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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <semaphore.h>
     18 #include <errno.h>
     19 #include "OverrideLog.h"
     20 #include "NfcJniUtil.h"
     21 #include "NfcAdaptation.h"
     22 #include "SyncEvent.h"
     23 #include "PeerToPeer.h"
     24 #include "SecureElement.h"
     25 #include "RoutingManager.h"
     26 #include "NfcTag.h"
     27 #include "config.h"
     28 #include "PowerSwitch.h"
     29 #include "JavaClassConstants.h"
     30 #include "Pn544Interop.h"
     31 #include <ScopedLocalRef.h>
     32 #include <ScopedUtfChars.h>
     33 #include <ScopedPrimitiveArray.h>
     35 extern "C"
     36 {
     37     #include "nfa_api.h"
     38     #include "nfa_p2p_api.h"
     39     #include "rw_api.h"
     40     #include "nfa_ee_api.h"
     41     #include "nfc_brcm_defs.h"
     42     #include "ce_api.h"
     43 }
     45 extern UINT8 *p_nfa_dm_start_up_cfg;
     46 extern const UINT8 nfca_version_string [];
     47 extern const UINT8 nfa_version_string [];
     48 extern tNFA_DM_DISC_FREQ_CFG* p_nfa_dm_rf_disc_freq_cfg; //defined in stack
     49 namespace android
     50 {
     51     extern bool gIsTagDeactivating;
     52     extern bool gIsSelectingRfInterface;
     53     extern void nativeNfcTag_doTransceiveStatus (uint8_t * buf, uint32_t buflen);
     54     extern void nativeNfcTag_notifyRfTimeout ();
     55     extern void nativeNfcTag_doConnectStatus (jboolean is_connect_ok);
     56     extern void nativeNfcTag_doDeactivateStatus (int status);
     57     extern void nativeNfcTag_doWriteStatus (jboolean is_write_ok);
     58     extern void nativeNfcTag_doCheckNdefResult (tNFA_STATUS status, uint32_t max_size, uint32_t current_size, uint8_t flags);
     59     extern void nativeNfcTag_doMakeReadonlyResult (tNFA_STATUS status);
     60     extern void nativeNfcTag_doPresenceCheckResult (tNFA_STATUS status);
     61     extern void nativeNfcTag_formatStatus (bool is_ok);
     62     extern void nativeNfcTag_resetPresenceCheck ();
     63     extern void nativeNfcTag_doReadCompleted (tNFA_STATUS status);
     64     extern void nativeNfcTag_abortWaits ();
     65     extern void nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_abortWait ();
     66     extern void nativeNfcTag_registerNdefTypeHandler ();
     67     extern void nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_receiveData (uint8_t* data, uint32_t len, uint32_t remote_sap);
     68 }
     71 /*****************************************************************************
     72 **
     73 ** public variables and functions
     74 **
     75 *****************************************************************************/
     76 bool                        gActivated = false;
     77 SyncEvent                   gDeactivatedEvent;
     79 namespace android
     80 {
     81     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyNdefMessageListeners;
     82     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyTransactionListeners;
     83     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkActivation;
     84     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkDeactivated;
     85     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpFirstPacketReceived;
     86     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldActivated;
     87     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldDeactivated;
     88     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenActivated;
     89     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenDeactivated;
     90     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyHostEmuActivated;
     91     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyHostEmuData;
     92     jmethodID               gCachedNfcManagerNotifyHostEmuDeactivated;
     93     const char*             gNativeP2pDeviceClassName                 = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice";
     94     const char*             gNativeLlcpServiceSocketClassName         = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpServiceSocket";
     95     const char*             gNativeLlcpConnectionlessSocketClassName  = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket";
     96     const char*             gNativeLlcpSocketClassName                = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpSocket";
     97     const char*             gNativeNfcTagClassName                    = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcTag";
     98     const char*             gNativeNfcManagerClassName                = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcManager";
     99     const char*             gNativeNfcSecureElementClassName          = "com/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcSecureElement";
    100     void                    doStartupConfig ();
    101     void                    startStopPolling (bool isStartPolling);
    102     void                    startRfDiscovery (bool isStart);
    103     void                    setUiccIdleTimeout (bool enable);
    104     void                    restartPollingWithTechMask(int mask);
    105 }
    108 /*****************************************************************************
    109 **
    110 ** private variables and functions
    111 **
    112 *****************************************************************************/
    113 namespace android
    114 {
    115 static jint                 sLastError = ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
    116 static jmethodID            sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeApduReceived;
    117 static jmethodID            sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeMifareAccess;
    118 static jmethodID            sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeEmvCardRemoval;
    119 static jmethodID            sCachedNfcManagerNotifyTargetDeselected;
    120 static SyncEvent            sNfaEnableEvent;  //event for NFA_Enable()
    121 static SyncEvent            sNfaDisableEvent;  //event for NFA_Disable()
    122 static SyncEvent            sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent;  //event for NFA_EnablePolling(), NFA_DisablePolling()
    123 static SyncEvent            sNfaSetConfigEvent;  // event for Set_Config....
