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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // For WinDDK ATL compatibility, these ATL headers must come first.
      6 #include "build/build_config.h"
      7 #if defined(OS_WIN)
      8 #include <atlbase.h>  // NOLINT
      9 #include <atlwin.h>  // NOLINT
     10 #endif
     12 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/autocomplete/autocomplete_result_view.h"
     14 #include <algorithm>  // NOLINT
     16 #include "base/i18n/bidi_line_iterator.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/autocomplete/autocomplete_result_view_model.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h"
     19 #include "grit/generated_resources.h"
     20 #include "grit/theme_resources.h"
     21 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
     22 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
     23 #include "ui/base/text/text_elider.h"
     24 #include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h"
     25 #include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
     27 #if defined(OS_LINUX)
     28 #include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/gtk_util.h"
     29 #include "ui/gfx/skia_utils_gtk.h"
     30 #endif
     32 namespace {
     34 const char16 kEllipsis[] = { 0x2026 };
     36 // The minimum distance between the top and bottom of the {icon|text} and the
     37 // top or bottom of the row.
     38 const int kMinimumIconVerticalPadding = 2;
     40 #if defined(TOUCH_UI)
     41 const int kMinimumTextVerticalPadding = 15;
     42 #else
     43 const int kMinimumTextVerticalPadding = 3;
     44 #endif
     46 }  // namespace
     48 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     49 // AutocompleteResultView, public:
     51 // Precalculated data used to draw the portion of a match classification that
     52 // fits entirely within one run.
     53 struct AutocompleteResultView::ClassificationData {
     54   string16 text;
     55   const gfx::Font* font;
     56   SkColor color;
     57   int pixel_width;
     58 };
     60 // Precalculated data used to draw a complete visual run within the match.
     61 // This will include all or part of at leasdt one, and possibly several,
     62 // classifications.
     63 struct AutocompleteResultView::RunData {
     64   size_t run_start;  // Offset within the match text where this run begins.
     65   int visual_order;  // Where this run occurs in visual order.  The earliest
     66   // run drawn is run 0.
     67   bool is_rtl;
     68   int pixel_width;
     69   Classifications classifications;  // Classification pieces within this run,
     70                                     // in logical order.
     71 };
     73 // This class is a utility class for calculations affected by whether the result
     74 // view is horizontally mirrored.  The drawing functions can be written as if
     75 // all drawing occurs left-to-right, and then use this class to get the actual
     76 // coordinates to begin drawing onscreen.
     77 class AutocompleteResultView::MirroringContext {
     78  public:
     79   MirroringContext() : center_(0), right_(0) {}
     81   // Tells the mirroring context to use the provided range as the physical
     82   // bounds of the drawing region.  When coordinate mirroring is needed, the
     83   // mirror point will be the center of this range.
     84   void Initialize(int x, int width) {
     85     center_ = x + width / 2;
     86     right_ = x + width;
     87   }
     89   // Given a logical range within the drawing region, returns the coordinate of
     90   // the possibly-mirrored "left" side.  (This functions exactly like
     91   // View::MirroredLeftPointForRect().)
     92   int mirrored_left_coord(int left, int right) const {
     93     return base::i18n::IsRTL() ? (center_ + (center_ - right)) : left;
     94   }
     96   // Given a logical coordinate within the drawing region, returns the remaining
     97   // width available.
