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225 typedef unsigned char  mDNSu8;
265 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[ 2]; mDNSu16 NotAnInteger; } mDNSOpaque16;
266 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[ 4]; mDNSu32 NotAnInteger; } mDNSOpaque32;
267 typedef packedunion { mDNSu8 b[ 6]; mDNSu16 w[3]; mDNSu32 l[1]; } mDNSOpaque48;
268 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[ 8]; mDNSu16 w[4]; mDNSu32 l[2]; } mDNSOpaque64;
269 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[16]; mDNSu16 w[8]; mDNSu32 l[4]; } mDNSOpaque128;
370 typedef struct { mDNSu8 c[ 64]; } domainlabel; // One label: length byte and up to 63 characters
375 typedef struct { mDNSu8 c[256]; } domainname; // Up to 256 bytes of length-prefixed domainlabels
377 typedef struct { mDNSu8 c[256]; } UTF8str255; // Null-terminated C string
475 mDNSu8 data[AbsoluteMaxDNSMessageData]; // 40 (IPv6) + 8 (UDP) + 12 (DNS header) + 8940 (data) = 9000
512 mDNSu8 hln;
513 mDNSu8 pln;
523 mDNSu8 vlen;
524 mDNSu8 tos;
528 mDNSu8 ttl;
529 mDNSu8 protocol; // Payload type: 0x06 = TCP, 0x11 = UDP
539 mDNSu8 pro; // Type of next header: 0x06 = TCP, 0x11 = UDP, 0x3A = ICMPv6
540 mDNSu8 ttl; // Hop Limit
555 mDNSu8 bytes[20];
567 mDNSu8 offset;
568 mDNSu8 flags;
584 mDNSu8 type; // 0x87 == Neighbor Solicitation, 0x88 == Neighbor Advertisement
585 mDNSu8 code;
604 mDNSu8 bytes[20];
614 mDNSu8 NextPayload;
615 mDNSu8 Version;
616 mDNSu8 ExchangeType;
617 mDNSu8 Flags;
747 mDNSu8 vers; // Version number of this Owner OPT record
796 mDNSu8 bitmap[32];
836 mDNSu8 data[StandardAuthRDSize];
850 mDNSu8 data[StandardAuthRDSize];
879 mDNSu8 data[InlineCacheRDSize];
928 mDNSu8 vers;
929 mDNSu8 opcode;
934 mDNSu8 vers;
935 mDNSu8 opcode;
943 mDNSu8 vers;
944 mDNSu8 opcode;
953 mDNSu8 vers;
954 mDNSu8 opcode;
981 mDNSu8 *Request; // xml request to router
983 mDNSu8 *Reply; // xml reply from router
1026 mDNSu8 Protocol; // NATOp_MapUDP or NATOp_MapTCP, or zero if just requesting the external IP address
1082 mDNSu8 RecordType; // See enum above
1145 mDNSu8 namestorage[InlineCacheGroupNameSize];
1160 mDNSu8 rrauth_lock; // For debugging: Set at times when these lists may not be modified
1193 mDNSu8 AutoTarget; // Set if the target of this record (PTR, CNAME, SRV, etc.) is our host name
1194 mDNSu8 AllowRemoteQuery; // Set if we allow hosts not on the local link to query this record
1195 mDNSu8 ForceMCast; // Set by client to advertise solely via multicast, even for apparently unicast names
1204 mDNSu8 Acknowledged; // Set if we've given the success callback to the client
1205 mDNSu8 ProbeCount; // Number of probes remaining before this record is valid (kDNSRecordTypeUnique)
1206 mDNSu8 AnnounceCount; // Number of announcements remaining (kDNSRecordTypeShared)
1207 mDNSu8 RequireGoodbye; // Set if this RR has been announced on the wire and will require a goodbye packet
1208 mDNSu8 AnsweredLocalQ; // Set if this AuthRecord has been delivered to any local question (LocalOnly or mDNSInterface_Any)
1209 mDNSu8 IncludeInProbe; // Set if this RR is being put into a probe right now
1210 mDNSu8 ImmedUnicast; // Set if we may send our response directly via unicast to the requester
1221 const mDNSu8 *NR_AnswerTo; // Set if this record was selected by virtue of being a direct answer to a question
1249 mDNSu8 refreshCount; // Number of refreshes to the server
1316 mDNSu8 namestorage[InlineCacheGroupNameSize];
1353 mDNSu8 _extradata[MaximumRDSize-InlineCacheRDSize]; // Glue on the necessary number of extra bytes
1491 mDNSu8 keydata_ipad[HMAC_LEN]; // padded key for inner hash rounds
1492 mDNSu8 keydata_opad[HMAC_LEN]; // padded key for outer hash rounds
1532 mDNSu8 LOAddressAnswers; // Number of answers from the local only auth records that are
1534 mDNSu8 WakeOnResolveCount; // Number of wakes that should be sent on resolve
1544 mDNSu8 unansweredQueries;// The number of unanswered queries to this server
1552 mDNSu8 NoAnswer; // Set if we want to suppress answers until tunnel setup has completed
1578 mDNSu8 TimeoutQuestion; // Timeout this question if there is no reply in configured time
1579 mDNSu8 WakeOnResolve; // Send wakeup on resolve
1597 mDNSu8 TXTinfo[2048]; // Additional demultiplexing information (e.g. LPR queue name)
1615 mDNSu8 GotSRV;
1616 mDNSu8 GotTXT;
1617 mDNSu8 GotADD;
1702 mDNSu8 InterfaceActive; // Set if interface is sending & receiving packets (see comment above)
1703 mDNSu8 IPv4Available; // If InterfaceActive, set if v4 available on this InterfaceID
1704 mDNSu8 IPv6Available; // If InterfaceActive, set if v6 available on this InterfaceID
1724 mDNSu8 Advertise; // False if you are only searching on this interface
1725 mDNSu8 McastTxRx; // Send/Receive multicast on this { InterfaceID, address family } ?
