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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <set>
      9 #include <string>
     10 #include <vector>
     12 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/conflict_resolver.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_proto_util.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_types.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncproto.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/nigori_specifics.pb.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_manager.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/model_type.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/nigori_util.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable_changes_version.h"
     25 using syncable::BASE_VERSION;
     26 using syncable::Blob;
     27 using syncable::CHANGES_VERSION;
     28 using syncable::CREATE;
     29 using syncable::CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM;
     30 using syncable::CTIME;
     31 using syncable::Directory;
     32 using syncable::Entry;
     33 using syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE;
     34 using syncable::GET_BY_ID;
     35 using syncable::ID;
     36 using syncable::IS_DEL;
     37 using syncable::IS_DIR;
     38 using syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE;
     39 using syncable::IS_UNSYNCED;
     40 using syncable::Id;
     41 using syncable::META_HANDLE;
     42 using syncable::MTIME;
     43 using syncable::MutableEntry;
     44 using syncable::NEXT_ID;
     45 using syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME;
     46 using syncable::PARENT_ID;
     47 using syncable::PREV_ID;
     48 using syncable::ReadTransaction;
     49 using syncable::SERVER_CTIME;
     50 using syncable::SERVER_IS_DEL;
     51 using syncable::SERVER_IS_DIR;
     52 using syncable::SERVER_MTIME;
     53 using syncable::SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME;
     54 using syncable::SERVER_PARENT_ID;
     55 using syncable::SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT;
     56 using syncable::SERVER_SPECIFICS;
     57 using syncable::SERVER_VERSION;
     58 using syncable::UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG;
     59 using syncable::UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG;
     60 using syncable::SPECIFICS;
     61 using syncable::SYNCER;
     62 using syncable::WriteTransaction;
     64 namespace browser_sync {
     66 // Returns the number of unsynced entries.
     67 // static
     68 int SyncerUtil::GetUnsyncedEntries(syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
     69                                    std::vector<int64> *handles) {
     70   trans->directory()->GetUnsyncedMetaHandles(trans, handles);
     71   VLOG_IF(1, !handles->empty()) << "Have " << handles->size()
     72                                 << " unsynced items.";
     73   return handles->size();
     74 }
     76 // static
     77 void SyncerUtil::ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(
     78     syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
     79     syncable::MutableEntry* entry,
     80     const syncable::Id& new_id,
     81     syncable::Directory::ChildHandles* children) {
     82   syncable::Id old_id = entry->Get(ID);
     83   if (!entry->Put(ID, new_id)) {
     84     Entry old_entry(trans, GET_BY_ID, new_id);
     85     CHECK(old_entry.good());
     86     LOG(FATAL) << "Attempt to change ID to " << new_id
     87                << " conflicts with existing entry.\n\n"
     88                << *entry << "\n\n" << old_entry;
     89   }
     90   if (entry->Get(IS_DIR)) {
     91     // Get all child entries of the old id.
     92     trans->directory()->GetChildHandles(trans, old_id, children);
     93     Directory::ChildHandles::iterator i = children->begin();
     94     while (i != children->end()) {
     95       MutableEntry child_entry(trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, *i++);
     96       CHECK(child_entry.good());
     97       // Use the unchecked setter here to avoid touching the child's NEXT_ID
     98       // and PREV_ID fields (which Put(PARENT_ID) would normally do to
     99       // maintain linked-list invariants).  In this case, NEXT_ID and PREV_ID
    100       // among the children will be valid after the loop, since we update all
    101       // the children at once.
    102       child_entry.PutParentIdPropertyOnly(new_id);
    103     }
    104   }
    105   // Update Id references on the previous and next nodes in the sibling
    106   // order.  Do this by reinserting into the linked list; the first
    107   // step in PutPredecessor is to Unlink from the existing order, which
    108   // will overwrite the stale Id value from the adjacent nodes.
    109   if (entry->Get(PREV_ID) == entry->Get(NEXT_ID) &&
    110       entry->Get(PREV_ID) == old_id) {
    111     // We just need a shallow update to |entry|'s fields since it is already
    112     // self looped.
    113     entry->Put(NEXT_ID, new_id);
    114     entry->Put(PREV_ID, new_id);
    115   } else {
    116     entry->PutPredecessor(entry->Get(PREV_ID));
    117   }
    118 }
    120 // static
    121 void SyncerUtil::ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(
    122     syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
    123     syncable::MutableEntry* entry,
    124     const syncable::Id& new_id) {
    125   syncable::Directory::ChildHandles children;
    126   ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(trans, entry, new_id, &children);
    127 }
    129 // static
    130 syncable::Id SyncerUtil::FindLocalIdToUpdate(
    131     syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    132     const SyncEntity& update) {
    133   // Expected entry points of this function:
    134   // SyncEntity has NOT been applied to SERVER fields.
