Warning: Currently this API only works on ChromeOS and Windows.


To use this API, call the $ref:notifications.create method, passing in the notification details via the options parameter:

chrome.notifications.create(id, options, creationCallback);

The $ref:notifications.NotificationOptions must include a $ref:notifications.TemplateType, which defines available notification details and how those details are displayed.

All template types (basic, image, and list) must include a notification title and message, as well as an iconUrl, which is a link to a small icon that is displayed to the left of the notification message. The image template type also includes an imageUrl, which is a link to an image that is previewed within the notification. Due to a strict Content Security Policy in packaged apps, these URLs must point to a local resource or use a data URL.

Here's an example of a basic template:

var opt = {
  type: "basic",
  title: "Primary Title",
  message: "Primary message to display",
  iconUrl: "url_to_small_icon"

The list template displays items in a list format:

var opt = {
  type: "list",
  title: "Primary Title",
  message: "Primary message to display",
  iconUrl: "url_to_small_icon",
  items: [{ title: "Item1", message: "This is item 1."},
          { title: "Item2", message: "This is item 2."},
          { title: "Item3", message: "This is item 3."}]

Let us know if you have ideas for new templates with varying layouts by filing a crbug!

Listening for and responding to events

All notifications can include event listeners and event handlers that respond to user actions. For example, you can write an event handler to respond to an $ref:notifications.onButtonClicked event.

Consider including event listeners and handlers within the event page, so that notifications can pop-up even when the app or extension isn't running.