    124 static SyncEvent            sNfaGetConfigEvent;  // event for Get_Config....
    125 static bool                 sIsNfaEnabled = false;
    126 static bool                 sDiscoveryEnabled = false;  //is polling for tag?
    127 static bool                 sIsDisabling = false;
    128 static bool                 sRfEnabled = false; // whether RF discovery is enabled
    129 static bool                 sSeRfActive = false;  // whether RF with SE is likely active
    130 static bool                 sReaderModeEnabled = false; // whether we're only reading tags, not allowing P2p/card emu
    131 static bool                 sP2pActive = false; // whether p2p was last active
    132 static bool                 sAbortConnlessWait = false;
    133 static bool                 sIsSecElemSelected = false;  //has NFC service selected a sec elem
    134 #define CONFIG_UPDATE_TECH_MASK     (1 << 1)
    135 #define DEFAULT_TECH_MASK           (NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A \
    136                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B \
    137                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F \
    138                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_ISO15693 \
    139                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B_PRIME \
    140                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE \
    141                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE \
    142                                      | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_KOVIO)
    143 #define DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_DURATION       500
    146 static void nfaConnectionCallback (UINT8 event, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA *eventData);
    147 static void nfaDeviceManagementCallback (UINT8 event, tNFA_DM_CBACK_DATA *eventData);
    148 static bool isPeerToPeer (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated);
    149 static bool isListenMode(tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated);
    151 static UINT16 sCurrentConfigLen;
    152 static UINT8 sConfig[256];
    154 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    155 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    158 /*******************************************************************************
    159 **
    160 ** Function:        getNative
    161 **
    162 ** Description:     Get native data
    163 **
    164 ** Returns:         Native data structure.
    165 **
    166 *******************************************************************************/
    167 nfc_jni_native_data *getNative (JNIEnv* e, jobject o)
    168 {
    169     static struct nfc_jni_native_data *sCachedNat = NULL;
    170     if (e)
    171     {
    172         sCachedNat = nfc_jni_get_nat(e, o);
    173     }
    174     return sCachedNat;
    175 }
    178 /*******************************************************************************
    179 **
    180 ** Function:        handleRfDiscoveryEvent
    181 **
    182 ** Description:     Handle RF-discovery events from the stack.
    183 **                  discoveredDevice: Discovered device.
    184 **
    185 ** Returns:         None
    186 **
    187 *******************************************************************************/
    188 static void handleRfDiscoveryEvent (tNFC_RESULT_DEVT* discoveredDevice)
    189 {
    190     if (discoveredDevice->more)
    191     {
    192         //there is more discovery notification coming
    193         return;
    194     }
    196     bool isP2p = NfcTag::getInstance ().isP2pDiscovered ();
    197     if (!sReaderModeEnabled && isP2p)
    198     {
    199         //select the peer that supports P2P
    200         NfcTag::getInstance ().selectP2p();
    201     }
    202     else
    203     {
    204         //select the first of multiple tags that is discovered
    205         NfcTag::getInstance ().selectFirstTag();
    206     }
    207 }
    210 /*******************************************************************************
    211 **
    212 ** Function:        nfaConnectionCallback
    213 **
    214 ** Description:     Receive connection-related events from stack.
    215 **                  connEvent: Event code.
    216 **                  eventData: Event data.
