/external/clang/test/SemaCXX/ |
gnu-case-ranges.cpp | 8 four enumerator in enum:E 20 case four:
/frameworks/compile/mclinker/unittests/ |
LinearAllocatorTest.h | 28 : one(1), two(2), three(3), four(4) 36 four = pFour; 44 four = -4; 50 unsigned char four; member in struct:mcldtest::LinearAllocatorTest::Data
RTLinearAllocatorTest.h | 41 : one(1), two(2), three(3), four(4) 49 four = pFour; 57 four = -4; 63 unsigned char four; member in struct:mcldtest::RTLinearAllocatorTest::Data
LinearAllocatorTest.cpp | 69 ASSERT_TRUE(4 == pointer->four); 80 ASSERT_TRUE(7 == pointer->four); 89 ASSERT_TRUE(4 == pointer->four); 100 ASSERT_TRUE(7 == pointer->four);
RTLinearAllocatorTest.cpp | 70 ASSERT_TRUE(4 == pointer->four); 81 ASSERT_TRUE(7 == pointer->four); 90 ASSERT_TRUE(4 == pointer->four); 101 ASSERT_TRUE(7 == pointer->four);
/external/srec/config/en.us/tcp/ |
change_sample_rate2.tcp | 12 recognize_nist dallas/0000/S072.nwf 0 0 oh eight four zero nine two five one eight five 15 recognize_nist dallas/0000/S076.nwf 0 0 five zero two seven four nine three three zero zero 21 recognize_nist dallas/0000/S088.nwf 0 0 four two zero eight five nine oh nine four zero 25 recognize_nist dallas/0300/S057.nwf 0 0 eight four zero five six five four one four six 37 recognize_nist dallas-8kHz/0301/S079.nwf 0 0 zero seven nine six five one four eight one eight 40 recognize_nist dallas-8kHz/0301/S083.nwf 0 0 seven six zero eight three three zero five nine four 43 recognize_nist dallas-8kHz/0302/S051.nwf 0 0 four nine seven eight four five eight two zero zer [all...] |
/external/icu4c/test/intltest/ |
listformattertest.cpp | 23 three("Charlie", -1, US_INV), four("Delta", -1, US_INV) { 38 UnicodeString three, UnicodeString four, UnicodeString results[4]) { 54 UnicodeString input4[] = {one, two, three, four}; 92 one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", " + four 95 CheckFourCases("", one, two, three, four, results); 104 one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", " + four 107 CheckFourCases("ex_PY", one, two, three, four, results); 117 one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", and " + four 120 CheckFourCases("en", one, two, three, four, results); 128 one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", and " + four [all...] |
listformattertest.h | 47 UnicodeString four, 56 const UnicodeString four; member in class:ListFormatterTest
/external/apache-harmony/luni/src/test/api/common/org/apache/harmony/luni/tests/java/util/ |
ConcurrentModTest.java | 39 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 43 al.add(four); 69 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 73 al.add(four); 99 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 103 al.add(four); 129 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 133 al.add(four); 159 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 163 al.add(four); [all...] |
/dalvik/tests/093-serialization/src/ |
Main.java | 92 Double four; field in class:Sub 101 four = 4.0; 111 + " four=" + four + " five=" + five + " six=" + six
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/xml/ |
SimpleBuilderTest.java | 74 Element four = (Element) list.item(3); local 81 assertEquals("", getTextContent(four)); 87 assertEquals("vier", four.getAttribute("t:four")); 88 assertEquals("vier", four.getAttributeNS("http://www.foo.bar", "four"));
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/view/ |
CreateViewTest.java | 64 ViewOne four = new ViewOne(mContext); local 65 vert.addView(four, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT, 0)); 105 TextView four = new TextView(mContext); local 106 four.setText("W"); 107 vert.addView(four, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 0));
/external/apache-harmony/security/src/test/api/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/ |
CodeSignerTest.java | 72 CodeSigner four = new CodeSigner(cpath2, null); local 81 assertFalse( three.equals(four));
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/java/lang/ |
OldAndroidInstanceofTest.java | 72 InterfaceFour four = mFour; local 74 assertFalse("m_four should not be a ChildOfAFive", four instanceof ChildOfAFive);
/ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/test/utilities/utility/forward/ |
forward.pass.cpp | 24 struct four {one _[4];}; struct 32 four test(A&&);
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/tests/api/java/util/ |
ConcurrentModTest.java | 39 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 43 al.add(four); 83 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 87 al.add(four); 113 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 117 al.add(four); 143 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 147 al.add(four); 209 Double four = new Double(4.0); local 213 al.add(four); [all...] |
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/regress/ |
regress-crbug-107996.js | 41 four_in_debugger[i] = frame.evaluate("four", false).value(); 48 var four = 4; 53 fourteen = three + four + seven;
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/ |
CodeSignerTest.java | 89 CodeSigner four = new CodeSigner(cpath2, null); local 98 assertFalse( three.equals(four));
TimestampTest.java | 111 Timestamp four = null; local 118 four.hashCode();
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/ |
smi-negative-zero.js | 34 var four = 4; variable 52 assertEquals(Infinity, one / (four % two), "foo3"); 53 assertEquals(Infinity, one / (four % minus_two), "foo4"); 82 assertEquals(Infinity, one / (four % 2), "buzz5"); 83 assertEquals(Infinity, one / (four % -2), "buzz6");
smi-ops-inlined.js | 444 var four = 4; 466 assertEquals(0x73594000, (pos_non_smi) << four); 476 assertEquals(0x73594000, (pos_non_smi + 0.5) << four); 484 assertEquals(-0x73594000, (neg_non_smi) << four); 495 assertEquals(-0x73594000, (neg_non_smi - 0.5) << four); 520 assertEquals(0x46536000, (neg_smi) << four); 530 assertEquals(0x46536000, (neg_smi - 0.5) << four); 537 four = five - one; 538 three = four - one; 539 one = four - three [all...] |
smi-ops.js | 451 var four = 4; 473 assertEquals(0x73594000, (pos_non_smi) << four); 483 assertEquals(0x73594000, (pos_non_smi + 0.5) << four); 491 assertEquals(-0x73594000, (neg_non_smi) << four); 502 assertEquals(-0x73594000, (neg_non_smi - 0.5) << four); 527 assertEquals(0x46536000, (neg_smi) << four); 537 assertEquals(0x46536000, (neg_smi - 0.5) << four); 544 four = five - one; 545 three = four - one; 546 one = four - three [all...] |
keyed-call-ic.js | 133 f.four = function() { return 'four'; } 136 key = 'four';
/external/icu4c/samples/ustring/ |
ustring.cpp | 471 UnicodeString four(writeable, LENGTHOF(writeable), LENGTHOF(writeable)); 472 printUnicodeString("writeable-alias string: ", four); 474 four.setCharAt(1, 0x39); 475 for(i=0; i<four.length(); ++i) { 481 two=four;
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/dom/html/level2/html/ |
HTMLTableElement34.js | 81 Retrieve the second TABLE element which has four rows. Try 83 a INDEX_SIZE_ERR DOMException since there are only four rows.