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      1 //===- llvm/unittest/ADT/ValueMapTest.cpp - ValueMap unit tests -*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "llvm/ADT/ValueMap.h"
     11 #include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
     12 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
     13 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
     14 #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
     15 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
     16 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
     18 using namespace llvm;
     20 namespace {
     22 // Test fixture
     23 template<typename T>
     24 class ValueMapTest : public testing::Test {
     25 protected:
     26   Constant *ConstantV;
     27   OwningPtr<BitCastInst> BitcastV;
     28   OwningPtr<BinaryOperator> AddV;
     30   ValueMapTest() :
     31     ConstantV(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(getGlobalContext()), 0)),
     32     BitcastV(new BitCastInst(ConstantV, Type::getInt32Ty(getGlobalContext()))),
     33     AddV(BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(ConstantV, ConstantV)) {
     34   }
     35 };
     37 // Run everything on Value*, a subtype to make sure that casting works as
     38 // expected, and a const subtype to make sure we cast const correctly.
     39 typedef ::testing::Types<Value, Instruction, const Instruction> KeyTypes;
     40 TYPED_TEST_CASE(ValueMapTest, KeyTypes);
     42 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, Null) {
     43   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM1;
     44   VM1[NULL] = 7;
     45   EXPECT_EQ(7, VM1.lookup(NULL));
     46 }
     48 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, FollowsValue) {
     49   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM;
     50   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
     51   EXPECT_EQ(7, VM.lookup(this->BitcastV.get()));
     52   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
     53   this->BitcastV->replaceAllUsesWith(this->AddV.get());
     54   EXPECT_EQ(7, VM.lookup(this->AddV.get()));
     55   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.count(this->BitcastV.get()));
     56   this->AddV.reset();
     57   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
     58   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.count(this->BitcastV.get()));
     59   EXPECT_EQ(0U, VM.size());
     60 }
     62 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, OperationsWork) {
     63   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM;
     64   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM2(16);  (void)VM2;
     65   typename ValueMapConfig<TypeParam*>::ExtraData Data;
     66   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM3(Data, 16);  (void)VM3;
     67   EXPECT_TRUE(VM.empty());
     69   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
     71   // Find:
     72   typename ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>::iterator I =
     73     VM.find(this->BitcastV.get());
     74   ASSERT_TRUE(I != VM.end());
     75   EXPECT_EQ(this->BitcastV.get(), I->first);
     76   EXPECT_EQ(7, I->second);
     77   EXPECT_TRUE(VM.find(this->AddV.get()) == VM.end());
     79   // Const find:
     80   const ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> &CVM = VM;
     81   typename ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>::const_iterator CI =
     82     CVM.find(this->BitcastV.get());
     83   ASSERT_TRUE(CI != CVM.end());
     84   EXPECT_EQ(this->BitcastV.get(), CI->first);
     85   EXPECT_EQ(7, CI->second);
     86   EXPECT_TRUE(CVM.find(this->AddV.get()) == CVM.end());
     88   // Insert:
     89   std::pair<typename ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>::iterator, bool> InsertResult1 =
     90     VM.insert(std::make_pair(this->AddV.get(), 3));
     91   EXPECT_EQ(this->AddV.get(), InsertResult1.first->first);
     92   EXPECT_EQ(3, InsertResult1.first->second);
     93   EXPECT_TRUE(InsertResult1.second);
     94   EXPECT_EQ(true, VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
     95   std::pair<typename ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>::iterator, bool> InsertResult2 =
     96     VM.insert(std::make_pair(this->AddV.get(), 5));
     97   EXPECT_EQ(this->AddV.get(), InsertResult2.first->first);
