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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /* This file is used to define the properties of the filesystem
     18 ** images generated by build tools (mkbootfs and mkyaffs2image) and
     19 ** by the device side of adb.
     20 */
     25 #include <string.h>
     26 #include <sys/stat.h>
     27 #include <sys/types.h>
     28 #include <stdint.h>
     30 #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS
     31 #include <linux/capability.h>
     32 #else
     33 #include "android_filesystem_capability.h"
     34 #endif
     36 /* This is the master Users and Groups config for the platform.
     38  */
     40 #define AID_ROOT             0  /* traditional unix root user */
     42 #define AID_SYSTEM        1000  /* system server */
     44 #define AID_RADIO         1001  /* telephony subsystem, RIL */
     45 #define AID_BLUETOOTH     1002  /* bluetooth subsystem */
     46 #define AID_GRAPHICS      1003  /* graphics devices */
     47 #define AID_INPUT         1004  /* input devices */
     48 #define AID_AUDIO         1005  /* audio devices */
     49 #define AID_CAMERA        1006  /* camera devices */
     50 #define AID_LOG           1007  /* log devices */
     51 #define AID_COMPASS       1008  /* compass device */
     52 #define AID_MOUNT         1009  /* mountd socket */
     53 #define AID_WIFI          1010  /* wifi subsystem */
     54 #define AID_ADB           1011  /* android debug bridge (adbd) */
     55 #define AID_INSTALL       1012  /* group for installing packages */
     56 #define AID_MEDIA         1013  /* mediaserver process */
     57 #define AID_DHCP          1014  /* dhcp client */
     58 #define AID_SDCARD_RW     1015  /* external storage write access */
     59 #define AID_VPN           1016  /* vpn system */
     60 #define AID_KEYSTORE      1017  /* keystore subsystem */
     61 #define AID_USB           1018  /* USB devices */
     62 #define AID_DRM           1019  /* DRM server */
     63 #define AID_MDNSR         1020  /* MulticastDNSResponder (service discovery) */
     64 #define AID_GPS           1021  /* GPS daemon */
     65 #define AID_UNUSED1       1022  /* deprecated, DO NOT USE */
     66 #define AID_MEDIA_RW      1023  /* internal media storage write access */
     67 #define AID_MTP           1024  /* MTP USB driver access */
     68 #define AID_UNUSED2       1025  /* deprecated, DO NOT USE */
     69 #define AID_DRMRPC        1026  /* group for drm rpc */
     70 #define AID_NFC           1027  /* nfc subsystem */
     71 #define AID_SDCARD_R      1028  /* external storage read access */
     72 #define AID_CLAT          1029  /* clat part of nat464 */
     73 #define AID_LOOP_RADIO    1030  /* loop radio devices */
     74 #define AID_MEDIA_DRM     1031  /* MediaDrm plugins */
     75 #define AID_PACKAGE_INFO  1032  /* access to installed package details */
     76 #define AID_SDCARD_PICS   1033  /* external storage photos access */
     77 #define AID_SDCARD_AV     1034  /* external storage audio/video access */
     78 #define AID_SDCARD_ALL    1035  /* access all users external storage */
     80 #define AID_SHELL         2000  /* adb and debug shell user */
     81 #define AID_CACHE         2001  /* cache access */
     82 #define AID_DIAG          2002  /* access to diagnostic resources */
     84 /* The 3000 series are intended for use as supplemental group id's only.
