/packages/screensavers/Basic/src/com/android/dreams/basic/ |
Colors.java | 21 import android.util.Log; 36 public static void LOG(String fmt, Object... args) { 38 Log.v(TAG, String.format(fmt, args)); 78 LOG("onSurfaceTextureAvailable(%s, %d, %d)", surface, width, height); 95 LOG("onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(%s, %d, %d)", surface, width, height); 109 LOG("onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(%s)", surface); 125 LOG("Error while waiting for renderer", e); 133 LOG("onSurfaceTextureUpdated(%s)", surface);
/external/chromium/base/threading/ |
thread_restrictions.cc | 36 LOG(FATAL) << 54 LOG(FATAL) << "LazyInstance/Singleton is not allowed to be used on this "
/external/chromium/net/base/ |
keygen_handler_nss.cc | 26 LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't get private key slot from NSS!"; 33 LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't authenticate to private key slot!";
/external/mp4parser/isoparser/src/main/java/com/googlecode/mp4parser/ |
Version.java | 12 private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Version.class.getName()); 21 LOG.warning(e.getMessage());
/external/ceres-solver/include/ceres/ |
gradient_checker.h | 110 LOG(INFO) << "-------------------- Starting Probe() --------------------"; 191 LOG(INFO) << "========== term-computed derivatives =========="; 193 LOG(INFO) << "term_computed block " << i; 194 LOG(INFO) << "\n" << results->term_jacobians[i]; 197 LOG(INFO) << "========== finite-difference derivatives =========="; 199 LOG(INFO) << "finite_difference block " << i; 200 LOG(INFO) << "\n" << results->finite_difference_jacobians[i]; 203 LOG(INFO) << "========== difference =========="; 205 LOG(INFO) << "difference block " << i; 206 LOG(INFO) << (results->term_jacobians[i] [all...] |
/external/chromium/net/test/ |
test_server_win.cc | 44 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create process."; 59 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create JobObject."; 67 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not SetInformationJobObject."; 72 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not AssignProcessToObject."; 86 LOG(WARNING) << "Timeout reached; unblocking pipe by writing " 119 LOG(ERROR) << "ReadFile returned invalid byte count: " << num_bytes; 128 LOG(ERROR) << "Timeout exceeded for ReadData"; 187 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to launch " << python_command.command_line_string(); 201 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read server_data_len"; 207 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read server_data (" << server_data_le [all...] |
/external/smack/src/com/kenai/jbosh/ |
BodyParserSAX.java | 44 private static final Logger LOG = 92 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 93 LOG.finest("Start element: " + qName); 94 LOG.finest(" URI: " + uri); 95 LOG.finest(" local: " + localName); 118 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 119 LOG.finest(" Attribute: {" + attrURI + "}" 141 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 142 LOG.finest("Prefix mapping: <DEFAULT> => " + uri); 146 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) [all...] |
BodyParserXmlPull.java | 39 private static final Logger LOG = 71 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 72 LOG.finest("Start tag: " + xpp.getName()); 86 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 87 LOG.finest("Start element: "); 88 LOG.finest(" prefix: " + prefix); 89 LOG.finest(" URI: " + uri); 90 LOG.finest(" local: " + localName); 115 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 116 LOG.finest(" Attribute: {" + attrURI + "} [all...] |
ServiceLib.java | 40 private static final Logger LOG = 75 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 76 LOG.finest("Selected " + ofType.getSimpleName() 124 LOG.log(Level.WARNING, 147 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { 148 LOG.finest("Attempting service load: " + className); 155 if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { 156 LOG.warning(clazz.getName() + " is not assignable to " 172 LOG.log(level [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/ |
SocketStreamHandle.cpp | 93 LOG(Network, "connect"); 100 LOG(Network, "send len=%d", len); 110 LOG(Network, "sent"); 113 LOG(Network, "busy. buffering"); 119 LOG(Network, "close"); 125 LOG(Network, "SocketStreamHandleInternal::didOpen %d", 137 LOG(Network, "no m_handle or m_socket?"); 142 LOG(Network, "SocketStreamHandleInternal::didSendData %d", amountSent); 154 LOG(Network, "didReceiveData"); 164 LOG(Network, "didClose") [all...] |
/external/chromium/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ |
headerparser.cc | 28 LOG(DFATAL) << "Internal error: position advanced by " << number_of_bytes 39 LOG(DFATAL) << "Internal error: new data position " << position 45 LOG(DFATAL) << "Internal error: new data position " << position 55 LOG(DFATAL) << "Internal error: specified number of remaining bytes " 96 LOG(ERROR) << "Expected " << variable_description 123 LOG(ERROR) << "Expected " << variable_description 132 LOG(ERROR) << "Value of " << variable_description << "(" << parsed_value 176 LOG(ERROR) << "Source segment length (" << *source_segment_length 187 LOG(ERROR) << "Source segment position (" << *source_segment_position 196 LOG(ERROR) << "Source segment end position (" << source_segment_en [all...] |
addrcache.cc | 79 LOG(ERROR) << "Near cache size " << near_cache_size_ << " is invalid" 84 LOG(ERROR) << "Same cache size " << same_cache_size_ << " is invalid" 89 LOG(ERROR) << "Using near cache size " << near_cache_size_ 151 // have not been met, in which case a LOG(DFATAL) message will be produced, 158 LOG(DFATAL) << "EncodeAddress was passed a negative address: " 164 LOG(DFATAL) << "EncodeAddress was called with address (" << address 221 // address is valid; otherwise, prints an error message to the log and 226 LOG(ERROR) << "Decoded address " << decoded_address << " is invalid" 230 LOG(ERROR) << "Decoded address (" << decoded_address 282 LOG(DFATAL) << "DecodeAddress was passed a negative value [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/ |
MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon.cpp | 51 #define LOG_MEDIAOBJECT() (LOG(Media, "%s", debugMediaObject(this, *m_mediaObject).constData())) 135 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::dtor deleting videowidget"); 140 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::dtor deleting audiooutput"); 144 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::dtor deleting mediaobject"); 211 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::hasVideo() -> %s", hasVideo ? "true" : "false"); 219 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::hasAudio() -> %s", hasAudio ? "true" : "false"); 225 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::load(\"%s\")", url.utf8().data()); 252 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::play()"); 258 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::pause()"); 266 LOG(Media, "MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon::paused() --> %s", paused ? "true" : "false") [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/chromeos/ |
cros_settings_provider.cc | 20 LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring the guest request to change: " << path;
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/extensions/ |
extension_gallery_install_apitest.cc | 64 LOG(INFO) << "Adding host resolver rule"; 68 LOG(INFO) << "Starting test server"; 73 LOG(INFO) << "Starting tests without user gesture checking"; 81 LOG(INFO) << "Starting tests with user gesture checking";
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/window_snapshot/ |
window_snapshot_x.cc | 34 LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't get window attributes"; 40 LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't get image"; 44 LOG(ERROR)<< "Unsupported image depth " << image->depth; 56 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create Cairo surface from XImage data";
/external/chromium/net/disk_cache/ |
cache_util_posix.cc | 22 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create destination cache directory."; 34 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to move cache item."; 50 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to delete cache."; 57 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to delete cache folder.";
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ |
checks.cc | 43 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "\n\n#\n# Fatal error in " << file
latebindingsymboltable.cc | 58 LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can't load " << dll_name << ": " << GetDllError(); 66 LOG(LS_ERROR) << GetDllError(); 80 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error loading symbol " << symbol_name << ": " << err; 83 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Symbol " << symbol_name << " is NULL";
/external/openfst/src/script/ |
script-impl.cc | 30 LOG(ERROR) << "FSTs with non-matching arc types passed to " << op_name
text-io.cc | 36 LOG(ERROR) << "ReadPotentials: Can't open file: " << filename; 52 LOG(ERROR) << "ReadPotentials: Bad number of columns, " 74 LOG(ERROR) << "WritePotentials: Can't open file: " << filename; 85 LOG(ERROR) << "WritePotentials: Write failed: "
/external/qemu/ |
loadpng.c | 7 #define LOG(x...) fprintf(stderr,"error: " x) 9 #define LOG(x...) do {} while (0) 26 LOG("%s: failed to allocate png read struct\n", fn); 32 LOG("%s: failed to allocate png info struct\n", fn); 38 LOG("%s: failed to open file\n", fn); 43 LOG("%s: failed to read header\n", fn); 48 LOG("%s: header is not a PNG header\n", fn); 53 LOG("%s: png library error\n", fn); 94 LOG("%s: unsupported (grayscale?) color type\n"); 106 LOG("could not allocate data buffer\n") [all...] |
/external/regex-re2/re2/ |
set.cc | 30 LOG(DFATAL) << "RE2::Set::Add after Compile"; 43 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing '" << pattern << "': " << status.Text(); 71 LOG(DFATAL) << "RE2::Set::Compile multiple times"; 86 LOG(ERROR) << "Error simplifying during Compile."; 96 LOG(DFATAL) << "RE2::Set::Match without Compile"; 104 LOG(DFATAL) << "RE2::Set::Match: DFA ran out of cache space"; 109 LOG(DFATAL) << "RE2::Set::Match: match but unknown regexp set";
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/ |
WebBackForwardListCF.cpp | 93 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList dictionary representation does not have a valid current index"); 99 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList dictionary representation does not have a valid integer current index"); 105 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList dictionary representation does not have a valid list of entries"); 111 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList dictionary representation contains an invalid current index (%ld) for the number of entries (%ld)", currentIndex, size); 116 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList dictionary representation says there is no current item index, but there is a list of %ld entries - this is bogus", size); 125 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList entry array does not have a valid entry at index %i", (int)i); 131 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList entry at index %i does not have a valid URL", (int)i); 137 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList entry at index %i does not have a valid title", (int)i); 143 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList entry at index %i does not have a valid original URL", (int)i); 149 LOG(SessionState, "WebBackForwardList entry at index %i does not have back/forward data", (int)i) [all...] |
/external/webkit/Tools/MiniBrowser/mac/WebBundle/ |
WebBundleMain.m | 46 LOG(@"WKBundlePageClient - didClearWindowForFrame %@", [(NSURL *)cfURL absoluteString]); 61 LOG(@"WKBundleClient - didCreatePage\n"); 72 LOG(@"WKBundleClient - willDestroyPage\n"); 82 LOG(@"WKBundleClient - didRecieveMessage - MessageName: %@ MessageBody %@", cfMessageName, cfMessageBody); 85 LOG(@"WKBundleClient - didRecieveMessage - MessageName: %@ (MessageBody Unhandeled)\n", cfMessageName);