/device/asus/deb/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-mcc311-mnc180/ |
config.xml | 36 <!-- Set to true if we need to not prefer an APN.
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/crypto/generators/ |
DSAKeyPairGenerator.java | 48 // TODO Prefer this method? (change test cases that used fixed random)
/external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/util/concurrent/ |
UncheckedExecutionException.java | 33 * <p>When wrapping an {@code Error} from another thread, prefer {@link
/external/llvm/utils/vim/ |
README | 24 If you prefer, instead of making copies you can make symlinks from
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/chromium_http/ |
DataUriSource.cpp | 40 // if no mime type is specified. We prefer to leave this unspecified
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/res/values/ |
config.xml | 25 <!-- The maximum width we would prefer dialogs to be. 0 if there is no
/ndk/sources/host-tools/sed-4.2.1/lib/ |
tempname.h | 20 /* In gnulib, always prefer large files. GT_FILE maps to
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/preference/ |
PreferenceScreen.java | 65 android:key="prefer wifi" 66 android:title="Prefer WiFi" /> 75 * clicked will show another screen of preferences such as "Prefer WiFi" (and
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ActionScript/project/src/org/antlr/runtime/ |
CharStream.as | 40 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/CSharp2/Sources/Antlr3.Runtime/Antlr.Runtime/ |
ICharStream.cs | 49 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/CSharp3/Sources/Antlr3.Runtime/ |
ICharStream.cs | 51 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Java/src/main/java/org/antlr/runtime/ |
CharStream.java | 42 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Headers/ |
ANTLRCharStream.h | 38 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ |
ANTLRCharStream.h | 38 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/ |
ANTLRCharStream.h | 38 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/ |
ANTLRCharStream.h | 38 * lexer code. I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
/external/compiler-rt/test/Unit/ |
test | 28 # prefer our implementation over the ones in libSystem.dylib
/external/dropbear/ |
SMALL | 24 states that DSS is required, however you may prefer to use RSA.
/external/harfbuzz_ng/src/ |
hb-shaper.cc | 73 /* Reorder shaper list to prefer requested shapers. */
/external/iproute2/man/man8/ |
tc-bfifo.8 | 26 Like all non-default qdiscs, they maintain statistics. This might be a reason to prefer
tc-pfifo.8 | 26 Like all non-default qdiscs, they maintain statistics. This might be a reason to prefer
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/android/com/jme3/asset/plugins/ |
AndroidLocator.java | 54 // XXX: Prefer to show warning here?
/external/llvm/docs/CommandGuide/ |
llvm-symbolizer.rst | 50 Prefer function names stored in symbol table to function names
/external/skia/legacy/src/ports/ |
SkThread_pthread.cpp | 16 We prefer the GCC intrinsic implementation of the atomic operations over the
/external/stlport/stlport/stl/config/ |
_dm.h | 26 //DMC prefer enum to real static const variable because it do not consider