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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h"
      7 #include "build/build_config.h"
      9 #include <sys/stat.h>
     10 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
     11 #include <sys/time.h>
     12 #endif
     13 #include <sys/types.h>
     14 #include <time.h>
     15 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
     16 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
     17 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
     18 #include <shlwapi.h>  // for PathMatchSpec
     19 #endif
     21 #include <algorithm>
     22 #include <cstring>
     23 #include <functional>
     24 #include <iomanip>
     25 #include <iterator>
     26 #include <limits>
     27 #include <set>
     28 #include <string>
     30 #include "base/hash_tables.h"
     31 #include "base/file_util.h"
     32 #include "base/logging.h"
     33 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     34 #include "base/perftimer.h"
     35 #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
     36 #include "base/string_util.h"
     37 #include "base/stl_util-inl.h"
     38 #include "base/time.h"
     39 #include "base/values.h"
     40 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer.h"
     41 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h"
     42 #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/proto_value_conversions.h"
     43 #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/service_constants.h"
     44 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h"
     45 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_change_listener.h"
     46 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_manager.h"
     47 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/model_type.h"
     48 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable-inl.h"
     49 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable_changes_version.h"
     50 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable_columns.h"
     51 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable_enum_conversions.h"
     52 #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/crypto_helpers.h"
     53 #include "chrome/common/deprecated/event_sys-inl.h"
     54 #include "net/base/escape.h"
     56 namespace {
     57 enum InvariantCheckLevel {
     58   OFF = 0,
     59   VERIFY_IN_MEMORY = 1,
     61 };
     63 static const InvariantCheckLevel kInvariantCheckLevel = VERIFY_IN_MEMORY;
     65 // Max number of milliseconds to spend checking syncable entry invariants
     66 static const int kInvariantCheckMaxMs = 50;
     67 }  // namespace
     69 using browser_sync::SyncerUtil;
     70 using std::string;
     73 namespace syncable {
     75 int64 Now() {
     76 #if defined(OS_WIN)
     77   FILETIME filetime;
     78   SYSTEMTIME systime;
     79   GetSystemTime(&systime);
     80   SystemTimeToFileTime(&systime, &filetime);
     81   // MSDN recommends converting via memcpy like this.
     82   LARGE_INTEGER n;
     83   memcpy(&n, &filetime, sizeof(filetime));
     84   return n.QuadPart;
     85 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
     86   struct timeval tv;
     87   gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
     88   return static_cast<int64>(tv.tv_sec);
     89 #else
     90 #error NEED OS SPECIFIC Now() implementation
     91 #endif
     92 }
     94 namespace {
     96 // A ScopedIndexUpdater temporarily removes an entry from an index,
     97 // and restores it to the index when the scope exits.  This simplifies
     98 // the common pattern where items need to be removed from an index
     99 // before updating the field.
    100 //
    101 // This class is parameterized on the Indexer traits type, which
    102 // must define a Comparator and a static bool ShouldInclude
    103 // function for testing whether the item ought to be included
    104 // in the index.
    105 template<typename Indexer>
    106 class ScopedIndexUpdater {
    107  public:
    108   ScopedIndexUpdater(const ScopedKernelLock& proof_of_lock,
    109                      EntryKernel* entry,
    110                      typename Index<Indexer>::Set* index)
    111       : entry_(entry),
    112         index_(index) {
    113     // First call to ShouldInclude happens before the field is updated.
    114     if (Indexer::ShouldInclude(entry_)) {
    115       CHECK(index_->erase(entry_));
    116     }
    117   }
    119   ~ScopedIndexUpdater() {
    120     // Second call to ShouldInclude happens after the field is updated.
    121     if (Indexer::ShouldInclude(entry_)) {
    122       CHECK(index_->insert(entry_).second);
    123     }
    124   }
    125  private:
    126   // The entry that was temporarily removed from the index.
    127   EntryKernel* entry_;
    128   // The index which we are updating.
    129   typename Index<Indexer>::Set* const index_;
    130 };
    132 // Helper function to add an item to the index, if it ought to be added.
    133 template<typename Indexer>
    134 void InitializeIndexEntry(EntryKernel* entry,
    135                           typename Index<Indexer>::Set* index) {
    136   if (Indexer::ShouldInclude(entry)) {
    137     index->insert(entry);
    138   }
    139 }
    141 }  // namespace
    143 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    144 // Comparator and filter functions for the indices.
    146 // static
    147 bool ClientTagIndexer::ShouldInclude(const EntryKernel* a) {
    148   return !a->ref(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty();
    149 }
    151 bool ParentIdAndHandleIndexer::Comparator::operator() (
    152     const syncable::EntryKernel* a,
    153     const syncable::EntryKernel* b) const {
    154   int cmp = a->ref(PARENT_ID).compare(b->ref(PARENT_ID));
    155   if (cmp != 0)
    156     return cmp < 0;
    158   int64 a_position = a->ref(SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT);
    159   int64 b_position = b->ref(SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT);
    160   if (a_position != b_position)
    161     return a_position < b_position;
    163   cmp = a->ref(ID).compare(b->ref(ID));
    164   return cmp < 0;
    165 }
    167 // static
    168 bool ParentIdAndHandleIndexer::ShouldInclude(const EntryKernel* a) {
    169   // This index excludes deleted items and the root item.  The root
    170   // item is excluded so that it doesn't show up as a child of itself.
    171   return !a->ref(IS_DEL) && !a->ref(ID).IsRoot();
    172 }
    174 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    175 // EntryKernel
    177 EntryKernel::EntryKernel() : dirty_(false) {
    178   memset(int64_fields, 0, sizeof(int64_fields));
    179 }
    181 EntryKernel::~EntryKernel() {}
    183 namespace {
    185 // Utility function to loop through a set of enum values and add the
    186 // field keys/values in the kernel to the given dictionary.
    187 //
    188 // V should be convertible to Value.
    189 template <class T, class U, class V>
    190 void SetFieldValues(const EntryKernel& kernel,
    191                     DictionaryValue* dictionary_value,
    192                     const char* (*enum_key_fn)(T),
    193                     V* (*enum_value_fn)(U),
    194                     int field_key_min, int field_key_max) {
    195   DCHECK_LE(field_key_min, field_key_max);
    196   for (int i = field_key_min; i <= field_key_max; ++i) {
    197     T field = static_cast<T>(i);
    198     const std::string& key = enum_key_fn(field);
    199     V* value = enum_value_fn(kernel.ref(field));
    200     dictionary_value->Set(key, value);
    201   }
    202 }
    204 // Helper functions for SetFieldValues().
    206 StringValue* Int64ToValue(int64 i) {
    207   return Value::CreateStringValue(base::Int64ToString(i));
    208 }
    210 StringValue* IdToValue(const Id& id) {
    211   return id.ToValue();
    212 }
    214 }  // namespace
    216 DictionaryValue* EntryKernel::ToValue() const {
    217   DictionaryValue* kernel_info = new DictionaryValue();
    218   kernel_info->SetBoolean("isDirty", is_dirty());
    220   // Int64 fields.
    221   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    222                  &GetMetahandleFieldString, &Int64ToValue,
    223                  INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN, META_HANDLE);
    224   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    225                  &GetBaseVersionString, &Int64ToValue,
    226                  META_HANDLE + 1, BASE_VERSION);
    227   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    228                  &GetInt64FieldString, &Int64ToValue,
    229                  BASE_VERSION + 1, INT64_FIELDS_END - 1);
    231   // ID fields.
    232   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    233                  &GetIdFieldString, &IdToValue,
    234                  ID_FIELDS_BEGIN, ID_FIELDS_END - 1);
    236   // Bit fields.
    237   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    238                  &GetIndexedBitFieldString, &Value::CreateBooleanValue,
    239                  BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN, INDEXED_BIT_FIELDS_END - 1);
    240   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    241                  &GetIsDelFieldString, &Value::CreateBooleanValue,
    242                  INDEXED_BIT_FIELDS_END, IS_DEL);
    243   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    244                  &GetBitFieldString, &Value::CreateBooleanValue,
    245                  IS_DEL + 1, BIT_FIELDS_END - 1);
    247   // String fields.
    248   {
    249     // Pick out the function overload we want.
    250     StringValue* (*string_to_value)(const std::string&) =
    251         &Value::CreateStringValue;
    252     SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    253                    &GetStringFieldString, string_to_value,
    254                    STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN, STRING_FIELDS_END - 1);
    255   }
    257   // Proto fields.
    258   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    259                  &GetProtoFieldString, &browser_sync::EntitySpecificsToValue,
    260                  PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN, PROTO_FIELDS_END - 1);
    262   // Bit temps.
    263   SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
    264                  &GetBitTempString, &Value::CreateBooleanValue,
    265                  BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN, BIT_TEMPS_END - 1);
    267   return kernel_info;
    268 }
    270 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    271 // Directory
    273 void Directory::init_kernel(const std::string& name) {
    274   DCHECK(kernel_ == NULL);
    275   kernel_ = new Kernel(FilePath(), name, KernelLoadInfo());
    276 }
    278 Directory::PersistedKernelInfo::PersistedKernelInfo()
    279     : next_id(0) {
    280   for (int i = FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE; i < MODEL_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
    281     reset_download_progress(ModelTypeFromInt(i));
    282   }
    283   autofill_migration_state = NOT_DETERMINED;
    284   memset(&autofill_migration_debug_info, 0,
    285          sizeof(autofill_migration_debug_info));
    286 }
    288 Directory::PersistedKernelInfo::~PersistedKernelInfo() {}
    290 void Directory::PersistedKernelInfo::reset_download_progress(
    291     ModelType model_type) {
    292   download_progress[model_type].set_data_type_id(
    293       GetExtensionFieldNumberFromModelType(model_type));
    294   // An empty-string token indicates no prior knowledge.
