/external/webkit/LayoutTests/fast/encoding/resources/ |
parser-tests.js | 12 '<p>(Tests are considered to pass even if they treat Win1254 and ISO-8859-4 as separate.)</p>' + 15 if (window.layoutTestController) { 31 if (have == 'ISO-8859-9') 33 if (want != have) { 47 if (current <= max) 52 if (window.layoutTestController)
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/storage/ |
read-and-write-transactions-dont-run-together.js | 3 if (window.layoutTestController) 24 if (readOnly) { 25 if (writeTransactionsInProgress != 0) { 31 if ((readTransactionsInProgress != 0) || (writeTransactionsInProgress != 0)) { 43 if (readOnly) 48 if ((finishedTransactions == totalTransactions) && (readTransactionsInProgress == 0) && (writeTransactionsInProgress == 0)) 74 tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Test (Foo int);");
/external/webkit/PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/sunspider-0.9/ |
date-format-tofte.js | 3 if (array[i] == x) return true; 16 // if time is not passed, formatting is based on 63 if (beat > 1000) beat -= 1000; 64 if (beat < 0) beat += 1000; 65 if ((""+beat).length == 1) beat = "00"+beat; 66 if ((""+beat).length == 2) beat = "0"+beat; 93 if (self.getHours() > 12) { 122 // leap year or not. 1 if leap year, 0 if not. 125 if ( [all...] |
/external/webkit/PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/sunspider-0.9.1/ |
date-format-tofte.js | 3 if (array[i] == x) return true; 16 // if time is not passed, formatting is based on 63 if (beat > 1000) beat -= 1000; 64 if (beat < 0) beat += 1000; 65 if ((""+beat).length == 1) beat = "00"+beat; 66 if ((""+beat).length == 2) beat = "0"+beat; 93 if (self.getHours() > 12) { 122 // leap year or not. 1 if leap year, 0 if not. 125 if ( [all...] |
/external/webkit/PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/ |
v8-raytrace.js | 69 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 70 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 80 if(!r) r = 0.0; 81 if(!g) g = 0.0; 82 if(!b) b = 0.0; 187 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 188 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 204 if(distance >= intensity) return 0; 214 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 215 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {} [all...] |
/external/webkit/PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/v8-v5/ |
v8-raytrace.js | 69 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 70 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 80 if(!r) r = 0.0; 81 if(!g) g = 0.0; 82 if(!b) b = 0.0; 187 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 188 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 204 if(distance >= intensity) return 0; 214 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 215 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {} [all...] |
/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-ds/assets/js/ |
prettify.js | 2 (function(){function L(a){function m(a){var f=a.charCodeAt(0);if(f!==92)return f;var b=a.charAt(1);return(f=r[b])?f:"0"<=b&&b<="7"?parseInt(a.substring(1),8):b==="u"||b==="x"?parseInt(a.substring(2),16):a.charCodeAt(1)}function e(a){if(a<32)return(a<16?"\\x0":"\\x")+a.toString(16);a=String.fromCharCode(a);if(a==="\\"||a==="-"||a==="["||a==="]")a="\\"+a;return a}function h(a){for(var f=a.substring(1,a.length-1).match(/\\u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|\\x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|\\[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|\\[0-7]{1,2}|\\[\S\s]|[^\\]/g),a= 3 [],b=[],o=f[0]==="^",c=o?1:0,i=f.length;c<i;++c){var j=f[c];if(/\\[bdsw]/i.test(j))a.push(j);else{var j=m(j),d;c+2<i&&"-"===f[c+1]?