     85  * They indicate special Android capabilities that the kernel is aware of. */
     86 #define AID_NET_BT_ADMIN  3001  /* bluetooth: create any socket */
     87 #define AID_NET_BT        3002  /* bluetooth: create sco, rfcomm or l2cap sockets */
     88 #define AID_INET          3003  /* can create AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets */
     89 #define AID_NET_RAW       3004  /* can create raw INET sockets */
     90 #define AID_NET_ADMIN     3005  /* can configure interfaces and routing tables. */
     91 #define AID_NET_BW_STATS  3006  /* read bandwidth statistics */
     92 #define AID_NET_BW_ACCT   3007  /* change bandwidth statistics accounting */
     93 #define AID_NET_BT_STACK  3008  /* bluetooth: access config files */
     95 #define AID_MISC          9998  /* access to misc storage */
     96 #define AID_NOBODY        9999
     98 #define AID_APP          10000  /* first app user */
    100 #define AID_ISOLATED_START 99000 /* start of uids for fully isolated sandboxed processes */
    101 #define AID_ISOLATED_END   99999 /* end of uids for fully isolated sandboxed processes */
    103 #define AID_USER        100000  /* offset for uid ranges for each user */
    105 #define AID_SHARED_GID_START 50000 /* start of gids for apps in each user to share */
    106 #define AID_SHARED_GID_END   59999 /* start of gids for apps in each user to share */
    108 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FS_CONFIG_STRUCTURES)
    109 struct android_id_info {
    110     const char *name;
    111     unsigned aid;
    112 };
    114 static const struct android_id_info android_ids[] = {
    115     { "root",          AID_ROOT, },
    117     { "system",        AID_SYSTEM, },
    119     { "radio",         AID_RADIO, },
    120     { "bluetooth",     AID_BLUETOOTH, },
    121     { "graphics",      AID_GRAPHICS, },
    122     { "input",         AID_INPUT, },
    123     { "audio",         AID_AUDIO, },
    124     { "camera",        AID_CAMERA, },
    125     { "log",           AID_LOG, },
    126     { "compass",       AID_COMPASS, },
    127     { "mount",         AID_MOUNT, },
    128     { "wifi",          AID_WIFI, },
    129     { "adb",           AID_ADB, },
    130     { "install",       AID_INSTALL, },
    131     { "media",         AID_MEDIA, },
    132     { "dhcp",          AID_DHCP, },
    133     { "sdcard_rw",     AID_SDCARD_RW, },
    134     { "vpn",           AID_VPN, },
    135     { "keystore",      AID_KEYSTORE, },
    136     { "usb",           AID_USB, },
    137     { "drm",           AID_DRM, },
    138     { "mdnsr",         AID_MDNSR, },
    139     { "gps",           AID_GPS, },
    140     // AID_UNUSED1
    141     { "media_rw",      AID_MEDIA_RW, },
    142     { "mtp",           AID_MTP, },
    143     // AID_UNUSED2
    144     { "drmrpc",        AID_DRMRPC, },
    145     { "nfc",           AID_NFC, },
    146     { "sdcard_r",      AID_SDCARD_R, },
    147     { "clat",          AID_CLAT, },
    148     { "loop_radio",    AID_LOOP_RADIO, },
    149     { "mediadrm",      AID_MEDIA_DRM, },
    150     { "package_info",  AID_PACKAGE_INFO, },
    151     { "sdcard_pics",   AID_SDCARD_PICS, },
    152     { "sdcard_av",     AID_SDCARD_AV, },
    153     { "sdcard_all",    AID_SDCARD_ALL, },
    155     { "shell",         AID_SHELL, },
    156     { "cache",         AID_CACHE, },
    157     { "diag",          AID_DIAG, },
    159     { "net_bt_admin",  AID_NET_BT_ADMIN, },
    160     { "net_bt",        AID_NET_BT, },
    161     { "inet",          AID_INET, },
    162     { "net_raw",       AID_NET_RAW, },
    163     { "net_admin",     AID_NET_ADMIN, },
    164     { "net_bw_stats",  AID_NET_BW_STATS, },
    165     { "net_bw_acct",   AID_NET_BW_ACCT, },
    166     { "net_bt_stack",  AID_NET_BT_STACK, },
    168     { "misc",          AID_MISC, },
    169     { "nobody",        AID_NOBODY, },
    170 };
    172 #define android_id_count \
    173     (sizeof(android_ids) / sizeof(android_ids[0]))
    175 struct fs_path_config {
    176     unsigned mode;
    177     unsigned uid;
    178     unsigned gid;
    179     uint64_t capabilities;
    180     const char *prefix;
    181 };
    183 /* Rules for directories.
    184 ** These rules are applied based on "first match", so they
    185 ** should start with the most specific path and work their
    186 ** way up to the root.
    187 */
    189 static const struct fs_path_config android_dirs[] = {
    190     { 00770, AID_SYSTEM, AID_CACHE,  0, "cache" },
    191     { 00771, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM, 0, "data/app" },
    192     { 00771, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM, 0, "data/app-private" },
    193     { 00771, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM, 0, "data/dalvik-cache" },
    194     { 00771, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM, 0, "data/data" },
    195     { 00771, AID_SHELL,  AID_SHELL,  0, "data/local/tmp" },
    196     { 00771, AID_SHELL,  AID_SHELL,  0, "data/local" },
    197     { 01771, AID_SYSTEM, AID_MISC,   0, "data/misc" },
    198     { 00770, AID_DHCP,   AID_DHCP,   0, "data/misc/dhcp" },
    199     { 00775, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0, "data/media" },
    200     { 00775, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0, "data/media/Music" },
    201     { 00771, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM, 0, "data" },
    202     { 00750, AID_ROOT,   AID_SHELL,  0, "sbin" },
    203     { 00755, AID_ROOT,   AID_SHELL,  0, "system/bin" },
    204     { 00755, AID_ROOT,   AID_SHELL,  0, "system/vendor" },
    205     { 00755, AID_ROOT,   AID_SHELL,  0, "system/xbin" },
    206     { 00755, AID_ROOT,   AID_ROOT,   0, "system/etc/ppp" },
    207     { 00755, AID_ROOT,   AID_SHELL,  0, "vendor" },
    208     { 00777, AID_ROOT,   AID_ROOT,   0, "sdcard" },
    209     { 00755, AID_ROOT,   AID_ROOT,   0, 0 },
    210 };
    212 /* Rules for files.