    295   download_progress[model_type].set_token(std::string());
    296 }
    298 Directory::SaveChangesSnapshot::SaveChangesSnapshot()
    299     : kernel_info_status(KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_INVALID) {
    300 }
    302 Directory::SaveChangesSnapshot::~SaveChangesSnapshot() {}
    304 Directory::Kernel::Kernel(const FilePath& db_path,
    305                           const string& name,
    306                           const KernelLoadInfo& info)
    307     : db_path(db_path),
    308       refcount(1),
    309       name(name),
    310       metahandles_index(new Directory::MetahandlesIndex),
    311       ids_index(new Directory::IdsIndex),
    312       parent_id_child_index(new Directory::ParentIdChildIndex),
    313       client_tag_index(new Directory::ClientTagIndex),
    314       unapplied_update_metahandles(new MetahandleSet),
    315       unsynced_metahandles(new MetahandleSet),
    316       dirty_metahandles(new MetahandleSet),
    317       metahandles_to_purge(new MetahandleSet),
    318       channel(new Directory::Channel(syncable::DIRECTORY_DESTROYED)),
    319       change_listener_(NULL),
    320       info_status(Directory::KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_VALID),
    321       persisted_info(info.kernel_info),
    322       cache_guid(info.cache_guid),
    323       next_metahandle(info.max_metahandle + 1) {
    324 }
    326 void Directory::Kernel::AddRef() {
    327   base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&refcount, 1);
    328 }
    330 void Directory::Kernel::Release() {
    331   if (!base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&refcount, -1))
    332     delete this;
    333 }
    335 Directory::Kernel::~Kernel() {
    336   CHECK_EQ(0, refcount);
    337   delete channel;
    338   delete unsynced_metahandles;
    339   delete unapplied_update_metahandles;
    340   delete dirty_metahandles;
    341   delete metahandles_to_purge;
    342   delete parent_id_child_index;
    343   delete client_tag_index;
    344   delete ids_index;
    345   STLDeleteElements(metahandles_index);
    346   delete metahandles_index;
    347 }
    349 Directory::Directory() : kernel_(NULL), store_(NULL) {
    350 }
    352 Directory::~Directory() {
    353   Close();
    354 }
    356 DirOpenResult Directory::Open(const FilePath& file_path, const string& name) {
    357   const DirOpenResult result = OpenImpl(file_path, name);
    358   if (OPENED != result)
    359     Close();
    360   return result;
    361 }
    363 void Directory::InitializeIndices() {
    364   MetahandlesIndex::iterator it = kernel_->metahandles_index->begin();
    365   for (; it != kernel_->metahandles_index->end(); ++it) {
    366     EntryKernel* entry = *it;
    367     InitializeIndexEntry<ParentIdAndHandleIndexer>(entry,
    368         kernel_->parent_id_child_index);
    369     InitializeIndexEntry<IdIndexer>(entry, kernel_->ids_index);
    370     InitializeIndexEntry<ClientTagIndexer>(entry, kernel_->client_tag_index);
    371     if (entry->ref(IS_UNSYNCED))
    372       kernel_->unsynced_metahandles->insert(entry->ref(META_HANDLE));
    373     if (entry->ref(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE))
    374       kernel_->unapplied_update_metahandles->insert(entry->ref(META_HANDLE));
    375     DCHECK(!entry->is_dirty());
    376   }
    377 }
    379 DirectoryBackingStore* Directory::CreateBackingStore(
    380     const string& dir_name, const FilePath& backing_filepath) {
    381   return new DirectoryBackingStore(dir_name, backing_filepath);
    382 }
    384 DirOpenResult Directory::OpenImpl(const FilePath& file_path,
    385                                   const string& name) {
    386   DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<DirectoryBackingStore*>(NULL), store_);
    387   FilePath db_path(file_path);
    388   file_util::AbsolutePath(&db_path);
    389   store_ = CreateBackingStore(name, db_path);
    391   KernelLoadInfo info;
    392   // Temporary indices before kernel_ initialized in case Load fails. We 0(1)
    393   // swap these later.
    394   MetahandlesIndex metas_bucket;
    395   DirOpenResult result = store_->Load(&metas_bucket, &info);
    396   if (OPENED != result)
    397     return result;
    399   kernel_ = new Kernel(db_path, name, info);
    400   kernel_->metahandles_index->swap(metas_bucket);
    401   InitializeIndices();
    402   return OPENED;
    403 }
    405 void Directory::Close() {
    406   if (store_)
    407     delete store_;
    408   store_ = NULL;
    409   if (kernel_) {
    410     bool del = !base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&kernel_->refcount, -1);
    411     DCHECK(del) << "Kernel should only have a single ref";
    412     if (del)
    413       delete kernel_;
    414     kernel_ = NULL;
    415   }
    416 }
    418 EntryKernel* Directory::GetEntryById(const Id& id) {
    419   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    420   return GetEntryById(id, &lock);
    421 }
    423 EntryKernel* Directory::GetEntryById(const Id& id,
    424                                      ScopedKernelLock* const lock) {
    425   DCHECK(kernel_);
    426   // Find it in the in memory ID index.
    427   kernel_->needle.put(ID, id);
    428   IdsIndex::iterator id_found = kernel_->ids_index->find(&kernel_->needle);
    429   if (id_found != kernel_->ids_index->end()) {
    430     return *id_found;
    431   }
    432   return NULL;
    433 }
    435 EntryKernel* Directory::GetEntryByClientTag(const string& tag) {
    436   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    437   DCHECK(kernel_);
    438   // Find it in the ClientTagIndex.
    439   kernel_->needle.put(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG, tag);
    440   ClientTagIndex::iterator found = kernel_->client_tag_index->find(
    441       &kernel_->needle);
    442   if (found != kernel_->client_tag_index->end()) {
    443     return *found;
    444   }
    445   return NULL;
    446 }
    448 EntryKernel* Directory::GetEntryByServerTag(const string& tag) {
    449   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    450   DCHECK(kernel_);
    451   // We don't currently keep a separate index for the tags.  Since tags
    452   // only exist for server created items that are the first items
    453   // to be created in a store, they should have small metahandles.
    454   // So, we just iterate over the items in sorted metahandle order,
    455   // looking for a match.
    456   MetahandlesIndex& set = *kernel_->metahandles_index;
    457   for (MetahandlesIndex::iterator i = set.begin(); i != set.end(); ++i) {
    458     if ((*i)->ref(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG) == tag) {
    459       return *i;
    460     }
    461   }
    462   return NULL;
    463 }
    465 EntryKernel* Directory::GetEntryByHandle(int64 metahandle) {
    466   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    467   return GetEntryByHandle(metahandle, &lock);
    468 }
    470 EntryKernel* Directory::GetEntryByHandle(int64 metahandle,
    471                                          ScopedKernelLock* lock) {
    472   // Look up in memory
    473   kernel_->needle.put(META_HANDLE, metahandle);
    474   MetahandlesIndex::iterator found =
    475       kernel_->metahandles_index->find(&kernel_->needle);
    476   if (found != kernel_->metahandles_index->end()) {
    477     // Found it in memory.  Easy.
    478     return *found;
    479   }
    480   return NULL;
    481 }
    483 void Directory::GetChildHandles(BaseTransaction* trans, const Id& parent_id,
    484                                 Directory::ChildHandles* result) {
    485   CHECK(this == trans->directory());
    486   result->clear();
    487   {
    488     ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    490     typedef ParentIdChildIndex::iterator iterator;
    491     for (iterator i = GetParentChildIndexLowerBound(lock, parent_id),
    492                 end = GetParentChildIndexUpperBound(lock, parent_id);
    493          i != end; ++i) {
    494       DCHECK_EQ(parent_id, (*i)->ref(PARENT_ID));
    495       result->push_back((*i)->ref(META_HANDLE));
    496     }
    497   }
    498 }
    500 EntryKernel* Directory::GetRootEntry() {
    501   return GetEntryById(Id());
    502 }
    504 void ZeroFields(EntryKernel* entry, int first_field) {
    505   int i = first_field;
    506   // Note that bitset<> constructor sets all bits to zero, and strings
    507   // initialize to empty.
    508   for ( ; i < INT64_FIELDS_END; ++i)
    509     entry->put(static_cast<Int64Field>(i), 0);
    510   for ( ; i < ID_FIELDS_END; ++i)
    511     entry->mutable_ref(static_cast<IdField>(i)).Clear();
    512   for ( ; i < BIT_FIELDS_END; ++i)
    513     entry->put(static_cast<BitField>(i), false);
    514   if (i < PROTO_FIELDS_END)
    515     i = PROTO_FIELDS_END;
    516   entry->clear_dirty(NULL);
    517 }
    519 void Directory::InsertEntry(EntryKernel* entry) {
    520   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    521   InsertEntry(entry, &lock);
    522 }
    524 void Directory::InsertEntry(EntryKernel* entry, ScopedKernelLock* lock) {
    525   DCHECK(NULL != lock);
    526   CHECK(NULL != entry);
    527   static const char error[] = "Entry already in memory index.";
    528   CHECK(kernel_->metahandles_index->insert(entry).second) << error;
    530   if (!entry->ref(IS_DEL)) {
    531     CHECK(kernel_->parent_id_child_index->insert(entry).second) << error;
    532   }
    533   CHECK(kernel_->ids_index->insert(entry).second) << error;
    535   // Should NEVER be created with a client tag.