    217 **
    218 ** Returns:         None
    219 **
    220 *******************************************************************************/
    221 static void nfaConnectionCallback (UINT8 connEvent, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA* eventData)
    222 {
    223     tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_STATUS_FAILED;
    224     ALOGD("%s: event= %u", __FUNCTION__, connEvent);
    226     switch (connEvent)
    227     {
    228     case NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT: // whether polling successfully started
    229         {
    230             ALOGD("%s: NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    232             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
    233             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne ();
    234         }
    235         break;
    237     case NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT: // Listening/Polling stopped
    238         {
    239             ALOGD("%s: NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    241             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
    242             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne ();
    243         }
    244         break;
    246     case NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STARTED_EVT: // RF Discovery started
    247         {
    248             ALOGD("%s: NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STARTED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    250             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
    251             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne ();
    252         }
    253         break;
    255     case NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT: // RF Discovery stopped event
    256         {
    257             ALOGD("%s: NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT: status = %u", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    259             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
    260             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne ();
    261         }
    262         break;
    264     case NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT: // NFC link/protocol discovery notificaiton
    265         status = eventData->disc_result.status;
    266         ALOGD("%s: NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status);
    267         if (status != NFA_STATUS_OK)
    268         {
    269             ALOGE("%s: NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status);
    270         }
    271         else
    272         {
    273             NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler(connEvent, eventData);
    274             handleRfDiscoveryEvent(&eventData->disc_result.discovery_ntf);
    275         }
    276         break;
    278     case NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT: // NFC link/protocol discovery select response
    279         ALOGD("%s: NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT: status = %d, gIsSelectingRfInterface = %d, sIsDisabling=%d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status, gIsSelectingRfInterface, sIsDisabling);
    281         if (sIsDisabling)
    282             break;
    284         if (eventData->status != NFA_STATUS_OK)
    285         {
    286             if (gIsSelectingRfInterface)
    287             {
    288                 nativeNfcTag_doConnectStatus(false);
    289             }
    291             ALOGE("%s: NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    292             NFA_Deactivate (FALSE);
    293         }
    294         break;
    296     case NFA_DEACTIVATE_FAIL_EVT:
    297         ALOGD("%s: NFA_DEACTIVATE_FAIL_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    298         break;
    300     case NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT: // NFC link/protocol activated
    301         ALOGD("%s: NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT: gIsSelectingRfInterface=%d, sIsDisabling=%d", __FUNCTION__, gIsSelectingRfInterface, sIsDisabling);
    302         NfcTag::getInstance().setActive(true);
    303         if (sIsDisabling || !sIsNfaEnabled)
    304             break;
    305         gActivated = true;
    307         NfcTag::getInstance().setActivationState ();
    308         if (gIsSelectingRfInterface)
    309         {
    310             nativeNfcTag_doConnectStatus(true);
    311             break;
    312         }
    314         nativeNfcTag_resetPresenceCheck();
    315         if (isPeerToPeer(eventData->activated))
    316         {
    317             if (sReaderModeEnabled)
    318             {
    319                 ALOGD("%s: ignoring peer target in reader mode.", __FUNCTION__);
    320                 NFA_Deactivate (FALSE);
    321                 break;
    322             }
    323             sP2pActive = true;
    324             ALOGD("%s: NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT; is p2p", __FUNCTION__);
    325             // Disable RF field events in case of p2p
    326             UINT8  nfa_disable_rf_events[] = { 0x00 };
    327             ALOGD ("%s: Disabling RF field events", __FUNCTION__);
    328             status = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_RF_FIELD_INFO, sizeof(nfa_disable_rf_events),
    329                     &nfa_disable_rf_events[0]);
    330             if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK) {
    331                 ALOGD ("%s: Disabled RF field events", __FUNCTION__);
    332             } else {
    333                 ALOGE ("%s: Failed to disable RF field events", __FUNCTION__);
    334             }
    335             // For the SE, consider the field to be on while p2p is active.
    336             SecureElement::getInstance().notifyRfFieldEvent (true);
    337         }
    338         else if (pn544InteropIsBusy() == false)
    339         {
    340             NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData);
    342             // We know it is not activating for P2P.  If it activated in
    343             // listen mode then it is likely for an SE transaction.
    344             // Send the RF Event.
