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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/shell_integration.h"
      7 #include <windows.h>
      8 #include <shobjidl.h>
      9 #include <propkey.h>
     10 #include <propvarutil.h>
     12 #include "base/command_line.h"
     13 #include "base/file_util.h"
     14 #include "base/message_loop.h"
     15 #include "base/path_service.h"
     16 #include "base/string_util.h"
     17 #include "base/task.h"
     18 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
     19 #include "base/win/registry.h"
     20 #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
     21 #include "base/win/windows_version.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app.h"
     23 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
     24 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
     25 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths_internal.h"
     26 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     27 #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
     28 #include "chrome/installer/util/create_reg_key_work_item.h"
     29 #include "chrome/installer/util/set_reg_value_work_item.h"
     30 #include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h"
     31 #include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
     32 #include "chrome/installer/util/work_item.h"
     33 #include "chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h"
     34 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     36 namespace {
     38 // Helper function for ShellIntegration::GetAppId to generates profile id
     39 // from profile path. "profile_id" is composed of sanitized basenames of
     40 // user data dir and profile dir joined by a ".".
     41 std::wstring GetProfileIdFromPath(const FilePath& profile_path) {
     42   // Return empty string if profile_path is empty
     43   if (profile_path.empty())
     44     return std::wstring();
     46   FilePath default_user_data_dir;
     47   // Return empty string if profile_path is in default user data
     48   // dir and is the default profile.
     49   if (chrome::GetDefaultUserDataDirectory(&default_user_data_dir) &&
     50       profile_path.DirName() == default_user_data_dir &&
     51       profile_path.BaseName().value() ==
     52           ASCIIToUTF16(chrome::kNotSignedInProfile)) {
     53     return std::wstring();
     54   }
     56   // Get joined basenames of user data dir and profile.
     57   std::wstring basenames = profile_path.DirName().BaseName().value() +
     58       L"." + profile_path.BaseName().value();
     60   std::wstring profile_id;
     61   profile_id.reserve(basenames.size());
     63   // Generate profile_id from sanitized basenames.
     64   for (size_t i = 0; i < basenames.length(); ++i) {
     65     if (IsAsciiAlpha(basenames[i]) ||
     66         IsAsciiDigit(basenames[i]) ||
     67         basenames[i] == L'.')
     68       profile_id += basenames[i];
     69   }
     71   return profile_id;
     72 }
     74 // Migrates existing chromium shortucts for Win7.
     75 class MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask : public Task {
     76  public:
     77   MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask() { }
     79   virtual void Run();
     81  private:
     82   void MigrateWin7Shortcuts();
     83   void MigrateWin7ShortcutsInPath(const FilePath& path) const;
     85   // Get expected app id for given chrome shortcut.
     86   // Returns true if the shortcut point to chrome and expected app id is
     87   // successfully derived.
     88   bool GetExpectedAppId(IShellLink* shell_link,
     89                         std::wstring* expected_app_id) const;
     91   // Get app id associated with given shortcut.
     92   bool GetShortcutAppId(IShellLink* shell_link, std::wstring* app_id) const;
     94   FilePath chrome_exe_;
     96   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask);
     97 };
     99 void MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask::Run() {
    100   // This should run on the file thread.
    101   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE));
    103   MigrateWin7Shortcuts();
    104 }
    106 void MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask::MigrateWin7Shortcuts() {
    107   // Get full path of chrome.
    108   if (!PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &chrome_exe_))
    109     return;
    111   // Locations to check for shortcuts migration.
    112   static const struct {
    113     int location_id;
    114     const wchar_t* sub_dir;
    115   } kLocations[] = {
    116     {
    117       base::DIR_APP_DATA,
    118       L"Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\TaskBar"
    119     }, {
    120       chrome::DIR_USER_DESKTOP,
    121       NULL
    122     }, {
    123       base::DIR_START_MENU,
    124       NULL
    125     }, {
    126       base::DIR_APP_DATA,
    127       L"Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\StartMenu"
    128     }
    129   };
    131   for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kLocations); ++i) {
    132     FilePath path;
    133     if (!PathService::Get(kLocations[i].location_id, &path)) {
    134       NOTREACHED();
    135       continue;
    136     }
    138     if (kLocations[i].sub_dir)
    139       path = path.Append(kLocations[i].sub_dir);
    141     MigrateWin7ShortcutsInPath(path);
    142   }
    143 }
    145 void MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask::MigrateWin7ShortcutsInPath(
    146     const FilePath& path) const {
    147   // Enumerate all pinned shortcuts in the given path directly.
    148   file_util::FileEnumerator shortcuts_enum(
    149       path,
    150       false,  // not recursive
    151       file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES,
    152       FILE_PATH_LITERAL("*.lnk"));
    154   for (FilePath shortcut = shortcuts_enum.Next(); !shortcut.empty();
    155        shortcut = shortcuts_enum.Next()) {
    156     // Load the shortcut.