    135   // SyncEntity has NOT been applied to LOCAL fields.
    136   // DB has not yet been modified, no entries created for this update.
    138   const std::string& client_id = trans->directory()->cache_guid();
    140   if (update.has_client_defined_unique_tag() &&
    141       !update.client_defined_unique_tag().empty()) {
    142     // When a server sends down a client tag, the following cases can occur:
    143     // 1) Client has entry for tag already, ID is server style, matches
    144     // 2) Client has entry for tag already, ID is server, doesn't match.
    145     // 3) Client has entry for tag already, ID is local, (never matches)
    146     // 4) Client has no entry for tag
    148     // Case 1, we don't have to do anything since the update will
    149     // work just fine. Update will end up in the proper entry, via ID lookup.
    150     // Case 2 - Happens very rarely due to lax enforcement of client tags
    151     // on the server, if two clients commit the same tag at the same time.
    152     // When this happens, we pick the lexically-least ID and ignore all other
    153     // items.
    154     // Case 3 - We need to replace the local ID with the server ID so that
    155     // this update gets targeted at the correct local entry; we expect conflict
    156     // resolution to occur.
    157     // Case 4 - Perfect. Same as case 1.
    159     syncable::Entry local_entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_CLIENT_TAG,
    160                                 update.client_defined_unique_tag());
    162     // The SyncAPI equivalent of this function will return !good if IS_DEL.
    163     // The syncable version will return good even if IS_DEL.
    164     // TODO(chron): Unit test the case with IS_DEL and make sure.
    165     if (local_entry.good()) {
    166       if (local_entry.Get(ID).ServerKnows()) {
    167         if (local_entry.Get(ID) != update.id()) {
    168           // Case 2.
    169           LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicated client tag.";
    170           if (local_entry.Get(ID) < update.id()) {
    171             // Signal an error; drop this update on the floor.  Note that
    172             // we don't server delete the item, because we don't allow it to
    173             // exist locally at all.  So the item will remain orphaned on
    174             // the server, and we won't pay attention to it.
    175             return syncable::kNullId;
    176           }
    177         }
    178         // Target this change to the existing local entry; later,
    179         // we'll change the ID of the local entry to update.id()
    180         // if needed.
    181         return local_entry.Get(ID);
    182       } else {
    183         // Case 3: We have a local entry with the same client tag.
    184         // We should change the ID of the local entry to the server entry.
    185         // This will result in an server ID with base version == 0, but that's
    186         // a legal state for an item with a client tag.  By changing the ID,
    187         // update will now be applied to local_entry.
    188         DCHECK(0 == local_entry.Get(BASE_VERSION) ||
    189                CHANGES_VERSION == local_entry.Get(BASE_VERSION));
    190         return local_entry.Get(ID);
    191       }
    192     }
    193   } else if (update.has_originator_cache_guid() &&
    194       update.originator_cache_guid() == client_id) {
    195     // If a commit succeeds, but the response does not come back fast enough
    196     // then the syncer might assume that it was never committed.
    197     // The server will track the client that sent up the original commit and
    198     // return this in a get updates response. When this matches a local
    199     // uncommitted item, we must mutate our local item and version to pick up
    200     // the committed version of the same item whose commit response was lost.
    201     // There is however still a race condition if the server has not
    202     // completed the commit by the time the syncer tries to get updates
    203     // again. To mitigate this, we need to have the server time out in
    204     // a reasonable span, our commit batches have to be small enough
    205     // to process within our HTTP response "assumed alive" time.
    207     // We need to check if we have an entry that didn't get its server
    208     // id updated correctly. The server sends down a client ID
    209     // and a local (negative) id. If we have a entry by that
    210     // description, we should update the ID and version to the
    211     // server side ones to avoid multiple copies of the same thing.
    213     syncable::Id client_item_id = syncable::Id::CreateFromClientString(
    214         update.originator_client_item_id());
    215     DCHECK(!client_item_id.ServerKnows());
    216     syncable::Entry local_entry(trans, GET_BY_ID, client_item_id);
    218     // If it exists, then our local client lost a commit response.  Use
    219     // the local entry.