    345             if (isListenMode(eventData->activated))
    346             {
    347                 sSeRfActive = true;
    348                 SecureElement::getInstance().notifyListenModeState (true);
    349             }
    350         }
    351         break;
    353     case NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT: // NFC link/protocol deactivated
    354         ALOGD("%s: NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT   Type: %u, gIsTagDeactivating: %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->deactivated.type,gIsTagDeactivating);
    355         NfcTag::getInstance().setDeactivationState (eventData->deactivated);
    356         if (eventData->deactivated.type != NFA_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_SLEEP)
    357         {
    358             {
    359                 SyncEventGuard g (gDeactivatedEvent);
    360                 gActivated = false; //guard this variable from multi-threaded access
    361                 gDeactivatedEvent.notifyOne ();
    362             }
    363             nativeNfcTag_resetPresenceCheck();
    364             NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData);
    365             nativeNfcTag_abortWaits();
    366             NfcTag::getInstance().abort ();
    367         }
    368         else if (gIsTagDeactivating)
    369         {
    370             NfcTag::getInstance().setActive(false);
    371             nativeNfcTag_doDeactivateStatus(0);
    372         }
    374         // If RF is activated for what we think is a Secure Element transaction
    375         // and it is deactivated to either IDLE or DISCOVERY mode, notify w/event.
    376         if ((eventData->deactivated.type == NFA_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_IDLE)
    377                 || (eventData->deactivated.type == NFA_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_DISCOVERY))
    378         {
    379             if (sSeRfActive) {
    380                 sSeRfActive = false;
    381                 if (!sIsDisabling && sIsNfaEnabled)
    382                     SecureElement::getInstance().notifyListenModeState (false);
    383             } else if (sP2pActive) {
    384                 sP2pActive = false;
    385                 // Make sure RF field events are re-enabled
    386                 ALOGD("%s: NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT; is p2p", __FUNCTION__);
    387                 // Disable RF field events in case of p2p
    388                 UINT8  nfa_enable_rf_events[] = { 0x01 };
    390                 if (!sIsDisabling && sIsNfaEnabled)
    391                 {
    392                     ALOGD ("%s: Enabling RF field events", __FUNCTION__);
    393                     status = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_RF_FIELD_INFO, sizeof(nfa_enable_rf_events),
    394                             &nfa_enable_rf_events[0]);
    395                     if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK) {
    396                         ALOGD ("%s: Enabled RF field events", __FUNCTION__);
    397                     } else {
    398                         ALOGE ("%s: Failed to enable RF field events", __FUNCTION__);
    399                     }
    400                     // Consider the field to be off at this point
    401                     SecureElement::getInstance().notifyRfFieldEvent (false);
    402                 }
    403             }
    404         }
    406         break;
    408     case NFA_TLV_DETECT_EVT: // TLV Detection complete
    409         status = eventData->tlv_detect.status;
    410         ALOGD("%s: NFA_TLV_DETECT_EVT: status = %d, protocol = %d, num_tlvs = %d, num_bytes = %d",
    411              __FUNCTION__, status, eventData->tlv_detect.protocol,
    412              eventData->tlv_detect.num_tlvs, eventData->tlv_detect.num_bytes);
    413         if (status != NFA_STATUS_OK)
    414         {
    415             ALOGE("%s: NFA_TLV_DETECT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status);
    416         }
    417         break;
    419     case NFA_NDEF_DETECT_EVT: // NDEF Detection complete;
    420         //if status is failure, it means the tag does not contain any or valid NDEF data;
    421         //pass the failure status to the NFC Service;
    422         status = eventData->ndef_detect.status;
    423         ALOGD("%s: NFA_NDEF_DETECT_EVT: status = 0x%X, protocol = %u, "
    424              "max_size = %lu, cur_size = %lu, flags = 0x%X", __FUNCTION__,
    425              status,
    426              eventData->ndef_detect.protocol, eventData->ndef_detect.max_size,
    427              eventData->ndef_detect.cur_size, eventData->ndef_detect.flags);
    428         NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData);
    429         nativeNfcTag_doCheckNdefResult(status,
    430             eventData->ndef_detect.max_size, eventData->ndef_detect.cur_size,
    431             eventData->ndef_detect.flags);
    432         break;
    434     case NFA_DATA_EVT: // Data message received (for non-NDEF reads)
    435         ALOGD("%s: NFA_DATA_EVT:  len = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->data.len);
    436         nativeNfcTag_doTransceiveStatus(eventData->data.p_data,eventData->data.len);