    536   CHECK(entry->ref(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty());
    537 }
    539 bool Directory::ReindexId(EntryKernel* const entry, const Id& new_id) {
    540   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    541   if (NULL != GetEntryById(new_id, &lock))
    542     return false;
    544   {
    545     // Update the indices that depend on the ID field.
    546     ScopedIndexUpdater<IdIndexer> updater_a(lock, entry, kernel_->ids_index);
    547     ScopedIndexUpdater<ParentIdAndHandleIndexer> updater_b(lock, entry,
    548         kernel_->parent_id_child_index);
    549     entry->put(ID, new_id);
    550   }
    551   return true;
    552 }
    554 void Directory::ReindexParentId(EntryKernel* const entry,
    555                                 const Id& new_parent_id) {
    556   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    558   {
    559     // Update the indices that depend on the PARENT_ID field.
    560     ScopedIndexUpdater<ParentIdAndHandleIndexer> index_updater(lock, entry,
    561         kernel_->parent_id_child_index);
    562     entry->put(PARENT_ID, new_parent_id);
    563   }
    564 }
    566 void Directory::ClearDirtyMetahandles() {
    567   kernel_->transaction_mutex.AssertAcquired();
    568   kernel_->dirty_metahandles->clear();
    569 }
    571 bool Directory::SafeToPurgeFromMemory(const EntryKernel* const entry) const {
    572   bool safe = entry->ref(IS_DEL) && !entry->is_dirty() &&
    573       !entry->ref(SYNCING) && !entry->ref(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE) &&
    574       !entry->ref(IS_UNSYNCED);
    576   if (safe) {
    577     int64 handle = entry->ref(META_HANDLE);
    578     CHECK_EQ(kernel_->dirty_metahandles->count(handle), 0U);
    579     // TODO(tim): Bug 49278.
    580     CHECK(!kernel_->unsynced_metahandles->count(handle));
    581     CHECK(!kernel_->unapplied_update_metahandles->count(handle));
    582   }
    584   return safe;
    585 }
    587 void Directory::TakeSnapshotForSaveChanges(SaveChangesSnapshot* snapshot) {
    588   ReadTransaction trans(this, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    589   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    590   // Deep copy dirty entries from kernel_->metahandles_index into snapshot and
    591   // clear dirty flags.
    593   for (MetahandleSet::const_iterator i = kernel_->dirty_metahandles->begin();
    594        i != kernel_->dirty_metahandles->end(); ++i) {
    595     EntryKernel* entry = GetEntryByHandle(*i, &lock);
    596     if (!entry)
    597       continue;
    598     // Skip over false positives; it happens relatively infrequently.
    599     if (!entry->is_dirty())
    600       continue;
    601     snapshot->dirty_metas.insert(snapshot->dirty_metas.end(), *entry);
    602     DCHECK_EQ(1U, kernel_->dirty_metahandles->count(*i));
    603     // We don't bother removing from the index here as we blow the entire thing
    604     // in a moment, and it unnecessarily complicates iteration.
    605     entry->clear_dirty(NULL);
    606   }
    607   ClearDirtyMetahandles();
    609   // Set purged handles.
    610   DCHECK(snapshot->metahandles_to_purge.empty());
    611   snapshot->metahandles_to_purge.swap(*(kernel_->metahandles_to_purge));
    613   // Fill kernel_info_status and kernel_info.
    614   snapshot->kernel_info = kernel_->persisted_info;
    615   // To avoid duplicates when the process crashes, we record the next_id to be
    616   // greater magnitude than could possibly be reached before the next save
    617   // changes.  In other words, it's effectively impossible for the user to
    618   // generate 65536 new bookmarks in 3 seconds.
    619   snapshot->kernel_info.next_id -= 65536;
    620   snapshot->kernel_info_status = kernel_->info_status;
    621   // This one we reset on failure.
    622   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_VALID;
    623 }
    625 bool Directory::SaveChanges() {
    626   bool success = false;
    627   DCHECK(store_);
    629   base::AutoLock scoped_lock(kernel_->save_changes_mutex);
    631   // Snapshot and save.
    632   SaveChangesSnapshot snapshot;
    633   TakeSnapshotForSaveChanges(&snapshot);
    634   success = store_->SaveChanges(snapshot);
    636   // Handle success or failure.
    637   if (success)
    638     VacuumAfterSaveChanges(snapshot);
    639   else
    640     HandleSaveChangesFailure(snapshot);
    641   return success;
    642 }
    644 void Directory::VacuumAfterSaveChanges(const SaveChangesSnapshot& snapshot) {
    645   // Need a write transaction as we are about to permanently purge entries.
    646   WriteTransaction trans(this, VACUUM_AFTER_SAVE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    647   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    648   kernel_->flushed_metahandles.Push(0);  // Begin flush marker
    649   // Now drop everything we can out of memory.
    650   for (OriginalEntries::const_iterator i = snapshot.dirty_metas.begin();
    651        i != snapshot.dirty_metas.end(); ++i) {
    652     kernel_->needle.put(META_HANDLE, i->ref(META_HANDLE));
    653     MetahandlesIndex::iterator found =
    654         kernel_->metahandles_index->find(&kernel_->needle);
    655     EntryKernel* entry = (found == kernel_->metahandles_index->end() ?
    656                           NULL : *found);
    657     if (entry && SafeToPurgeFromMemory(entry)) {
    658       // We now drop deleted metahandles that are up to date on both the client
    659       // and the server.
    660       size_t num_erased = 0;
    661       int64 handle = entry->ref(META_HANDLE);
    662       kernel_->flushed_metahandles.Push(handle);
    663       num_erased = kernel_->ids_index->erase(entry);
    664       DCHECK_EQ(1u, num_erased);
    665       num_erased = kernel_->metahandles_index->erase(entry);
    666       DCHECK_EQ(1u, num_erased);
    668       // Might not be in it
    669       num_erased = kernel_->client_tag_index->erase(entry);
    670       DCHECK_EQ(entry->ref(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty(), !num_erased);
    671       CHECK(!kernel_->parent_id_child_index->count(entry));
    672       delete entry;
    673     }
    674   }
    675 }
    677 void Directory::PurgeEntriesWithTypeIn(const std::set<ModelType>& types) {
    678   if (types.count(UNSPECIFIED) != 0U || types.count(TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER) != 0U) {
    679     NOTREACHED() << "Don't support purging unspecified or top level entries.";
    680     return;
    681   }
    683   if (types.empty())
    684     return;
    686   {
    687     WriteTransaction trans(this, PURGE_ENTRIES, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    688     {
    689       ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    690       MetahandlesIndex::iterator it = kernel_->metahandles_index->begin();
    691       while (it != kernel_->metahandles_index->end()) {
    692         const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& local_specifics = (*it)->ref(SPECIFICS);
    693         const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& server_specifics =
    694             (*it)->ref(SERVER_SPECIFICS);
    695         ModelType local_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(local_specifics);
    696         ModelType server_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(server_specifics);
    698         // Note the dance around incrementing |it|, since we sometimes erase().
    699         if (types.count(local_type) > 0 || types.count(server_type) > 0) {
    700           UnlinkEntryFromOrder(*it, NULL, &lock);
    701           int64 handle = (*it)->ref(META_HANDLE);
    702           kernel_->metahandles_to_purge->insert(handle);
    704           size_t num_erased = 0;
    705           EntryKernel* entry = *it;
    706           num_erased = kernel_->ids_index->erase(entry);
    707           DCHECK_EQ(1u, num_erased);
    708           num_erased = kernel_->client_tag_index->erase(entry);
    709           DCHECK_EQ(entry->ref(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty(), !num_erased);
    710           num_erased = kernel_->unsynced_metahandles->erase(handle);
    711           DCHECK_EQ(entry->ref(IS_UNSYNCED), num_erased > 0);
    712           num_erased = kernel_->unapplied_update_metahandles->erase(handle);
    713           DCHECK_EQ(entry->ref(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE), num_erased > 0);
    714           num_erased = kernel_->parent_id_child_index->erase(entry);
    715           DCHECK_EQ(entry->ref(IS_DEL), !num_erased);
    716           kernel_->metahandles_index->erase(it++);
    717           delete entry;
    718         } else {
    719           ++it;
    720         }
    721       }
    723       // Ensure meta tracking for these data types reflects the deleted state.
    724       for (std::set<ModelType>::const_iterator it = types.begin();
    725            it != types.end(); ++it) {
    726         set_initial_sync_ended_for_type_unsafe(*it, false);
    727         kernel_->persisted_info.reset_download_progress(*it);
    728       }
    729     }
    730   }
    731 }
    733 void Directory::HandleSaveChangesFailure(const SaveChangesSnapshot& snapshot) {
    734   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    735   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    737   // Because we optimistically cleared the dirty bit on the real entries when
    738   // taking the snapshot, we must restore it on failure.  Not doing this could
    739   // cause lost data, if no other changes are made to the in-memory entries
    740   // that would cause the dirty bit to get set again. Setting the bit ensures
    741   // that SaveChanges will at least try again later.