    220     if (local_entry.good() && !local_entry.Get(IS_DEL)) {
    221       int64 old_version = local_entry.Get(BASE_VERSION);
    222       int64 new_version = update.version();
    223       DCHECK_LE(old_version, 0);
    224       DCHECK_GT(new_version, 0);
    225       // Otherwise setting the base version could cause a consistency failure.
    226       // An entry should never be version 0 and SYNCED.
    227       DCHECK(local_entry.Get(IS_UNSYNCED));
    229       // Just a quick sanity check.
    230       DCHECK(!local_entry.Get(ID).ServerKnows());
    232       VLOG(1) << "Reuniting lost commit response IDs. server id: "
    233               << update.id() << " local id: " << local_entry.Get(ID)
    234               << " new version: " << new_version;
    236       return local_entry.Get(ID);
    237     }
    238   }
    239   // Fallback: target an entry having the server ID, creating one if needed.
    240   return update.id();
    241 }
    243 // static
    244 UpdateAttemptResponse SyncerUtil::AttemptToUpdateEntry(
    245     syncable::WriteTransaction* const trans,
    246     syncable::MutableEntry* const entry,
    247     ConflictResolver* resolver,
    248     Cryptographer* cryptographer) {
    250   CHECK(entry->good());
    251   if (!entry->Get(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE))
    252     return SUCCESS;  // No work to do.
    253   syncable::Id id = entry->Get(ID);
    255   if (entry->Get(IS_UNSYNCED)) {
    256     VLOG(1) << "Skipping update, returning conflict for: " << id
    257             << " ; it's unsynced.";
    258     return CONFLICT;
    259   }
    260   if (!entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL)) {
    261     syncable::Id new_parent = entry->Get(SERVER_PARENT_ID);
    262     Entry parent(trans, GET_BY_ID,  new_parent);
    263     // A note on non-directory parents:
    264     // We catch most unfixable tree invariant errors at update receipt time,
    265     // however we deal with this case here because we may receive the child
    266     // first then the illegal parent. Instead of dealing with it twice in
    267     // different ways we deal with it once here to reduce the amount of code and
    268     // potential errors.
    269     if (!parent.good() || parent.Get(IS_DEL) || !parent.Get(IS_DIR)) {
    270       return CONFLICT;
    271     }
    272     if (entry->Get(PARENT_ID) != new_parent) {
    273       if (!entry->Get(IS_DEL) && !IsLegalNewParent(trans, id, new_parent)) {
    274         VLOG(1) << "Not updating item " << id
    275                 << ", illegal new parent (would cause loop).";
    276         return CONFLICT;
    277       }
    278     }
    279   } else if (entry->Get(IS_DIR)) {
    280     Directory::ChildHandles handles;
    281     trans->directory()->GetChildHandles(trans, id, &handles);
    282     if (!handles.empty()) {
    283       // If we have still-existing children, then we need to deal with
    284       // them before we can process this change.
    285       VLOG(1) << "Not deleting directory; it's not empty " << *entry;
    286       return CONFLICT;
    287     }
    288   }
    290   // We intercept updates to the Nigori node, update the Cryptographer and
    291   // encrypt any unsynced changes here because there is no Nigori
    292   // ChangeProcessor.
    293   const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics = entry->Get(SERVER_SPECIFICS);
    294   if (specifics.HasExtension(sync_pb::nigori)) {
    295     const sync_pb::NigoriSpecifics& nigori =
    296         specifics.GetExtension(sync_pb::nigori);
    297     if (!nigori.encrypted().blob().empty()) {
    298       if (cryptographer->CanDecrypt(nigori.encrypted())) {
    299         cryptographer->SetKeys(nigori.encrypted());
    300       } else {
    301         cryptographer->SetPendingKeys(nigori.encrypted());
    302       }
    303     }
    305     // Make sure any unsynced changes are properly encrypted as necessary.
    306     syncable::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types =
    307         syncable::GetEncryptedDataTypesFromNigori(nigori);
    308     if (!VerifyUnsyncedChangesAreEncrypted(trans, encrypted_types) &&
    309         (!cryptographer->is_ready() ||
    310          !syncable::ProcessUnsyncedChangesForEncryption(trans, encrypted_types,
    311                                                         cryptographer))) {
    312       // We were unable to encrypt the changes, possibly due to a missing
    313       // passphrase. We return conflict, even though the conflict is with the
    314       // unsynced change and not the nigori node. We ensure foward progress
    315       // because the cryptographer already has the pending keys set, so once
    316       // the new passphrase is entered we should be able to encrypt properly.
    317       // And, because this update will not be applied yet, next time around
    318       // we will properly encrypt all appropriate unsynced data.