    437         break;
    438     case NFA_RW_INTF_ERROR_EVT:
    439         ALOGD("%s: NFC_RW_INTF_ERROR_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    440         nativeNfcTag_notifyRfTimeout();
    441         break;
    442     case NFA_SELECT_CPLT_EVT: // Select completed
    443         status = eventData->status;
    444         ALOGD("%s: NFA_SELECT_CPLT_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status);
    445         if (status != NFA_STATUS_OK)
    446         {
    447             ALOGE("%s: NFA_SELECT_CPLT_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status);
    448         }
    449         break;
    451     case NFA_READ_CPLT_EVT: // NDEF-read or tag-specific-read completed
    452         ALOGD("%s: NFA_READ_CPLT_EVT: status = 0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    453         nativeNfcTag_doReadCompleted (eventData->status);
    454         NfcTag::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData);
    455         break;
    457     case NFA_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: // Write completed
    458         ALOGD("%s: NFA_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    459         nativeNfcTag_doWriteStatus (eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK);
    460         break;
    462     case NFA_SET_TAG_RO_EVT: // Tag set as Read only
    463         ALOGD("%s: NFA_SET_TAG_RO_EVT: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    464         nativeNfcTag_doMakeReadonlyResult(eventData->status);
    465         break;
    467     case NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_START_EVT: // NDEF write started
    468         ALOGD("%s: NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_START_EVT: status: %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    470         if (eventData->status != NFA_STATUS_OK)
    471             ALOGE("%s: NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_START_EVT error: status = %d", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    472         break;
    474     case NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: // NDEF write completed
    475         ALOGD("%s: FA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_CPLT_EVT: len = %lu", __FUNCTION__, eventData->ndef_write_cplt.len);
    476         break;
    478     case NFA_LLCP_ACTIVATED_EVT: // LLCP link is activated
    479         ALOGD("%s: NFA_LLCP_ACTIVATED_EVT: is_initiator: %d  remote_wks: %d, remote_lsc: %d, remote_link_miu: %d, local_link_miu: %d",
    480              __FUNCTION__,
    481              eventData->llcp_activated.is_initiator,
    482              eventData->llcp_activated.remote_wks,
    483              eventData->llcp_activated.remote_lsc,
    484              eventData->llcp_activated.remote_link_miu,
    485              eventData->llcp_activated.local_link_miu);
    487         PeerToPeer::getInstance().llcpActivatedHandler (getNative(0, 0), eventData->llcp_activated);
    488         break;
    490     case NFA_LLCP_DEACTIVATED_EVT: // LLCP link is deactivated
    491         ALOGD("%s: NFA_LLCP_DEACTIVATED_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    492         PeerToPeer::getInstance().llcpDeactivatedHandler (getNative(0, 0), eventData->llcp_deactivated);
    493         break;
    494     case NFA_LLCP_FIRST_PACKET_RECEIVED_EVT: // Received first packet over llcp
    496         PeerToPeer::getInstance().llcpFirstPacketHandler (getNative(0, 0));
    497         break;
    498     case NFA_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT:
    499         ALOGD("%s: NFA_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    500         nativeNfcTag_doPresenceCheckResult (eventData->status);
    501         break;
    502     case NFA_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT:
    503         ALOGD("%s: NFA_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT: status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    504         nativeNfcTag_formatStatus (eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK);
    505         break;
    507     case NFA_I93_CMD_CPLT_EVT:
    508         ALOGD("%s: NFA_I93_CMD_CPLT_EVT: status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    509         break;
    512         ALOGD("%s: NFA_CE_UICC_LISTEN_CONFIGURED_EVT : status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    513         SecureElement::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData);
    514         break;
    516     case NFA_SET_P2P_LISTEN_TECH_EVT:
    517         ALOGD("%s: NFA_SET_P2P_LISTEN_TECH_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    518         PeerToPeer::getInstance().connectionEventHandler (connEvent, eventData);
    519         break;
    521     default:
    522         ALOGE("%s: unknown event ????", __FUNCTION__);
    523         break;
    524     }
    525 }
    528 /*******************************************************************************
    529 **
    530 ** Function:        nfcManager_initNativeStruc
    531 **
    532 ** Description:     Initialize variables.
    533 **                  e: JVM environment.
    534 **                  o: Java object.
    535 **
    536 ** Returns:         True if ok.