(d=m(f[c+2]),c+=2):d=j;b.push([j,d]);d<65||j>122||(d<65||j>90||b.push([Math.max(65,j)|32,Math.min(d,90)|32]),d<97||j>122||b.push([Math.max(97,j)&-33,Math.min(d,122)&-33]))}}b.sort(function(a,f){return a[0]-f[0]||f[1]-a[1]});f=[];j=[NaN,NaN];for(c=0;c<b.length;++c)i=b[c],i[0]<=j[1]+1?j[1]=Math.max(j[1],i[1]):f.push(j=i);b=["["];o&&b.push("^");b.push.apply(b,a);for(c=0;c< 5 (j=+j.substring(1))&&j<=i&&(f[c]="\\"+d[i]);for(i=c=0;c<b;++c)"^"===f[c]&&"^"!==f[c+1]&&(f[c]="");if(a.ignoreCase&&s)for(c=0;c<b;++c)j=f[c],a=j.charAt(0),j.length>=2&&a==="["?f[c]=h(j):a!=="\\"&&(f[c]=j.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g,function(a){a=a.charCodeAt(0);return"["+String.fromCharCode(a&-33,a|32)+"]"}));return f.join("")}for(var t=0,s=!1,l=!1,p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){var g=a[p];if(g.ignoreCase)l=!0;else if(/[a-z]/i.test(g.source.replace(/\\u[\da-f]{4}|\\x[\da-f]{2}|\\[^UXux]/gi,""))){s=!0;l=!1;break}}for(var r= 6 {b:8,t:9,n:10,v:11,f:12,r:13},n=[],p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){g=a[p];if(g.global||g.multiline)throw Error(""+g);n.push("(?:"+y(g)+")")}return RegExp(n.join("|"),l?"gi":"g")}function M(a){function m(a){switch(a.nodeType){case 1:if(e.test(a.className))break;for(var g=a.firstChild;g;g=g.nextSibling)m(g);g=a.nodeName;if("BR"===g||"LI"===g)h[s]="\n",t[s<<1]=y++,t[s++<<1|1]=a;break;case 3:case 4:g=a.nodeValue,g.length& (…) [all...] |
/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-sac/assets/js/ |
prettify.js | 2 (function(){function L(a){function m(a){var f=a.charCodeAt(0);if(f!==92)return f;var b=a.charAt(1);return(f=r[b])?f:"0"<=b&&b<="7"?parseInt(a.substring(1),8):b==="u"||b==="x"?parseInt(a.substring(2),16):a.charCodeAt(1)}function e(a){if(a<32)return(a<16?"\\x0":"\\x")+a.toString(16);a=String.fromCharCode(a);if(a==="\\"||a==="-"||a==="["||a==="]")a="\\"+a;return a}function h(a){for(var f=a.substring(1,a.length-1).match(/\\u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|\\x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|\\[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|\\[0-7]{1,2}|\\[\S\s]|[^\\]/g),a= 3 [],b=[],o=f[0]==="^",c=o?1:0,i=f.length;c<i;++c){var j=f[c];if(/\\[bdsw]/i.test(j))a.push(j);else{var j=m(j),d;c+2<i&&"-"===f[c+1]?(d=m(f[c+2]),c+=2):d=j;b.push([j,d]);d<65||j>122||(d<65||j>90||b.push([Math.max(65,j)|32,Math.min(d,90)|32]),d<97||j>122||b.push([Math.max(97,j)&-33,Math.min(d,122)&-33]))}}b.sort(function(a,f){return a[0]-f[0]||f[1]-a[1]});f=[];j=[NaN,NaN];for(c=0;c<b.length;++c)i=b[c],i[0]<=j[1]+1?j[1]=Math.max(j[1],i[1]):f.push(j=i);b=["["];o&&b.push("^");b.push.apply(b,a);for(c=0;c< 5 (j=+j.substring(1))&&j<=i&&(f[c]="\\"+d[i]);for(i=c=0;c<b;++c)"^"===f[c]&&"^"!==f[c+1]&&(f[c]="");if(a.ignoreCase&&s)for(c=0;c<b;++c)j=f[c],a=j.charAt(0),j.length>=2&&a==="["?f[c]=h(j):a!=="\\"&&(f[c]=j.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g,function(a){a=a.charCodeAt(0);return"["+String.fromCharCode(a&-33,a|32)+"]"}));return f.join("")}for(var t=0,s=!1,l=!1,p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){var g=a[p];if(g.ignoreCase)l=!0;else if(/[a-z]/i.test(g.source.replace(/\\u[\da-f]{4}|\\x[\da-f]{2}|\\[^UXux]/gi,""))){s=!0;l=!1;break}}for(var r= 6 {b:8,t:9,n:10,v:11,f:12,r:13},n=[],p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){g=a[p];if(g.global||g.multiline)throw Error(""+g);n.push("(?:"+y(g)+")")}return RegExp(n.join("|"),l?"gi":"g")}function M(a){function m(a){switch(a.nodeType){case 1:if(e.test(a.className))break;for(var g=a.firstChild;g;g=g.nextSibling)m(g);g=a.nodeName;if("BR"===g||"LI"===g)h[s]="\n",t[s<<1]=y++,t[s++<<1|1]=a;break;case 3:case 4:g=a.nodeValue,g.length& (…) [all...] |
/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-sdk/assets/js/ |
