Lines Matching refs:sshd
70 Summary : OpenSSH Secure Shell protocol server (sshd).
71 Summary(de) : OpenSSH Secure Shell Protocol-Server (sshd).
72 Summary(es) : Servidor del protocolo OpenSSH Secure Shell (sshd).
73 Summary(fr) : Serveur de protocole du shell s?curis? OpenSSH (sshd).
74 Summary(it) : Server OpenSSH per il protocollo Secure Shell (sshd).
75 Summary(pt) : Servidor do protocolo 'Secure Shell' OpenSSH (sshd).
76 Summary(pt_BR) : Servidor do protocolo Secure Shell OpenSSH (sshd).
144 This package installs the sshd, the server portion of OpenSSH.
147 Dieses Paket installiert den sshd, den Server-Teil der OpenSSH.
150 Este paquete instala sshd, la parte servidor de OpenSSH.
153 Ce paquetage installe le 'sshd', partie serveur de OpenSSH.
156 Questo pacchetto installa sshd, il server di OpenSSH.
159 Este pacote intala o sshd, o servidor do OpenSSH.
162 Este pacote intala o sshd, o servidor do OpenSSH.
182 --with-privsep-path=%{_var}/empty/sshd \
207 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_var}/empty/sshd
219 install -m644 contrib/caldera/sshd.pam %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d/sshd
222 %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d/sshd
224 install -m 0755 contrib/caldera/sshd.init %{buildroot}%{SVIdir}/sshd
233 cat <<-EoD > %{buildroot}%{SVIcdir}/sshd
234 IDENT=sshd
281 %{_sbindir}/groupadd -g %{sshd_gid} sshd 2>/dev/null || :
282 %{_sbindir}/useradd -d /var/empty/sshd -s /bin/false -u %{sshd_uid} \
283 -c "SSH Daemon virtual user" -g sshd sshd 2>/dev/null || :
288 %{LSBinit}-install sshd
290 lisa --SysV-init install sshd S55 2:3:4:5 K45 0:1:6
293 ! %{SVIdir}/sshd status || %{SVIdir}/sshd restart
299 ! %{SVIdir}/sshd status || %{SVIdir}/sshd stop
301 %{LSBinit}-remove sshd
303 lisa --SysV-init remove sshd $1
338 %dir %{_var}/empty/sshd
339 %config %{SVIdir}/sshd
340 %config /etc/pam.d/sshd
343 %config %{SVIcdir}/sshd
345 %{_sbindir}/sshd
349 %{_mandir}/man8/sshd.8.gz