    537 **
    538 *******************************************************************************/
    539 static jboolean nfcManager_initNativeStruc (JNIEnv* e, jobject o)
    540 {
    541     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    543     nfc_jni_native_data* nat = (nfc_jni_native_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct nfc_jni_native_data));
    544     if (nat == NULL)
    545     {
    546         ALOGE ("%s: fail allocate native data", __FUNCTION__);
    547         return JNI_FALSE;
    548     }
    550     memset (nat, 0, sizeof(*nat));
    551     e->GetJavaVM(&(nat->vm));
    552     nat->env_version = e->GetVersion();
    553     nat->manager = e->NewGlobalRef(o);
    555     ScopedLocalRef<jclass> cls(e, e->GetObjectClass(o));
    556     jfieldID f = e->GetFieldID(cls.get(), "mNative", "I");
    557     e->SetIntField(o, f, (jint)nat);
    559     /* Initialize native cached references */
    560     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyNdefMessageListeners = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    561             "notifyNdefMessageListeners", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeNfcTag;)V");
    562     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyTransactionListeners = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    563             "notifyTransactionListeners", "([B)V");
    564     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkActivation = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    565             "notifyLlcpLinkActivation", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice;)V");
    566     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpLinkDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    567             "notifyLlcpLinkDeactivated", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice;)V");
    568     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyLlcpFirstPacketReceived = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    569             "notifyLlcpLinkFirstPacketReceived", "(Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeP2pDevice;)V");
    570     sCachedNfcManagerNotifyTargetDeselected = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    571             "notifyTargetDeselected","()V");
    572     gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldActivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    573             "notifySeFieldActivated", "()V");
    574     gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeFieldDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    575             "notifySeFieldDeactivated", "()V");
    576     gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenActivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    577             "notifySeListenActivated", "()V");
    578     gCachedNfcManagerNotifySeListenDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    579             "notifySeListenDeactivated", "()V");
    581     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyHostEmuActivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    582             "notifyHostEmuActivated", "()V");
    584     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyHostEmuData = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    585             "notifyHostEmuData", "([B)V");
    587     gCachedNfcManagerNotifyHostEmuDeactivated = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    588             "notifyHostEmuDeactivated", "()V");
    590     sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeApduReceived = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    591             "notifySeApduReceived", "([B)V");
    593     sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeMifareAccess = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    594             "notifySeMifareAccess", "([B)V");
    596     sCachedNfcManagerNotifySeEmvCardRemoval =  e->GetMethodID(cls.get(),
    597             "notifySeEmvCardRemoval", "()V");
    599     if (nfc_jni_cache_object(e, gNativeNfcTagClassName, &(nat->cached_NfcTag)) == -1)
    600     {
    601         ALOGE ("%s: fail cache NativeNfcTag", __FUNCTION__);
    602         return JNI_FALSE;
    603     }
    605     if (nfc_jni_cache_object(e, gNativeP2pDeviceClassName, &(nat->cached_P2pDevice)) == -1)
    606     {
    607         ALOGE ("%s: fail cache NativeP2pDevice", __FUNCTION__);
    608         return JNI_FALSE;
    609     }
    611     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
    612     return JNI_TRUE;
    613 }
    616 /*******************************************************************************
    617 **
    618 ** Function:        nfaDeviceManagementCallback
    619 **
    620 ** Description:     Receive device management events from stack.
    621 **                  dmEvent: Device-management event ID.
    622 **                  eventData: Data associated with event ID.
    623 **
    624 ** Returns:         None
    625 **
    626 *******************************************************************************/
    627 void nfaDeviceManagementCallback (UINT8 dmEvent, tNFA_DM_CBACK_DATA* eventData)
    628 {
    629     ALOGD ("%s: enter; event=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, dmEvent);
    631     switch (dmEvent)
    632     {
    633     case NFA_DM_ENABLE_EVT: /* Result of NFA_Enable */
    634         {
    635             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableEvent);
    636             ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_ENABLE_EVT; status=0x%X",
    637                     __FUNCTION__, eventData->status);
    638             sIsNfaEnabled = eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK;
    639             sIsDisabling = false;
    640             sNfaEnableEvent.notifyOne ();
    641         }
    642         break;
    644     case NFA_DM_DISABLE_EVT: /* Result of NFA_Disable */
    645         {
    646             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaDisableEvent);
