/external/icu4c/test/perf/utrie2perf/ |
utrie2perf.bat | 4 set PERF=c:\svn\icuproj\icu\utf8\source\test\perf\utrie2perf\x86\Release\utrie2perf
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/ |
FontUtilsChromiumWin.cpp | 174 // Since Chrome synchronizes the ICU default locale with its UI locale, 175 // this ICU locale tells the current UI locale of Chrome. 176 icu::Locale locale = icu::Locale::getDefault(); 178 if (locale == icu::Locale::getJapanese()) 180 else if (locale == icu::Locale::getKorean()) 182 else if (locale == icu::Locale::getTraditionalChinese()) 373 if (icu::Locale::getDefault() == icu::Locale::getTraditionalChinese())
FontCacheLinux.cpp | 61 icu::Locale locale = icu::Locale::getDefault();
/external/chromium/net/ftp/ |
ftp_util.cc | 116 icu::UnicodeString unicode_text(text.data(), text.size()); 119 const icu::Locale* locales = 120 icu::DateFormat::getAvailableLocales(locales_count); 127 icu::DateFormatSymbols format_symbols(locales[locale], status); 135 const icu::UnicodeString* months = 143 // ICU returns longer strings (for example for Russian locale), and in FTP 145 // Note: ICU may also return strings shorter than three characters,
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ |
background_application_list_model.cc | 27 explicit ExtensionNameComparator(icu::Collator* collator); 31 icu::Collator* collator_; 34 ExtensionNameComparator::ExtensionNameComparator(icu::Collator* collator) 83 icu::Locale loc(locale.c_str()); 85 scoped_ptr<icu::Collator> collator(icu::Collator::createInstance(loc, error));
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/history/ |
snippet.cc | 123 void MoveByNGraphemes(icu::BreakIterator* bi, int count, size_t* utf8_pos) { 141 bool IsNextMatchWithinSnippetWindow(icu::BreakIterator* bi, 157 current == icu::BreakIterator::DONE); 222 scoped_ptr<icu::BreakIterator> bi(icu::BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance( 223 icu::Locale::getDefault(), status));
/external/icu4c/common/unicode/ |
uiter.h | 41 typedef struct UCharIterator UCharIterator; /**< C typedef for struct UCharIterator. @stable ICU 2.1 */ 47 * @stable ICU 2.1 53 /** Constants for UCharIterator. @stable ICU 2.6 */ 67 * @stable ICU 2.6 82 * @stable ICU 2.6 102 * @stable ICU 2.1 139 * @stable ICU 2.1 154 * @stable ICU 2.1 168 * @stable ICU 2.1 183 * @stable ICU 2. [all...] |
uenum.h | 35 * @stable ICU 2.2 38 /** structure representing an enumeration object instance @stable ICU 2.2 */ 46 * @stable ICU 2.2 62 * @stable ICU 4.4 82 * @stable ICU 2.2 106 * @stable ICU 2.2 139 * @stable ICU 2.2 153 * @stable ICU 2.2 167 * @stable ICU 4.2 170 uenum_openFromStringEnumeration(icu::StringEnumeration* adopted, UErrorCode* ec) [all...] |
/external/icu4c/stubdata/ |
regenerate.sh | 25 ICU_BIN=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86_64/icu-$ICU_VERSION
/external/webkit/Tools/Scripts/ |
clean-header-guards | 23 %r|icu/unicode|,
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/text/ |
Collator.java | 22 import libcore.icu.ICU; 23 import libcore.icu.RuleBasedCollatorICU; 251 return ICU.getAvailableCollatorLocales();
RuleBasedCollator.java | 20 import libcore.icu.RuleBasedCollatorICU;
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/ |
Currency.java | 21 import libcore.icu.ICU; 22 import libcore.icu.LocaleData; 38 String symbol = ICU.getCurrencySymbol(Locale.US.toString(), currencyCode); 79 String currencyCode = ICU.getCurrencyCode(country); 98 String[] currencyCodes = ICU.getAvailableCurrencyCodes(); 129 return ICU.getCurrencyDisplayName(locale.toString(), currencyCode); 162 // Try ICU, and fall back to the currency code if ICU has nothing. 163 String symbol = ICU.getCurrencySymbol(locale.toString(), currencyCode) [all...] |
/external/icu4c/data/ |
Makefile.in | 1 ## Makefile.in for ICU data 19 #lib icu data for link 169 # and it's what we want to build. Try to not run any of ICU's tools. 190 ## Install ICU data. 238 # 2005-may-05 Removed Unicode properties files (unorm.icu, uprops.icu, ucase.icu, ubidi.icu) 240 # 2010-dec Removed pnames.icu. 243 DAT_FILES_SHORT=unames.icu cnvalias.icu coll/ucadata.icu coll/invuca.icu nfc.nrm nfkc.nrm nfkc_cf.nrm uts46.nr [all...] |
/build/target/product/ |
core_minimal.mk | 54 icu.dat \
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/chromeos/status/ |
clock_menu_button.h | 66 virtual void TimezoneChanged(const icu::TimeZone& timezone);
/external/icu4c/i18n/ |
bocsu.h | 155 u_writeIdenticalLevelRun(const UChar *s, int32_t length, icu::ByteSink &sink);
usrchimp.h | 64 const icu::Normalizer2 *nfd;
/external/icu4c/samples/legacy/ |
Makefile | 6 # - configure and build ICU [see the docs] .. use "--prefix=" something 9 # - do 'make install' of icu 12 # (will look for $(prefix)/lib/icu/Makefile.inc ) 20 #ICU_LEGACY = /home/weiv/build/icu-1-8-1 24 ICU_INC=$(ICU_PREFIX)/lib/icu/Makefile.inc
/external/icu4c/samples/uresb/ |
Makefile | 4 # - configure, build, install ICU 5 # - ensure that 'icu-config' is in the PATH (PREFIX/bin/icu-config) 6 # - if ICU is not built relative to this directory, 7 # set the variable ICU_PATH to the 'icu' directory 8 # (i.e. /foo/icu ) 42 LDFLAGS += -L$(ICU_PATH)/source/tools/toolutil $(shell icu-config --ldflags-toolutil --ldflags-icuio)
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/text/ |
LocalizedNumberICU.cpp | 40 using namespace icu;
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/icu/ |
CollationElementIteratorICU.java | 10 package libcore.icu; 37 * @stable ICU 2.4 43 * @stable ICU 2.4 52 * @stable ICU 2.4 63 * @stable ICU 2.4 74 * @stable ICU 2.4 87 * @stable ICU 2.4 96 * @stable ICU 2.4 111 * @stable ICU 2.4 121 * @stable ICU 2. [all...] |
CollationKeyICU.java | 11 package libcore.icu; 92 * @stable ICU 2.4
NativeConverter.java | 10 package libcore.icu;
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/icu/ |
TimeZoneNamesTest.java | 17 package libcore.icu;