1726 mDNSu8 NetWake; // Set if Wake-On-Magic-Packet is enabled on this interface
1727 mDNSu8 Loopback; // Set if this is the loopback interface
1800 mDNSu8 lock_rrcache; // For debugging: Set at times when these lists may not be modified
1801 mDNSu8 lock_Questions;
1802 mDNSu8 lock_Records;
1824 mDNSu8 LocalRemoveEvents; // Set if we may need to deliver remove events for local-only questions and/or local-only records
1825 mDNSu8 SleepState; // Set if we're sleeping
1826 mDNSu8 SleepSeqNum; // "Epoch number" of our current period of wakefulness
1827 mDNSu8 SystemWakeOnLANEnabled; // Set if we want to register with a Sleep Proxy before going to sleep
1828 mDNSu8 SentSleepProxyRegistration;// Set if we registered (or tried to register) with a Sleep Proxy
1829 mDNSu8 SystemSleepOnlyIfWakeOnLAN;// Set if we may only sleep if we managed to register with a Sleep Proxy
1925 mDNSu8 *UPnPRouterURL; // router's URL string
1927 mDNSu8 *UPnPSOAPURL; // router's SOAP control URL string
1928 mDNSu8 *UPnPRouterAddressString; // holds both the router's address and port
1929 mDNSu8 *UPnPSOAPAddressString; // holds both address and port for SOAP messages
1932 mDNSu8 SPSType; // 0 = off, 10-99 encodes desirability metric
1933 mDNSu8 SPSPortability; // 10-99
1934 mDNSu8 SPSMarginalPower; // 10-99
1935 mDNSu8 SPSTotalPower; // 10-99
1936 mDNSu8 SPSState; // 0 = off, 1 = running, 2 = shutting down, 3 = suspended during sleep
2017 extern mDNSu8 NumUnicastDNSServers;
2057 x.b[0] = (mDNSu8)(v >> 8);
2058 x.b[1] = (mDNSu8)(v & 0xFF);
2207 mDNSu16 rrtype, mDNSu32 ttl, mDNSu8 RecordType, AuthRecType artype, mDNSRecordCallback Callback, void *Context);
2218 const domainname *const host, mDNSIPPort port, const mDNSu8 txtinfo[], mDNSu16 txtlen,
2290 extern mDNSBool SameDomainLabel(const mDNSu8 *a, const mDNSu8 *b);
2302 extern const mDNSu8 *LastLabel(const domainname *d);
2306 extern mDNSu16 DomainNameLengthLimit(const domainname *const name, const mDNSu8 *limit);
2314 extern mDNSu8 *AppendLiteralLabelString(domainname *const name, const char *cstr);
2315 extern mDNSu8 *AppendDNSNameString (domainname *const name, const char *cstr);
2316 extern mDNSu8 *AppendDomainLabel (domainname *const name, const domainlabel *const label);
2317 extern mDNSu8 *AppendDomainName (domainname *const name, const domainname *const append);
2325 extern mDNSu8 *MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString (domainname *const name, const char *cstr);
2341 extern void ConvertUTF8PstringToRFC1034HostLabel(const mDNSu8 UTF8Name[], domainlabel *const hostlabel);
2343 extern mDNSu8 *ConstructServiceName(domainname *const fqdn, const domainlabel *name, const domainname *type, const domainname *const domain);
2490 extern void DNSDigest_SignMessage(DNSMessage *msg, mDNSu8 **end, DomainAuthInfo *info, mDNSu16 tcode);
2493 (M)->h.numQuestions = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numQuestions )[0] << 8 | ((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numQuestions )[1]; \
2494 (M)->h.numAnswers = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numAnswers )[0] << 8 | ((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numAnswers )[1]; \
2495 (M)->h.numAuthorities = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numAuthorities)[0] << 8 | ((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numAuthorities)[1]; \
2496 (M)->h.numAdditionals = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numAdditionals)[0] << 8 | ((mDNSu8 *)&(M)->h.numAdditionals)[1]; \
2506 extern mDNSBool DNSDigest_VerifyMessage(DNSMessage *msg, mDNSu8 *end, LargeCacheRecord *tsig, DomainAuthInfo *info, mDNSu16 *rcode, mDNSu16 *tcode);
2545 extern mStatus mDNSPlatformSendUDP(const mDNS *const m, const void *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end,
2632 extern void mDNSPlatformSendRawPacket(const void *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end, mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID);
2654 extern void LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo(mDNS *m, const mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID, const mDNSu8 *const data, const mDNSu16 len);
2702 extern void mDNSCoreReceive(mDNS *const m, void *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end,
2715 extern void mDNSCoreReceiveRawPacket (mDNS *const m, const mDNSu8 *const p, const mDNSu8 *const end, const mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID);
2882 extern void mDNSCoreBeSleepProxyServer_internal(mDNS *const m, mDNSu8 sps, mDNSu8 port, mDNSu8 marginalpower, mDNSu8 totpower);
2914 char assert4[(sizeof(mDNSu8) == 1 ) ? 1 : -1];