    213 ** These rules are applied based on "first match", so they
    214 ** should start with the most specific path and work their
    215 ** way up to the root. Prefixes ending in * denotes wildcard
    216 ** and will allow partial matches.
    217 */
    218 static const struct fs_path_config android_files[] = {
    219     { 00440, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/init.goldfish.rc" },
    220     { 00550, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/init.goldfish.sh" },
    221     { 00440, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/init.trout.rc" },
    222     { 00550, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/init.ril" },
    223     { 00550, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/init.testmenu" },
    224     { 00550, AID_DHCP,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks" },
    225     { 00444, AID_RADIO,     AID_AUDIO,     0, "system/etc/AudioPara4.csv" },
    226     { 00555, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/etc/ppp/*" },
    227     { 00555, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/etc/rc.*" },
    228     { 00644, AID_SYSTEM,    AID_SYSTEM,    0, "data/app/*" },
    229     { 00644, AID_MEDIA_RW,  AID_MEDIA_RW,  0, "data/media/*" },
    230     { 00644, AID_SYSTEM,    AID_SYSTEM,    0, "data/app-private/*" },
    231     { 00644, AID_APP,       AID_APP,       0, "data/data/*" },
    232     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/bin/ping" },
    234     /* the following file is INTENTIONALLY set-gid and not set-uid.
    235      * Do not change. */
    236     { 02750, AID_ROOT,      AID_INET,      0, "system/bin/netcfg" },
    238     /* the following five files are INTENTIONALLY set-uid, but they
    239      * are NOT included on user builds. */
    240     { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/su" },
    241     { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/librank" },
    242     { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/procrank" },
    243     { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/procmem" },
    244     { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/tcpdump" },
    245     { 04770, AID_ROOT,      AID_RADIO,     0, "system/bin/pppd-ril" },
    247     /* the following files have enhanced capabilities and ARE included in user builds. */
    248     { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     (1 << CAP_SETUID) | (1 << CAP_SETGID), "system/bin/run-as" },
    250     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/bin/*" },
    251     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/lib/valgrind/*" },
    252     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/xbin/*" },
    253     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/vendor/bin/*" },
    254     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "vendor/bin/*" },
    255     { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "sbin/*" },
    256     { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "bin/*" },
    257     { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "init*" },
    258     { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "charger*" },
    259     { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "sbin/fs_mgr" },
    260     { 00640, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "fstab.*" },
    261     { 00644, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, 0 },
    262 };
    264 static inline void fs_config(const char *path, int dir,
    265                              unsigned *uid, unsigned *gid, unsigned *mode, uint64_t *capabilities)
    266 {
    267     const struct fs_path_config *pc;
    268     int plen;
    270     if (path[0] == '/') {
    271         path++;
    272     }
    274     pc = dir ? android_dirs : android_files;
    275     plen = strlen(path);
    276     for(; pc->prefix; pc++){
    277         int len = strlen(pc->prefix);
    278         if (dir) {
    279             if(plen < len) continue;
    280             if(!strncmp(pc->prefix, path, len)) break;
    281             continue;
    282         }
    283         /* If name ends in * then allow partial matches. */
    284         if (pc->prefix[len -1] == '*') {
    285             if(!strncmp(pc->prefix, path, len - 1)) break;
    286         } else if (plen == len){
    287             if(!strncmp(pc->prefix, path, len)) break;
    288         }
    289     }
    290     *uid = pc->uid;
    291     *gid = pc->gid;
    292     *mode = (*mode & (~07777)) | pc->mode;
    293     *capabilities = pc->capabilities;
    295 #if 0
    296     fprintf(stderr,"< '%s' '%s' %d %d %o >\n",
    297             path, pc->prefix ? pc->prefix : "", *uid, *gid, *mode);
    298 #endif
    299 }
    300 #endif
    301 #endif