     98   int remaining_width(int x) const {
     99     return right_ - x;
    100   }
    102  private:
    103   int center_;
    104   int right_;
    106   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MirroringContext);
    107 };
    109 AutocompleteResultView::AutocompleteResultView(
    110     AutocompleteResultViewModel* model,
    111     int model_index,
    112     const gfx::Font& font,
    113     const gfx::Font& bold_font)
    114     : model_(model),
    115       model_index_(model_index),
    116       normal_font_(font),
    117       bold_font_(bold_font),
    118       ellipsis_width_(font.GetStringWidth(string16(kEllipsis))),
    119       mirroring_context_(new MirroringContext()),
    120       match_(NULL, 0, false, AutocompleteMatch::URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED) {
    121   CHECK_GE(model_index, 0);
    122   if (default_icon_size_ == 0) {
    123     default_icon_size_ = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed(
    124         AutocompleteMatch::TypeToIcon(AutocompleteMatch::URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED))->
    125         width();
    126   }
    127 }
    129 AutocompleteResultView::~AutocompleteResultView() {
    130 }
    132 // static
    133 SkColor AutocompleteResultView::GetColor(ResultViewState state,
    134                                          ColorKind kind) {
    135   static bool initialized = false;
    136   static SkColor colors[NUM_STATES][NUM_KINDS];
    137   if (!initialized) {
    138 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    139     colors[NORMAL][BACKGROUND] = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
    140     colors[SELECTED][BACKGROUND] = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    141     colors[NORMAL][TEXT] = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    142     colors[SELECTED][TEXT] = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    143 #elif defined(OS_LINUX)
    144     GdkColor bg_color, selected_bg_color, text_color, selected_text_color;
    145     gtk_util::GetTextColors(
    146         &bg_color, &selected_bg_color, &text_color, &selected_text_color);
    147     colors[NORMAL][BACKGROUND] = gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(bg_color);
    148     colors[SELECTED][BACKGROUND] = gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(selected_bg_color);
    149     colors[NORMAL][TEXT] = gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(text_color);
    150     colors[SELECTED][TEXT] = gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(selected_text_color);
    151 #else
    152     // TODO(beng): source from theme provider.
    153     colors[NORMAL][BACKGROUND] = SK_ColorWHITE;
    154     colors[SELECTED][BACKGROUND] = SK_ColorBLUE;
    155     colors[NORMAL][TEXT] = SK_ColorBLACK;
    156     colors[SELECTED][TEXT] = SK_ColorWHITE;
    157 #endif
    158     colors[HOVERED][BACKGROUND] =
    159         color_utils::AlphaBlend(colors[SELECTED][BACKGROUND],
    160                                 colors[NORMAL][BACKGROUND], 64);
    161     colors[HOVERED][TEXT] = colors[NORMAL][TEXT];
    162     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; ++i) {
    163       colors[i][DIMMED_TEXT] =
    164           color_utils::AlphaBlend(colors[i][TEXT], colors[i][BACKGROUND], 128);
    165       colors[i][URL] = color_utils::GetReadableColor(SkColorSetRGB(0, 128, 0),
    166                                                      colors[i][BACKGROUND]);
    167     }
    168     initialized = true;
    169   }
    171   return colors[state][kind];
    172 }
    174 void AutocompleteResultView::SetMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
    175   match_ = match;
    176   Layout();
    177 }
    179 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    180 // AutocompleteResultView, protected:
    182 void AutocompleteResultView::PaintMatch(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
    183                                         const AutocompleteMatch& match,
    184                                         int x) {
    185   x = DrawString(canvas, match.contents, match.contents_class, false, x,
    186                  text_bounds_.y());
    188   // Paint the description.
    189   // TODO(pkasting): Because we paint in multiple separate pieces, we can wind
    190   // up with no space even for an ellipsis for one or both of these pieces.
    191   // Instead, we should paint the entire match as a single long string.  This
    192   // would also let us use a more properly-localizable string than we get with
    194   if (!match.description.empty()) {
    195     string16 separator =
    197     ACMatchClassifications classifications;
    198     classifications.push_back(
    199         ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::NONE));
    200     x = DrawString(canvas, separator, classifications, true, x,
    201                    text_bounds_.y());
    203     DrawString(canvas, match.description, match.description_class, true, x,
    204                text_bounds_.y());
    205   }
    206 }
    208 int AutocompleteResultView::GetFontHeight() const {
    209   return std::max(normal_font_.GetHeight(), bold_font_.GetHeight());
    210 }
    212 // static
    213 bool AutocompleteResultView::SortRunsLogically(const RunData& lhs,
    214                                                const RunData& rhs) {
    215   return lhs.run_start < rhs.run_start;
    216 }
    218 // static
    219 bool AutocompleteResultView::SortRunsVisually(const RunData& lhs,
    220                                               const RunData& rhs) {
    221   return lhs.visual_order < rhs.visual_order;
    222 }
    224 // static
    225 int AutocompleteResultView::default_icon_size_ = 0;
    227 AutocompleteResultView::ResultViewState
    228     AutocompleteResultView::GetState() const {
    229   if (model_->IsSelectedIndex(model_index_))
    230     return SELECTED;
    231   return model_->IsHoveredIndex(model_index_) ? HOVERED : NORMAL;
    232 }
    234 const SkBitmap* AutocompleteResultView::GetIcon() const {
    235   const SkBitmap* bitmap = model_->GetIconIfExtensionMatch(model_index_);
    236   if (bitmap)
    237     return bitmap;
    239   int icon = match_.starred ?
