Lines Matching refs:tab
33 import;
144 private ActionBar.Tab mDayTab;
145 private ActionBar.Tab mWeekTab;
146 private ActionBar.Tab mMonthTab;
147 private ActionBar.Tab mAgendaTab;
408 // configureActionBar auto-selects the first tab you add, so we need to
1242 public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
1244 if (tab == mDayTab && mCurrentView != ViewType.DAY) {
1246 } else if (tab == mWeekTab && mCurrentView != ViewType.WEEK) {
1248 } else if (tab == mMonthTab && mCurrentView != ViewType.MONTH) {
1250 } else if (tab == mAgendaTab && mCurrentView != ViewType.AGENDA) {
1253 Log.w(TAG, "TabSelected event from unknown tab: "
1254 + (tab == null ? "null" : tab.getText()));
1255 Log.w(TAG, "CurrentView:" + mCurrentView + " Tab:" + tab.toString() + " Day:" + mDayTab
1261 public void onTabReselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
1265 public void onTabUnselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {