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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/allocator/allocator_shim.h"
      7 #include <config.h>
      8 #include "base/allocator/allocator_extension_thunks.h"
      9 #include "base/profiler/alternate_timer.h"
     10 #include "base/sysinfo.h"
     11 #include "jemalloc.h"
     13 // When defined, different heap allocators can be used via an environment
     14 // variable set before running the program.  This may reduce the amount
     15 // of inlining that we get with malloc/free/etc.  Disabling makes it
     16 // so that only tcmalloc can be used.
     19 // TODO(mbelshe): Ensure that all calls to tcmalloc have the proper call depth
     20 // from the "user code" so that debugging tools (HeapChecker) can work.
     22 // __THROW is defined in glibc systems.  It means, counter-intuitively,
     23 // "This function will never throw an exception."  It's an optional
     24 // optimization tool, but we may need to use it to match glibc prototypes.
     25 #ifndef __THROW    // I guess we're not on a glibc system
     26 # define __THROW   // __THROW is just an optimization, so ok to make it ""
     27 #endif
     29 // new_mode behaves similarly to MSVC's _set_new_mode.
     30 // If flag is 0 (default), calls to malloc will behave normally.
     31 // If flag is 1, calls to malloc will behave like calls to new,
     32 // and the std_new_handler will be invoked on failure.
     33 // Can be set by calling _set_new_mode().
     34 static int new_mode = 0;
     36 typedef enum {
     37   TCMALLOC,    // TCMalloc is the default allocator.
     38   JEMALLOC,    // JEMalloc.
     39   WINHEAP,  // Windows Heap (standard Windows allocator).
     40   WINLFH,      // Windows LFH Heap.
     41 } Allocator;
     43 // This is the default allocator. This value can be changed at startup by
     44 // specifying environment variables shown below it.
     45 // See SetupSubprocessAllocator() to specify a default secondary (subprocess)
     46 // allocator.
     47 // TODO(jar): Switch to using TCMALLOC for the renderer as well.
     48 #if (defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && defined(OS_WIN))
     49 // The Windows implementation of Asan requires the use of "WINHEAP".
     50 static Allocator allocator = WINHEAP;
     51 #else
     52 static Allocator allocator = TCMALLOC;
     53 #endif
     54 // The names of the environment variables that can optionally control the
     55 // selection of the allocator.  The primary may be used to control overall
     56 // allocator selection, and the secondary can be used to specify an allocator
     57 // to use in sub-processes.
     58 static const char primary_name[] = "CHROME_ALLOCATOR";
     59 static const char secondary_name[] = "CHROME_ALLOCATOR_2";
     61 // We include tcmalloc and the win_allocator to get as much inlining as
     62 // possible.
     63 #include "debugallocation_shim.cc"
     64 #include "win_allocator.cc"
     66 // Forward declarations from jemalloc.
     67 extern "C" {
     68 void* je_malloc(size_t s);
     69 void* je_realloc(void* p, size_t s);
     70 void je_free(void* s);
     71 size_t je_msize(void* p);
     72 bool je_malloc_init_hard();
     73 void* je_memalign(size_t a, size_t s);
     74 }
     76 // Call the new handler, if one has been set.
     77 // Returns true on successfully calling the handler, false otherwise.
     78 inline bool call_new_handler(bool nothrow) {
     79   // Get the current new handler.  NB: this function is not
     80   // thread-safe.  We make a feeble stab at making it so here, but
     81   // this lock only protects against tcmalloc interfering with
     82   // itself, not with other libraries calling set_new_handler.
     83   std::new_handler nh;
     84   {
     85     SpinLockHolder h(&set_new_handler_lock);
     86     nh = std::set_new_handler(0);
     87     (void) std::set_new_handler(nh);
     88   }
     89 #if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) || \
     90     (defined(_HAS_EXCEPTIONS) && !_HAS_EXCEPTIONS)
     91   if (!nh)
     92     return false;
     93   // Since exceptions are disabled, we don't really know if new_handler
     94   // failed.  Assume it will abort if it fails.
     95   (*nh)();
     96   return false;  // break out of the retry loop.
     97 #else
     98   // If no new_handler is established, the allocation failed.
     99   if (!nh) {
    100     if (nothrow)
    101       return false;
    102     throw std::bad_alloc();
    103   }
    104   // Otherwise, try the new_handler.  If it returns, retry the
    105   // allocation.  If it throws std::bad_alloc, fail the allocation.
    106   // if it throws something else, don't interfere.
    107   try {
    108     (*nh)();
    109   } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {
    110     if (!nothrow)
    111       throw;
    112     return true;
    113   }
    114 #endif  // (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) || (defined(_HAS_EXCEPTIONS) && !_HAS_EXCEPTIONS)
    115   return false;
    116 }
    118 extern "C" {
    119 void* malloc(size_t size) __THROW {
    120   void* ptr;
    121   for (;;) {
    123     switch (allocator) {
    124       case JEMALLOC:
    125         ptr = je_malloc(size);
    126         break;
    127       case WINHEAP:
    128       case WINLFH:
    129         ptr = win_heap_malloc(size);
    130         break;
    131       case TCMALLOC:
    132       default:
    133         ptr = do_malloc(size);
    134         break;
    135     }
    136 #else
    137     // TCMalloc case.
    138     ptr = do_malloc(size);
    139 #endif
    140     if (ptr)
    141       return ptr;
    143     if (!new_mode || !call_new_handler(true))
    144       break;
    145   }
    146   return ptr;
    147 }
    149 void free(void* p) __THROW {
    151   switch (allocator) {
    152     case JEMALLOC:
    153       je_free(p);
    154       return;
    155     case WINHEAP:
    156     case WINLFH:
    157       win_heap_free(p);
    158       return;
    159   }
    160 #endif
    161   // TCMalloc case.
    162   do_free(p);
    163 }
    165 void* realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) __THROW {
    166   // Webkit is brittle for allocators that return NULL for malloc(0).  The
    167   // realloc(0, 0) code path does not guarantee a non-NULL return, so be sure
    168   // to call malloc for this case.
    169   if (!ptr)
    170     return malloc(size);
    172   void* new_ptr;
    173   for (;;) {
    175     switch (allocator) {
    176       case JEMALLOC:
    177         new_ptr = je_realloc(ptr, size);
    178         break;
    179       case WINHEAP:
    180       case WINLFH:
    181         new_ptr = win_heap_realloc(ptr, size);
    182         break;
    183       case TCMALLOC:
    184       default:
    185         new_ptr = do_realloc(ptr, size);
    186         break;
    187     }
    188 #else
    189     // TCMalloc case.
    190     new_ptr = do_realloc(ptr, size);
    191 #endif
    193     // Subtle warning:  NULL return does not alwas indicate out-of-memory.  If
    194     // the requested new size is zero, realloc should free the ptr and return
    195     // NULL.
    196     if (new_ptr || !size)
    197       return new_ptr;
    198     if (!new_mode || !call_new_handler(true))
    199       break;
    200   }
    201   return new_ptr;
    202 }
    204 // TODO(mbelshe): Implement this for other allocators.
    205 void malloc_stats(void) __THROW {
    207   switch (allocator) {
    208     case JEMALLOC:
    209       // No stats.
    210       return;
    211     case WINHEAP:
    212     case WINLFH:
    213       // No stats.
    214       return;
    215   }
    216 #endif
    217   tc_malloc_stats();
    218 }
    220 #ifdef WIN32
    222 extern "C" size_t _msize(void* p) {
    224   switch (allocator) {
    225     case JEMALLOC:
    226       return je_msize(p);
    227     case WINHEAP:
    228     case WINLFH:
    229       return win_heap_msize(p);
    230   }
    231 #endif
    232   return MallocExtension::instance()->GetAllocatedSize(p);
    233 }
    235 // This is included to resolve references from libcmt.
    236 extern "C" intptr_t _get_heap_handle() {
    237   return 0;
    238 }
    240 static bool get_allocator_waste_size_thunk(size_t* size) {
    242   switch (allocator) {
    243     case JEMALLOC:
    244     case WINHEAP:
    245     case WINLFH:
    246       // TODO(alexeif): Implement for allocators other than tcmalloc.
    247       return false;
    248   }
    249 #endif
    250   size_t heap_size, allocated_bytes, unmapped_bytes;
    251   MallocExtension* ext = MallocExtension::instance();
    252   if (ext->GetNumericProperty("generic.heap_size", &heap_size) &&
    253       ext->GetNumericProperty("generic.current_allocated_bytes",
    254                               &allocated_bytes) &&
    255       ext->GetNumericProperty("tcmalloc.pageheap_unmapped_bytes",
    256                               &unmapped_bytes)) {
    257     *size = heap_size - allocated_bytes - unmapped_bytes;
    258     return true;
    259   }
    260   return false;
    261 }
    263 static void get_stats_thunk(char* buffer, int buffer_length) {
    264   MallocExtension::instance()->GetStats(buffer, buffer_length);
    265 }
    267 static void release_free_memory_thunk() {
    268   MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseFreeMemory();
    269 }
    271 // The CRT heap initialization stub.
    272 extern "C" int _heap_init() {
    274 // Don't use the environment variable if ADDRESS_SANITIZER is defined on
    275 // Windows, as the implementation requires Winheap to be the allocator.
    276 #if !(defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && defined(OS_WIN))
    277   const char* environment_value = GetenvBeforeMain(primary_name);
    278   if (environment_value) {
    279     if (!stricmp(environment_value, "jemalloc"))
    280       allocator = JEMALLOC;
    281     else if (!stricmp(environment_value, "winheap"))
    282       allocator = WINHEAP;
    283     else if (!stricmp(environment_value, "winlfh"))
    284       allocator = WINLFH;
    285     else if (!stricmp(environment_value, "tcmalloc"))
    286       allocator = TCMALLOC;
    287   }
    288 #endif
    290   switch (allocator) {
    291     case JEMALLOC:
    292       return je_malloc_init_hard() ? 0 : 1;
    293     case WINHEAP:
    294       return win_heap_init(false) ? 1 : 0;
    295     case WINLFH:
    296       return win_heap_init(true) ? 1 : 0;
    297     case TCMALLOC:
    298     default:
    299       // fall through
    300       break;
    301   }
    302 #endif
    303   // Initializing tcmalloc.
    304   // We intentionally leak this object.  It lasts for the process
    305   // lifetime.  Trying to teardown at _heap_term() is so late that
    306   // you can't do anything useful anyway.
    307   new TCMallocGuard();
    309   // Provide optional hook for monitoring allocation quantities on a per-thread
    310   // basis.  Only set the hook if the environment indicates this needs to be
    311   // enabled.
    312   const char* profiling =
    313       GetenvBeforeMain(tracked_objects::kAlternateProfilerTime);
    314   if (profiling && *profiling == '1') {
    315     tracked_objects::SetAlternateTimeSource(
    316         tcmalloc::ThreadCache::GetBytesAllocatedOnCurrentThread,
    317         tracked_objects::TIME_SOURCE_TYPE_TCMALLOC);
    318   }
    320   base::allocator::thunks::SetGetAllocatorWasteSizeFunction(
    321       get_allocator_waste_size_thunk);
    322   base::allocator::thunks::SetGetStatsFunction(get_stats_thunk);
    323   base::allocator::thunks::SetReleaseFreeMemoryFunction(
    324       release_free_memory_thunk);
    326   return 1;
    327 }
    329 // The CRT heap cleanup stub.
