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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 cr.define('options', function() {
      6   const OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage;
      7   const ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel;
      9   // The GUID of the loaded address.
     10   var guid;
     12   /**
     13    * AutofillEditAddressOverlay class
     14    * Encapsulated handling of the 'Add Page' overlay page.
     15    * @class
     16    */
     17   function AutofillEditAddressOverlay() {
     18     OptionsPage.call(this, 'autofillEditAddress',
     19                      templateData.autofillEditAddressTitle,
     20                      'autofill-edit-address-overlay');
     21   }
     23   cr.addSingletonGetter(AutofillEditAddressOverlay);
     25   AutofillEditAddressOverlay.prototype = {
     26     __proto__: OptionsPage.prototype,
     28     /**
     29      * Initializes the page.
     30      */
     31     initializePage: function() {
     32       OptionsPage.prototype.initializePage.call(this);
     34       this.createMultiValueLists_();
     36       var self = this;
     37       $('autofill-edit-address-cancel-button').onclick = function(event) {
     38         self.dismissOverlay_();
     39       }
     40       $('autofill-edit-address-apply-button').onclick = function(event) {
     41         self.saveAddress_();
     42         self.dismissOverlay_();
     43       }
     45       self.guid = '';
     46       self.populateCountryList_();
     47       self.clearInputFields_();
     48       self.connectInputEvents_();
     49     },
     51     /**
     52      * Creates, decorates and initializes the multi-value lists for full name,
     53      * phone, fax, and email.
     54      * @private
     55      */
     56     createMultiValueLists_: function() {
     57       var list = $('full-name-list');
     58       options.autofillOptions.AutofillValuesList.decorate(list);
     59       list.autoExpands = true;
     61       list = $('phone-list');
     62       options.autofillOptions.AutofillValuesList.decorate(list);
     63       list.autoExpands = true;
     65       list = $('fax-list');
     66       options.autofillOptions.AutofillValuesList.decorate(list);
     67       list.autoExpands = true;
     69       list = $('email-list');
     70       options.autofillOptions.AutofillValuesList.decorate(list);
     71       list.autoExpands = true;
     72     },
     74     /**
     75      * Updates the data model for the list named |listName| with the values from
     76      * |entries|.
     77      * @param {String} listName The id of the list.
     78      * @param {Array} entries The list of items to be added to the list.
     79      */
     80     setMultiValueList_: function(listName, entries) {
     81       // Add data entries, filtering null or empty strings.
     82       var list = $(listName);
     83       list.dataModel = new ArrayDataModel(
     84           entries.filter(function(i) {return i}));
     86       // Add special entry for adding new values.
     87       list.dataModel.splice(list.dataModel.length, 0, null);
     89       var self = this;
     90       list.dataModel.addEventListener(
     91         'splice', function(event) { self.inputFieldChanged_(); });
     92       list.dataModel.addEventListener(
     93         'change', function(event) { self.inputFieldChanged_(); });
     94     },
     96     /**
     97      * Clears any uncommitted input, resets the stored GUID and dismisses the
     98      * overlay.
     99      * @private
    100      */
    101     dismissOverlay_: function() {
    102       this.clearInputFields_();
    103       this.guid = '';
    104       OptionsPage.closeOverlay();
    105     },
    107     /**
    108      * Aggregates the values in the input fields into an array and sends the
    109      * array to the Autofill handler.
    110      * @private
    111      */
    112     saveAddress_: function() {
    113       var address = new Array();
    114       address[0] = this.guid;
    115       var list = $('full-name-list');
    116       address[1] = list.dataModel.slice(0, list.dataModel.length - 1);
    117       address[2] = $('company-name').value;
    118       address[3] = $('addr-line-1').value;
    119       address[4] = $('addr-line-2').value;
    120       address[5] = $('city').value;
    121       address[6] = $('state').value;
    122       address[7] = $('postal-code').value;
    123       address[8] = $('country').value;
    124       list = $('phone-list');
    125       address[9] = list.dataModel.slice(0, list.dataModel.length - 1);
    126       list = $('fax-list');
    127       address[10] = list.dataModel.slice(0, list.dataModel.length - 1);
    128       list = $('email-list');
    129       address[11] = list.dataModel.slice(0, list.dataModel.length - 1);
    131       chrome.send('setAddress', address);
    132     },
    134     /**
    135      * Connects each input field to the inputFieldChanged_() method that enables
    136      * or disables the 'Ok' button based on whether all the fields are empty or
    137      * not.
    138      * @private
    139      */
    140     connectInputEvents_: function() {
    141       var self = this;
    142       $('company-name').oninput = $('addr-line-1').oninput =
    143       $('addr-line-2').oninput = $('city').oninput = $('state').oninput =
    144       $('postal-code').oninput = function(event) {
    145         self.inputFieldChanged_();
    146       }
    148       $('country').onchange = function(event) {
    149         self.countryChanged_();
    150       }
    151     },
    153     /**
    154      * Checks the values of each of the input fields and disables the 'Ok'
    155      * button if all of the fields are empty.