    742   for (OriginalEntries::const_iterator i = snapshot.dirty_metas.begin();
    743        i != snapshot.dirty_metas.end(); ++i) {
    744     kernel_->needle.put(META_HANDLE, i->ref(META_HANDLE));
    745     MetahandlesIndex::iterator found =
    746         kernel_->metahandles_index->find(&kernel_->needle);
    747     if (found != kernel_->metahandles_index->end()) {
    748       (*found)->mark_dirty(kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
    749     }
    750   }
    752   kernel_->metahandles_to_purge->insert(snapshot.metahandles_to_purge.begin(),
    753                                         snapshot.metahandles_to_purge.end());
    754 }
    756 void Directory::GetDownloadProgress(
    757     ModelType model_type,
    758     sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker* value_out) const {
    759   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    760   return value_out->CopyFrom(
    761       kernel_->persisted_info.download_progress[model_type]);
    762 }
    764 void Directory::GetDownloadProgressAsString(
    765     ModelType model_type,
    766     std::string* value_out) const {
    767   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    768   kernel_->persisted_info.download_progress[model_type].SerializeToString(
    769       value_out);
    770 }
    772 void Directory::SetDownloadProgress(
    773     ModelType model_type,
    774     const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& new_progress) {
    775   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    776   kernel_->persisted_info.download_progress[model_type].CopyFrom(new_progress);
    777   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    778 }
    780 bool Directory::initial_sync_ended_for_type(ModelType type) const {
    781   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    782   return kernel_->persisted_info.initial_sync_ended[type];
    783 }
    785 AutofillMigrationState Directory::get_autofill_migration_state() const {
    786   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    787   return kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_state;
    788 }
    790 AutofillMigrationDebugInfo
    791     Directory::get_autofill_migration_debug_info() const {
    792   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    793   return kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_debug_info;
    794 }
    796 template <class T> void Directory::TestAndSet(
    797     T* kernel_data, const T* data_to_set) {
    798   if (*kernel_data != *data_to_set) {
    799     *kernel_data = *data_to_set;
    800     kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    801   }
    802 }
    804 void Directory::set_autofill_migration_state_debug_info(
    805     AutofillMigrationDebugInfo::PropertyToSet property_to_set,
    806     const AutofillMigrationDebugInfo& info) {
    808   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    809   switch (property_to_set) {
    810     case AutofillMigrationDebugInfo::MIGRATION_TIME: {
    811       syncable::AutofillMigrationDebugInfo&
    812         debug_info = kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_debug_info;
    813       TestAndSet<int64>(
    814           &debug_info.autofill_migration_time,
    815           &info.autofill_migration_time);
    816       break;
    817     }
    818     case AutofillMigrationDebugInfo::ENTRIES_ADDED: {
    819       AutofillMigrationDebugInfo& debug_info =
    820         kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_debug_info;
    821       TestAndSet<int>(
    822           &debug_info.autofill_entries_added_during_migration,
    823           &info.autofill_entries_added_during_migration);
    824       break;
    825     }
    826     case AutofillMigrationDebugInfo::PROFILES_ADDED: {
    827       AutofillMigrationDebugInfo& debug_info =
    828         kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_debug_info;
    829       TestAndSet<int>(
    830           &debug_info.autofill_profile_added_during_migration,
    831           &info.autofill_profile_added_during_migration);
    832       break;
    833     }
    834     default:
    835       NOTREACHED();
    836   }
    837 }
    839 void Directory::set_autofill_migration_state(AutofillMigrationState state) {
    840   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    841   if (state == kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_state) {
    842     return;
    843   }
    844   kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_state = state;
    845   if (state == MIGRATED) {
    846     syncable::AutofillMigrationDebugInfo& debug_info =
    847         kernel_->persisted_info.autofill_migration_debug_info;
    848     debug_info.autofill_migration_time =
    849         base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
    850   }
    851   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    852 }
    854 void Directory::set_initial_sync_ended_for_type(ModelType type, bool x) {
    855   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    856   set_initial_sync_ended_for_type_unsafe(type, x);
    857 }
    859 void Directory::set_initial_sync_ended_for_type_unsafe(ModelType type,
    860                                                        bool x) {
    861   if (kernel_->persisted_info.initial_sync_ended[type] == x)
    862     return;
    863   kernel_->persisted_info.initial_sync_ended.set(type, x);
    864   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    865 }
    867 void Directory::SetNotificationStateUnsafe(
    868     const std::string& notification_state) {
    869   if (notification_state == kernel_->persisted_info.notification_state)
    870     return;
    871   kernel_->persisted_info.notification_state = notification_state;
    872   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    873 }
    875 string Directory::store_birthday() const {
    876   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    877   return kernel_->persisted_info.store_birthday;
    878 }
    880 void Directory::set_store_birthday(const string& store_birthday) {
    881   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    882   if (kernel_->persisted_info.store_birthday == store_birthday)
    883     return;
    884   kernel_->persisted_info.store_birthday = store_birthday;
    885   kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
    886 }
    888 std::string Directory::GetAndClearNotificationState() {
    889   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    890   std::string notification_state = kernel_->persisted_info.notification_state;
    891   SetNotificationStateUnsafe(std::string());
    892   return notification_state;
    893 }
    895 void Directory::SetNotificationState(const std::string& notification_state) {
    896   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    897   SetNotificationStateUnsafe(notification_state);
    898 }
    900 string Directory::cache_guid() const {
    901   // No need to lock since nothing ever writes to it after load.
    902   return kernel_->cache_guid;
    903 }
    905 void Directory::GetAllMetaHandles(BaseTransaction* trans,
    906                                   MetahandleSet* result) {
    907   result->clear();
    908   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    909   MetahandlesIndex::iterator i;
    910   for (i = kernel_->metahandles_index->begin();
    911        i != kernel_->metahandles_index->end();
    912        ++i) {
    913     result->insert((*i)->ref(META_HANDLE));
    914   }
    915 }
    917 void Directory::GetUnsyncedMetaHandles(BaseTransaction* trans,
    918                                        UnsyncedMetaHandles* result) {
    919   result->clear();
    920   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    921   copy(kernel_->unsynced_metahandles->begin(),
    922        kernel_->unsynced_metahandles->end(), back_inserter(*result));
    923 }
    925 int64 Directory::unsynced_entity_count() const {
    926   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    927   return kernel_->unsynced_metahandles->size();
    928 }
    930 void Directory::GetUnappliedUpdateMetaHandles(BaseTransaction* trans,
    931     UnappliedUpdateMetaHandles* result) {
    932   result->clear();
    933   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
    934   copy(kernel_->unapplied_update_metahandles->begin(),
    935        kernel_->unapplied_update_metahandles->end(),
    936        back_inserter(*result));
    937 }
    940 class IdFilter {
    941  public:
    942   virtual ~IdFilter() { }
    943   virtual bool ShouldConsider(const Id& id) const = 0;
    944 };
    947 class FullScanFilter : public IdFilter {
    948  public:
    949   virtual bool ShouldConsider(const Id& id) const {
    950     return true;
    951   }
    952 };
    954 class SomeIdsFilter : public IdFilter {
    955  public:
    956   virtual bool ShouldConsider(const Id& id) const {
    957     return binary_search(ids_.begin(), ids_.end(), id);
    958   }
    959   std::vector<Id> ids_;
    960 };
    962 void Directory::CheckTreeInvariants(syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    963                                     const OriginalEntries* originals) {
    964   MetahandleSet handles;
    965   SomeIdsFilter filter;
    966   filter.ids_.reserve(originals->size());
    967   for (OriginalEntries::const_iterator i = originals->begin(),
    968          end = originals->end(); i != end; ++i) {
    969     Entry e(trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, i->ref(META_HANDLE));
    970     CHECK(e.good());
    971     filter.ids_.push_back(e.Get(ID));
    972     handles.insert(i->ref(META_HANDLE));
    973   }
    974   std::sort(filter.ids_.begin(), filter.ids_.end());
    975   CheckTreeInvariants(trans, handles, filter);
    976 }
    978 void Directory::CheckTreeInvariants(syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    979                                     bool full_scan) {
    980   // TODO(timsteele):  This is called every time a WriteTransaction finishes.
    981   // The performance hit is substantial given that we now examine every single
    982   // syncable entry.  Need to redesign this.
