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Lines Matching full:__func__

573             ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera thermal mode %s", __func__, value);
1180 ALOGI("%s: Cannot find matching aspect ratio, choose max of preview or video size", __func__);
1189 ALOGI("%s: live snapshot size %d x %d", __func__,
1218 ALOGV("%s: format %d\n", __func__, mPreviewFormat);
1248 ALOGE("%s: format %d\n", __func__, mPictureFormat);
1279 ALOGE("%s: picture size is invalid (%d x %d)", __func__, pic_width, pic_height);
1333 ALOGE("%s: Invalid jpeg quality=%d", __func__, quality);
1341 ALOGE("%s: Invalid jpeg thumbnail quality=%d", __func__, quality);
1369 ALOGE("%s: Invalid orientation value: %s", __func__, str);
1421 ALOGV("%s: Existing FpsRange Values:(%d, %d)", __func__, prevMinFps, prevMaxFps);
1423 ALOGV("%s: Requested FpsRange Values:(%d, %d)", __func__, minFps, maxFps);
1426 ALOGV("%s: No change in FpsRange", __func__);
1435 ALOGV("%s: FPS i=%d : minFps = %d, maxFps = %d ", __func__, i, minFps, maxFps);
1441 ALOGE("%s: error: FPS range value not supported", __func__);
1463 ALOGV("%s: requested preview frame rate is %d", __func__, fps);
1541 __func__, brightness,
1547 ALOGV("%s: No brightness value changed.", __func__);
1575 __func__, shaprness,
1581 ALOGV("%s: No value change in shaprness", __func__);
1609 __func__, sceFactor,
1615 ALOGV("%s: No value change in skintone enhancement factor", __func__);
1643 __func__, saturation,
1649 ALOGV("%s: No value change in saturation factor", __func__);
1678 __func__, contrast,
1684 ALOGV("%s: No value change in contrast", __func__);
1712 __func__, expComp,
1718 ALOGV("%s: No value change in Exposure Compensation", __func__);
1865 ALOGD("%s: no zoom support", __func__);
1873 __func__, zoomLevel,
1880 ALOGV("%s: No value change in contrast", __func__);
2132 ALOGE("%s: max num of AF area is 0, cannot set focus areas", __func__);
2163 ALOGE("%s: max num of metering areas is 0, cannot set focus areas", __func__);
2197 ALOGD("%s: scene mode changed between HDR and non-HDR, need restart", __func__);
2259 ALOGE("%s: scene mode is HDR, overwrite AE bracket setting to off", __func__);
2452 ALOGD("%s: nBurstNum = %d, nExpnum = %d", __func__, nBurstNum, nExpnum);
2672 ALOGD("%s: flip is not supported.", __func__);
2733 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table",__func__);
2825 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
2859 ALOGD("%s: supported preview sizes: %s", __func__, previewSizeValues.string());
2864 ALOGE("%s: supported preview sizes cnt is 0 or exceeds max!!!", __func__);
2873 ALOGD("%s: supported video sizes: %s", __func__, videoSizeValues.string());
2882 __func__);
2891 ALOGD("%s: supported pic sizes: %s", __func__, pictureSizeValues.string());
2897 ALOGE("%s: supported picture sizes cnt is 0 or exceeds max!!!", __func__);
2916 ALOGI("%s: supported live snapshot sizes: %s", __func__, liveSnpashotSizeValues.string());
2980 ALOGE("%s: supported fps ranges cnt is 0 or exceeds max!!!", __func__);
3002 ALOGE("%s: supported focus modes cnt is 0!!!", __func__);
3308 ALOGE("%s:failed to map SETPARM buffer",__func__);
3483 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
3492 ALOGE("%s: Parameters batch failed",__func__);
3498 ALOGE("%s:Failed to commit batch parameters", __func__);
3522 ALOGD("%s: Setting preview fps range %s", __func__, str);
3550 ALOGD("%s: Setting auto exposure %s", __func__, autoExp);
3581 ALOGD("%s: Setting effect %s", __func__, effect);
3612 ALOGD("%s: Setting brightness %s", __func__, val);
3638 ALOGD("%s: Setting focus mode %s", __func__, focusMode);
3674 ALOGD("%s: Setting sharpness %s", __func__, val);
3700 ALOGD("%s: Setting skintone enhancement %s", __func__, val);
3726 ALOGD("%s: Setting saturation %s", __func__, val);
3752 ALOGD("%s: Setting contrast %s", __func__, val);
3780 ALOGD("%s: Setting Scene Detect %s", __func__, sceneDetect);
3812 ALOGD("%s: Setting Video HDR %s", __func__, videoHDR);
3845 ALOGD("%s: Setting face recognition %s", __func__, faceRecog);
3856 ALOGD("%s: face process mask not changed, no ops here", __func__);
3860 ALOGD("%s: FaceProcMask -> %d", __func__, m_nFaceProcMask);
