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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <cmath>
     18 #include <cstring> // for memset()
     19 #include <sstream> // for debug prints
     20 #include <vector>
     22 #include "defines.h"
     23 #include "geometry_utils.h"
     24 #include "proximity_info.h"
     25 #include "proximity_info_params.h"
     26 #include "proximity_info_state_utils.h"
     28 namespace latinime {
     30 /* static */ int ProximityInfoStateUtils::trimLastTwoTouchPoints(std::vector<int> *sampledInputXs,
     31         std::vector<int> *sampledInputYs, std::vector<int> *sampledInputTimes,
     32         std::vector<int> *sampledLengthCache, std::vector<int> *sampledInputIndice) {
     33     const int nextStartIndex = (*sampledInputIndice)[sampledInputIndice->size() - 2];
     34     popInputData(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, sampledInputTimes, sampledLengthCache,
     35             sampledInputIndice);
     36     popInputData(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, sampledInputTimes, sampledLengthCache,
     37             sampledInputIndice);
     38     return nextStartIndex;
     39 }
     41 /* static */ int ProximityInfoStateUtils::updateTouchPoints(
     42         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const int maxPointToKeyLength,
     43         const int *const inputProximities, const int *const inputXCoordinates,
     44         const int *const inputYCoordinates, const int *const times, const int *const pointerIds,
     45         const float verticalSweetSpotScale, const int inputSize, const bool isGeometric,
     46         const int pointerId, const int pushTouchPointStartIndex, std::vector<int> *sampledInputXs,
     47         std::vector<int> *sampledInputYs, std::vector<int> *sampledInputTimes,
     48         std::vector<int> *sampledLengthCache, std::vector<int> *sampledInputIndice) {
     49     if (DEBUG_SAMPLING_POINTS) {
     50         if (times) {
     51             for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
     52                 AKLOGI("(%d) x %d, y %d, time %d",
     53                         i, inputXCoordinates[i], inputYCoordinates[i], times[i]);
     54             }
     55         }
     56     }
     57 #ifdef DO_ASSERT_TEST
     58     if (times) {
     59         for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
     60             if (i > 0) {
     61                 if (times[i] < times[i - 1]) {
     62                     AKLOGI("Invalid time sequence. %d, %d", times[i - 1], times[i]);
     63                     ASSERT(false);
     64                 }
     65             }
     66         }
     67     }
     68 #endif
     69     const bool proximityOnly = !isGeometric
     70             && (inputXCoordinates[0] < 0 || inputYCoordinates[0] < 0);
     71     int lastInputIndex = pushTouchPointStartIndex;
     72     for (int i = lastInputIndex; i < inputSize; ++i) {
     73         const int pid = pointerIds ? pointerIds[i] : 0;
     74         if (pointerId == pid) {
     75             lastInputIndex = i;
     76         }
     77     }
     78     if (DEBUG_GEO_FULL) {
     79         AKLOGI("Init ProximityInfoState: last input index = %d", lastInputIndex);
     80     }
     81     // Working space to save near keys distances for current, prev and prevprev input point.
     82     NearKeysDistanceMap nearKeysDistances[3];
     83     // These pointers are swapped for each inputs points.
     84     NearKeysDistanceMap *currentNearKeysDistances = &nearKeysDistances[0];
     85     NearKeysDistanceMap *prevNearKeysDistances = &nearKeysDistances[1];
     86     NearKeysDistanceMap *prevPrevNearKeysDistances = &nearKeysDistances[2];
     87     // "sumAngle" is accumulated by each angle of input points. And when "sumAngle" exceeds
     88     // the threshold we save that point, reset sumAngle. This aims to keep the figure of
     89     // the curve.
     90     float sumAngle = 0.0f;
     92     for (int i = pushTouchPointStartIndex; i <= lastInputIndex; ++i) {
     93         // Assuming pointerId == 0 if pointerIds is null.
     94         const int pid = pointerIds ? pointerIds[i] : 0;
     95         if (DEBUG_GEO_FULL) {
     96             AKLOGI("Init ProximityInfoState: (%d)PID = %d", i, pid);
     97         }
     98         if (pointerId == pid) {
     99             const int c = isGeometric ?
    100                     NOT_A_COORDINATE : getPrimaryCodePointAt(inputProximities, i);
    101             const int x = proximityOnly ? NOT_A_COORDINATE : inputXCoordinates[i];
    102             const int y = proximityOnly ? NOT_A_COORDINATE : inputYCoordinates[i];
    103             const int time = times ? times[i] : -1;
    105             if (i > 1) {
    106                 const float prevAngle = getAngle(
    107                         inputXCoordinates[i - 2], inputYCoordinates[i - 2],
    108                         inputXCoordinates[i - 1], inputYCoordinates[i - 1]);
    109                 const float currentAngle = getAngle(
    110                         inputXCoordinates[i - 1], inputYCoordinates[i - 1], x, y);
    111                 sumAngle += getAngleDiff(prevAngle, currentAngle);
    112             }
    114             if (pushTouchPoint(proximityInfo, maxPointToKeyLength, i, c, x, y, time,
    115                     verticalSweetSpotScale, isGeometric /* doSampling */, i == lastInputIndex,
    116                     sumAngle, currentNearKeysDistances, prevNearKeysDistances,
    117                     prevPrevNearKeysDistances, sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, sampledInputTimes,
    118                     sampledLengthCache, sampledInputIndice)) {
    119                 // Previous point information was popped.
