full:dll (Results
301 -
325 of
1187) sorted by null
/external/zlib/src/contrib/vstudio/vc9/ |
zlibvc.vcproj | 85 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
181 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
275 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
373 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
472 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
570 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
670 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
770 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
868 OutputFile="$(OutDir)\zlibwapi.dll"
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/java/net/ | | 58 URL u = createContent("lf.jar", "swt.dll"); 100 URL u = createContent("lf.jar", "swt.dll"); 105 assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("plus.bmp", "swt.dll")), 268 URL u = createContent("lf.jar", "swt.dll");
/system/core/fastboot/ | | 78 $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/AdbWinApi.dll
/system/extras/tests/bionic/libc/bionic/ |
libdlclosetest1.cpp | 41 * We use a global variable inside the DLL called "x"
libdlclosetest2.c | 34 * We use a global variable inside the DLL called "x"
/external/libusb_aah/libusb/os/ |
windows_usb.c | 208 * Cfgmgr32, OLE32 and SetupAPI DLL functions 212 DLL_LOAD(Cfgmgr32.dll, CM_Get_Parent, TRUE); 213 DLL_LOAD(Cfgmgr32.dll, CM_Get_Child, TRUE); 214 DLL_LOAD(Cfgmgr32.dll, CM_Get_Sibling, TRUE); 215 DLL_LOAD(Cfgmgr32.dll, CM_Get_Device_IDA, TRUE); 217 DLL_LOAD_PREFIXED(OLE32.dll, p, CLSIDFromString, TRUE); 218 DLL_LOAD_PREFIXED(SetupAPI.dll, p, SetupDiGetClassDevsA, TRUE); 219 DLL_LOAD_PREFIXED(SetupAPI.dll, p, SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo, TRUE); 220 DLL_LOAD_PREFIXED(SetupAPI.dll, p, SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces, TRUE); 221 DLL_LOAD_PREFIXED(SetupAPI.dll, p, SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA, TRUE) [all...] |
/external/ceres-solver/internal/ceres/ |
CMakeLists.txt | 181 # Don't build a DLL on MSVC. Supporting Ceres as a DLL on Windows involves
/external/chromium/base/win/ | | 49 HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"); 81 NOTREACHED() << "kernel32.dll not found.";
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/net/ | | 32 // First load DLL, so that their load time won't interfere with tests. 33 // Some tests involve timing function performance, and DLL time can overwhelm
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ | | 54 HMODULE shell32_base = GetModuleHandle(L"shell32.dll"); 56 NOTREACHED() << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): Can't open shell32.dll";
/external/chromium/chrome/common/ | | 71 const wchar_t kTestingInterfaceDLL[] = L"testing_interface.dll"; 73 const wchar_t kBrowserResourcesDll[] = L"chrome.dll";
/external/chromium/net/base/ | | 31 // certificate stores before the one provided internally by Crypt32.dll. 40 // The handle that CryptoAPI uses to ensure the DLL implementing
/external/chromium/testing/gmock/ |
CMakeLists.txt | 13 # working in a DLL. 14 # TODO( Implement building gMock as a DLL.
/external/expat/bcb5/ |
expat.bpr | 6 <PROJECT value="Release\libexpat_mtd.dll"/> 60 DLL=0
expatw.bpr | 6 <PROJECT value="Release\libexpatw_mtd.dll"/> 60 DLL=0
/external/icu4c/config/ |
mh-cygwin | 54 SO = dll 59 IMPORT_LIB_EXT = .dll.a
/external/libmtp/ | | 36 3. Copy the files "bin/libusb0.dll" and "libusb0.sys" or "libusb0_x64.dll" and "libusb0_x64.sys" for 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems respectively.
/external/llvm/tools/llvm-shlib/ |
Makefile | 120 $(Verb) $(AR) rc $(ToolDir)/libstdc++.dll.a 124 $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(ToolDir)/libstdc++.dll.a
/external/stlport/doc/ |
README.wince | 90 - The name of a DLL loaded via an import library can't be longer than 32 chars. If
91 this is not the case, the application will behave as if the DLL was not present or
/external/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.gyp/ |
JavaScriptCore.gyp | 178 # Chromium windows multi-dll build enables c++ exception and this 181 # multi-dll build.
/external/webkit/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/src/libEGL/ |
libEGL.vcproj | 94 CommandLine="@echo on
mkdir "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libEGL.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libEGL.lib" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
@echo off
" 174 CommandLine="@echo on
mkdir "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libEGL.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libEGL.lib" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
@echo off
/external/webkit/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/src/libGLESv2/ |
libGLESv2.vcproj | 94 CommandLine="@echo on
mkdir "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libGLESv2.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libGLESv2.lib" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
@echo off
" 175 CommandLine="@echo on
mkdir "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libGLESv2.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
copy "$(OutDir)\libGLESv2.lib" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\lib\$(ConfigurationName)\"
@echo off
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/win/ |
SystemInfo.cpp | 125 HMODULE kernel32Module = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"); 146 HMODULE kernel32Module = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll");
/external/webkit/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/Tests/win/ |
WindowRegionIsSetToClipRect.cpp | 92 const wchar_t webKitDLLName[] = L"WebKit_debug.dll"; 94 const wchar_t webKitDLLName[] = L"WebKit.dll";
/external/webrtc/src/system_wrappers/source/ | | 47 library = LoadLibrary(TEXT("Kernel32.dll")); 51 "Loaded Kernel.dll");
Completed in 573 milliseconds