    240       IDR_OMNIBOX_STAR : AutocompleteMatch::TypeToIcon(match_.type);
    241   if (model_->IsSelectedIndex(model_index_)) {
    242     switch (icon) {
    243       case IDR_OMNIBOX_EXTENSION_APP:
    245         break;
    246       case IDR_OMNIBOX_HTTP:
    247         icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_HTTP_SELECTED;
    248         break;
    249       case IDR_OMNIBOX_HISTORY:
    250         icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_HISTORY_SELECTED;
    251         break;
    252       case IDR_OMNIBOX_SEARCH:
    253         icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_SEARCH_SELECTED;
    254         break;
    255       case IDR_OMNIBOX_STAR:
    256         icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_STAR_SELECTED;
    257         break;
    258       default:
    259         NOTREACHED();
    260         break;
    261     }
    262   }
    263   return ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed(icon);
    264 }
    266 int AutocompleteResultView::DrawString(
    267     gfx::Canvas* canvas,
    268     const string16& text,
    269     const ACMatchClassifications& classifications,
    270     bool force_dim,
    271     int x,
    272     int y) {
    273   if (text.empty())
    274     return x;
    276   // Check whether or not this text is a URL.  URLs are always displayed LTR
    277   // regardless of locale.
    278   bool is_url = true;
    279   for (ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator i(classifications.begin());
    280        i != classifications.end(); ++i) {
    281     if (!(i->style & ACMatchClassification::URL)) {
    282       is_url = false;
    283       break;
    284     }
    285   }
    287   // Split the text into visual runs.  We do this first so that we don't need to
    288   // worry about whether our eliding might change the visual display in
    289   // unintended ways, e.g. by removing directional markings or by adding an
    290   // ellipsis that's not enclosed in appropriate markings.
    291   base::i18n::BiDiLineIterator bidi_line;
    292   if (!bidi_line.Open(text, base::i18n::IsRTL(), is_url))
    293     return x;
    294   const int num_runs = bidi_line.CountRuns();
    295   Runs runs;
    296   for (int run = 0; run < num_runs; ++run) {
    297     int run_start_int = 0, run_length_int = 0;
    298     // The index we pass to GetVisualRun corresponds to the position of the run
    299     // in the displayed text. For example, the string "Google in HEBREW" (where
    300     // HEBREW is text in the Hebrew language) has two runs: "Google in " which
    301     // is an LTR run, and "HEBREW" which is an RTL run. In an LTR context, the
    302     // run "Google in " has the index 0 (since it is the leftmost run
    303     // displayed). In an RTL context, the same run has the index 1 because it
    304     // is the rightmost run. This is why the order in which we traverse the
    305     // runs is different depending on the locale direction.
    306     const UBiDiDirection run_direction = bidi_line.GetVisualRun(
    307         (base::i18n::IsRTL() && !is_url) ? (num_runs - run - 1) : run,
    308         &run_start_int, &run_length_int);
    309     DCHECK_GT(run_length_int, 0);
    310     runs.push_back(RunData());
    311     RunData* current_run = &runs.back();
    312     current_run->run_start = run_start_int;
    313     const size_t run_end = current_run->run_start + run_length_int;
    314     current_run->visual_order = run;
    315     current_run->is_rtl = !is_url && (run_direction == UBIDI_RTL);
    316     current_run->pixel_width = 0;
    318     // Compute classifications for this run.
    319     for (size_t i = 0; i < classifications.size(); ++i) {
    320       const size_t text_start =
    321           std::max(classifications[i].offset, current_run->run_start);
    322       if (text_start >= run_end)
    323         break;  // We're past the last classification in the run.
    325       const size_t text_end = (i < (classifications.size() - 1)) ?
    326           std::min(classifications[i + 1].offset, run_end) : run_end;
    327       if (text_end <= current_run->run_start)
    328         continue;  // We haven't reached the first classification in the run.
    330       current_run->classifications.push_back(ClassificationData());
    331       ClassificationData* current_data =
    332           &current_run->classifications.back();
    333       current_data->text = text.substr(text_start, text_end - text_start);
    335       // Calculate style-related data.