    120                 NearKeysDistanceMap *tmp = prevNearKeysDistances;
    121                 prevNearKeysDistances = currentNearKeysDistances;
    122                 currentNearKeysDistances = tmp;
    123             } else {
    124                 NearKeysDistanceMap *tmp = prevPrevNearKeysDistances;
    125                 prevPrevNearKeysDistances = prevNearKeysDistances;
    126                 prevNearKeysDistances = currentNearKeysDistances;
    127                 currentNearKeysDistances = tmp;
    128                 sumAngle = 0.0f;
    129             }
    130         }
    131     }
    132     return sampledInputXs->size();
    133 }
    135 /* static */ const int *ProximityInfoStateUtils::getProximityCodePointsAt(
    136         const int *const inputProximities, const int index) {
    137     return inputProximities + (index * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE);
    138 }
    140 /* static */ int ProximityInfoStateUtils::getPrimaryCodePointAt(const int *const inputProximities,
    141         const int index) {
    142     return getProximityCodePointsAt(inputProximities, index)[0];
    143 }
    145 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::initPrimaryInputWord(const int inputSize,
    146         const int *const inputProximities, int *primaryInputWord) {
    147     memset(primaryInputWord, 0, sizeof(primaryInputWord[0]) * MAX_WORD_LENGTH);
    148     for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
    149         primaryInputWord[i] = getPrimaryCodePointAt(inputProximities, i);
    150     }
    151 }
    153 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::calculateSquaredDistanceFromSweetSpotCenter(
    154         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    155         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs, const int keyIndex, const int inputIndex) {
    156     const float sweetSpotCenterX = proximityInfo->getSweetSpotCenterXAt(keyIndex);
    157     const float sweetSpotCenterY = proximityInfo->getSweetSpotCenterYAt(keyIndex);
    158     const float inputX = static_cast<float>((*sampledInputXs)[inputIndex]);
    159     const float inputY = static_cast<float>((*sampledInputYs)[inputIndex]);
    160     return SQUARE_FLOAT(inputX - sweetSpotCenterX) + SQUARE_FLOAT(inputY - sweetSpotCenterY);
    161 }
    163 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::calculateNormalizedSquaredDistance(
    164         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    165         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs, const int keyIndex, const int inputIndex) {
    166     if (keyIndex == NOT_AN_INDEX) {
    167         return ProximityInfoParams::NOT_A_DISTANCE_FLOAT;
    168     }
    169     if (!proximityInfo->hasSweetSpotData(keyIndex)) {
    170         return ProximityInfoParams::NOT_A_DISTANCE_FLOAT;
    171     }
    172     if (NOT_A_COORDINATE == (*sampledInputXs)[inputIndex]) {
    173         return ProximityInfoParams::NOT_A_DISTANCE_FLOAT;
    174     }
    175     const float squaredDistance = calculateSquaredDistanceFromSweetSpotCenter(proximityInfo,
    176             sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, keyIndex, inputIndex);
    177     const float squaredRadius = SQUARE_FLOAT(proximityInfo->getSweetSpotRadiiAt(keyIndex));
    178     return squaredDistance / squaredRadius;
    179 }
    181 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::initNormalizedSquaredDistances(
    182         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const int inputSize, const int *inputXCoordinates,
    183         const int *inputYCoordinates, const int *const inputProximities,
    184         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    185         int *normalizedSquaredDistances) {
    186     memset(normalizedSquaredDistances, NOT_A_DISTANCE,
    187             sizeof(normalizedSquaredDistances[0]) * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE * MAX_WORD_LENGTH);
    188     const bool hasInputCoordinates = sampledInputXs->size() > 0 && sampledInputYs->size() > 0;
    189     for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
    190         const int *proximityCodePoints = getProximityCodePointsAt(inputProximities, i);
    191         const int primaryKey = proximityCodePoints[0];
    192         const int x = inputXCoordinates[i];
    193         const int y = inputYCoordinates[i];
    194         if (DEBUG_PROXIMITY_CHARS) {
    195             int a = x + y + primaryKey;
    196             a += 0;
    197             AKLOGI("--- Primary = %c, x = %d, y = %d", primaryKey, x, y);
    198         }
    199         for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE && proximityCodePoints[j] > 0; ++j) {
    200             const int currentCodePoint = proximityCodePoints[j];
    201             const float squaredDistance =
    202                     hasInputCoordinates ? calculateNormalizedSquaredDistance(
    203                             proximityInfo, sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs,
    204                             proximityInfo->getKeyIndexOf(currentCodePoint), i) :
    205                             ProximityInfoParams::NOT_A_DISTANCE_FLOAT;
    206             if (squaredDistance >= 0.0f) {
    207                 normalizedSquaredDistances[i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE + j] =
    208                         static_cast<int>(squaredDistance
    209                                 * ProximityInfoParams::NORMALIZED_SQUARED_DISTANCE_SCALING_FACTOR);
    210             } else {
    211                 normalizedSquaredDistances[i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE + j] =
    212                         (j == 0) ? MATCH_CHAR_WITHOUT_DISTANCE_INFO :
    213                                 PROXIMITY_CHAR_WITHOUT_DISTANCE_INFO;
    214             }
    215             if (DEBUG_PROXIMITY_CHARS) {
    216                 AKLOGI("--- Proximity (%d) = %c", j, currentCodePoint);
    217             }
    218         }
    219     }
    221 }
    223 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::initGeometricDistanceInfos(
    224         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const int sampledInputSize,
    225         const int lastSavedInputSize, const float verticalSweetSpotScale,
    226         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    227         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    228         std::vector<NearKeycodesSet> *sampledNearKeySets,
    229         std::vector<float> *sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache) {
    230     sampledNearKeySets->resize(sampledInputSize);
    231     const int keyCount = proximityInfo->getKeyCount();
    232     sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache->resize(sampledInputSize * keyCount);
    233     for (int i = lastSavedInputSize; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    234         (*sampledNearKeySets)[i].reset();
    235         for (int k = 0; k < keyCount; ++k) {
    236             const int index = i * keyCount + k;
    237             const int x = (*sampledInputXs)[i];
    238             const int y = (*sampledInputYs)[i];
    239             const float normalizedSquaredDistance =
    240                     proximityInfo->getNormalizedSquaredDistanceFromCenterFloatG(
    241                             k, x, y, verticalSweetSpotScale);
    242             (*sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache)[index] = normalizedSquaredDistance;
    243             if (normalizedSquaredDistance
    244                     < ProximityInfoParams::NEAR_KEY_NORMALIZED_SQUARED_THRESHOLD) {
    245                 (*sampledNearKeySets)[i][k] = true;
    246             }
    247         }
    248     }
    249 }
    251 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::popInputData(std::vector<int> *sampledInputXs,
    252         std::vector<int> *sampledInputYs, std::vector<int> *sampledInputTimes,
    253         std::vector<int> *sampledLengthCache, std::vector<int> *sampledInputIndice) {
    254     sampledInputXs->pop_back();
    255     sampledInputYs->pop_back();
    256     sampledInputTimes->pop_back();
    257     sampledLengthCache->pop_back();
    258     sampledInputIndice->pop_back();
    259 }
    261 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::refreshSpeedRates(const int inputSize,
    262         const int *const xCoordinates, const int *const yCoordinates, const int *const times,
    263         const int lastSavedInputSize, const int sampledInputSize,
    264         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    265         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputTimes,
    266         const std::vector<int> *const sampledLengthCache,
    267         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputIndice, std::vector<float> *sampledSpeedRates,
    268         std::vector<float> *sampledDirections) {
    269     // Relative speed calculation.
    270     const int sumDuration = sampledInputTimes->back() - sampledInputTimes->front();
    271     const int sumLength = sampledLengthCache->back() - sampledLengthCache->front();
    272     const float averageSpeed = static_cast<float>(sumLength) / static_cast<float>(sumDuration);
    273     sampledSpeedRates->resize(sampledInputSize);
    274     for (int i = lastSavedInputSize; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    275         const int index = (*sampledInputIndice)[i];
    276         int length = 0;
    277         int duration = 0;
    279         // Calculate velocity by using distances and durations of
    280         // ProximityInfoParams::NUM_POINTS_FOR_SPEED_CALCULATION points for both forward and
    281         // backward.