    647             ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_DISABLE_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    648             sIsNfaEnabled = false;
    649             sIsDisabling = false;
    650             sNfaDisableEvent.notifyOne ();
    651         }
    652         break;
    654     case NFA_DM_SET_CONFIG_EVT: //result of NFA_SetConfig
    655         ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_SET_CONFIG_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    656         {
    657             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaSetConfigEvent);
    658             sNfaSetConfigEvent.notifyOne();
    659         }
    660         break;
    662     case NFA_DM_GET_CONFIG_EVT: /* Result of NFA_GetConfig */
    663         ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_GET_CONFIG_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
    664         {
    665             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaGetConfigEvent);
    666             if (eventData->status == NFA_STATUS_OK &&
    667                     eventData->get_config.tlv_size <= sizeof(sConfig))
    668             {
    669                 sCurrentConfigLen = eventData->get_config.tlv_size;
    670                 memcpy(sConfig, eventData->get_config.param_tlvs, eventData->get_config.tlv_size);
    671             }
    672             else
    673             {
    674                 ALOGE("%s: NFA_DM_GET_CONFIG failed", __FUNCTION__);
    675                 sCurrentConfigLen = 0;
    676             }
    677             sNfaGetConfigEvent.notifyOne();
    678         }
    679         break;
    681     case NFA_DM_RF_FIELD_EVT:
    682         ALOGD ("%s: NFA_DM_RF_FIELD_EVT; status=0x%X; field status=%u", __FUNCTION__,
    683               eventData->rf_field.status, eventData->rf_field.rf_field_status);
    684         if (sIsDisabling || !sIsNfaEnabled)
    685             break;
    687         if (!sP2pActive && eventData->rf_field.status == NFA_STATUS_OK)
    688             SecureElement::getInstance().notifyRfFieldEvent (
    689                     eventData->rf_field.rf_field_status == NFA_DM_RF_FIELD_ON);
    690         break;
    693     case NFA_DM_NFCC_TIMEOUT_EVT:
    694         {
    695             if (dmEvent == NFA_DM_NFCC_TIMEOUT_EVT)
    696                 ALOGE ("%s: NFA_DM_NFCC_TIMEOUT_EVT; abort", __FUNCTION__);
    697             else if (dmEvent == NFA_DM_NFCC_TRANSPORT_ERR_EVT)
    698                 ALOGE ("%s: NFA_DM_NFCC_TRANSPORT_ERR_EVT; abort", __FUNCTION__);
    700             nativeNfcTag_abortWaits();
    701             NfcTag::getInstance().abort ();
    702             sAbortConnlessWait = true;
    703             nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_abortWait();
    704             {
    705                 ALOGD ("%s: aborting  sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent", __FUNCTION__);
    706                 SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
    707                 sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne();
    708             }
    709             {
    710                 ALOGD ("%s: aborting  sNfaEnableEvent", __FUNCTION__);
    711                 SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableEvent);
    712                 sNfaEnableEvent.notifyOne();
    713             }
    714             {
    715                 ALOGD ("%s: aborting  sNfaDisableEvent", __FUNCTION__);
    716                 SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaDisableEvent);
    717                 sNfaDisableEvent.notifyOne();
    718             }
    719             sDiscoveryEnabled = false;
    720             PowerSwitch::getInstance ().abort ();
    722             if (!sIsDisabling && sIsNfaEnabled)
    723             {
    724                 NFA_Disable(FALSE);
    725                 sIsDisabling = true;
    726             }
    727             else
    728             {
    729                 sIsNfaEnabled = false;
    730                 sIsDisabling = false;
    731             }
    732             PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::UNKNOWN_LEVEL);
    733             ALOGE ("%s: crash NFC service", __FUNCTION__);
    734             //////////////////////////////////////////////
    735             //crash the NFC service process so it can restart automatically
    736             abort ();
    737             //////////////////////////////////////////////
    738         }
    739         break;
    741     case NFA_DM_PWR_MODE_CHANGE_EVT:
    742         PowerSwitch::getInstance ().deviceManagementCallback (dmEvent, eventData);
    743         break;
    745     default:
    746         ALOGD ("%s: unhandled event", __FUNCTION__);
    747         break;
    748     }
    749 }
    751 /*******************************************************************************
    752 **
    753 ** Function:        nfcManager_sendRawFrame
    754 **
    755 ** Description:     Send a raw frame.
    756 **                  e: JVM environment.
    757 **                  o: Java object.
    758 **
    759 ** Returns:         True if ok.
    760 **
    761 *******************************************************************************/
    762 static jboolean nfcManager_sendRawFrame (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jbyteArray data)
    763 {
    764     ScopedByteArrayRO bytes(e, data);
    765     uint8_t* buf = const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&bytes[0]));
    766     size_t bufLen = bytes.size();
    767     tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_SendRawFrame (buf, bufLen, 0);
    769     return (status == NFA_STATUS_OK);
    770 }
    772 /*******************************************************************************
    773 **
    774 ** Function:        nfcManager_routeAid
    775 **
    776 ** Description:     Route an AID to an EE
    777 **                  e: JVM environment.