    319       VLOG(1) << "Marking nigori node update as conflicting due to being unable"
    320               << " to encrypt all necessary unsynced changes.";
    321       return CONFLICT;
    322     }
    324     // Note that we don't bother to encrypt any synced data that now requires
    325     // encryption. The machine that turned on encryption should encrypt
    326     // everything itself. It's possible it could get interrupted during this
    327     // process, but we currently reencrypt everything at startup as well,
    328     // so as soon as a client is restarted with this datatype encrypted, all the
    329     // data should be updated as necessary.
    330   }
    332   // Only apply updates that we can decrypt. Updates that can't be decrypted yet
    333   // will stay in conflict until the user provides a passphrase that lets the
    334   // Cryptographer decrypt them.
    335   if (!entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DIR)) {
    336     if (specifics.has_encrypted() &&
    337         !cryptographer->CanDecrypt(specifics.encrypted())) {
    338       // We can't decrypt this node yet.
    339       return CONFLICT;
    340     } else if (specifics.HasExtension(sync_pb::password)) {
    341       // Passwords use their own legacy encryption scheme.
    342       const sync_pb::PasswordSpecifics& password =
    343           specifics.GetExtension(sync_pb::password);
    344       if (!cryptographer->CanDecrypt(password.encrypted())) {
    345         return CONFLICT;
    346       }
    347     }
    348   }
    350   SyncerUtil::UpdateLocalDataFromServerData(trans, entry);
    352   return SUCCESS;
    353 }
    355 namespace {
    356 // Helper to synthesize a new-style sync_pb::EntitySpecifics for use locally,
    357 // when the server speaks only the old sync_pb::SyncEntity_BookmarkData-based
    358 // protocol.
    359 void UpdateBookmarkSpecifics(const std::string& singleton_tag,
    360                              const std::string& url,
    361                              const std::string& favicon_bytes,
    362                              MutableEntry* local_entry) {
    363   // In the new-style protocol, the server no longer sends bookmark info for
    364   // the "google_chrome" folder.  Mimic that here.
    365   if (singleton_tag == "google_chrome")
    366     return;
    367   sync_pb::EntitySpecifics pb;
    368   sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics* bookmark = pb.MutableExtension(sync_pb::bookmark);
    369   if (!url.empty())
    370     bookmark->set_url(url);
    371   if (!favicon_bytes.empty())
    372     bookmark->set_favicon(favicon_bytes);
    373   local_entry->Put(SERVER_SPECIFICS, pb);
    374 }
    376 }  // namespace
    378 // Pass in name and checksum because of UTF8 conversion.
    379 // static
    380 void SyncerUtil::UpdateServerFieldsFromUpdate(
    381     MutableEntry* target,
    382     const SyncEntity& update,
    383     const std::string& name) {
    384   if (update.deleted()) {
    385     if (target->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL)) {
    386       // If we already think the item is server-deleted, we're done.
    387       // Skipping these cases prevents our committed deletions from coming
    388       // back and overriding subsequent undeletions.  For non-deleted items,
    389       // the version number check has a similar effect.
    390       return;
    391     }
    392     // The server returns very lightweight replies for deletions, so we don't
    393     // clobber a bunch of fields on delete.
    394     target->Put(SERVER_IS_DEL, true);
    395     if (!target->Get(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty()) {
    396       // Items identified by the client unique tag are undeletable; when
    397       // they're deleted, they go back to version 0.
    398       target->Put(SERVER_VERSION, 0);
    399     } else {
    400       // Otherwise, fake a server version by bumping the local number.
    401       target->Put(SERVER_VERSION,
    402           std::max(target->Get(SERVER_VERSION),
    403                    target->Get(BASE_VERSION)) + 1);
    404     }
    405     target->Put(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, true);
    406     return;
    407   }
    409   DCHECK(target->Get(ID) == update.id())
    410       << "ID Changing not supported here";
    411   target->Put(SERVER_PARENT_ID, update.parent_id());
    412   target->Put(SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME, name);
    413   target->Put(SERVER_VERSION, update.version());
    414   target->Put(SERVER_CTIME,
    415       ServerTimeToClientTime(update.ctime()));
    416   target->Put(SERVER_MTIME,
    417       ServerTimeToClientTime(update.mtime()));
    418   target->Put(SERVER_IS_DIR, update.IsFolder());
    419   if (update.has_server_defined_unique_tag()) {
    420     const std::string& tag = update.server_defined_unique_tag();
    421     target->Put(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG, tag);
    422   }
    423   if (update.has_client_defined_unique_tag()) {
    424     const std::string& tag = update.client_defined_unique_tag();
    425     target->Put(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG, tag);
    426   }
    427   // Store the datatype-specific part as a protobuf.