    983   MetahandleSet handles;
    984   GetAllMetaHandles(trans, &handles);
    985   if (full_scan) {
    986     FullScanFilter fullfilter;
    987     CheckTreeInvariants(trans, handles, fullfilter);
    988   } else {
    989     SomeIdsFilter filter;
    990     MetahandleSet::iterator i;
    991     for (i = handles.begin() ; i != handles.end() ; ++i) {
    992       Entry e(trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, *i);
    993       CHECK(e.good());
    994       filter.ids_.push_back(e.Get(ID));
    995     }
    996     sort(filter.ids_.begin(), filter.ids_.end());
    997     CheckTreeInvariants(trans, handles, filter);
    998   }
    999 }
   1001 void Directory::CheckTreeInvariants(syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
   1002                                     const MetahandleSet& handles,
   1003                                     const IdFilter& idfilter) {
   1004   const int64 max_ms = kInvariantCheckMaxMs;
   1005   PerfTimer check_timer;
   1006   MetahandleSet::const_iterator i;
   1007   int entries_done = 0;
   1008   for (i = handles.begin() ; i != handles.end() ; ++i) {
   1009     int64 metahandle = *i;
   1010     Entry e(trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, metahandle);
   1011     CHECK(e.good());
   1012     syncable::Id id = e.Get(ID);
   1013     syncable::Id parentid = e.Get(PARENT_ID);
   1015     if (id.IsRoot()) {
   1016       CHECK(e.Get(IS_DIR)) << e;
   1017       CHECK(parentid.IsRoot()) << e;
   1018       CHECK(!e.Get(IS_UNSYNCED)) << e;
   1019       ++entries_done;
   1020       continue;
   1021     }
   1023     if (!e.Get(IS_DEL)) {
   1024       CHECK(id != parentid) << e;
   1025       CHECK(!e.Get(NON_UNIQUE_NAME).empty()) << e;
   1026       int safety_count = handles.size() + 1;
   1027       while (!parentid.IsRoot()) {
   1028         if (!idfilter.ShouldConsider(parentid))
   1029           break;
   1030         Entry parent(trans, GET_BY_ID, parentid);
   1031         CHECK(parent.good()) << e;
   1032         CHECK(parent.Get(IS_DIR)) << parent << e;
   1033         CHECK(!parent.Get(IS_DEL)) << parent << e;
   1034         CHECK(handles.end() != handles.find(parent.Get(META_HANDLE)))
   1035             << e << parent;
   1036         parentid = parent.Get(PARENT_ID);
   1037         CHECK_GE(--safety_count, 0) << e << parent;
   1038       }
   1039     }
   1040     int64 base_version = e.Get(BASE_VERSION);
   1041     int64 server_version = e.Get(SERVER_VERSION);
   1042     bool using_unique_client_tag = !e.Get(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty();
   1043     if (CHANGES_VERSION == base_version || 0 == base_version) {
   1044       if (e.Get(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE)) {
   1045         // Must be a new item, or a de-duplicated unique client tag
   1046         // that was created both locally and remotely.
   1047         if (!using_unique_client_tag) {
   1048           CHECK(e.Get(IS_DEL)) << e;
   1049         }
   1050         // It came from the server, so it must have a server ID.
   1051         CHECK(id.ServerKnows()) << e;
   1052       } else {
   1053         if (e.Get(IS_DIR)) {
   1054           // TODO(chron): Implement this mode if clients ever need it.
   1055           // For now, you can't combine a client tag and a directory.
   1056           CHECK(!using_unique_client_tag) << e;
   1057         }
   1058         // Should be an uncomitted item, or a successfully deleted one.
   1059         if (!e.Get(IS_DEL)) {
   1060           CHECK(e.Get(IS_UNSYNCED)) << e;
   1061         }
   1062         // If the next check failed, it would imply that an item exists
   1063         // on the server, isn't waiting for application locally, but either
   1064         // is an unsynced create or a sucessful delete in the local copy.
   1065         // Either way, that's a mismatch.
   1066         CHECK_EQ(0, server_version) << e;
   1067         // Items that aren't using the unique client tag should have a zero
   1068         // base version only if they have a local ID.  Items with unique client
   1069         // tags are allowed to use the zero base version for undeletion and
   1070         // de-duplication; the unique client tag trumps the server ID.
   1071         if (!using_unique_client_tag) {
   1072           CHECK(!id.ServerKnows()) << e;
   1073         }
   1074       }
   1075     } else {
   1076       CHECK(id.ServerKnows());
   1077     }
   1078     ++entries_done;
   1079     int64 elapsed_ms = check_timer.Elapsed().InMilliseconds();
   1080     if (elapsed_ms > max_ms) {
   1081       VLOG(1) << "Cutting Invariant check short after " << elapsed_ms
   1082               << "ms. Processed " << entries_done << "/" << handles.size()
   1083               << " entries";
   1084       return;
   1085     }
   1086   }
   1087 }
   1089 void Directory::SetChangeListener(DirectoryChangeListener* listener) {
   1090   DCHECK(!kernel_->change_listener_);
   1091   kernel_->change_listener_ = listener;
   1092 }
   1094 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1095 // ScopedKernelLock
   1097 ScopedKernelLock::ScopedKernelLock(const Directory* dir)
   1098   :  scoped_lock_(dir->kernel_->mutex), dir_(const_cast<Directory*>(dir)) {
   1099 }
   1101 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1102 // Transactions
   1104 void BaseTransaction::Lock() {
   1105   base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
   1107   dirkernel_->transaction_mutex.Acquire();
   1109   time_acquired_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
   1110   const base::TimeDelta elapsed = time_acquired_ - start_time;
   1111   if (LOG_IS_ON(INFO) &&
   1112       (1 <= logging::GetVlogLevelHelper(
   1113           source_file_, ::strlen(source_file_))) &&
   1114       (elapsed.InMilliseconds() > 200)) {
   1115     logging::LogMessage(source_file_, line_, logging::LOG_INFO).stream()
   1116       << name_ << " transaction waited "
   1117       << elapsed.InSecondsF() << " seconds.";
   1118   }
   1119 }
   1121 BaseTransaction::BaseTransaction(Directory* directory, const char* name,
   1122     const char* source_file, int line, WriterTag writer)
   1123   : directory_(directory), dirkernel_(directory->kernel_), name_(name),
   1124     source_file_(source_file), line_(line), writer_(writer) {
   1125   Lock();
   1126 }
   1128 BaseTransaction::BaseTransaction(Directory* directory)
   1129     : directory_(directory),
   1130       dirkernel_(NULL),
   1131       name_(NULL),
   1132       source_file_(NULL),
   1133       line_(0),
   1134       writer_(INVALID) {
   1135 }
   1137 BaseTransaction::~BaseTransaction() {}
   1139 void BaseTransaction::UnlockAndLog(OriginalEntries* entries) {
   1140   // Work while trasnaction mutex is held
   1141   ModelTypeBitSet models_with_changes;
   1142   if (!NotifyTransactionChangingAndEnding(entries, &models_with_changes))
   1143     return;
   1145   // Work after mutex is relased.
   1146   NotifyTransactionComplete(models_with_changes);
   1147 }
   1149 bool BaseTransaction::NotifyTransactionChangingAndEnding(
   1150     OriginalEntries* entries,
   1151     ModelTypeBitSet* models_with_changes) {
   1152   dirkernel_->transaction_mutex.AssertAcquired();
   1154   scoped_ptr<OriginalEntries> originals(entries);
   1155   const base::TimeDelta elapsed = base::TimeTicks::Now() - time_acquired_;
   1156   if (LOG_IS_ON(INFO) &&
   1157       (1 <= logging::GetVlogLevelHelper(
   1158           source_file_, ::strlen(source_file_))) &&
   1159       (elapsed.InMilliseconds() > 50)) {
   1160     logging::LogMessage(source_file_, line_, logging::LOG_INFO).stream()
   1161         << name_ << " transaction completed in " << elapsed.InSecondsF()
   1162         << " seconds.";
   1163   }
   1165   if (NULL == originals.get() || originals->empty() ||
   1166       !dirkernel_->change_listener_) {
   1167     dirkernel_->transaction_mutex.Release();
   1168     return false;
   1169   }
   1171   if (writer_ == syncable::SYNCAPI) {
   1172     dirkernel_->change_listener_->HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(
   1173         *originals.get(),
   1174         writer_,
   1175         this);
   1176   } else {
   1177     dirkernel_->change_listener_->HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
   1178         *originals.get(),
   1179         writer_,
   1180         this);
   1181   }
   1183   *models_with_changes = dirkernel_->change_listener_->
   1184       HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent(this);
   1186   // Release the transaction. Note, once the transaction is released this thread
   1187   // can be interrupted by another that was waiting for the transaction,
   1188   // resulting in this code possibly being interrupted with another thread
   1189   // performing following the same code path. From this point foward, only
   1190   // local state can be touched.