3921 ALOGD("%s: Setting ISO value %s", __func__, isoValue);
3953 ALOGD("%s: Setting Flash value %s", __func__, flashStr);
3984 ALOGD("%s: Setting AECLock value %s", __func__, aecLockStr);
4015 ALOGD("%s: Setting AWBLock value %s", __func__, awbLockStr);
4046 ALOGD("%s: Setting AWBLock value %s", __func__, mceStr);
4077 ALOGD("%s: Setting DIS value %s", __func__, disStr);
4111 ALOGD("%s: Setting HFR value %s", __func__, hfrStr);
4142 ALOGD("%s: Setting LensShade value %s", __func__, lensShadeStr);
4200 ALOGD("%s: Setting WhiteBalance value %s", __func__, wbStr);
4231 ALOGD("%s: Setting AntiBanding value %s", __func__, antiBandingStr);
4260 ALOGI("%s: Parameter string is null", __func__);
4266 ALOGE("%s: No memory for areas", __func__);
4275 ALOGE("%s: Failed to parse the string: %s", __func__, focusAreasStr);
4281 ALOGE("%s: invalid areas specified : %s", __func__, focusAreasStr);
4306 __func__, i, (areas[i].rect.top), (areas[i].rect.left),
4339 ALOGI("%s: Parameter string is null", __func__);
4345 ALOGE("%s: No memory for areas", __func__);
4354 ALOGE("%s: Failed to parse the string: %s", __func__, meteringAreasStr);
4360 ALOGE("%s: invalid areas specified : %s", __func__, meteringAreasStr);
4388 __func__, i, (areas[i].rect.top), (areas[i].rect.left),
4426 ALOGV("%s: Setting SceneMode %s", __func__, sceneModeStr);
4436 __func__, (sceneModeStr == NULL) ? "NULL" : sceneModeStr);
4459 ALOGV("%s: Setting Selectable Zone AF value %s", __func__, selZoneAFStr);
4468 __func__, (selZoneAFStr == NULL) ? "NULL" : selZoneAFStr);
4487 ALOGI("%s: setAEBracket with NULL value", __func__);
4500 ALOGV("%s, EXP_BRACKETING_ON", __func__);
4506 __func__, expBracket.values);
4510 ALOGI("%s: capture-burst-exposures not set, back to HDR OFF mode", __func__);
4517 ALOGD("%s, EXP_BRACKETING_OFF", __func__);
4550 ALOGV("%s: Setting RedEye Reduce value %s", __func__, redeyeStr);
4559 __func__, (redeyeStr == NULL) ? "NULL" : redeyeStr);
4621 __func__, temp.denoise_enable, temp.process_plates);
4628 ALOGE("%s: Invalid Denoise value: %s", __func__, (wnrStr == NULL) ? "NULL" : wnrStr);
4797 ALOGE("%s: invalid raw picture format: %d", __func__, mPictureFormat);
4842 ALOGI("%s: No flip mode for stream type %d", __func__, type);
4854 ALOGD("%s: the filp mode of stream type %d is %d .", __func__, type, flipMode);
4908 __func__, streamType);
4947 ALOGE("%s: format %d\n", __func__, halPixelFormat);
5049 ALOGD("%s: VideoHint = %d", __func__, value);
5146 __func__, nBurstNum);
5204 ALOGE("%s: error, invalid argument coord == NULL", __func__);
5271 ALOGE("%s: NULL rat input", __func__);
5549 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
5555 ALOGE("%s:Failed to update table", __func__);
5561 ALOGE("%s:Failed to update recording hint", __func__);
5583 ALOGD("%s: histogram flag not changed, no ops here", __func__);
5589 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
5600 ALOGE("%s:Failed to update table", __func__);
5606 ALOGE("%s:Failed to set histogram", __func__);
5640 ALOGD("%s: face process mask not changed, no ops here", __func__);
5652 __func__, faceProcMask,requested_faces);
5654 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
5664 ALOGE("%s:Failed to update table", __func__);
5670 ALOGE("%s:Failed to set face detection parm", __func__);
5675 ALOGD("%s: FaceProcMask -> %d", __func__, m_nFaceProcMask);
5695 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
5706 ALOGE("%s:Failed to update table", __func__);
5712 __func__);
5742 ALOGE("%s:Failed to initialize group update table", __func__);
5751 ALOGE("%s:Failed to update table", __func__);
5757 ALOGE("%s:Failed to set frameskip info parm", __func__);
5784 ALOGE("%s: Invalid output array (num == NULL)", __func__);
5791 __func__, str);
5800 __func__, delim, str, *end);
5838 ALOGE("%s: error: Ill formatted area string: %s", __func__, str);
5843 ALOGE("%s: error: Ill formatted area string: %s", __func__, str);
5852 ALOGE("%s: error: Failed to parse the area string: %s", __func__, area_str);
5857 ALOGE("%s: error: too many areas specified %s", __func__, str);
6005 ALOGE("%s:Size of input larger than max entry size",__func__);