    428   if (update.has_specifics()) {
    429     DCHECK(update.GetModelType() != syncable::UNSPECIFIED)
    430         << "Storing unrecognized datatype in sync database.";
    431     target->Put(SERVER_SPECIFICS, update.specifics());
    432   } else if (update.has_bookmarkdata()) {
    433     // Legacy protocol response for bookmark data.
    434     const SyncEntity::BookmarkData& bookmark = update.bookmarkdata();
    435     UpdateBookmarkSpecifics(update.server_defined_unique_tag(),
    436                             bookmark.bookmark_url(),
    437                             bookmark.bookmark_favicon(),
    438                             target);
    439   }
    440   if (update.has_position_in_parent())
    441     target->Put(SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT, update.position_in_parent());
    443   target->Put(SERVER_IS_DEL, update.deleted());
    444   // We only mark the entry as unapplied if its version is greater than the
    445   // local data. If we're processing the update that corresponds to one of our
    446   // commit we don't apply it as time differences may occur.
    447   if (update.version() > target->Get(BASE_VERSION)) {
    448     target->Put(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, true);
    449   }
    450 }
    452 // Creates a new Entry iff no Entry exists with the given id.
    453 // static
    454 void SyncerUtil::CreateNewEntry(syncable::WriteTransaction *trans,
    455                                 const syncable::Id& id) {
    456   syncable::MutableEntry entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, id);
    457   if (!entry.good()) {
    458     syncable::MutableEntry new_entry(trans, syncable::CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM,
    459                                      id);
    460   }
    461 }
    463 // static
    464 bool SyncerUtil::ServerAndLocalOrdersMatch(syncable::Entry* entry) {
    465   // Find the closest up-to-date local sibling by walking the linked list.
    466   syncable::Id local_up_to_date_predecessor = entry->Get(PREV_ID);
    467   while (!local_up_to_date_predecessor.IsRoot()) {
    468     Entry local_prev(entry->trans(), GET_BY_ID, local_up_to_date_predecessor);
    469     if (!local_prev.good() || local_prev.Get(IS_DEL))
    470       return false;
    471     if (!local_prev.Get(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE) && !local_prev.Get(IS_UNSYNCED))
    472       break;
    473     local_up_to_date_predecessor = local_prev.Get(PREV_ID);
    474   }
    476   // Now find the closest up-to-date sibling in the server order.
    477   syncable::Id server_up_to_date_predecessor =
    478       entry->ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(entry->Get(SERVER_PARENT_ID));
    479   return server_up_to_date_predecessor == local_up_to_date_predecessor;
    480 }
    482 // static
    483 bool SyncerUtil::ServerAndLocalEntriesMatch(syncable::Entry* entry) {
    484   if (!ClientAndServerTimeMatch(
    485         entry->Get(CTIME), ClientTimeToServerTime(entry->Get(SERVER_CTIME)))) {
    486     LOG(WARNING) << "Client and server time mismatch";
    487     return false;
    488   }
    489   if (entry->Get(IS_DEL) && entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL))
    490     return true;
    491   // Name should exactly match here.
    492   if (!(entry->Get(NON_UNIQUE_NAME) == entry->Get(SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME))) {
    493     LOG(WARNING) << "Unsanitized name mismatch";
    494     return false;
    495   }
    497   if (entry->Get(PARENT_ID) != entry->Get(SERVER_PARENT_ID) ||
    498       entry->Get(IS_DIR) != entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DIR) ||
    499       entry->Get(IS_DEL) != entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL)) {
    500     LOG(WARNING) << "Metabit mismatch";
    501     return false;
    502   }
    504   if (!ServerAndLocalOrdersMatch(entry)) {
    505     LOG(WARNING) << "Server/local ordering mismatch";
    506     return false;
    507   }
    509   // TODO(ncarter): This is unfortunately heavyweight.  Can we do better?
    510   if (entry->Get(SPECIFICS).SerializeAsString() !=
    511       entry->Get(SERVER_SPECIFICS).SerializeAsString()) {
    512     LOG(WARNING) << "Specifics mismatch";
    513     return false;
    514   }
    515   if (entry->Get(IS_DIR))
    516     return true;
    517   // For historical reasons, a folder's MTIME changes when its contents change.
    518   // TODO(ncarter): Remove the special casing of MTIME.