     98   EXPECT_EQ(3, InsertResult2.first->second);
     99   EXPECT_FALSE(InsertResult2.second);
    101   // Erase:
    102   VM.erase(InsertResult2.first);
    103   EXPECT_EQ(0U, VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
    104   EXPECT_EQ(1U, VM.count(this->BitcastV.get()));
    105   VM.erase(this->BitcastV.get());
    106   EXPECT_EQ(0U, VM.count(this->BitcastV.get()));
    107   EXPECT_EQ(0U, VM.size());
    109   // Range insert:
    110   SmallVector<std::pair<Instruction*, int>, 2> Elems;
    111   Elems.push_back(std::make_pair(this->AddV.get(), 1));
    112   Elems.push_back(std::make_pair(this->BitcastV.get(), 2));
    113   VM.insert(Elems.begin(), Elems.end());
    114   EXPECT_EQ(1, VM.lookup(this->AddV.get()));
    115   EXPECT_EQ(2, VM.lookup(this->BitcastV.get()));
    116 }
    118 template<typename ExpectedType, typename VarType>
    119 void CompileAssertHasType(VarType) {
    120   typedef char assert[is_same<ExpectedType, VarType>::value ? 1 : -1];
    121 }
    123 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, Iteration) {
    124   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM;
    125   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 2;
    126   VM[this->AddV.get()] = 3;
    127   size_t size = 0;
    128   for (typename ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>::iterator I = VM.begin(), E = VM.end();
    129        I != E; ++I) {
    130     ++size;
    131     std::pair<TypeParam*, int> value = *I; (void)value;
    132     CompileAssertHasType<TypeParam*>(I->first);
    133     if (I->second == 2) {
    134       EXPECT_EQ(this->BitcastV.get(), I->first);
    135       I->second = 5;
    136     } else if (I->second == 3) {
    137       EXPECT_EQ(this->AddV.get(), I->first);
    138       I->second = 6;
    139     } else {
    140       ADD_FAILURE() << "Iterated through an extra value.";
    141     }
    142   }
    143   EXPECT_EQ(2U, size);
    144   EXPECT_EQ(5, VM[this->BitcastV.get()]);
    145   EXPECT_EQ(6, VM[this->AddV.get()]);
    147   size = 0;
    148   // Cast to const ValueMap to avoid a bug in DenseMap's iterators.
    149   const ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>& CVM = VM;
    150   for (typename ValueMap<TypeParam*, int>::const_iterator I = CVM.begin(),
    151          E = CVM.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    152     ++size;
    153     std::pair<TypeParam*, int> value = *I;  (void)value;
    154     CompileAssertHasType<TypeParam*>(I->first);
    155     if (I->second == 5) {
    156       EXPECT_EQ(this->BitcastV.get(), I->first);
    157     } else if (I->second == 6) {
    158       EXPECT_EQ(this->AddV.get(), I->first);
    159     } else {
    160       ADD_FAILURE() << "Iterated through an extra value.";
    161     }
    162   }
    163   EXPECT_EQ(2U, size);
    164 }
    166 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, DefaultCollisionBehavior) {
    167   // By default, we overwrite the old value with the replaced value.
    168   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int> VM;
    169   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
    170   VM[this->AddV.get()] = 9;
    171   this->BitcastV->replaceAllUsesWith(this->AddV.get());
    172   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.count(this->BitcastV.get()));
    173   EXPECT_EQ(9, VM.lookup(this->AddV.get()));
    174 }
    176 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, ConfiguredCollisionBehavior) {
    177   // TODO: Implement this when someone needs it.
    178 }
    180 template<typename KeyT>
    181 struct LockMutex : ValueMapConfig<KeyT> {
    182   struct ExtraData {
    183     sys::Mutex *M;
    184     bool *CalledRAUW;
    185     bool *CalledDeleted;
    186   };
    187   static void onRAUW(const ExtraData &Data, KeyT Old, KeyT New) {
    188     *Data.CalledRAUW = true;
    189     EXPECT_FALSE(Data.M->tryacquire()) << "Mutex should already be locked.";
    190   }
    191   static void onDelete(const ExtraData &Data, KeyT Old) {
    192     *Data.CalledDeleted = true;
    193     EXPECT_FALSE(Data.M->tryacquire()) << "Mutex should already be locked.";
    194   }
    195   static sys::Mutex *getMutex(const ExtraData &Data) { return Data.M; }
    196 };
    198 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, LocksMutex) {
    199   sys::Mutex M(false);  // Not recursive.