   1191   dirkernel_->transaction_mutex.Release();
   1192   return true;
   1193 }
   1195 void BaseTransaction::NotifyTransactionComplete(
   1196     ModelTypeBitSet models_with_changes) {
   1197   dirkernel_->change_listener_->HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
   1198       models_with_changes);
   1199 }
   1201 ReadTransaction::ReadTransaction(Directory* directory, const char* file,
   1202                                  int line)
   1203   : BaseTransaction(directory, "Read", file, line, INVALID) {
   1204 }
   1206 ReadTransaction::ReadTransaction(const ScopedDirLookup& scoped_dir,
   1207                                  const char* file, int line)
   1208   : BaseTransaction(scoped_dir.operator -> (), "Read", file, line, INVALID) {
   1209 }
   1211 ReadTransaction::~ReadTransaction() {
   1212   UnlockAndLog(NULL);
   1213 }
   1215 WriteTransaction::WriteTransaction(Directory* directory, WriterTag writer,
   1216                                    const char* file, int line)
   1217   : BaseTransaction(directory, "Write", file, line, writer),
   1218     originals_(new OriginalEntries) {
   1219 }
   1221 WriteTransaction::WriteTransaction(const ScopedDirLookup& scoped_dir,
   1222                                    WriterTag writer, const char* file, int line)
   1223   : BaseTransaction(scoped_dir.operator -> (), "Write", file, line, writer),
   1224     originals_(new OriginalEntries) {
   1225 }
   1227 WriteTransaction::WriteTransaction(Directory *directory)
   1228     : BaseTransaction(directory),
   1229       originals_(new OriginalEntries) {
   1230 }
   1232 void WriteTransaction::SaveOriginal(EntryKernel* entry) {
   1233   if (NULL == entry)
   1234     return;
   1235   OriginalEntries::iterator i = originals_->lower_bound(*entry);
   1236   if (i == originals_->end() ||
   1237       i->ref(META_HANDLE) != entry->ref(META_HANDLE)) {
   1238     originals_->insert(i, *entry);
   1239   }
   1240 }
   1242 WriteTransaction::~WriteTransaction() {
   1243   if (OFF != kInvariantCheckLevel) {
   1244     const bool full_scan = (FULL_DB_VERIFICATION == kInvariantCheckLevel);
   1245     if (full_scan)
   1246       directory()->CheckTreeInvariants(this, full_scan);
   1247     else
   1248       directory()->CheckTreeInvariants(this, originals_);
   1249   }
   1251   UnlockAndLog(originals_);
   1252 }
   1254 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1255 // Entry
   1257 Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetById, const Id& id)
   1258     : basetrans_(trans) {
   1259   kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryById(id);
   1260 }
   1262 Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetByClientTag, const string& tag)
   1263     : basetrans_(trans) {
   1264   kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByClientTag(tag);
   1265 }
   1267 Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetByServerTag, const string& tag)
   1268     : basetrans_(trans) {
   1269   kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByServerTag(tag);
   1270 }
   1272 Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetByHandle, int64 metahandle)
   1273     : basetrans_(trans) {
   1274   kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByHandle(metahandle);
   1275 }
   1277 Directory* Entry::dir() const {
   1278   return basetrans_->directory();
   1279 }
   1281 Id Entry::ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(const Id& parent_id) const {
   1282   return dir()->ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(kernel_, parent_id);
   1283 }
   1285 DictionaryValue* Entry::ToValue() const {
   1286   DictionaryValue* entry_info = new DictionaryValue();
   1287   entry_info->SetBoolean("good", good());
   1288   if (good()) {
   1289     entry_info->Set("kernel", kernel_->ToValue());
   1290     entry_info->Set("serverModelType",
   1291                     ModelTypeToValue(GetServerModelTypeHelper()));
   1292     entry_info->Set("modelType",
   1293                     ModelTypeToValue(GetModelType()));
   1294     entry_info->SetBoolean("shouldMaintainPosition",
   1295                            ShouldMaintainPosition());
   1296     entry_info->SetBoolean("existsOnClientBecauseNameIsNonEmpty",
   1297                            ExistsOnClientBecauseNameIsNonEmpty());
   1298     entry_info->SetBoolean("isRoot", IsRoot());
   1299   }
   1300   return entry_info;
   1301 }
   1303 const string& Entry::Get(StringField field) const {
   1304   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1305   return kernel_->ref(field);
   1306 }
   1308 syncable::ModelType Entry::GetServerModelType() const {
   1309   ModelType specifics_type = GetServerModelTypeHelper();
   1310   if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
   1311     return specifics_type;
   1313   // Otherwise, we don't have a server type yet.  That should only happen
   1314   // if the item is an uncommitted locally created item.
   1315   // It's possible we'll need to relax these checks in the future; they're
   1316   // just here for now as a safety measure.
   1317   DCHECK(Get(IS_UNSYNCED));
   1318   DCHECK_EQ(Get(SERVER_VERSION), 0);
   1319   DCHECK(Get(SERVER_IS_DEL));
   1320   // Note: can't enforce !Get(ID).ServerKnows() here because that could
   1321   // actually happen if we hit AttemptReuniteLostCommitResponses.
   1322   return UNSPECIFIED;
   1323 }
   1325 syncable::ModelType Entry::GetServerModelTypeHelper() const {
   1326   ModelType specifics_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(Get(SERVER_SPECIFICS));
   1327   if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
   1328     return specifics_type;
   1329   if (IsRoot())
   1330     return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;
   1331   // Loose check for server-created top-level folders that aren't
   1332   // bound to a particular model type.
   1333   if (!Get(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty() && Get(SERVER_IS_DIR))
   1334     return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;
   1336   return UNSPECIFIED;
   1337 }
   1339 syncable::ModelType Entry::GetModelType() const {
   1340   ModelType specifics_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(Get(SPECIFICS));
   1341   if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
   1342     return specifics_type;
   1343   if (IsRoot())
   1344     return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;
   1345   // Loose check for server-created top-level folders that aren't
   1346   // bound to a particular model type.
   1347   if (!Get(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty() && Get(IS_DIR))
   1348     return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;
   1350   return UNSPECIFIED;
   1351 }
   1353 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1354 // MutableEntry
   1356 MutableEntry::MutableEntry(WriteTransaction* trans, Create,
   1357                            const Id& parent_id, const string& name)
   1358     : Entry(trans),
   1359       write_transaction_(trans) {
   1360   Init(trans, parent_id, name);
   1361 }
   1364 void MutableEntry::Init(WriteTransaction* trans, const Id& parent_id,
   1365                         const string& name) {
   1366   kernel_ = new EntryKernel;
   1367   ZeroFields(kernel_, BEGIN_FIELDS);
   1368   kernel_->put(ID, trans->directory_->NextId());
   1369   kernel_->put(META_HANDLE, trans->directory_->NextMetahandle());
   1370   kernel_->mark_dirty(trans->directory_->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1371   kernel_->put(PARENT_ID, parent_id);
   1372   kernel_->put(NON_UNIQUE_NAME, name);
   1373   const int64 now = Now();
   1374   kernel_->put(CTIME, now);
   1375   kernel_->put(MTIME, now);
   1376   // We match the database defaults here
   1377   kernel_->put(BASE_VERSION, CHANGES_VERSION);
   1378   trans->directory()->InsertEntry(kernel_);
   1379   // Because this entry is new, it was originally deleted.
   1380   kernel_->put(IS_DEL, true);
   1381   trans->SaveOriginal(kernel_);
   1382   kernel_->put(IS_DEL, false);
   1383 }
   1385 MutableEntry::MutableEntry(WriteTransaction* trans, CreateNewUpdateItem,
   1386                            const Id& id)
   1387     : Entry(trans), write_transaction_(trans) {
   1388   Entry same_id(trans, GET_BY_ID, id);
   1389   if (same_id.good()) {
   1390     kernel_ = NULL;  // already have an item with this ID.
   1391     return;
   1392   }
   1393   kernel_ = new EntryKernel;
   1394   ZeroFields(kernel_, BEGIN_FIELDS);
   1395   kernel_->put(ID, id);
   1396   kernel_->put(META_HANDLE, trans->directory_->NextMetahandle());
   1397   kernel_->mark_dirty(trans->directory_->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1398   kernel_->put(IS_DEL, true);
   1399   // We match the database defaults here
   1400   kernel_->put(BASE_VERSION, CHANGES_VERSION);
   1401   trans->directory()->InsertEntry(kernel_);
   1402   trans->SaveOriginal(kernel_);
   1403 }
   1405 MutableEntry::MutableEntry(WriteTransaction* trans, GetById, const Id& id)
   1406     : Entry(trans, GET_BY_ID, id), write_transaction_(trans) {
   1407   trans->SaveOriginal(kernel_);
   1408 }
   1410 MutableEntry::MutableEntry(WriteTransaction* trans, GetByHandle,
   1411                            int64 metahandle)
   1412     : Entry(trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, metahandle), write_transaction_(trans) {
   1413   trans->SaveOriginal(kernel_);
   1414 }
   1416 MutableEntry::MutableEntry(WriteTransaction* trans, GetByClientTag,
   1417                            const std::string& tag)
   1418     : Entry(trans, GET_BY_CLIENT_TAG, tag), write_transaction_(trans) {
   1419   trans->SaveOriginal(kernel_);
   1420 }
   1422 MutableEntry::MutableEntry(WriteTransaction* trans, GetByServerTag,
   1423                            const string& tag)
   1424     : Entry(trans, GET_BY_SERVER_TAG, tag), write_transaction_(trans) {
   1425   trans->SaveOriginal(kernel_);
   1426 }
   1428 bool MutableEntry::PutIsDel(bool is_del) {
   1429   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1430   if (is_del == kernel_->ref(IS_DEL)) {
   1431     return true;
   1432   }
   1433   if (is_del)
   1434     UnlinkFromOrder();
   1436   {
   1437     ScopedKernelLock lock(dir());
   1438     // Some indices don't include deleted items and must be updated
   1439     // upon a value change.