    519   bool time_match = ClientAndServerTimeMatch(entry->Get(MTIME),
    520       ClientTimeToServerTime(entry->Get(SERVER_MTIME)));
    521   if (!time_match) {
    522     LOG(WARNING) << "Time mismatch";
    523   }
    524   return time_match;
    525 }
    527 // static
    528 void SyncerUtil::SplitServerInformationIntoNewEntry(
    529     syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
    530     syncable::MutableEntry* entry) {
    531   syncable::Id id = entry->Get(ID);
    532   ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(trans, entry, trans->directory()->NextId());
    533   entry->Put(BASE_VERSION, 0);
    535   MutableEntry new_entry(trans, CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM, id);
    536   CopyServerFields(entry, &new_entry);
    537   ClearServerData(entry);
    539   VLOG(1) << "Splitting server information, local entry: " << *entry
    540           << " server entry: " << new_entry;
    541 }
    543 // This function is called on an entry when we can update the user-facing data
    544 // from the server data.
    545 // static
    546 void SyncerUtil::UpdateLocalDataFromServerData(
    547     syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
    548     syncable::MutableEntry* entry) {
    549   DCHECK(!entry->Get(IS_UNSYNCED));
    550   DCHECK(entry->Get(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE));
    552   VLOG(2) << "Updating entry : " << *entry;
    553   // Start by setting the properties that determine the model_type.
    554   entry->Put(SPECIFICS, entry->Get(SERVER_SPECIFICS));
    555   entry->Put(IS_DIR, entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DIR));
    556   // This strange dance around the IS_DEL flag avoids problems when setting
    557   // the name.
    558   // TODO(chron): Is this still an issue? Unit test this codepath.
    559   if (entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL)) {
    560     entry->Put(IS_DEL, true);
    561   } else {
    562     entry->Put(NON_UNIQUE_NAME, entry->Get(SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME));
    563     entry->Put(PARENT_ID, entry->Get(SERVER_PARENT_ID));
    564     CHECK(entry->Put(IS_DEL, false));
    565     Id new_predecessor =
    566         entry->ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(entry->Get(SERVER_PARENT_ID));
    567     CHECK(entry->PutPredecessor(new_predecessor))
    568         << " Illegal predecessor after converting from server position.";
    569   }
    571   entry->Put(CTIME, entry->Get(SERVER_CTIME));
    572   entry->Put(MTIME, entry->Get(SERVER_MTIME));
    573   entry->Put(BASE_VERSION, entry->Get(SERVER_VERSION));
    574   entry->Put(IS_DEL, entry->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL));
    575   entry->Put(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, false);
    576 }
    578 // static
    579 VerifyCommitResult SyncerUtil::ValidateCommitEntry(
    580     syncable::Entry* entry) {
    581   syncable::Id id = entry->Get(ID);
    582   if (id == entry->Get(PARENT_ID)) {
    583     CHECK(id.IsRoot()) << "Non-root item is self parenting." << *entry;
    584     // If the root becomes unsynced it can cause us problems.
    585     LOG(ERROR) << "Root item became unsynced " << *entry;
    586     return VERIFY_UNSYNCABLE;
    587   }
    588   if (entry->IsRoot()) {
    589     LOG(ERROR) << "Permanent item became unsynced " << *entry;
    590     return VERIFY_UNSYNCABLE;
    591   }
    592   if (entry->Get(IS_DEL) && !entry->Get(ID).ServerKnows()) {
    593     // Drop deleted uncommitted entries.
    594     return VERIFY_UNSYNCABLE;
    595   }
    596   return VERIFY_OK;
    597 }
    599 // static
    600 bool SyncerUtil::AddItemThenPredecessors(
    601     syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    602     syncable::Entry* item,
    603     syncable::IndexedBitField inclusion_filter,
    604     syncable::MetahandleSet* inserted_items,
    605     std::vector<syncable::Id>* commit_ids) {
    607   if (!inserted_items->insert(item->Get(META_HANDLE)).second)
    608     return false;
    609   commit_ids->push_back(item->Get(ID));
    610   if (item->Get(IS_DEL))
    611     return true;  // Deleted items have no predecessors.