    282         const int forwardNumPoints = min(inputSize - 1,
    283                 index + ProximityInfoParams::NUM_POINTS_FOR_SPEED_CALCULATION);
    284         for (int j = index; j < forwardNumPoints; ++j) {
    285             if (i < sampledInputSize - 1 && j >= (*sampledInputIndice)[i + 1]) {
    286                 break;
    287             }
    288             length += getDistanceInt(xCoordinates[j], yCoordinates[j],
    289                     xCoordinates[j + 1], yCoordinates[j + 1]);
    290             duration += times[j + 1] - times[j];
    291         }
    292         const int backwardNumPoints = max(0,
    293                 index - ProximityInfoParams::NUM_POINTS_FOR_SPEED_CALCULATION);
    294         for (int j = index - 1; j >= backwardNumPoints; --j) {
    295             if (i > 0 && j < (*sampledInputIndice)[i - 1]) {
    296                 break;
    297             }
    298             // TODO: use mSampledLengthCache instead?
    299             length += getDistanceInt(xCoordinates[j], yCoordinates[j],
    300                     xCoordinates[j + 1], yCoordinates[j + 1]);
    301             duration += times[j + 1] - times[j];
    302         }
    303         if (duration == 0 || sumDuration == 0) {
    304             // Cannot calculate speed; thus, it gives an average value (1.0);
    305             (*sampledSpeedRates)[i] = 1.0f;
    306         } else {
    307             const float speed = static_cast<float>(length) / static_cast<float>(duration);
    308             (*sampledSpeedRates)[i] = speed / averageSpeed;
    309         }
    310     }
    312     // Direction calculation.
    313     sampledDirections->resize(sampledInputSize - 1);
    314     for (int i = max(0, lastSavedInputSize - 1); i < sampledInputSize - 1; ++i) {
    315         (*sampledDirections)[i] = getDirection(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, i, i + 1);
    316     }
    317     return averageSpeed;
    318 }
    320 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::refreshBeelineSpeedRates(const int mostCommonKeyWidth,
    321         const float averageSpeed, const int inputSize, const int *const xCoordinates,
    322         const int *const yCoordinates, const int *times, const int sampledInputSize,
    323         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    324         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs, const std::vector<int> *const inputIndice,
    325         std::vector<int> *beelineSpeedPercentiles) {
    326     if (DEBUG_SAMPLING_POINTS) {
    327         AKLOGI("--- refresh beeline speed rates");
    328     }
    329     beelineSpeedPercentiles->resize(sampledInputSize);
    330     for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    331         (*beelineSpeedPercentiles)[i] = static_cast<int>(calculateBeelineSpeedRate(
    332                 mostCommonKeyWidth, averageSpeed, i, inputSize, xCoordinates, yCoordinates, times,
    333                 sampledInputSize, sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, inputIndice) * MAX_PERCENTILE);
    334     }
    335 }
    337 /* static */float ProximityInfoStateUtils::getDirection(
    338         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    339         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs, const int index0, const int index1) {
    340     ASSERT(sampledInputXs && sampledInputYs);
    341     const int sampledInputSize =sampledInputXs->size();
    342     if (index0 < 0 || index0 > sampledInputSize - 1) {
    343         return 0.0f;
    344     }
    345     if (index1 < 0 || index1 > sampledInputSize - 1) {
    346         return 0.0f;
    347     }
    348     const int x1 = (*sampledInputXs)[index0];
    349     const int y1 = (*sampledInputYs)[index0];
    350     const int x2 = (*sampledInputXs)[index1];
    351     const int y2 = (*sampledInputYs)[index1];
    352     return getAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    353 }
    355 // Calculating point to key distance for all near keys and returning the distance between
    356 // the given point and the nearest key position.
    357 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::updateNearKeysDistances(
    358         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const float maxPointToKeyLength, const int x,
    359         const int y, const float verticalSweetspotScale,
    360         NearKeysDistanceMap *const currentNearKeysDistances) {
    361     currentNearKeysDistances->clear();
    362     const int keyCount = proximityInfo->getKeyCount();
    363     float nearestKeyDistance = maxPointToKeyLength;
    364     for (int k = 0; k < keyCount; ++k) {
    365         const float dist = proximityInfo->getNormalizedSquaredDistanceFromCenterFloatG(k, x, y,
    366                 verticalSweetspotScale);
    367         if (dist < ProximityInfoParams::NEAR_KEY_THRESHOLD_FOR_DISTANCE) {
    368             currentNearKeysDistances->insert(std::pair<int, float>(k, dist));
    369         }
    370         if (nearestKeyDistance > dist) {
    371             nearestKeyDistance = dist;
    372         }
    373     }
    374     return nearestKeyDistance;
    375 }
    377 // Check if previous point is at local minimum position to near keys.
    378 /* static */ bool ProximityInfoStateUtils::isPrevLocalMin(
    379         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const currentNearKeysDistances,
    380         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const prevNearKeysDistances,
    381         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const prevPrevNearKeysDistances) {
    382     for (NearKeysDistanceMap::const_iterator it = prevNearKeysDistances->begin();
    383             it != prevNearKeysDistances->end(); ++it) {
    384         NearKeysDistanceMap::const_iterator itPP = prevPrevNearKeysDistances->find(it->first);
    385         NearKeysDistanceMap::const_iterator itC = currentNearKeysDistances->find(it->first);
    386         const bool isPrevPrevNear = (itPP == prevPrevNearKeysDistances->end()
    387                 || itPP->second > it->second + ProximityInfoParams::MARGIN_FOR_PREV_LOCAL_MIN);
    388         const bool isCurrentNear = (itC == currentNearKeysDistances->end()
    389                 || itC->second > it->second + ProximityInfoParams::MARGIN_FOR_PREV_LOCAL_MIN);
    390         if (isPrevPrevNear && isCurrentNear) {
    391             return true;
    392         }
    393     }
    394     return false;
    395 }
    397 // Calculating a point score that indicates usefulness of the point.
    398 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::getPointScore(const int mostCommonKeyWidth,
    399         const int x, const int y, const int time, const bool lastPoint, const float nearest,
    400         const float sumAngle, const NearKeysDistanceMap *const currentNearKeysDistances,
    401         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const prevNearKeysDistances,
    402         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const prevPrevNearKeysDistances,
    403         std::vector<int> *sampledInputXs, std::vector<int> *sampledInputYs) {
    404     const size_t size = sampledInputXs->size();
    405     // If there is only one point, add this point. Besides, if the previous point's distance map
    406     // is empty, we re-compute nearby keys distances from the current point.
    407     // Note that the current point is the first point in the incremental input that needs to
    408     // be re-computed.