   1440     ScopedIndexUpdater<ParentIdAndHandleIndexer> updater(lock, kernel_,
   1441         dir()->kernel_->parent_id_child_index);
   1443     kernel_->put(IS_DEL, is_del);
   1444     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1445   }
   1447   if (!is_del)
   1448     PutPredecessor(Id());  // Restores position to the 0th index.
   1450   return true;
   1451 }
   1453 bool MutableEntry::Put(Int64Field field, const int64& value) {
   1454   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1455   if (kernel_->ref(field) != value) {
   1456     ScopedKernelLock lock(dir());
   1457     if (SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT == field) {
   1458       ScopedIndexUpdater<ParentIdAndHandleIndexer> updater(lock, kernel_,
   1459           dir()->kernel_->parent_id_child_index);
   1460       kernel_->put(field, value);
   1461     } else {
   1462       kernel_->put(field, value);
   1463     }
   1464     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1465   }
   1466   return true;
   1467 }
   1469 bool MutableEntry::Put(IdField field, const Id& value) {
   1470   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1471   if (kernel_->ref(field) != value) {
   1472     if (ID == field) {
   1473       if (!dir()->ReindexId(kernel_, value))
   1474         return false;
   1475     } else if (PARENT_ID == field) {
   1476       PutParentIdPropertyOnly(value);  // Makes sibling order inconsistent.
   1477       PutPredecessor(Id());  // Fixes up the sibling order inconsistency.
   1478     } else {
   1479       kernel_->put(field, value);
   1480     }
   1481     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1482   }
   1483   return true;
   1484 }
   1486 void MutableEntry::PutParentIdPropertyOnly(const Id& parent_id) {
   1487   dir()->ReindexParentId(kernel_, parent_id);
   1488   kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1489 }
   1491 bool MutableEntry::Put(BaseVersion field, int64 value) {
   1492   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1493   if (kernel_->ref(field) != value) {
   1494     kernel_->put(field, value);
   1495     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1496   }
   1497   return true;
   1498 }
   1500 bool MutableEntry::Put(StringField field, const string& value) {
   1501   return PutImpl(field, value);
   1502 }
   1504 bool MutableEntry::Put(ProtoField field,
   1505                        const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& value) {
   1506   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1507   // TODO(ncarter): This is unfortunately heavyweight.  Can we do
   1508   // better?
   1509   if (kernel_->ref(field).SerializeAsString() != value.SerializeAsString()) {
   1510     kernel_->put(field, value);
   1511     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1512   }
   1513   return true;
   1514 }
   1516 bool MutableEntry::Put(BitField field, bool value) {
   1517   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1518   if (kernel_->ref(field) != value) {
   1519     kernel_->put(field, value);
   1520     kernel_->mark_dirty(GetDirtyIndexHelper());
   1521   }
   1522   return true;
   1523 }
   1525 MetahandleSet* MutableEntry::GetDirtyIndexHelper() {
   1526   return dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles;
   1527 }
   1529 bool MutableEntry::PutUniqueClientTag(const string& new_tag) {
   1530   // There is no SERVER_UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG. This field is similar to ID.
   1531   string old_tag = kernel_->ref(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG);
   1532   if (old_tag == new_tag) {
   1533     return true;
   1534   }
   1536   ScopedKernelLock lock(dir());
   1537   if (!new_tag.empty()) {
   1538     // Make sure your new value is not in there already.
   1539     EntryKernel lookup_kernel_ = *kernel_;
   1540     lookup_kernel_.put(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG, new_tag);
   1541     bool new_tag_conflicts =
   1542         (dir()->kernel_->client_tag_index->count(&lookup_kernel_) > 0);
   1543     if (new_tag_conflicts) {
   1544       return false;
   1545     }
   1546   }
   1548   {
   1549     ScopedIndexUpdater<ClientTagIndexer> index_updater(lock, kernel_,
   1550         dir()->kernel_->client_tag_index);
   1551     kernel_->put(UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG, new_tag);
   1552     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1553   }
   1554   return true;
   1555 }
   1557 bool MutableEntry::PutImpl(StringField field, const string& value) {
   1558   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1559   if (field == UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG) {
   1560     return PutUniqueClientTag(value);
   1561   }
   1563   if (kernel_->ref(field) != value) {
   1564     kernel_->put(field, value);
   1565     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1566   }
   1567   return true;
   1568 }
   1570 bool MutableEntry::Put(IndexedBitField field, bool value) {
   1571   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1572   if (kernel_->ref(field) != value) {
   1573     MetahandleSet* index;
   1574     if (IS_UNSYNCED == field)
   1575       index = dir()->kernel_->unsynced_metahandles;
   1576     else
   1577       index = dir()->kernel_->unapplied_update_metahandles;
   1579     ScopedKernelLock lock(dir());
   1580     if (value)
   1581       CHECK(index->insert(kernel_->ref(META_HANDLE)).second);
   1582     else
   1583       CHECK_EQ(1U, index->erase(kernel_->ref(META_HANDLE)));
   1584     kernel_->put(field, value);
   1585     kernel_->mark_dirty(dir()->kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1586   }
   1587   return true;
   1588 }
   1590 void MutableEntry::UnlinkFromOrder() {
   1591   ScopedKernelLock lock(dir());
   1592   dir()->UnlinkEntryFromOrder(kernel_, write_transaction(), &lock);
   1593 }
   1595 void Directory::UnlinkEntryFromOrder(EntryKernel* entry,
   1596                                      WriteTransaction* trans,
   1597                                      ScopedKernelLock* lock) {
   1598   CHECK(!trans || this == trans->directory());
   1599   Id old_previous = entry->ref(PREV_ID);
   1600   Id old_next = entry->ref(NEXT_ID);
   1602   entry->put(NEXT_ID, entry->ref(ID));
   1603   entry->put(PREV_ID, entry->ref(ID));
   1604   entry->mark_dirty(kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1606   if (!old_previous.IsRoot()) {
   1607     if (old_previous == old_next) {
   1608       // Note previous == next doesn't imply previous == next == Get(ID). We
   1609       // could have prev==next=="c-XX" and Get(ID)=="sX..." if an item was added
   1610       // and deleted before receiving the server ID in the commit response.
   1611       CHECK((old_next == entry->ref(ID)) || !old_next.ServerKnows());
   1612       return;  // Done if we were already self-looped (hence unlinked).
   1613     }
   1614     EntryKernel* previous_entry = GetEntryById(old_previous, lock);
   1615     CHECK(previous_entry);
   1616     if (trans)
   1617       trans->SaveOriginal(previous_entry);
   1618     previous_entry->put(NEXT_ID, old_next);
   1619     previous_entry->mark_dirty(kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1620   }
   1622   if (!old_next.IsRoot()) {
   1623     EntryKernel* next_entry = GetEntryById(old_next, lock);
   1624     CHECK(next_entry);
   1625     if (trans)
   1626       trans->SaveOriginal(next_entry);
   1627     next_entry->put(PREV_ID, old_previous);
   1628     next_entry->mark_dirty(kernel_->dirty_metahandles);
   1629   }
   1630 }
   1632 bool MutableEntry::PutPredecessor(const Id& predecessor_id) {
   1633   UnlinkFromOrder();
   1635   if (Get(IS_DEL)) {
   1636     DCHECK(predecessor_id.IsNull());
   1637     return true;
   1638   }
   1640   // TODO(ncarter): It should be possible to not maintain position for
   1641   // non-bookmark items.  However, we'd need to robustly handle all possible
   1642   // permutations of setting IS_DEL and the SPECIFICS to identify the
   1643   // object type; or else, we'd need to add a ModelType to the
   1644   // MutableEntry's Create ctor.
   1645   //   if (!ShouldMaintainPosition()) {
   1646   //     return false;
   1647   //   }
   1649   // This is classic insert-into-doubly-linked-list from CS 101 and your last
   1650   // job interview.  An "IsRoot" Id signifies the head or tail.
   1651   Id successor_id;
   1652   if (!predecessor_id.IsRoot()) {
   1653     MutableEntry predecessor(write_transaction(), GET_BY_ID, predecessor_id);
   1654     CHECK(predecessor.good());
   1655     if (predecessor.Get(PARENT_ID) != Get(PARENT_ID))
   1656       return false;
   1657     successor_id = predecessor.Get(NEXT_ID);
   1658     predecessor.Put(NEXT_ID, Get(ID));
   1659   } else {
   1660     syncable::Directory* dir = trans()->directory();
   1661     successor_id = dir->GetFirstChildId(trans(), Get(PARENT_ID));
   1662   }
   1663   if (!successor_id.IsRoot()) {
   1664     MutableEntry successor(write_transaction(), GET_BY_ID, successor_id);
   1665     CHECK(successor.good());
   1666     if (successor.Get(PARENT_ID) != Get(PARENT_ID))
   1667       return false;
   1668     successor.Put(PREV_ID, Get(ID));
   1669   }
   1670   DCHECK(predecessor_id != Get(ID));
   1671   DCHECK(successor_id != Get(ID));
   1672   Put(PREV_ID, predecessor_id);
   1673   Put(NEXT_ID, successor_id);
   1674   return true;
   1675 }
   1677 bool MutableEntry::Put(BitTemp field, bool value) {
   1678   DCHECK(kernel_);
   1679   kernel_->put(field, value);
   1680   return true;
   1681 }
   1683 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1684 // High-level functions
   1686 int64 Directory::NextMetahandle() {
   1687   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
   1688   int64 metahandle = (kernel_->next_metahandle)++;
   1689   return metahandle;
   1690 }
   1692 // Always returns a client ID that is the string representation of a negative
   1693 // number.
