Lines Matching refs:tmf_en
161 TimeUnitFormat* tmf_en = new TimeUnitFormat(Locale("en"), status);
166 assertTrue("TimeUnitFormat: en and fr diff", (*tmf_en != tmf_fr));
168 TimeUnitFormat tmf_assign = *tmf_en;
169 assertTrue("TimeUnitFormat: orig and assign are equal", (*tmf_en == tmf_assign));
174 TimeUnitFormat* tmf_clone = (TimeUnitFormat*)tmf_en->clone();
175 assertTrue("TimeUnitFormat: orig and clone are equal", (*tmf_en == *tmf_clone));
178 tmf_en->setLocale(Locale("fr"), status);
184 tmf_en->setNumberFormat(*numberFmt, status);
186 assertTrue("TimeUnitFormat: setLocale", (*tmf_en == tmf_fr));
188 delete tmf_en;