    409     if (size <= 1 || prevNearKeysDistances->empty()) {
    410         return 0.0f;
    411     }
    413     const int baseSampleRate = mostCommonKeyWidth;
    414     const int distPrev = getDistanceInt(sampledInputXs->back(), sampledInputYs->back(),
    415             (*sampledInputXs)[size - 2], (*sampledInputYs)[size - 2])
    416                     * ProximityInfoParams::DISTANCE_BASE_SCALE;
    417     float score = 0.0f;
    419     // Location
    420     if (!isPrevLocalMin(currentNearKeysDistances, prevNearKeysDistances,
    421         prevPrevNearKeysDistances)) {
    422         score += ProximityInfoParams::NOT_LOCALMIN_DISTANCE_SCORE;
    423     } else if (nearest < ProximityInfoParams::NEAR_KEY_THRESHOLD_FOR_POINT_SCORE) {
    424         // Promote points nearby keys
    425         score += ProximityInfoParams::LOCALMIN_DISTANCE_AND_NEAR_TO_KEY_SCORE;
    426     }
    427     // Angle
    428     const float angle1 = getAngle(x, y, sampledInputXs->back(), sampledInputYs->back());
    429     const float angle2 = getAngle(sampledInputXs->back(), sampledInputYs->back(),
    430             (*sampledInputXs)[size - 2], (*sampledInputYs)[size - 2]);
    431     const float angleDiff = getAngleDiff(angle1, angle2);
    433     // Save corner
    434     if (distPrev > baseSampleRate * ProximityInfoParams::CORNER_CHECK_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_SCALE
    435             && (sumAngle > ProximityInfoParams::CORNER_SUM_ANGLE_THRESHOLD
    436                     || angleDiff > ProximityInfoParams::CORNER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD_FOR_POINT_SCORE)) {
    437         score += ProximityInfoParams::CORNER_SCORE;
    438     }
    439     return score;
    440 }
    442 // Sampling touch point and pushing information to vectors.
    443 // Returning if previous point is popped or not.
    444 /* static */ bool ProximityInfoStateUtils::pushTouchPoint(const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo,
    445         const int maxPointToKeyLength, const int inputIndex, const int nodeCodePoint, int x, int y,
    446         const int time, const float verticalSweetSpotScale, const bool doSampling,
    447         const bool isLastPoint, const float sumAngle,
    448         NearKeysDistanceMap *const currentNearKeysDistances,
    449         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const prevNearKeysDistances,
    450         const NearKeysDistanceMap *const prevPrevNearKeysDistances,
    451         std::vector<int> *sampledInputXs, std::vector<int> *sampledInputYs,
    452         std::vector<int> *sampledInputTimes, std::vector<int> *sampledLengthCache,
    453         std::vector<int> *sampledInputIndice) {
    454     const int mostCommonKeyWidth = proximityInfo->getMostCommonKeyWidth();
    456     size_t size = sampledInputXs->size();
    457     bool popped = false;
    458     if (nodeCodePoint < 0 && doSampling) {
    459         const float nearest = updateNearKeysDistances(proximityInfo, maxPointToKeyLength, x, y,
    460                 verticalSweetSpotScale, currentNearKeysDistances);
    461         const float score = getPointScore(mostCommonKeyWidth, x, y, time, isLastPoint, nearest,
    462                 sumAngle, currentNearKeysDistances, prevNearKeysDistances,
    463                 prevPrevNearKeysDistances, sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs);
    464         if (score < 0) {
    465             // Pop previous point because it would be useless.
    466             popInputData(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, sampledInputTimes, sampledLengthCache,
    467                     sampledInputIndice);
    468             size = sampledInputXs->size();
    469             popped = true;
    470         } else {
    471             popped = false;
    472         }
    473         // Check if the last point should be skipped.
    474         if (isLastPoint && size > 0) {
    475             if (getDistanceInt(x, y, sampledInputXs->back(), sampledInputYs->back())
    476                     * ProximityInfoParams::LAST_POINT_SKIP_DISTANCE_SCALE < mostCommonKeyWidth) {
    477                 // This point is not used because it's too close to the previous point.
    478                 if (DEBUG_GEO_FULL) {
    479                     AKLOGI("p0: size = %zd, x = %d, y = %d, lx = %d, ly = %d, dist = %d, "
    480                            "width = %d", size, x, y, sampledInputXs->back(),
    481                            sampledInputYs->back(), getDistanceInt(
    482                                    x, y, sampledInputXs->back(), sampledInputYs->back()),
    483                            mostCommonKeyWidth
    484                                    / ProximityInfoParams::LAST_POINT_SKIP_DISTANCE_SCALE);
    485                 }
    486                 return popped;
    487             }
    488         }
    489     }
    491     if (nodeCodePoint >= 0 && (x < 0 || y < 0)) {
    492         const int keyId = proximityInfo->getKeyIndexOf(nodeCodePoint);
    493         if (keyId >= 0) {
    494             x = proximityInfo->getKeyCenterXOfKeyIdG(keyId);
    495             y = proximityInfo->getKeyCenterYOfKeyIdG(keyId);
    496         }
    497     }
    499     // Pushing point information.
    500     if (size > 0) {
    501         sampledLengthCache->push_back(
    502                 sampledLengthCache->back() + getDistanceInt(
    503                         x, y, sampledInputXs->back(), sampledInputYs->back()));
    504     } else {
    505         sampledLengthCache->push_back(0);
    506     }
    507     sampledInputXs->push_back(x);
    508     sampledInputYs->push_back(y);
    509     sampledInputTimes->push_back(time);
    510     sampledInputIndice->push_back(inputIndex);
    511     if (DEBUG_GEO_FULL) {
    512         AKLOGI("pushTouchPoint: x = %03d, y = %03d, time = %d, index = %d, popped ? %01d",
    513                 x, y, time, inputIndex, popped);
    514     }
    515     return popped;
    516 }
    518 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::calculateBeelineSpeedRate(const int mostCommonKeyWidth,
    519         const float averageSpeed, const int id, const int inputSize, const int *const xCoordinates,
    520         const int *const yCoordinates, const int *times, const int sampledInputSize,
    521         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    522         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    523         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputIndices) {
    524     if (sampledInputSize <= 0 || averageSpeed < 0.001f) {
    525         if (DEBUG_SAMPLING_POINTS) {
    526             AKLOGI("--- invalid state: cancel. size = %d, ave = %f",
    527                     sampledInputSize, averageSpeed);
    528         }
    529         return 1.0f;
    530     }
    531     const int lookupRadius = mostCommonKeyWidth
    532             * ProximityInfoParams::LOOKUP_RADIUS_PERCENTILE / MAX_PERCENTILE;
    533     const int x0 = (*sampledInputXs)[id];
    534     const int y0 = (*sampledInputYs)[id];
    535     const int actualInputIndex = (*sampledInputIndices)[id];
    536     int tempTime = 0;
    537     int tempBeelineDistance = 0;
    538     int start = actualInputIndex;
    539     // lookup forward
    540     while (start > 0 && tempBeelineDistance < lookupRadius) {
    541         tempTime += times[start] - times[start - 1];
    542         --start;
    543         tempBeelineDistance = getDistanceInt(x0, y0, xCoordinates[start], yCoordinates[start]);
    544     }
    545     // Exclusive unless this is an edge point
    546     if (start > 0 && start < actualInputIndex) {
    547         ++start;
    548     }
    549     tempTime= 0;
    550     tempBeelineDistance = 0;
    551     int end = actualInputIndex;
    552     // lookup backward
    553     while (end < (inputSize - 1) && tempBeelineDistance < lookupRadius) {
    554         tempTime += times[end + 1] - times[end];
    555         ++end;
    556         tempBeelineDistance = getDistanceInt(x0, y0, xCoordinates[end], yCoordinates[end]);
    557     }