    156      * @private
    157      */
    158     inputFieldChanged_: function() {
    159       // Length of lists are tested for <= 1 due to the "add" placeholder item
    160       // in the list.
    161       var disabled =
    162           $('full-name-list').items.length <= 1 &&
    163           !$('company-name').value &&
    164           !$('addr-line-1').value && !$('addr-line-2').value &&
    165           !$('city').value && !$('state').value && !$('postal-code').value &&
    166           !$('country').value && $('phone-list').items.length <= 1 &&
    167           $('fax-list').items.length <= 1 && $('email-list').items.length <= 1;
    168       $('autofill-edit-address-apply-button').disabled = disabled;
    169     },
    171     /**
    172      * Updates the postal code and state field labels appropriately for the
    173      * selected country.
    174      * @private
    175      */
    176     countryChanged_: function() {
    177       var countryCode = $('country').value;
    178       if (!countryCode)
    179         countryCode = templateData.defaultCountryCode;
    181       var details = templateData.autofillCountryData[countryCode];
    182       var postal = $('postal-code-label');
    183       postal.textContent = details['postalCodeLabel'];
    184       $('state-label').textContent = details['stateLabel'];
    186       // Also update the 'Ok' button as needed.
    187       this.inputFieldChanged_();
    188     },
    190     /**
    191      * Populates the country <select> list.
    192      * @private
    193      */
    194     populateCountryList_: function() {
    195       var countryData = templateData.autofillCountryData;
    196       var defaultCountryCode = templateData.defaultCountryCode;
    198       // Build an array of the country names and their corresponding country
    199       // codes, so that we can sort and insert them in order.
    200       var countries = [];
    201       for (var countryCode in countryData) {
    202         // We always want the default country to be at the top of the list, so
    203         // we handle it separately.
    204         if (countryCode == defaultCountryCode)
    205           continue;
    207         var country = {
    208           countryCode: countryCode,
    209           name: countryData[countryCode]['name']
    210         };
    211         countries.push(country);
    212       }
    214       // Sort the countries in alphabetical order by name.
    215       countries = countries.sort(function(a, b) {
    216         return a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1;
    217       });
    219       // Insert the empty and default countries at the beginning of the array.
    220       var emptyCountry = {
    221         countryCode: '',
    222         name: ''
    223       };
    224       var defaultCountry = {
    225         countryCode: defaultCountryCode,
    226         name: countryData[defaultCountryCode]['name']
    227       };
    228       countries.unshift(emptyCountry, defaultCountry);
    230       // Add the countries to the country <select> list.
    231       var countryList = $('country');
    232       for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
    233         var country = new Option(countries[i].name, countries[i].countryCode);
    234         countryList.appendChild(country)
    235       }
    236     },
    238     /**
    239      * Clears the value of each input field.
    240      * @private
    241      */
    242     clearInputFields_: function() {
    243       this.setMultiValueList_('full-name-list', []);
    244       $('company-name').value = '';
    245       $('addr-line-1').value = '';
    246       $('addr-line-2').value = '';
    247       $('city').value = '';
    248       $('state').value = '';
    249       $('postal-code').value = '';
    250       $('country').value = '';
    251       this.setMultiValueList_('phone-list', []);
    252       this.setMultiValueList_('fax-list', []);
    253       this.setMultiValueList_('email-list', []);
    255       this.countryChanged_();
    256     },
    258     /**
    259      * Loads the address data from |address|, sets the input fields based on
    260      * this data and stores the GUID of the address.
    261      * @private
    262      */
    263     loadAddress_: function(address) {
    264       this.setInputFields_(address);
    265       this.inputFieldChanged_();
    266       this.guid = address['guid'];
    267     },
    269     /**
    270      * Sets the value of each input field according to |address|
    271      * @private
    272      */
    273     setInputFields_: function(address) {
    274       this.setMultiValueList_('full-name-list', address['fullName']);
    275       $('company-name').value = address['companyName'];
    276       $('addr-line-1').value = address['addrLine1'];
    277       $('addr-line-2').value = address['addrLine2'];
    278       $('city').value = address['city'];
    279       $('state').value = address['state'];
    280       $('postal-code').value = address['postalCode'];
    281       $('country').value = address['country'];
    282       this.setMultiValueList_('phone-list', address['phone']);
    283       this.setMultiValueList_('fax-list', address['fax']);
    284       this.setMultiValueList_('email-list', address['email']);
    286       this.countryChanged_();
    287     },
    288   };
    290   AutofillEditAddressOverlay.clearInputFields = function() {
    291     AutofillEditAddressOverlay.getInstance().clearInputFields_();
    292   };
    294   AutofillEditAddressOverlay.loadAddress = function(address) {
    295     AutofillEditAddressOverlay.getInstance().loadAddress_(address);
    296   };
    298   AutofillEditAddressOverlay.setTitle = function(title) {
    299     $('autofill-address-title').textContent = title;
    300   };
    302   // Export
    303   return {
    304     AutofillEditAddressOverlay: AutofillEditAddressOverlay
    305   };
    306 });