    200   bool CalledRAUW = false, CalledDeleted = false;
    201   typename LockMutex<TypeParam*>::ExtraData Data =
    202     {&M, &CalledRAUW, &CalledDeleted};
    203   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int, LockMutex<TypeParam*> > VM(Data);
    204   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
    205   this->BitcastV->replaceAllUsesWith(this->AddV.get());
    206   this->AddV.reset();
    207   EXPECT_TRUE(CalledRAUW);
    208   EXPECT_TRUE(CalledDeleted);
    209 }
    210 #endif
    212 template<typename KeyT>
    213 struct NoFollow : ValueMapConfig<KeyT> {
    214   enum { FollowRAUW = false };
    215 };
    217 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, NoFollowRAUW) {
    218   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int, NoFollow<TypeParam*> > VM;
    219   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
    220   EXPECT_EQ(7, VM.lookup(this->BitcastV.get()));
    221   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
    222   this->BitcastV->replaceAllUsesWith(this->AddV.get());
    223   EXPECT_EQ(7, VM.lookup(this->BitcastV.get()));
    224   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.lookup(this->AddV.get()));
    225   this->AddV.reset();
    226   EXPECT_EQ(7, VM.lookup(this->BitcastV.get()));
    227   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.lookup(this->AddV.get()));
    228   this->BitcastV.reset();
    229   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.lookup(this->BitcastV.get()));
    230   EXPECT_EQ(0, VM.lookup(this->AddV.get()));
    231   EXPECT_EQ(0U, VM.size());
    232 }
    234 template<typename KeyT>
    235 struct CountOps : ValueMapConfig<KeyT> {
    236   struct ExtraData {
    237     int *Deletions;
    238     int *RAUWs;
    239   };
    241   static void onRAUW(const ExtraData &Data, KeyT Old, KeyT New) {
    242     ++*Data.RAUWs;
    243   }
    244   static void onDelete(const ExtraData &Data, KeyT Old) {
    245     ++*Data.Deletions;
    246   }
    247 };
    249 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, CallsConfig) {
    250   int Deletions = 0, RAUWs = 0;
    251   typename CountOps<TypeParam*>::ExtraData Data = {&Deletions, &RAUWs};
    252   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int, CountOps<TypeParam*> > VM(Data);
    253   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
    254   this->BitcastV->replaceAllUsesWith(this->AddV.get());
    255   EXPECT_EQ(0, Deletions);
    256   EXPECT_EQ(1, RAUWs);
    257   this->AddV.reset();
    258   EXPECT_EQ(1, Deletions);
    259   EXPECT_EQ(1, RAUWs);
    260   this->BitcastV.reset();
    261   EXPECT_EQ(1, Deletions);
    262   EXPECT_EQ(1, RAUWs);
    263 }
    265 template<typename KeyT>
    266 struct ModifyingConfig : ValueMapConfig<KeyT> {
    267   // We'll put a pointer here back to the ValueMap this key is in, so
    268   // that we can modify it (and clobber *this) before the ValueMap
    269   // tries to do the same modification.  In previous versions of
    270   // ValueMap, that exploded.
    271   typedef ValueMap<KeyT, int, ModifyingConfig<KeyT> > **ExtraData;
    273   static void onRAUW(ExtraData Map, KeyT Old, KeyT New) {
    274     (*Map)->erase(Old);
    275   }
    276   static void onDelete(ExtraData Map, KeyT Old) {
    277     (*Map)->erase(Old);
    278   }
    279 };
    280 TYPED_TEST(ValueMapTest, SurvivesModificationByConfig) {
    281   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int, ModifyingConfig<TypeParam*> > *MapAddress;
    282   ValueMap<TypeParam*, int, ModifyingConfig<TypeParam*> > VM(&MapAddress);
    283   MapAddress = &VM;
    284   // Now the ModifyingConfig can modify the Map inside a callback.
    285   VM[this->BitcastV.get()] = 7;
    286   this->BitcastV->replaceAllUsesWith(this->AddV.get());
    287   EXPECT_FALSE(VM.count(this->BitcastV.get()));
    288   EXPECT_FALSE(VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
    289   VM[this->AddV.get()] = 7;
    290   this->AddV.reset();
    291   EXPECT_FALSE(VM.count(this->AddV.get()));
    292 }
    294 }