    613   Id prev_id = item->Get(PREV_ID);
    614   while (!prev_id.IsRoot()) {
    615     Entry prev(trans, GET_BY_ID, prev_id);
    616     CHECK(prev.good()) << "Bad id when walking predecessors.";
    617     if (!prev.Get(inclusion_filter))
    618       break;
    619     if (!inserted_items->insert(prev.Get(META_HANDLE)).second)
    620       break;
    621     commit_ids->push_back(prev_id);
    622     prev_id = prev.Get(PREV_ID);
    623   }
    624   return true;
    625 }
    627 // static
    628 void SyncerUtil::AddPredecessorsThenItem(
    629     syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    630     syncable::Entry* item,
    631     syncable::IndexedBitField inclusion_filter,
    632     syncable::MetahandleSet* inserted_items,
    633     std::vector<syncable::Id>* commit_ids) {
    634   size_t initial_size = commit_ids->size();
    635   if (!AddItemThenPredecessors(trans, item, inclusion_filter, inserted_items,
    636                                commit_ids))
    637     return;
    638   // Reverse what we added to get the correct order.
    639   std::reverse(commit_ids->begin() + initial_size, commit_ids->end());
    640 }
    642 // static
    643 void SyncerUtil::MarkDeletedChildrenSynced(
    644     const syncable::ScopedDirLookup &dir,
    645     std::set<syncable::Id>* deleted_folders) {
    646   // There's two options here.
    647   // 1. Scan deleted unsynced entries looking up their pre-delete tree for any
    648   //    of the deleted folders.
    649   // 2. Take each folder and do a tree walk of all entries underneath it.
    650   // #2 has a lower big O cost, but writing code to limit the time spent inside
    651   // the transaction during each step is simpler with 1. Changing this decision
    652   // may be sensible if this code shows up in profiling.
    653   if (deleted_folders->empty())
    654     return;
    655   Directory::UnsyncedMetaHandles handles;
    656   {
    657     ReadTransaction trans(dir, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    658     dir->GetUnsyncedMetaHandles(&trans, &handles);
    659   }
    660   if (handles.empty())
    661     return;
    662   Directory::UnsyncedMetaHandles::iterator it;
    663   for (it = handles.begin() ; it != handles.end() ; ++it) {
    664     // Single transaction / entry we deal with.
    665     WriteTransaction trans(dir, SYNCER, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    666     MutableEntry entry(&trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, *it);
    667     if (!entry.Get(IS_UNSYNCED) || !entry.Get(IS_DEL))
    668       continue;
    669     syncable::Id id = entry.Get(PARENT_ID);
    670     while (id != trans.root_id()) {
    671       if (deleted_folders->find(id) != deleted_folders->end()) {
    672         // We've synced the deletion of this deleted entries parent.
    673         entry.Put(IS_UNSYNCED, false);
    674         break;
    675       }
    676       Entry parent(&trans, GET_BY_ID, id);
    677       if (!parent.good() || !parent.Get(IS_DEL))
    678         break;
    679       id = parent.Get(PARENT_ID);
    680     }
    681   }
    682 }
    684 // static
    685 VerifyResult SyncerUtil::VerifyNewEntry(
    686     const SyncEntity& update,
    687     syncable::Entry* target,
    688     const bool deleted) {
    689   if (target->good()) {
    690     // Not a new update.
    691     return VERIFY_UNDECIDED;
    692   }
    693   if (deleted) {
    694     // Deletion of an item we've never seen can be ignored.
    695     return VERIFY_SKIP;
    696   }
    698   return VERIFY_SUCCESS;
    699 }
    701 // Assumes we have an existing entry; check here for updates that break
    702 // consistency rules.
    703 // static
    704 VerifyResult SyncerUtil::VerifyUpdateConsistency(
    705     syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
    706     const SyncEntity& update,
    707     syncable::MutableEntry* target,
    708     const bool deleted,
    709     const bool is_directory,
    710     syncable::ModelType model_type) {
    712   CHECK(target->good());
    714   // If the update is a delete, we don't really need to worry at this stage.
    715   if (deleted)
    716     return VERIFY_SUCCESS;
    718   if (model_type == syncable::UNSPECIFIED) {
    719     // This update is to an item of a datatype we don't recognize. The server
    720     // shouldn't have sent it to us.  Throw it on the ground.
    721     return VERIFY_SKIP;
    722   }
    724   if (target->Get(SERVER_VERSION) > 0) {
    725     // Then we've had an update for this entry before.
    726     if (is_directory != target->Get(SERVER_IS_DIR) ||
    727         model_type != target->GetServerModelType()) {
    728       if (target->Get(IS_DEL)) {  // If we've deleted the item, we don't care.