    558     // Exclusive unless this is an edge point
    559     if (end > actualInputIndex && end < (inputSize - 1)) {
    560         --end;
    561     }
    563     if (start >= end) {
    564         if (DEBUG_DOUBLE_LETTER) {
    565             AKLOGI("--- double letter: start == end %d", start);
    566         }
    567         return 1.0f;
    568     }
    570     const int x2 = xCoordinates[start];
    571     const int y2 = yCoordinates[start];
    572     const int x3 = xCoordinates[end];
    573     const int y3 = yCoordinates[end];
    574     const int beelineDistance = getDistanceInt(x2, y2, x3, y3);
    575     int adjustedStartTime = times[start];
    576     if (start == 0 && actualInputIndex == 0 && inputSize > 1) {
    577         adjustedStartTime += ProximityInfoParams::FIRST_POINT_TIME_OFFSET_MILLIS;
    578     }
    579     int adjustedEndTime = times[end];
    580     if (end == (inputSize - 1) && inputSize > 1) {
    581         adjustedEndTime -= ProximityInfoParams::FIRST_POINT_TIME_OFFSET_MILLIS;
    582     }
    583     const int time = adjustedEndTime - adjustedStartTime;
    584     if (time <= 0) {
    585         return 1.0f;
    586     }
    588     if (time >= ProximityInfoParams::STRONG_DOUBLE_LETTER_TIME_MILLIS){
    589         return 0.0f;
    590     }
    591     if (DEBUG_DOUBLE_LETTER) {
    592         AKLOGI("--- (%d, %d) double letter: start = %d, end = %d, dist = %d, time = %d,"
    593                 " speed = %f, ave = %f, val = %f, start time = %d, end time = %d",
    594                 id, (*sampledInputIndices)[id], start, end, beelineDistance, time,
    595                 (static_cast<float>(beelineDistance) / static_cast<float>(time)), averageSpeed,
    596                 ((static_cast<float>(beelineDistance) / static_cast<float>(time))
    597                         / averageSpeed), adjustedStartTime, adjustedEndTime);
    598     }
    599     // Offset 1%
    600     // TODO: Detect double letter more smartly
    601     return 0.01f + static_cast<float>(beelineDistance) / static_cast<float>(time) / averageSpeed;
    602 }
    604 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::getPointAngle(
    605         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    606         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs, const int index) {
    607     if (!sampledInputXs || !sampledInputYs) {
    608         return 0.0f;
    609     }
    610     const int sampledInputSize = sampledInputXs->size();
    611     if (index <= 0 || index >= sampledInputSize - 1) {
    612         return 0.0f;
    613     }
    614     const float previousDirection = getDirection(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, index - 1, index);
    615     const float nextDirection = getDirection(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, index, index + 1);
    616     const float directionDiff = getAngleDiff(previousDirection, nextDirection);
    617     return directionDiff;
    618 }
    620 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::getPointsAngle(
    621         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    622         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    623         const int index0, const int index1, const int index2) {
    624     if (!sampledInputXs || !sampledInputYs) {
    625         return 0.0f;
    626     }
    627     const int sampledInputSize = sampledInputXs->size();
    628     if (index0 < 0 || index0 > sampledInputSize - 1) {
    629         return 0.0f;
    630     }
    631     if (index1 < 0 || index1 > sampledInputSize - 1) {
    632         return 0.0f;
    633     }
    634     if (index2 < 0 || index2 > sampledInputSize - 1) {
    635         return 0.0f;
    636     }
    637     const float previousDirection = getDirection(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, index0, index1);
    638     const float nextDirection = getDirection(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, index1, index2);
    639     return getAngleDiff(previousDirection, nextDirection);
    640 }
    642 // This function basically converts from a length to an edit distance. Accordingly, it's obviously
    643 // wrong to compare with mMaxPointToKeyLength.
    644 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::getPointToKeyByIdLength(const float maxPointToKeyLength,
    645         const std::vector<float> *const sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, const int keyCount,
    646         const int inputIndex, const int keyId) {
    647     if (keyId != NOT_AN_INDEX) {
    648         const int index = inputIndex * keyCount + keyId;
    649         return min((*sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache)[index], maxPointToKeyLength);
    650     }
    651     // If the char is not a key on the keyboard then return the max length.
    652     return static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING);
    653 }
    655 // Updates probabilities of aligning to some keys and skipping.
    656 // Word suggestion should be based on this probabilities.
    657 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::updateAlignPointProbabilities(
    658         const float maxPointToKeyLength, const int mostCommonKeyWidth, const int keyCount,
    659         const int start, const int sampledInputSize, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
    660         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    661         const std::vector<float> *const sampledSpeedRates,
    662         const std::vector<int> *const sampledLengthCache,
    663         const std::vector<float> *const sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache,
    664         std::vector<NearKeycodesSet> *sampledNearKeySets,
    665         std::vector<hash_map_compat<int, float> > *charProbabilities) {
    666     charProbabilities->resize(sampledInputSize);
    667     // Calculates probabilities of using a point as a correlated point with the character
    668     // for each point.
    669     for (int i = start; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    670         (*charProbabilities)[i].clear();
    671         // First, calculates skip probability. Starts from MAX_SKIP_PROBABILITY.
    672         // Note that all values that are multiplied to this probability should be in [0.0, 1.0];
    673         float skipProbability = ProximityInfoParams::MAX_SKIP_PROBABILITY;
    675         const float currentAngle = getPointAngle(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, i);
    676         const float speedRate = (*sampledSpeedRates)[i];
    678         float nearestKeyDistance = static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING);
    679         for (int j = 0; j < keyCount; ++j) {
    680             if ((*sampledNearKeySets)[i].test(j)) {
    681                 const float distance = getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    682                         maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount, i, j);
    683                 if (distance < nearestKeyDistance) {
    684                     nearestKeyDistance = distance;
    685                 }
    686             }
    687         }
    689         if (i == 0) {
    690             skipProbability *= min(1.0f,
    691                     nearestKeyDistance * ProximityInfoParams::NEAREST_DISTANCE_WEIGHT
    692                             + ProximityInfoParams::NEAREST_DISTANCE_BIAS);
    693             // Promote the first point
    694             skipProbability *= ProximityInfoParams::SKIP_FIRST_POINT_PROBABILITY;
    695         } else if (i == sampledInputSize - 1) {
    696             skipProbability *= min(1.0f,
    697                     nearestKeyDistance * ProximityInfoParams::NEAREST_DISTANCE_WEIGHT_FOR_LAST
    698                             + ProximityInfoParams::NEAREST_DISTANCE_BIAS_FOR_LAST);
    699             // Promote the last point
    700             skipProbability *= ProximityInfoParams::SKIP_LAST_POINT_PROBABILITY;
    701         } else {
    702             // If the current speed is relatively slower than adjacent keys, we promote this point.