    336       const int style = classifications[i].style;
    337       const bool use_bold_font = !!(style & ACMatchClassification::MATCH);
    338       current_data->font = &(use_bold_font ? bold_font_ : normal_font_);
    339       const ResultViewState state = GetState();
    340       if (style & ACMatchClassification::URL)
    341         current_data->color = GetColor(state, URL);
    342       else if (style & ACMatchClassification::DIM)
    343         current_data->color = GetColor(state, DIMMED_TEXT);
    344       else
    345         current_data->color = GetColor(state, force_dim ? DIMMED_TEXT : TEXT);
    346       current_data->pixel_width =
    347           current_data->font->GetStringWidth(current_data->text);
    348       current_run->pixel_width += current_data->pixel_width;
    349     }
    350     DCHECK(!current_run->classifications.empty());
    351   }
    352   DCHECK(!runs.empty());
    354   // Sort into logical order so we can elide logically.
    355   std::sort(runs.begin(), runs.end(), &SortRunsLogically);
    357   // Now determine what to elide, if anything.  Several subtle points:
    358   //   * Because we have the run data, we can get edge cases correct, like
    359   //     whether to place an ellipsis before or after the end of a run when the
    360   //     text needs to be elided at the run boundary.
    361   //   * The "or one before it" comments below refer to cases where an earlier
    362   //     classification fits completely, but leaves too little space for an
    363   //     ellipsis that turns out to be needed later.  These cases are commented
    364   //     more completely in Elide().
    365   int remaining_width = mirroring_context_->remaining_width(x);
    366   for (Runs::iterator i(runs.begin()); i != runs.end(); ++i) {
    367     if (i->pixel_width > remaining_width) {
    368       // This run or one before it needs to be elided.
    369       for (Classifications::iterator j(i->classifications.begin());
    370            j != i->classifications.end(); ++j) {
    371         if (j->pixel_width > remaining_width) {
    372           // This classification or one before it needs to be elided.  Erase all
    373           // further classifications and runs so Elide() can simply reverse-
    374           // iterate over everything to find the specific classification to
    375           // elide.
    376           i->classifications.erase(++j, i->classifications.end());
    377           runs.erase(++i, runs.end());
    378           Elide(&runs, remaining_width);
    379           break;
    380         }
    381         remaining_width -= j->pixel_width;
    382       }
    383       break;
    384     }
    385     remaining_width -= i->pixel_width;
    386   }
    388   // Sort back into visual order so we can display the runs correctly.
    389   std::sort(runs.begin(), runs.end(), &SortRunsVisually);
    391   // Draw the runs.
    392   for (Runs::iterator i(runs.begin()); i != runs.end(); ++i) {
    393     const bool reverse_visible_order = (i->is_rtl != base::i18n::IsRTL());
    394     int flags = gfx::Canvas::NO_ELLIPSIS;  // We've already elided.
    395     if (reverse_visible_order) {
    396       std::reverse(i->classifications.begin(), i->classifications.end());
    397       if (i->is_rtl)
    398         flags |= gfx::Canvas::FORCE_RTL_DIRECTIONALITY;
    399     }
    400     for (Classifications::const_iterator j(i->classifications.begin());
    401          j != i->classifications.end(); ++j) {
    402       int left = mirroring_context_->mirrored_left_coord(x, x + j->pixel_width);
    403       canvas->DrawStringInt(j->text, *j->font, j->color, left,
    404                             y, j->pixel_width, j->font->GetHeight(), flags);
    405       x += j->pixel_width;
    406     }
    407   }
    409   return x;
    410 }
    412 void AutocompleteResultView::Elide(Runs* runs, int remaining_width) const {
    413   // The complexity of this function is due to edge cases like the following:
    414   // We have 100 px of available space, an initial classification that takes 86
    415   // px, and a font that has a 15 px wide ellipsis character.  Now if the first
    416   // classification is followed by several very narrow classifications (e.g. 3
    417   // px wide each), we don't know whether we need to elide or not at the time we
    418   // see the first classification -- it depends on how many subsequent
    419   // classifications follow, and some of those may be in the next run (or
    420   // several runs!).  This is why instead we let our caller move forward until
    421   // we know we definitely need to elide, and then in this function we move
    422   // backward again until we find a string that we can successfully do the
    423   // eliding on.
    424   bool first_classification = true;
    425   for (Runs::reverse_iterator i(runs->rbegin()); i != runs->rend(); ++i) {
    426     for (Classifications::reverse_iterator j(i->classifications.rbegin());
    427          j != i->classifications.rend(); ++j) {
    428       if (!first_classification) {
    429         // For all but the first classification we consider, we need to append
    430         // an ellipsis, since there isn't enough room to draw it after this
    431         // classification.