    729         return VERIFY_SKIP;
    730       } else {
    731         LOG(ERROR) << "Server update doesn't agree with previous updates. ";
    732         LOG(ERROR) << " Entry: " << *target;
    733         LOG(ERROR) << " Update: "
    734                    << SyncerProtoUtil::SyncEntityDebugString(update);
    735         return VERIFY_FAIL;
    736       }
    737     }
    739     if (!deleted && (target->Get(ID) == update.id()) &&
    740         (target->Get(SERVER_IS_DEL) ||
    741          (!target->Get(IS_UNSYNCED) && target->Get(IS_DEL) &&
    742           target->Get(BASE_VERSION) > 0))) {
    743       // An undelete. The latter case in the above condition is for
    744       // when the server does not give us an update following the
    745       // commit of a delete, before undeleting.
    746       // Undeletion is common for items that reuse the client-unique tag.
    747       VerifyResult result =
    748           SyncerUtil::VerifyUndelete(trans, update, target);
    749       if (VERIFY_UNDECIDED != result)
    750         return result;
    751     }
    752   }
    753   if (target->Get(BASE_VERSION) > 0) {
    754     // We've committed this update in the past.
    755     if (is_directory != target->Get(IS_DIR) ||
    756         model_type != target->GetModelType()) {
    757       LOG(ERROR) << "Server update doesn't agree with committed item. ";
    758       LOG(ERROR) << " Entry: " << *target;
    759       LOG(ERROR) << " Update: "
    760                  << SyncerProtoUtil::SyncEntityDebugString(update);
    761       return VERIFY_FAIL;
    762     }
    763     if (target->Get(ID) == update.id()) {
    764       // Checks that are only valid if we're not changing the ID.
    765       if (target->Get(BASE_VERSION) == update.version() &&
    766           !target->Get(IS_UNSYNCED) &&
    767           !SyncerProtoUtil::Compare(*target, update)) {
    768         // TODO(sync): This constraint needs to be relaxed. For now it's OK to
    769         // fail the verification and deal with it when we ApplyUpdates.
    770         LOG(ERROR) << "Server update doesn't match local data with same "
    771             "version. A bug should be filed. Entry: " << *target <<
    772             "Update: " << SyncerProtoUtil::SyncEntityDebugString(update);
    773         return VERIFY_FAIL;
    774       }
    775       if (target->Get(SERVER_VERSION) > update.version()) {
    776         LOG(WARNING) << "We've already seen a more recent version.";
    777         LOG(WARNING) << " Entry: " << *target;
    778         LOG(WARNING) << " Update: "
    779                      << SyncerProtoUtil::SyncEntityDebugString(update);
    780         return VERIFY_SKIP;
    781       }
    782     }
    783   }
    784   return VERIFY_SUCCESS;
    785 }
    787 // Assumes we have an existing entry; verify an update that seems to be
    788 // expressing an 'undelete'
    789 // static
    790 VerifyResult SyncerUtil::VerifyUndelete(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
    791                                         const SyncEntity& update,
    792                                         syncable::MutableEntry* target) {
    793   // TODO(nick): We hit this path for items deleted items that the server
    794   // tells us to re-create; only deleted items with positive base versions
    795   // will hit this path.  However, it's not clear how such an undeletion
    796   // would actually succeed on the server; in the protocol, a base
    797   // version of 0 is required to undelete an object.  This codepath
    798   // should be deprecated in favor of client-tag style undeletion
    799   // (where items go to version 0 when they're deleted), or else
    800   // removed entirely (if this type of undeletion is indeed impossible).
    801   CHECK(target->good());
    802   VLOG(1) << "Server update is attempting undelete. " << *target
    803           << "Update:" << SyncerProtoUtil::SyncEntityDebugString(update);
    804   // Move the old one aside and start over.  It's too tricky to get the old one
    805   // back into a state that would pass CheckTreeInvariants().
    806   if (target->Get(IS_DEL)) {
    807     DCHECK(target->Get(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty())
    808         << "Doing move-aside undeletion on client-tagged item.";
    809     target->Put(ID, trans->directory()->NextId());
    810     target->Put(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG, "");
    811     target->Put(BASE_VERSION, CHANGES_VERSION);
    812     target->Put(SERVER_VERSION, 0);
    813     return VERIFY_SUCCESS;
    814   }
    815   if (update.version() < target->Get(SERVER_VERSION)) {
    816     LOG(WARNING) << "Update older than current server version for "
    817                  << *target << " Update:"
    818                  << SyncerProtoUtil::SyncEntityDebugString(update);
    819     return VERIFY_SUCCESS;  // Expected in new sync protocol.
    820   }
    821   return VERIFY_UNDECIDED;
    822 }
    824 }  // namespace browser_sync