    703             if ((*sampledSpeedRates)[i - 1] - ProximityInfoParams::SPEED_MARGIN > speedRate
    704                     && speedRate
    705                             < (*sampledSpeedRates)[i + 1] - ProximityInfoParams::SPEED_MARGIN) {
    706                 if (currentAngle < ProximityInfoParams::CORNER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) {
    707                     skipProbability *= min(1.0f, speedRate
    708                             * ProximityInfoParams::SLOW_STRAIGHT_WEIGHT_FOR_SKIP_PROBABILITY);
    709                 } else {
    710                     // If the angle is small enough, we promote this point more. (e.g. pit vs put)
    711                     skipProbability *= min(1.0f,
    712                             speedRate * ProximityInfoParams::SPEED_WEIGHT_FOR_SKIP_PROBABILITY
    713                                     + ProximityInfoParams::MIN_SPEED_RATE_FOR_SKIP_PROBABILITY);
    714                 }
    715             }
    717             skipProbability *= min(1.0f,
    718                     speedRate * nearestKeyDistance * ProximityInfoParams::NEAREST_DISTANCE_WEIGHT
    719                             + ProximityInfoParams::NEAREST_DISTANCE_BIAS);
    721             // Adjusts skip probability by a rate depending on angle.
    722             // ANGLE_RATE of skipProbability is adjusted by current angle.
    723             skipProbability *= (M_PI_F - currentAngle) / M_PI_F * ProximityInfoParams::ANGLE_WEIGHT
    724                     + (1.0f - ProximityInfoParams::ANGLE_WEIGHT);
    725             if (currentAngle > ProximityInfoParams::DEEP_CORNER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) {
    726                 skipProbability *= ProximityInfoParams::SKIP_DEEP_CORNER_PROBABILITY;
    727             }
    728             // We assume the angle of this point is the angle for point[i], point[i - 2]
    729             // and point[i - 3]. The reason why we don't use the angle for point[i], point[i - 1]
    730             // and point[i - 2] is this angle can be more affected by the noise.
    731             const float prevAngle = getPointsAngle(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, i, i - 2, i - 3);
    732             if (i >= 3 && prevAngle < ProximityInfoParams::STRAIGHT_ANGLE_THRESHOLD
    733                     && currentAngle > ProximityInfoParams::CORNER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) {
    734                 skipProbability *= ProximityInfoParams::SKIP_CORNER_PROBABILITY;
    735             }
    736         }
    738         // probabilities must be in [0.0, ProximityInfoParams::MAX_SKIP_PROBABILITY];
    739         ASSERT(skipProbability >= 0.0f);
    740         ASSERT(skipProbability <= ProximityInfoParams::MAX_SKIP_PROBABILITY);
    741         (*charProbabilities)[i][NOT_AN_INDEX] = skipProbability;
    743         // Second, calculates key probabilities by dividing the rest probability
    744         // (1.0f - skipProbability).
    745         const float inputCharProbability = 1.0f - skipProbability;
    747         const float speedxAngleRate = min(speedRate * currentAngle / M_PI_F
    748                 * ProximityInfoParams::SPEEDxANGLE_WEIGHT_FOR_STANDARD_DIVIATION,
    749                         ProximityInfoParams::MAX_SPEEDxANGLE_RATE_FOR_STANDERD_DIVIATION);
    750         const float speedxNearestKeyDistanceRate = min(speedRate * nearestKeyDistance
    751                 * ProximityInfoParams::SPEEDxNEAREST_WEIGHT_FOR_STANDARD_DIVIATION,
    752                         ProximityInfoParams::MAX_SPEEDxNEAREST_RATE_FOR_STANDERD_DIVIATION);
    753         const float sigma = speedxAngleRate + speedxNearestKeyDistanceRate
    754                 + ProximityInfoParams::MIN_STANDERD_DIVIATION;
    756         ProximityInfoUtils::NormalDistribution
    757                 distribution(ProximityInfoParams::CENTER_VALUE_OF_NORMALIZED_DISTRIBUTION, sigma);
    758         // Summing up probability densities of all near keys.
    759         float sumOfProbabilityDensities = 0.0f;
    760         for (int j = 0; j < keyCount; ++j) {
    761             if ((*sampledNearKeySets)[i].test(j)) {
    762                 float distance = sqrtf(getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    763                         maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount, i, j));
    764                 if (i == 0 && i != sampledInputSize - 1) {
    765                     // For the first point, weighted average of distances from first point and the
    766                     // next point to the key is used as a point to key distance.
    767                     const float nextDistance = sqrtf(getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    768                             maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount,
    769                             i + 1, j));
    770                     if (nextDistance < distance) {
    771                         // The distance of the first point tends to bigger than continuing
    772                         // points because the first touch by the user can be sloppy.
    773                         // So we promote the first point if the distance of that point is larger
    774                         // than the distance of the next point.
    775                         distance = (distance
    776                                 + nextDistance * ProximityInfoParams::NEXT_DISTANCE_WEIGHT)
    777                                         / (1.0f + ProximityInfoParams::NEXT_DISTANCE_WEIGHT);
    778                     }
    779                 } else if (i != 0 && i == sampledInputSize - 1) {
    780                     // For the first point, weighted average of distances from last point and
    781                     // the previous point to the key is used as a point to key distance.
    782                     const float previousDistance = sqrtf(getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    783                             maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount,
    784                             i - 1, j));
    785                     if (previousDistance < distance) {
    786                         // The distance of the last point tends to bigger than continuing points
    787                         // because the last touch by the user can be sloppy. So we promote the
    788                         // last point if the distance of that point is larger than the distance of
    789                         // the previous point.
    790                         distance = (distance
    791                                 + previousDistance * ProximityInfoParams::PREV_DISTANCE_WEIGHT)
    792                                         / (1.0f + ProximityInfoParams::PREV_DISTANCE_WEIGHT);
    793                     }
    794                 }
    795                 // TODO: Promote the first point when the extended line from the next input is near
    796                 // from a key. Also, promote the last point as well.
    797                 sumOfProbabilityDensities += distribution.getProbabilityDensity(distance);
    798             }
    799         }
    801         // Split the probability of an input point to keys that are close to the input point.
    802         for (int j = 0; j < keyCount; ++j) {
    803             if ((*sampledNearKeySets)[i].test(j)) {
    804                 float distance = sqrtf(getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    805                         maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount, i, j));
    806                 if (i == 0 && i != sampledInputSize - 1) {
    807                     // For the first point, weighted average of distances from the first point and
    808                     // the next point to the key is used as a point to key distance.