    157     base::win::ScopedComPtr<IShellLink> shell_link;
    158     if (FAILED(shell_link.CreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink,
    159                                          NULL,
    160                                          CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER))) {
    161       NOTREACHED();
    162       return;
    163     }
    165     base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPersistFile> persist_file;
    166     if (FAILED(persist_file.QueryFrom(shell_link)) ||
    167         FAILED(persist_file->Load(shortcut.value().c_str(), STGM_READ))) {
    168       NOTREACHED();
    169       return;
    170     }
    172     // Get expected app id from shortcut.
    173     std::wstring expected_app_id;
    174     if (!GetExpectedAppId(shell_link, &expected_app_id) ||
    175         expected_app_id.empty())
    176       continue;
    178     // Get existing app id from shortcut if any.
    179     std::wstring existing_app_id;
    180     GetShortcutAppId(shell_link, &existing_app_id);
    182     if (expected_app_id != existing_app_id) {
    183       file_util::UpdateShortcutLink(NULL,
    184                                     shortcut.value().c_str(),
    185                                     NULL,
    186                                     NULL,
    187                                     NULL,
    188                                     NULL,
    189                                     0,
    190                                     expected_app_id.c_str());
    191     }
    192   }
    193 }
    195 bool MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask::GetExpectedAppId(
    196     IShellLink* shell_link,
    197     std::wstring* expected_app_id) const {
    198   DCHECK(shell_link);
    199   DCHECK(expected_app_id);
    201   expected_app_id->clear();
    203   // Check if the shortcut points to chrome_exe.
    204   std::wstring source;
    205   if (FAILED(shell_link->GetPath(WriteInto(&source, MAX_PATH),
    206                                  MAX_PATH,
    207                                  NULL,
    208                                  SLGP_RAWPATH)) ||
    209       lstrcmpi(chrome_exe_.value().c_str(), source.c_str()))
    210     return false;
    212   std::wstring arguments;
    213   if (FAILED(shell_link->GetArguments(WriteInto(&arguments, MAX_PATH),
    214                                       MAX_PATH)))
    215     return false;
    217   // Get expected app id from shortcut command line.
    218   CommandLine command_line = CommandLine::FromString(StringPrintf(
    219       L"\"%ls\" %ls", source.c_str(), arguments.c_str()));
    221   FilePath profile_path;
    222   if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kUserDataDir)) {
    223     profile_path =
    224         command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kUserDataDir).AppendASCII(
    225             chrome::kNotSignedInProfile);
    226   }
    228   std::wstring app_name;
    229   if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kApp)) {
    230     app_name = UTF8ToWide(web_app::GenerateApplicationNameFromURL(
    231         GURL(command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kApp))));
    232   } else if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kAppId)) {
    233     app_name = UTF8ToWide(web_app::GenerateApplicationNameFromExtensionId(
    234         command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppId)));
    235   } else {
    236     app_name = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution()->GetBrowserAppId();
    237   }
    239   expected_app_id->assign(ShellIntegration::GetAppId(app_name, profile_path));
    240   return true;
    241 }
    243 bool MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask::GetShortcutAppId(
    244     IShellLink* shell_link,
    245     std::wstring* app_id) const {
    246   DCHECK(shell_link);
    247   DCHECK(app_id);
    249   app_id->clear();
    251   base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPropertyStore> property_store;
    252   if (FAILED(property_store.QueryFrom(shell_link)))
    253     return false;
    255   PROPVARIANT appid_value;
    256   PropVariantInit(&appid_value);
    257   if (FAILED(property_store->GetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID,
    258                                       &appid_value)))
    259     return false;
    261   if (appid_value.vt == VT_LPWSTR ||
    262       appid_value.vt == VT_BSTR)
    263     app_id->assign(appid_value.pwszVal);
    265   PropVariantClear(&appid_value);
    266   return true;
    267 }
    269 };
    271 bool ShellIntegration::SetAsDefaultBrowser() {
    272   FilePath chrome_exe;
    273   if (!PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &chrome_exe)) {
    274     LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting app exe path";
    275     return false;
    276   }
    278   // From UI currently we only allow setting default browser for current user.
    279   BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
    280   if (!ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefault(dist, ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER,
    281                                     chrome_exe.value(), true)) {
    282     LOG(ERROR) << "Chrome could not be set as default browser.";
    283     return false;
    284   }
    286   VLOG(1) << "Chrome registered as default browser.";
    287   return true;
    288 }
    290 ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserState ShellIntegration::IsDefaultBrowser() {
    291   // First determine the app path. If we can't determine what that is, we have
    292   // bigger fish to fry...
    293   FilePath app_path;
    294   if (!PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &app_path)) {
    295     LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting app exe path";
    296     return UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_BROWSER;
    297   }
    298   // When we check for default browser we don't necessarily want to count file
    299   // type handlers and icons as having changed the default browser status,
    300   // since the user may have changed their shell settings to cause HTML files
    301   // to open with a text editor for example. We also don't want to aggressively
    302   // claim FTP, since the user may have a separate FTP client. It is an open
    303   // question as to how to "heal" these settings. Perhaps the user should just
    304   // re-run the installer or run with the --set-default-browser command line
    305   // flag. There is doubtless some other key we can hook into to cause "Repair"
    306   // to show up in Add/Remove programs for us.