prettify.js | 2 (function(){function L(a){function m(a){var f=a.charCodeAt(0);if(f!==92)return f;var b=a.charAt(1);return(f=r[b])?f:"0"<=b&&b<="7"?parseInt(a.substring(1),8):b==="u"||b==="x"?parseInt(a.substring(2),16):a.charCodeAt(1)}function e(a){if(a<32)return(a<16?"\\x0":"\\x")+a.toString(16);a=String.fromCharCode(a);if(a==="\\"||a==="-"||a==="["||a==="]")a="\\"+a;return a}function h(a){for(var f=a.substring(1,a.length-1).match(/\\u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|\\x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|\\[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|\\[0-7]{1,2}|\\[\S\s]|[^\\]/g),a= 3 [],b=[],o=f[0]==="^",c=o?1:0,i=f.length;c<i;++c){var j=f[c];if(/\\[bdsw]/i.test(j))a.push(j);else{var j=m(j),d;c+2<i&&"-"===f[c+1]?(d=m(f[c+2]),c+=2):d=j;b.push([j,d]);d<65||j>122||(d<65||j>90||b.push([Math.max(65,j)|32,Math.min(d,90)|32]),d<97||j>122||b.push([Math.max(97,j)&-33,Math.min(d,122)&-33]))}}b.sort(function(a,f){return a[0]-f[0]||f[1]-a[1]});f=[];j=[NaN,NaN];for(c=0;c<b.length;++c)i=b[c],i[0]<=j[1]+1?j[1]=Math.max(j[1],i[1]):f.push(j=i);b=["["];o&&b.push("^");b.push.apply(b,a);for(c=0;c< 5 (j=+j.substring(1))&&j<=i&&(f[c]="\\"+d[i]);for(i=c=0;c<b;++c)"^"===f[c]&&"^"!==f[c+1]&&(f[c]="");if(a.ignoreCase&&s)for(c=0;c<b;++c)j=f[c],a=j.charAt(0),j.length>=2&&a==="["?f[c]=h(j):a!=="\\"&&(f[c]=j.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g,function(a){a=a.charCodeAt(0);return"["+String.fromCharCode(a&-33,a|32)+"]"}));return f.join("")}for(var t=0,s=!1,l=!1,p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){var g=a[p];if(g.ignoreCase)l=!0;else if(/[a-z]/i.test(g.source.replace(/\\u[\da-f]{4}|\\x[\da-f]{2}|\\[^UXux]/gi,""))){s=!0;l=!1;break}}for(var r= 6 {b:8,t:9,n:10,v:11,f:12,r:13},n=[],p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){g=a[p];if(g.global||g.multiline)throw Error(""+g);n.push("(?:"+y(g)+")")}return RegExp(n.join("|"),l?"gi":"g")}function M(a){function m(a){switch(a.nodeType){case 1:if(e.test(a.className))break;for(var g=a.firstChild;g;g=g.nextSibling)m(g);g=a.nodeName;if("BR"===g||"LI"===g)h[s]="\n",t[s<<1]=y++,t[s++<<1|1]=a;break;case 3:case 4:g=a.nodeValue,g.length& (…) [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/bookmark_manager/js/ |
main.js | 17 if (!chrome.bookmarks) 21 if (cr.isMac) 56 if (treeItem) { 75 if (treeItem) { 81 if (children) 84 if (opt_f) 94 if ('treeWidth' in localStorage) 124 * location.hash. If false then it is updated in a timeout. 137 if (opt_updateHashNow) 151 if (id in bmm.treeLookup [all...] |
/sdk/templates/docs/ |
prettify.js | 2 (function(){function L(a){function m(a){var f=a.charCodeAt(0);if(f!==92)return f;var b=a.charAt(1);return(f=r[b])?f:"0"<=b&&b<="7"?parseInt(a.substring(1),8):b==="u"||b==="x"?parseInt(a.substring(2),16):a.charCodeAt(1)}function e(a){if(a<32)return(a<16?"\\x0":"\\x")+a.toString(16);a=String.fromCharCode(a);if(a==="\\"||a==="-"||a==="["||a==="]")a="\\"+a;return a}function h(a){for(var f=a.substring(1,a.length-1).match(/\\u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|\\x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|\\[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|\\[0-7]{1,2}|\\[\S\s]|[^\\]/g),a= 3 [],b=[],o=f[0]==="^",c=o?1:0,i=f.length;c<i;++c){var j=f[c];if(/\\[bdsw]/i.test(j))a.push(j);else{var j=m(j),d;c+2<i&&"-"===f[c+1]?(d=m(f[c+2]),c+=2):d=j;b.push([j,d]);d<65||j>122||(d<65||j>90||b.push([Math.max(65,j)|32,Math.min(d,90)|32]),d<97||j>122||b.push([Math.max(97,j)&-33,Math.min(d,122)&-33]))}}b.sort(function(a,f){return a[0]-f[0]||f[1]-a[1]});f=[];j=[NaN,NaN];for(c=0;c<b.length;++c)i=b[c],i[0]<=j[1]+1?j[1]=Math.max(j[1],i[1]):f.push(j=i);b=["["];o&&b.push("^");b.push.apply(b,a);for(c=0;c< 5 (j=+j.substring(1))&&j<=i&&(f[c]="\\"+d[i]);for(i=c=0;c<b;++c)"^"===f[c]&&"^"!==f[c+1]&&(f[c]="");if(a.ignoreCase&&s)for(c=0;c<b;++c)j=f[c],a=j.charAt(0),j.length>=2&&a==="["?f[c]=h(j):a!=="\\"&&(f[c]=j.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g,function(a){a=a.charCodeAt(0);return"["+String.fromCharCode(a&-33,a|32)+"]"}));return f.join("")}for(var t=0,s=!1,l=!1,p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){var g=a[p];if(g.ignoreCase)l=!0;else if(/[a-z]/i.test(g.source.replace(/\\u[\da-f]{4}|\\x[\da-f]{2}|\\[^UXux]/gi,""))){s=!0;l=!1;break}}for(var r= 6 {b:8,t:9,n:10,v:11,f:12,r:13},n=[],p=0,d=a.length;p<d;++p){g=a[p];if(g.global||g.multiline)throw Error(""+g);n.push("(?:"+y(g)+")")}return RegExp(n.join("|"),l?"gi":"g")}function M(a){function m(a){switch(a.nodeType){case 1:if(e.test(a.className))break;for(var g=a.firstChild;g;g=g.nextSibling)m(g);g=a.nodeName;if("BR"===g||"LI"===g)h[s]="\n",t[s<<1]=y++,t[s++<<1|1]=a;break;case 3:case 4:g=a.nodeValue,g.length& (…) [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/ |
bug_report.js | 25 if (thumbnailDivs.length == 0) { 30 // If the the current div matches the thumbnail id provided, 32 if ((thumbnailDivs[i].id == thumbnailId) || (!thumbnailId && !i)) { 55 if (divId == 'current-screenshots') 70 if (!selectedThumbnailId) 80 if (!$('issue-with-combo').selectedIndex) { 83 } else if ($('description-text').value.length == 0) { 89 if ($('screenshot-checkbox').checked && selectedThumbnailId) 92 if (!$('page-url-checkbox').checked) 102 // Add chromeos data if it exists [all...] |
keyboard_overlay.js | 99 if (!hex) { 104 if (n <= 0xFFFF) { 106 } else if (n <= 0x10FFFF) { 120 if (!e) { 133 // if e.keyCode is one of Shift, Ctrl and Alt, isPressed should 136 if(modifierWithKeyCode){ 168 * Returns true if |list| contains |e|. 184 if ((identifier == '2A' && contains(modifiers, 'SHIFT')) || 194 * Returns true if a character is a ASCII character. 205 if (!keyData) [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/js1_3/ |
jsref.js | 58 if ( DEBUG ) { 64 if ( VERSION == "ECMA_1" ) { 67 if ( VERSION == "JS_1.3" ) { 70 if ( VERSION == "JS_1.2" ) { 73 if ( VERSION == "JS_1.1" ) { 81 // a special compare to see if we got the right result. 82 if ( actual != actual ) { 83 if ( typeof actual == "object" ) { 89 if ( expect != expect ) { 90 if ( typeof expect == "object" ) [all...] |
/external/v8/src/ |
d8.js | 26 // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 31 if (str.length > this.length) { 42 if (!obj && typeof obj === 'object') { 58 if (!next) { 70 if (typeof name === 'string' && name.startsWith(last)) { 126 //var lol_is_enabled; // Set to true in d8.cc if LIVE_OBJECT_LIST is defined. 145 if (trace_debug_json) { 152 if (response.type() == 'event') { 169 if (body.breakpoints) { 171 if (body.breakpoints.length > 1) [all...] |
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/http/tests/cookies/resources/ |
cookies-test-pre.js | 0 if (window.layoutTestController) 10 if (description.firstChild) 40 if (_a.length !== _b.length) 43 if (_a[i] !== _b[i]) 57 if (_expected === 0) 59 if (_actual === _expected) 61 if (typeof(_expected) == "number" && isNaN(_expected)) 63 if (Object.prototype.toString.call(_expected) == Object.prototype.toString.call([])) 70 if (v === 0 && 1/v < 0) 77 if (typeof _a != "string" || typeof _b != "string" [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/net_internals/ |
util.js | 83 if (isAdd) { 84 if (!(classNameToAddOrRemove in currentNames)) { 89 if (currentNames[i] == classNameToAddOrRemove) { 101 if (map[key] == value) 108 * Looks up |key| in |map|, and returns the resulting entry, if there is one. 114 if (key in map) 186 * Adds a header row, if not already present, and adds a new column to it, 192 // Insert empty new row at start of |rows_| if currently no header row. 193 if (!this.hasHeaderRow_) { 214 * Returns the cell at position (rowIndex, columnIndex), or null if there i [all...] |
