << v->atoms[i]; 268 LOG(INFO) << "S: " << atom_ids.size(); 270 LOG(INFO) << "i: " << i << " : " << atom_ids[i];
/external/ceres-solver/internal/ceres/ |
suitesparse.cc | 282 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod failure: method not installed."; 285 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod failure: out of memory."; 288 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod failure: integer overflow occured."; 291 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod failure: invalid input."; 297 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod warning: matrix not positive definite."; 300 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod warning: D for LDL' or diag(L) or " 307 LOG(WARNING) << "Cholmod failure: cholmod_factorize returned zero " 312 LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown cholmod return code. " 322 LOG(WARNING) << "CHOLMOD status NOT OK";
conjugate_gradients_solver.cc | 132 LOG(ERROR) << "Numerical failure. rho = " << rho; 142 LOG(ERROR) << "Numerical failure. beta = " << beta; 155 LOG(ERROR) << "Numerical failure. pq = " << pq; 162 LOG(ERROR) << "Numerical failure. alpha " << alpha;
/external/chromium/net/test/ |
test_server.cc | 117 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DIR_SOURCE_ROOT"; 199 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resolve hostname: " << host_port_pair_.host(); 282 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DIR_SOURCE_ROOT"; 298 LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot find pyproto dir for generated code. " 317 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse server data: " 324 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find port value"; 328 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid port value: " << port; 350 command_line->AppendArg("--log-to-console"); 362 LOG(ERROR) << "Certificate path " << certificate_path.value() 375 LOG(ERROR) << "Client authority path " << it->value( [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/automation/ |
automation_tab_helper.cc | 74 LOG(WARNING) << "Received DidStopLoading while loading already stopped."; 113 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize an IPC message"; 123 LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring timed redirect scheduled for " << delay_seconds
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/chromeos/ |
audio_handler.cc | 180 LOG(ERROR) << "Lost connection to mixer"; 182 LOG(ERROR) << "Mixer not valid"; 200 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to re-connect to mixer";
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/sync/engine/ |
verify_updates_command.cc | 35 LOG(ERROR) << "Scoped dir lookup failed!"; 88 LOG(ERROR) << "Illegal negative id in received updates"; 94 LOG(ERROR) << "Zero length name in non-deleted update";
/external/chromium/net/http/ |
http_auth_handler_ntlm.cc | 46 LOG(ERROR) << "Username and password are expected to be non-NULL."; 82 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected problem Base64 decoding."; 100 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected problem Base64 encoding.";
/external/chromium/net/socket/ |
nss_ssl_util.cc | 122 LOG(WARNING) << "MapErrorToNSS " << result 191 LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown SSL error " << err 195 LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown error " << err << " mapped to net::ERR_FAILED";
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/examples/call/ |
console.cc | 59 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Cannot re-start"; 63 LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Already started"; 156 LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can't install signal";
/external/mp4parser/isoparser/src/main/java/com/coremedia/iso/ |
AbstractBoxParser.java | 35 private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AbstractBoxParser.class.getName()); 55 LOG.severe("Plausibility check failed: size < 8 (size = " + size + "). Stop parsing!"); 89 LOG.finest("Parsing " + box.getType());
/external/openfst/src/lib/ |
mapped-file.cc | 37 LOG(ERROR) << "failed to unmap region: "<< strerror(errno); 88 LOG(INFO) << "Mapping of file failed: " << strerror(errno); 94 LOG(WARNING) << "File mapping at offset " << spos << " of file "
/external/openfst/src/script/ |
fst-class.cc | 46 LOG(ERROR) << "ReadFst: Can't open file: " << fname; 64 LOG(ERROR) << "ReadFst : unknown arc type \"" 121 LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown arc type " << arc_type;
/external/regex-re2/re2/ |
filtered_re2.cc | 31 LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't compile regular expression, skipping: " 45 LOG(INFO) << "C: " << compiled_ << " S:" << re2_vec_.size(); 68 LOG(DFATAL) << "FirstMatch called before Compile";
re2.cc | 136 LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown encoding " << encoding(); 196 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing '" << trunc(pattern_) << "': " 218 LOG(ERROR) << "Error compiling '" << trunc(pattern_) << "'"; 239 LOG(ERROR) << "Error reverse compiling '" << trunc(pattern_) << "'"; 533 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid RE2: " << *error_; 539 LOG(ERROR) << "RE2: invalid startpos, endpos pair."; 620 LOG(INFO) << "Match " << trunc(pattern_) 626 LOG(INFO) << "Match " << trunc(pattern_) 632 LOG(INFO) << "Match " << trunc(pattern_) 649 LOG(INFO) << "Match " << trunc(pattern_ [all...] |
/external/smack/src/com/kenai/jbosh/ |
BOSHClient.java | 102 private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( 557 LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Could not send pause", boshx); 625 LOG.finest("Waiting while draining..."); 632 LOG.log(Level.FINEST, INTERRUPTED, intx); 635 LOG.finest("Drained"); 824 LOG.log(Level.FINEST, INTERRUPTED, intx); 947 LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Processing thread starting") [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/storage/ |
DatabaseThread.cpp | 75 LOG(StorageAPI, "DatabaseThread %p was asked to terminate\n", this); 102 LOG(StorageAPI, "Started DatabaseThread %p", this); 114 LOG(StorageAPI, "About to detach thread %i and clear the ref to DatabaseThread %p, which currently has %i ref(s)", m_threadID, this, refCount());
/external/webkit/Tools/FindSafari/ |
FindSafari.cpp | 36 #define LOG(header, ...) \ 41 #define LOG_WARNING(...) LOG(TEXT("WARNING: "), __VA_ARGS__) 42 #define LOG_ERROR(...) LOG(TEXT("ERROR: "), __VA_ARGS__)
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/plugins/mac/ |
PluginViewMac.mm | 185 LOG(Plugins, "Plug-in '%s' uses unsupported event model %s", 198 LOG(Plugins, "Plug-in '%s' uses unsupported drawing model %s", 313 LOG(Plugins, "PluginView::setParent(%p)", parent); 325 LOG(Plugins, "PluginView::show()"); 334 LOG(Plugins, "PluginView::hide()"); 343 LOG(Plugins, "PluginView::setFocus(%d)", focused); 369 LOG(Events, "PluginView::setFocus(%d): Focus event not accepted", focused); 423 LOG(Plugins, "PluginView::setNPWindowIfNeeded(): window=%p, context=%p," 520 LOG(Events, "PluginView::paint(): Paint event not accepted"); 606 LOG(Events, "PluginView::handleMouseEvent(): Mouse event type %d at %d,%d not accepted" [all...] |