    330 extern "C" void _heap_term() {}
    332 // We set this to 1 because part of the CRT uses a check of _crtheap != 0
    333 // to test whether the CRT has been initialized.  Once we've ripped out
    334 // the allocators from libcmt, we need to provide this definition so that
    335 // the rest of the CRT is still usable.
    336 extern "C" void* _crtheap = reinterpret_cast<void*>(1);
    338 // Provide support for aligned memory through Windows only _aligned_malloc().
    339 void* _aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
    340   // _aligned_malloc guarantees parameter validation, so do so here.  These
    341   // checks are somewhat stricter than _aligned_malloc() since we're effectively
    342   // using memalign() under the hood.
    343   DCHECK_GT(size, 0U);
    344   DCHECK_EQ(alignment & (alignment - 1), 0U);
    345   DCHECK_EQ(alignment % sizeof(void*), 0U);
    347   void* ptr;
    348   for (;;) {
    350     switch (allocator) {
    351       case JEMALLOC:
    352         ptr = je_memalign(alignment, size);
    353         break;
    354       case WINHEAP:
    355       case WINLFH:
    356         ptr = win_heap_memalign(alignment, size);
    357         break;
    358       case TCMALLOC:
    359       default:
    360         ptr = tc_memalign(alignment, size);
    361         break;
    362     }
    363 #else
    364     // TCMalloc case.
    365     ptr = tc_memalign(alignment, size);
    366 #endif
    367     if (ptr) {
    368       // Sanity check alignment.
    369       DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) & (alignment - 1), 0U);
    370       return ptr;
    371     }
    373     if (!new_mode || !call_new_handler(true))
    374       break;
    375   }
    376   return ptr;
    377 }
    379 void _aligned_free(void* p) {
    380   // Both JEMalloc and TCMalloc return pointers from memalign() that are safe to
    381   // use with free().  Pointers allocated with win_heap_memalign() MUST be freed
    382   // via win_heap_memalign_free() since the aligned pointer is not the real one.
    384   switch (allocator) {
    385     case JEMALLOC:
    386       je_free(p);
    387       return;
    388     case WINHEAP:
    389     case WINLFH:
    390       win_heap_memalign_free(p);
    391       return;
    392   }
    393 #endif
    394   // TCMalloc case.
    395   do_free(p);
    396 }
    398 #endif  // WIN32
    400 #include "generic_allocators.cc"
    402 }  // extern C
    404 namespace base {
    405 namespace allocator {
    407 void SetupSubprocessAllocator() {
    409   size_t primary_length = 0;
    410   getenv_s(&primary_length, NULL, 0, primary_name);
    412   size_t secondary_length = 0;
    413   char buffer[20];
    414   getenv_s(&secondary_length, buffer, sizeof(buffer), secondary_name);
    415   DCHECK_GT(sizeof(buffer), secondary_length);
    416   buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
    418   if (secondary_length || !primary_length) {
    419     // Don't use the environment variable if ADDRESS_SANITIZER is defined on
    420     // Windows, as the implementation require Winheap to be the allocator.
    421 #if !(defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && defined(OS_WIN))
    422     const char* secondary_value = secondary_length ? buffer : "TCMALLOC";
    423     // Force renderer (or other subprocesses) to use secondary_value.
    424 #else
    425     const char* secondary_value = "WINHEAP";
    426 #endif
    427     int ret_val = _putenv_s(primary_name, secondary_value);
    428     DCHECK_EQ(0, ret_val);
    429   }
    431 }
    433 void* TCMallocDoMallocForTest(size_t size) {
    434   return do_malloc(size);
    435 }
    437 void TCMallocDoFreeForTest(void* ptr) {
    438   do_free(ptr);
    439 }
    441 size_t ExcludeSpaceForMarkForTest(size_t size) {
    442   return ExcludeSpaceForMark(size);
    443 }
    445 }  // namespace allocator.
    446 }  // namespace base.