Lines Matching full:commit
57 <p>Use <code>git commit</code> to commit changes.</p>
75 <p>Start a topic branch in your local work environment whenever you begin a change, for example when you begin work on a bug or new feature. A topic branch is not a copy of the original files; it is a pointer to a particular commit. This makes creating local branches and switching among them a light-weight operation. By using branches, you can isolate one aspect of your work from the others. For an interesting article about using topic branches, see <a href="">Separating topic branches</a>.
99 <p>By default, Git notices but does not track the changes you make in a project. In order to tell git to preserve your changes, you must mark them for inclusion in a commit. This is also called "staging". </p>
111 <p>The <code>repo diff</code> command shows every local edit that you have made that would <em>not</em> go into the commit, if you were to commit right now. To see every edit that would go into the commit if you were to commit right now, you need a Git command, <code>git diff</code>. Before running it, be sure you are in the project directory:</p>
116 <p>A commit is the basic unit of revision control in git, consisting of a snapshot of directory structure and file contents for the entire project. Creating a commit in git is as simple as typing</p>
117 <pre><code>git commit
119 <p>You will be prompted for a commit message in your favorite editor; please provide a helpful message for any changes you submit to the AOSP. If you do not add a log message, the commit will be aborted. </p>
134 <p>Change into the relevant project directory, run <code>git add</code> and <code>git commit</code> for the files in question, and then "rebase" the changes. For example:</p>
136 $ git commit