   1694 Id Directory::NextId() {
   1695   int64 result;
   1696   {
   1697     ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
   1698     result = (kernel_->persisted_info.next_id)--;
   1699     kernel_->info_status = KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY;
   1700   }
   1701   DCHECK_LT(result, 0);
   1702   return Id::CreateFromClientString(base::Int64ToString(result));
   1703 }
   1705 Id Directory::GetFirstChildId(BaseTransaction* trans,
   1706                               const Id& parent_id) {
   1707   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
   1708   // We can use the server positional ordering as a hint because it's generally
   1709   // in sync with the local (linked-list) positional ordering, and we have an
   1710   // index on it.
   1711   ParentIdChildIndex::iterator candidate =
   1712       GetParentChildIndexLowerBound(lock, parent_id);
   1713   ParentIdChildIndex::iterator end_range =
   1714       GetParentChildIndexUpperBound(lock, parent_id);
   1715   for (; candidate != end_range; ++candidate) {
   1716     EntryKernel* entry = *candidate;
   1717     // Filter out self-looped items, which are temporarily not in the child
   1718     // ordering.
   1719     if (entry->ref(PREV_ID).IsRoot() ||
   1720         entry->ref(PREV_ID) != entry->ref(NEXT_ID)) {
   1721       // Walk to the front of the list; the server position ordering
   1722       // is commonly identical to the linked-list ordering, but pending
   1723       // unsynced or unapplied items may diverge.
   1724       while (!entry->ref(PREV_ID).IsRoot()) {
   1725         entry = GetEntryById(entry->ref(PREV_ID), &lock);
   1726       }
   1727       return entry->ref(ID);
   1728     }
   1729   }
   1730   // There were no children in the linked list.
   1731   return Id();
   1732 }
   1734 Id Directory::GetLastChildId(BaseTransaction* trans,
   1735                              const Id& parent_id) {
   1736   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
   1737   // We can use the server positional ordering as a hint because it's generally
   1738   // in sync with the local (linked-list) positional ordering, and we have an
   1739   // index on it.
   1740   ParentIdChildIndex::iterator begin_range =
   1741       GetParentChildIndexLowerBound(lock, parent_id);
   1742   ParentIdChildIndex::iterator candidate =
   1743       GetParentChildIndexUpperBound(lock, parent_id);
   1745   while (begin_range != candidate) {
   1746     --candidate;
   1747     EntryKernel* entry = *candidate;
   1749     // Filter out self-looped items, which are temporarily not in the child
   1750     // ordering.
   1751     if (entry->ref(NEXT_ID).IsRoot() ||
   1752         entry->ref(NEXT_ID) != entry->ref(PREV_ID)) {
   1753       // Walk to the back of the list; the server position ordering
   1754       // is commonly identical to the linked-list ordering, but pending
   1755       // unsynced or unapplied items may diverge.
   1756       while (!entry->ref(NEXT_ID).IsRoot())
   1757         entry = GetEntryById(entry->ref(NEXT_ID), &lock);
   1758       return entry->ref(ID);
   1759     }
   1760   }
   1761   // There were no children in the linked list.
   1762   return Id();
   1763 }
   1765 Id Directory::ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(
   1766     const EntryKernel* entry,
   1767     const syncable::Id& parent_id) {
   1768   ScopedKernelLock lock(this);
   1770   // Find the natural insertion point in the parent_id_child_index, and
   1771   // work back from there, filtering out ineligible candidates.
   1772   ParentIdChildIndex::iterator sibling = LocateInParentChildIndex(lock,
   1773       parent_id, entry->ref(SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT), entry->ref(ID));
   1774   ParentIdChildIndex::iterator first_sibling =
   1775       GetParentChildIndexLowerBound(lock, parent_id);
   1777   while (sibling != first_sibling) {
   1778     --sibling;
   1779     EntryKernel* candidate = *sibling;
   1781     // The item itself should never be in the range under consideration.
   1782     DCHECK_NE(candidate->ref(META_HANDLE), entry->ref(META_HANDLE));
   1784     // Ignore unapplied updates -- they might not even be server-siblings.
   1785     if (candidate->ref(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE))
   1786       continue;
   1788     // We can't trust the SERVER_ fields of unsynced items, but they are
   1789     // potentially legitimate local predecessors.  In the case where
   1790     // |update_item| and an unsynced item wind up in the same insertion
   1791     // position, we need to choose how to order them.  The following check puts
   1792     // the unapplied update first; removing it would put the unsynced item(s)
   1793     // first.
   1794     if (candidate->ref(IS_UNSYNCED))
   1795       continue;
   1797     // Skip over self-looped items, which are not valid predecessors.  This
   1798     // shouldn't happen in practice, but is worth defending against.
   1799     if (candidate->ref(PREV_ID) == candidate->ref(NEXT_ID) &&
   1800         !candidate->ref(PREV_ID).IsRoot()) {
   1801       NOTREACHED();
   1802       continue;
   1803     }
   1804     return candidate->ref(ID);
   1805   }
   1806   // This item will be the first in the sibling order.
   1807   return Id();
   1808 }
   1810 bool IsLegalNewParent(BaseTransaction* trans, const Id& entry_id,
   1811                       const Id& new_parent_id) {
   1812   if (entry_id.IsRoot())
   1813     return false;
   1814   // we have to ensure that the entry is not an ancestor of the new parent.
   1815   Id ancestor_id = new_parent_id;
   1816   while (!ancestor_id.IsRoot()) {
   1817     if (entry_id == ancestor_id)
   1818       return false;
   1819     Entry new_parent(trans, GET_BY_ID, ancestor_id);
   1820     CHECK(new_parent.good());
   1821     ancestor_id = new_parent.Get(PARENT_ID);
   1822   }
   1823   return true;
   1824 }
   1826 // This function sets only the flags needed to get this entry to sync.
   1827 void MarkForSyncing(syncable::MutableEntry* e) {
   1828   DCHECK_NE(static_cast<MutableEntry*>(NULL), e);
   1829   DCHECK(!e->IsRoot()) << "We shouldn't mark a permanent object for syncing.";
   1830   e->Put(IS_UNSYNCED, true);
   1831   e->Put(SYNCING, false);
   1832 }
   1834 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Entry& entry) {
   1835   int i;
   1836   EntryKernel* const kernel = entry.kernel_;
   1837   for (i = BEGIN_FIELDS; i < INT64_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
   1838     os << g_metas_columns[i].name << ": "
   1839        << kernel->ref(static_cast<Int64Field>(i)) << ", ";
   1840   }
   1841   for ( ; i < ID_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
   1842     os << g_metas_columns[i].name << ": "
   1843        << kernel->ref(static_cast<IdField>(i)) << ", ";
   1844   }
   1845   os << "Flags: ";
   1846   for ( ; i < BIT_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
   1847     if (kernel->ref(static_cast<BitField>(i)))
   1848       os << g_metas_columns[i].name << ", ";
   1849   }
   1850   for ( ; i < STRING_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
   1851     const string& field = kernel->ref(static_cast<StringField>(i));
   1852     os << g_metas_columns[i].name << ": " << field << ", ";
   1853   }
   1854   for ( ; i < PROTO_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
   1855     os << g_metas_columns[i].name << ": "
   1856        << EscapePath(
   1857            kernel->ref(static_cast<ProtoField>(i)).SerializeAsString())
   1858        << ", ";
   1859   }
   1860   os << "TempFlags: ";
   1861   for ( ; i < BIT_TEMPS_END; ++i) {
   1862     if (kernel->ref(static_cast<BitTemp>(i)))
   1863       os << "#" << i - BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN << ", ";
   1864   }
   1865   return os;
   1866 }
   1868 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Blob& blob) {
   1869   for (Blob::const_iterator i = blob.begin(); i != blob.end(); ++i)
   1870     s << std::hex << std::setw(2)
   1871       << std::setfill('0') << static_cast<unsigned int>(*i);
   1872   return s << std::dec;
   1873 }
   1875 Directory::ParentIdChildIndex::iterator Directory::LocateInParentChildIndex(
   1876     const ScopedKernelLock& lock,
   1877     const Id& parent_id,
   1878     int64 position_in_parent,
   1879     const Id& item_id_for_tiebreaking) {
   1880   kernel_->needle.put(PARENT_ID, parent_id);
   1881   kernel_->needle.put(SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT, position_in_parent);
   1882   kernel_->needle.put(ID, item_id_for_tiebreaking);
   1883   return kernel_->parent_id_child_index->lower_bound(&kernel_->needle);
   1884 }
   1886 Directory::ParentIdChildIndex::iterator
   1887 Directory::GetParentChildIndexLowerBound(const ScopedKernelLock& lock,
   1888                                          const Id& parent_id) {
   1889   // Peg the parent ID, and use the least values for the remaining
   1890   // index variables.
   1891   return LocateInParentChildIndex(lock, parent_id,
   1892       std::numeric_limits<int64>::min(),
   1893       Id::GetLeastIdForLexicographicComparison());
   1894 }
   1897 Directory::ParentIdChildIndex::iterator
   1898 Directory::GetParentChildIndexUpperBound(const ScopedKernelLock& lock,
   1899                                          const Id& parent_id) {
   1900   // The upper bound of |parent_id|'s range is the lower
   1901   // bound of |++parent_id|'s range.
   1902   return GetParentChildIndexLowerBound(lock,
   1903       parent_id.GetLexicographicSuccessor());
   1904 }
   1906 }  // namespace syncable