/external/v8/benchmarks/spinning-balls/ |
splay-tree.js | 26 // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 58 * Inserts a node into the tree with the specified key and value if 59 * the tree does not already contain a node with the specified key. If 66 if (this.isEmpty()) { 73 if (this.root_.key == key) { 77 if (key > this.root_.key) { 91 * Removes a node with the specified key from the tree if the tree 92 * contains a node with this key. The removed node is returned. If the 99 if (this.isEmpty()) { 103 if (this.root_.key != key) [all...] |
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/dom/xhtml/level3/core/ |
nodesetuserdata05.js | 30 // If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous 46 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 52 if (typeof(this.doc2) != 'undefined') { 57 if (docsLoaded == 2) { 76 if (++docsLoaded == 2) { 88 verify if the returned nodes are Equal. 96 if(checkInitialization(builder, "nodesetuserdata05") != null) return; 109 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 115 if (typeof(this.doc2) != 'undefined') { 120 if (null == nullHandler) [all...] |
nodegetfeature01.js | 30 // If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous 46 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 51 if (docsLoaded == 1) { 70 if (++docsLoaded == 1) { 85 if(checkInitialization(builder, "nodegetfeature01") != null) return; 95 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 116 if( 125 if( 134 if( 143 if( [all...] |
nodegetfeature02.js | 30 // If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous 46 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 51 if (docsLoaded == 1) { 70 if (++docsLoaded == 1) { 85 if(checkInitialization(builder, "nodegetfeature02") != null) return; 95 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 116 if( 125 if( 134 if( 143 if( [all...] |
nodegetfeature03.js | 30 // If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous 46 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 51 if (docsLoaded == 1) { 70 if (++docsLoaded == 1) { 85 if(checkInitialization(builder, "nodegetfeature03") != null) return; 95 if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') { 117 if( 126 if( 135 if( 144 if( [all...] |
/external/v8/benchmarks/ |
raytrace.js | 74 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 75 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 85 if(!r) r = 0.0; 86 if(!g) g = 0.0; 87 if(!b) b = 0.0; 192 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 193 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 213 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 214 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 260 if(!w || !v) throw 'Vectors must be defined [' + v + ',' + w + ']' [all...] |
/external/webkit/PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/v8-v6/ |
v8-raytrace.js | 69 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 70 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 80 if(!r) r = 0.0; 81 if(!g) g = 0.0; 82 if(!b) b = 0.0; 187 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 188 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 208 if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {}; 209 if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {}; 255 if(!w || !v) throw 'Vectors must be defined [' + v + ',' + w + ']' [all...] |
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/ |
keyed-ic.js | 26 // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 43 if (i <= change_index) { 48 if (i == change_index) P = H; 75 if (i <= change_index) { 80 if (i == change_index) L = zero; 103 if (i <= change_index) { 108 if (i == change_index) L = zero; 131 if (i <= change_index) { 136 if (i == change_index) X = Y; 160 if (i <= change_index) [all...] |