    809                     const float prevDistance = sqrtf(getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    810                             maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount,
    811                             i + 1, j));
    812                     if (prevDistance < distance) {
    813                         distance = (distance
    814                                 + prevDistance * ProximityInfoParams::NEXT_DISTANCE_WEIGHT)
    815                                         / (1.0f + ProximityInfoParams::NEXT_DISTANCE_WEIGHT);
    816                     }
    817                 } else if (i != 0 && i == sampledInputSize - 1) {
    818                     // For the first point, weighted average of distances from last point and
    819                     // the previous point to the key is used as a point to key distance.
    820                     const float prevDistance = sqrtf(getPointToKeyByIdLength(
    821                             maxPointToKeyLength, sampledNormalizedSquaredLengthCache, keyCount,
    822                             i - 1, j));
    823                     if (prevDistance < distance) {
    824                         distance = (distance
    825                                 + prevDistance * ProximityInfoParams::PREV_DISTANCE_WEIGHT)
    826                                         / (1.0f + ProximityInfoParams::PREV_DISTANCE_WEIGHT);
    827                     }
    828                 }
    829                 const float probabilityDensity = distribution.getProbabilityDensity(distance);
    830                 const float probability = inputCharProbability * probabilityDensity
    831                         / sumOfProbabilityDensities;
    832                 (*charProbabilities)[i][j] = probability;
    833             }
    834         }
    835     }
    838         for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    839             std::stringstream sstream;
    840             sstream << i << ", ";
    841             sstream << "(" << (*sampledInputXs)[i] << ", " << (*sampledInputYs)[i] << "), ";
    842             sstream << "Speed: "<< (*sampledSpeedRates)[i] << ", ";
    843             sstream << "Angle: "<< getPointAngle(sampledInputXs, sampledInputYs, i) << ", \n";
    845             for (hash_map_compat<int, float>::iterator it = (*charProbabilities)[i].begin();
    846                     it != (*charProbabilities)[i].end(); ++it) {
    847                 if (it->first == NOT_AN_INDEX) {
    848                     sstream << it->first
    849                             << "(skip):"
    850                             << it->second
    851                             << "\n";
    852                 } else {
    853                     sstream << it->first
    854                             << "("
    855                             //<< static_cast<char>(mProximityInfo->getCodePointOf(it->first))
    856                             << "):"
    857                             << it->second
    858                             << "\n";
    859                 }
    860             }
    861             AKLOGI("%s", sstream.str().c_str());
    862         }
    863     }
    865     // Decrease key probabilities of points which don't have the highest probability of that key
    866     // among nearby points. Probabilities of the first point and the last point are not suppressed.
    867     for (int i = max(start, 1); i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    868         for (int j = i + 1; j < sampledInputSize; ++j) {
    869             if (!suppressCharProbabilities(
    870                     mostCommonKeyWidth, sampledInputSize, sampledLengthCache, i, j,
    871                     charProbabilities)) {
    872                 break;
    873             }
    874         }
    875         for (int j = i - 1; j >= max(start, 0); --j) {
    876             if (!suppressCharProbabilities(
    877                     mostCommonKeyWidth, sampledInputSize, sampledLengthCache, i, j,
    878                     charProbabilities)) {
    879                 break;
    880             }
    881         }
    882     }
    884     // Converting from raw probabilities to log probabilities to calculate spatial distance.
    885     for (int i = start; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    886         for (int j = 0; j < keyCount; ++j) {
    887             hash_map_compat<int, float>::iterator it = (*charProbabilities)[i].find(j);
    888             if (it == (*charProbabilities)[i].end()){
    889                 (*sampledNearKeySets)[i].reset(j);
    890             } else if(it->second < ProximityInfoParams::MIN_PROBABILITY) {
    891                 // Erases from near keys vector because it has very low probability.
    892                 (*sampledNearKeySets)[i].reset(j);
    893                 (*charProbabilities)[i].erase(j);
    894             } else {
    895                 it->second = -logf(it->second);
    896             }
    897         }
    898         (*charProbabilities)[i][NOT_AN_INDEX] = -logf((*charProbabilities)[i][NOT_AN_INDEX]);
    899     }
    900 }
    902 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::updateSampledSearchKeySets(
    903         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const int sampledInputSize,
    904         const int lastSavedInputSize,
    905         const std::vector<int> *const sampledLengthCache,
    906         const std::vector<NearKeycodesSet> *const sampledNearKeySets,
    907         std::vector<NearKeycodesSet> *sampledSearchKeySets,
    908         std::vector<std::vector<int> > *sampledSearchKeyVectors) {
    909     sampledSearchKeySets->resize(sampledInputSize);
    910     sampledSearchKeyVectors->resize(sampledInputSize);
    911     const int readForwordLength = static_cast<int>(
    912             hypotf(proximityInfo->getKeyboardWidth(), proximityInfo->getKeyboardHeight())
    913                     * ProximityInfoParams::SEARCH_KEY_RADIUS_RATIO);
    914     for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    915         if (i >= lastSavedInputSize) {
    916             (*sampledSearchKeySets)[i].reset();
    917         }
    918         for (int j = max(i, lastSavedInputSize); j < sampledInputSize; ++j) {
    919             // TODO: Investigate if this is required. This may not fail.
    920             if ((*sampledLengthCache)[j] - (*sampledLengthCache)[i] >= readForwordLength) {
    921                 break;
    922             }
    923             (*sampledSearchKeySets)[i] |= (*sampledNearKeySets)[j];
    924         }
    925     }
    926     const int keyCount = proximityInfo->getKeyCount();
    927     for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    928         std::vector<int> *searchKeyVector = &(*sampledSearchKeyVectors)[i];
    929         searchKeyVector->clear();
    930         for (int j = 0; j < keyCount; ++j) {
    931             if ((*sampledSearchKeySets)[i].test(j)) {
    932                 const int keyCodePoint = proximityInfo->getCodePointOf(j);
    933                 if (std::find(searchKeyVector->begin(), searchKeyVector->end(), keyCodePoint)
    934                         == searchKeyVector->end()) {
    935                     searchKeyVector->push_back(keyCodePoint);
    936                 }
    937             }
    938         }
    939     }
    940 }
    942 // Decreases char probabilities of index0 by checking probabilities of a near point (index1) and
    943 // increases char probabilities of index1 by checking probabilities of index0.