    432         j->text += kEllipsis;
    434         // We also add this classification's width (sans ellipsis) back to the
    435         // available width since we want to consider the available space we'll
    436         // have when we draw this classification.
    437         remaining_width += j->pixel_width;
    438       }
    439       first_classification = false;
    441       // Can we fit at least an ellipsis?
    442       string16 elided_text =
    443           ui::ElideText(j->text, *j->font, remaining_width, false);
    444       Classifications::reverse_iterator prior_classification(j);
    445       ++prior_classification;
    446       const bool on_first_classification =
    447         (prior_classification == i->classifications.rend());
    448       if (elided_text.empty() && (remaining_width >= ellipsis_width_) &&
    449           on_first_classification) {
    450         // Edge case: This classification is bold, we can't fit a bold ellipsis
    451         // but we can fit a normal one, and this is the first classification in
    452         // the run.  We should display a lone normal ellipsis, because appending
    453         // one to the end of the previous run might put it in the wrong visual
    454         // location (if the previous run is reversed from the normal visual
    455         // order).
    456         // NOTE: If this isn't the first classification in the run, we don't
    457         // need to bother with this; see note below.
    458         elided_text = kEllipsis;
    459       }
    460       if (!elided_text.empty()) {
    461         // Success.  Elide this classification and stop.
    462         j->text = elided_text;
    464         // If we could only fit an ellipsis, then only make it bold if there was
    465         // an immediate prior classification in this run that was also bold, or
    466         // it will look orphaned.
    467         if ((elided_text.length() == 1) &&
    468             (on_first_classification ||
    469              (prior_classification->font == &normal_font_)))
    470           j->font = &normal_font_;
    472         j->pixel_width = j->font->GetStringWidth(elided_text);
    474         // Erase any other classifications that come after the elided one.
    475         i->classifications.erase(j.base(), i->classifications.end());
    476         runs->erase(i.base(), runs->end());
    477         return;
    478       }
    480       // We couldn't fit an ellipsis.  Move back one classification,
    481       // append an ellipsis, and try again.
    482       // NOTE: In the edge case that a bold ellipsis doesn't fit but a
    483       // normal one would, and we reach here, then there is a previous
    484       // classification in this run, and so either:
    485       //   * It's normal, and will be able to draw successfully with the
    486       //     ellipsis we'll append to it, or
    487       //   * It is also bold, in which case we don't want to fall back
    488       //     to a normal ellipsis anyway (see comment above).
    489     }
    490   }
    492   // We couldn't draw anything.
    493   runs->clear();
    494 }
    496 gfx::Size AutocompleteResultView::GetPreferredSize() {
    497   return gfx::Size(0, std::max(
    498       default_icon_size_ + (kMinimumIconVerticalPadding * 2),
    499       GetFontHeight() + (kMinimumTextVerticalPadding * 2)));
    500 }
    502 void AutocompleteResultView::Layout() {
    503   const SkBitmap* icon = GetIcon();
    504   icon_bounds_.SetRect(LocationBarView::kEdgeItemPadding +
    505       ((icon->width() == default_icon_size_) ?
    506           0 : LocationBarView::kIconInternalPadding),
    507       (height() - icon->height()) / 2, icon->width(), icon->height());
    509   int text_x = LocationBarView::kEdgeItemPadding + default_icon_size_ +
    510       LocationBarView::kItemPadding;
    511   int font_height = GetFontHeight();
    512   text_bounds_.SetRect(text_x, std::max(0, (height() - font_height) / 2),
    513       std::max(bounds().width() - text_x - LocationBarView::kEdgeItemPadding,
    514       0), font_height);
    515 }
    517 void AutocompleteResultView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
    518   const ResultViewState state = GetState();
    519   if (state != NORMAL)
    520     canvas->AsCanvasSkia()->drawColor(GetColor(state, BACKGROUND));
    522   // Paint the icon.
    523   canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*GetIcon(), GetMirroredXForRect(icon_bounds_),
    524                         icon_bounds_.y());
    526   // Paint the text.
    527   int x = GetMirroredXForRect(text_bounds_);
    528   mirroring_context_->Initialize(x, text_bounds_.width());
    529   PaintMatch(canvas, match_, x);
    530 }