    307   const std::wstring kChromeProtocols[] = {L"http", L"https"};
    309   if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_VISTA) {
    310     IApplicationAssociationRegistration* pAAR;
    311     HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration,
    312         NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, __uuidof(IApplicationAssociationRegistration),
    313         (void**)&pAAR);
    314     if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
    315       return NOT_DEFAULT_BROWSER;
    317     BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
    318     std::wstring app_name = dist->GetApplicationName();
    319     // If a user specific default browser entry exists, we check for that
    320     // app name being default. If not, then default browser is just called
    321     // Google Chrome or Chromium so we do not append suffix to app name.
    322     std::wstring suffix;
    323     if (ShellUtil::GetUserSpecificDefaultBrowserSuffix(dist, &suffix))
    324       app_name += suffix;
    326     for (int i = 0; i < _countof(kChromeProtocols); i++) {
    327       BOOL result = TRUE;
    328       hr = pAAR->QueryAppIsDefault(kChromeProtocols[i].c_str(), AT_URLPROTOCOL,
    329           AL_EFFECTIVE, app_name.c_str(), &result);
    330       if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || result == FALSE) {
    331         pAAR->Release();
    332         return NOT_DEFAULT_BROWSER;
    333       }
    334     }
    335     pAAR->Release();
    336   } else {
    337     std::wstring short_app_path;
    338     GetShortPathName(app_path.value().c_str(),
    339                      WriteInto(&short_app_path, MAX_PATH),
    340                      MAX_PATH);
    342     // open command for protocol associations
    343     for (int i = 0; i < _countof(kChromeProtocols); i++) {
    344       // Check in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that is the result of merge between
    345       // HKLM and HKCU
    346       HKEY root_key = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
    347       // Check <protocol>\shell\open\command
    348       std::wstring key_path(kChromeProtocols[i] + ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen);
    349       base::win::RegKey key(root_key, key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
    350       std::wstring value;
    351       if (!key.Valid() || (key.ReadValue(L"", &value) != ERROR_SUCCESS))
    352         return NOT_DEFAULT_BROWSER;
    353       // Need to normalize path in case it's been munged.
    354       CommandLine command_line = CommandLine::FromString(value);
    355       std::wstring short_path;
    356       GetShortPathName(command_line.GetProgram().value().c_str(),
    357                        WriteInto(&short_path, MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH);
    358       if (!FilePath::CompareEqualIgnoreCase(short_path, short_app_path))
    359         return NOT_DEFAULT_BROWSER;
    360     }
    361   }
    362   return IS_DEFAULT_BROWSER;
    363 }
    365 // There is no reliable way to say which browser is default on a machine (each
    366 // browser can have some of the protocols/shortcuts). So we look for only HTTP
    367 // protocol handler. Even this handler is located at different places in
    368 // registry on XP and Vista:
    369 // - HKCR\http\shell\open\command (XP)
    370 // - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\
    371 //   http\UserChoice (Vista)
    372 // This method checks if Firefox is defualt browser by checking these
    373 // locations and returns true if Firefox traces are found there. In case of
    374 // error (or if Firefox is not found)it returns the default value which
    375 // is false.
    376 bool ShellIntegration::IsFirefoxDefaultBrowser() {
    377   bool ff_default = false;
    378   if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_VISTA) {
    379     std::wstring app_cmd;
    380     base::win::RegKey key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
    381                           ShellUtil::kRegVistaUrlPrefs, KEY_READ);
    382     if (key.Valid() && (key.ReadValue(L"Progid", &app_cmd) == ERROR_SUCCESS) &&
    383         app_cmd == L"FirefoxURL")
    384       ff_default = true;
    385   } else {
    386     std::wstring key_path(L"http");
    387     key_path.append(ShellUtil::kRegShellOpen);
    388     base::win::RegKey key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
    389     std::wstring app_cmd;
    390     if (key.Valid() && (key.ReadValue(L"", &app_cmd) == ERROR_SUCCESS) &&
    391         std::wstring::npos != StringToLowerASCII(app_cmd).find(L"firefox"))
    392       ff_default = true;
    393   }
    394   return ff_default;
    395 }
    397 std::wstring ShellIntegration::GetAppId(const std::wstring& app_name,
    398                                         const FilePath& profile_path) {
    399   std::wstring app_id(app_name);
    401   std::wstring profile_id(GetProfileIdFromPath(profile_path));
    402   if (!profile_id.empty()) {
    403     app_id += L".";
    404     app_id += profile_id;
    405   }
    407   // App id should be less than 128 chars.
    408   DCHECK(app_id.length() < 128);
    409   return app_id;
    410 }
    412 std::wstring ShellIntegration::GetChromiumAppId(const FilePath& profile_path) {
    413   return GetAppId(BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution()->GetBrowserAppId(),
    414                   profile_path);
    415 }
    417 void ShellIntegration::MigrateChromiumShortcuts() {
    418   if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_WIN7)
    419     return;
    421   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    422       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, new MigrateChromiumShortcutsTask());
    423 }