    944 /* static */ bool ProximityInfoStateUtils::suppressCharProbabilities(const int mostCommonKeyWidth,
    945         const int sampledInputSize, const std::vector<int> *const lengthCache,
    946         const int index0, const int index1,
    947         std::vector<hash_map_compat<int, float> > *charProbabilities) {
    948     ASSERT(0 <= index0 && index0 < sampledInputSize);
    949     ASSERT(0 <= index1 && index1 < sampledInputSize);
    950     const float keyWidthFloat = static_cast<float>(mostCommonKeyWidth);
    951     const float diff = fabsf(static_cast<float>((*lengthCache)[index0] - (*lengthCache)[index1]));
    952     if (diff > keyWidthFloat * ProximityInfoParams::SUPPRESSION_LENGTH_WEIGHT) {
    953         return false;
    954     }
    955     const float suppressionRate = ProximityInfoParams::MIN_SUPPRESSION_RATE
    956             + diff / keyWidthFloat / ProximityInfoParams::SUPPRESSION_LENGTH_WEIGHT
    957                     * ProximityInfoParams::SUPPRESSION_WEIGHT;
    958     for (hash_map_compat<int, float>::iterator it = (*charProbabilities)[index0].begin();
    959             it != (*charProbabilities)[index0].end(); ++it) {
    960         hash_map_compat<int, float>::iterator it2 =  (*charProbabilities)[index1].find(it->first);
    961         if (it2 != (*charProbabilities)[index1].end() && it->second < it2->second) {
    962             const float newProbability = it->second * suppressionRate;
    963             const float suppression = it->second - newProbability;
    964             it->second = newProbability;
    965             // mCharProbabilities[index0][NOT_AN_INDEX] is the probability of skipping this point.
    966             (*charProbabilities)[index0][NOT_AN_INDEX] += suppression;
    968             // Add the probability of the same key nearby index1
    969             const float probabilityGain = min(suppression
    970                     * ProximityInfoParams::SUPPRESSION_WEIGHT_FOR_PROBABILITY_GAIN,
    971                     (*charProbabilities)[index1][NOT_AN_INDEX]
    972                             * ProximityInfoParams::SKIP_PROBABALITY_WEIGHT_FOR_PROBABILITY_GAIN);
    973             it2->second += probabilityGain;
    974             (*charProbabilities)[index1][NOT_AN_INDEX] -= probabilityGain;
    975         }
    976     }
    977     return true;
    978 }
    980 /* static */ bool ProximityInfoStateUtils::checkAndReturnIsContinuousSuggestionPossible(
    981         const int inputSize, const int *const xCoordinates, const int *const yCoordinates,
    982         const int *const times, const int sampledInputSize,
    983         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
    984         const std::vector<int> *const sampledTimes,
    985         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputIndices) {
    986     if (inputSize < sampledInputSize) {
    987         return false;
    988     }
    989     for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
    990         const int index = (*sampledInputIndices)[i];
    991         if (index >= inputSize) {
    992             return false;
    993         }
    994         if (xCoordinates[index] != (*sampledInputXs)[i]
    995                 || yCoordinates[index] != (*sampledInputYs)[i]) {
    996             return false;
    997         }
    998         if (!times) {
    999             continue;
   1000         }
   1001         if (times[index] != (*sampledTimes)[i]) {
   1002             return false;
   1003         }
   1004     }
   1005     return true;
   1006 }
   1008 // Get a word that is detected by tracing the most probable string into codePointBuf and
   1009 // returns probability of generating the word.
   1010 /* static */ float ProximityInfoStateUtils::getMostProbableString(
   1011         const ProximityInfo *const proximityInfo, const int sampledInputSize,
   1012         const std::vector<hash_map_compat<int, float> > *const charProbabilities,
   1013         int *const codePointBuf) {
   1014     ASSERT(sampledInputSize >= 0);
   1015     memset(codePointBuf, 0, sizeof(codePointBuf[0]) * MAX_WORD_LENGTH);
   1016     int index = 0;
   1017     float sumLogProbability = 0.0f;
   1018     // TODO: Current implementation is greedy algorithm. DP would be efficient for many cases.
   1019     for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize && index < MAX_WORD_LENGTH - 1; ++i) {
   1020         float minLogProbability = static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING);
   1021         int character = NOT_AN_INDEX;
   1022         for (hash_map_compat<int, float>::const_iterator it = (*charProbabilities)[i].begin();
   1023                 it != (*charProbabilities)[i].end(); ++it) {
   1024             const float logProbability = (it->first != NOT_AN_INDEX)
   1025                     ? it->second + ProximityInfoParams::DEMOTION_LOG_PROBABILITY : it->second;
   1026             if (logProbability < minLogProbability) {
   1027                 minLogProbability = logProbability;
   1028                 character = it->first;
   1029             }
   1030         }
   1031         if (character != NOT_AN_INDEX) {
   1032             codePointBuf[index] = proximityInfo->getCodePointOf(character);
   1033             index++;
   1034         }
   1035         sumLogProbability += minLogProbability;
   1036     }
   1037     codePointBuf[index] = '\0';
   1038     return sumLogProbability;
   1039 }
   1041 /* static */ void ProximityInfoStateUtils::dump(const bool isGeometric, const int inputSize,
   1042         const int *const inputXCoordinates, const int *const inputYCoordinates,
   1043         const int sampledInputSize, const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputXs,
   1044         const std::vector<int> *const sampledInputYs,
   1045         const std::vector<int> *const sampledTimes,
   1046         const std::vector<float> *const sampledSpeedRates,
   1047         const std::vector<int> *const sampledBeelineSpeedPercentiles) {
   1048     if (DEBUG_GEO_FULL) {
   1049         for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
   1050             AKLOGI("Sampled(%d): x = %d, y = %d, time = %d", i, (*sampledInputXs)[i],
   1051                     (*sampledInputYs)[i], sampledTimes ? (*sampledTimes)[i] : -1);
   1052         }
   1053     }
   1055     std::stringstream originalX, originalY, sampledX, sampledY;
   1056     for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
   1057         originalX << inputXCoordinates[i];
   1058         originalY << inputYCoordinates[i];
   1059         if (i != inputSize - 1) {
   1060             originalX << ";";
   1061             originalY << ";";
   1062         }
   1063     }
   1064     AKLOGI("===== sampled points =====");
   1065     for (int i = 0; i < sampledInputSize; ++i) {
   1066         if (isGeometric) {
   1067             AKLOGI("%d: x = %d, y = %d, time = %d, relative speed = %.4f, beeline speed = %d",
   1068                     i, (*sampledInputXs)[i], (*sampledInputYs)[i], (*sampledTimes)[i],
   1069                     (*sampledSpeedRates)[i], (*sampledBeelineSpeedPercentiles)[i]);
   1070         }
   1071         sampledX << (*sampledInputXs)[i];
   1072         sampledY << (*sampledInputYs)[i];
   1073         if (i != sampledInputSize - 1) {
   1074             sampledX << ";";
   1075             sampledY << ";";
   1076         }
   1077     }
   1078     AKLOGI("original points:\n%s, %s,\nsampled points:\n%s, %s,\n",
   1079             originalX.str().c_str(), originalY.str().c_str(), sampledX.str().c_str(),
   1080             sampledY.str().c_str());
   1081 }
   1082 } // namespace latinime