    778 **                  o: Java object.
    779 **
    780 ** Returns:         True if ok.
    781 **
    782 *******************************************************************************/
    783 static jboolean nfcManager_routeAid (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jbyteArray aid, jint route)
    784 {
    785     ScopedByteArrayRO bytes(e, aid);
    786     uint8_t* buf = const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&bytes[0]));
    787     size_t bufLen = bytes.size();
    788     bool result = RoutingManager::getInstance().addAidRouting(buf, bufLen, route);
    789     return result;
    790 }
    792 /*******************************************************************************
    793 **
    794 ** Function:        nfcManager_unrouteAid
    795 **
    796 ** Description:     Remove a AID routing
    797 **                  e: JVM environment.
    798 **                  o: Java object.
    799 **
    800 ** Returns:         True if ok.
    801 **
    802 *******************************************************************************/
    803 static jboolean nfcManager_unrouteAid (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jbyteArray aid)
    804 {
    805     ScopedByteArrayRO bytes(e, aid);
    806     uint8_t* buf = const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&bytes[0]));
    807     size_t bufLen = bytes.size();
    808     bool result = RoutingManager::getInstance().removeAidRouting(buf, bufLen);
    809     return result;
    810 }
    812 /*******************************************************************************
    813 **
    814 ** Function:        nfcManager_doInitialize
    815 **
    816 ** Description:     Turn on NFC.
    817 **                  e: JVM environment.
    818 **                  o: Java object.
    819 **
    820 ** Returns:         True if ok.
    821 **
    822 *******************************************************************************/
    823 static jboolean nfcManager_doInitialize (JNIEnv* e, jobject o)
    824 {
    825     ALOGD ("%s: enter; ver=%s nfa=%s NCI_VERSION=0x%02X",
    826         __FUNCTION__, nfca_version_string, nfa_version_string, NCI_VERSION);
    827     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK;
    829     if (sIsNfaEnabled)
    830     {
    831         ALOGD ("%s: already enabled", __FUNCTION__);
    832         goto TheEnd;
    833     }
    835     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER);
    837     {
    838         unsigned long num = 0;
    840         NfcAdaptation& theInstance = NfcAdaptation::GetInstance();
    841         theInstance.Initialize(); //start GKI, NCI task, NFC task
    843         {
    844             SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableEvent);
    845             tHAL_NFC_ENTRY* halFuncEntries = theInstance.GetHalEntryFuncs ();
    847             NFA_Init (halFuncEntries);
    849             stat = NFA_Enable (nfaDeviceManagementCallback, nfaConnectionCallback);
    850             if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
    851             {
    852                 num = initializeGlobalAppLogLevel ();
    853                 CE_SetTraceLevel (num);
    854                 LLCP_SetTraceLevel (num);
    855                 NFC_SetTraceLevel (num);
    856                 RW_SetTraceLevel (num);
    857                 NFA_SetTraceLevel (num);
    858                 NFA_P2pSetTraceLevel (num);
    859                 sNfaEnableEvent.wait(); //wait for NFA command to finish
    860             }
    861         }
    863         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
    864         {
    865             //sIsNfaEnabled indicates whether stack started successfully
    866             if (sIsNfaEnabled)
    867             {
    868                 SecureElement::getInstance().initialize (getNative(e, o));
    869                 RoutingManager::getInstance().initialize(getNative(e, o));
    870                 nativeNfcTag_registerNdefTypeHandler ();
    871                 NfcTag::getInstance().initialize (getNative(e, o));
    872                 PeerToPeer::getInstance().initialize ();
    873                 PeerToPeer::getInstance().handleNfcOnOff (true);
    875                 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    876                 // Add extra configuration here (work-arounds, etc.)
    878                 struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o);
    880                 if ( nat )
    881                 {
    882                     if (GetNumValue(NAME_POLLING_TECH_MASK, &num, sizeof(num)))
    883                         nat->tech_mask = num;
    884                     else
    885                         nat->tech_mask = DEFAULT_TECH_MASK;
    886                     ALOGD ("%s: tag polling tech mask=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, nat->tech_mask);
    887                 }
    889                 // if this value exists, set polling interval.
    890                 if (GetNumValue(NAME_NFA_DM_DISC_DURATION_POLL, &num, sizeof(num)))
    891                     nat->discovery_duration = num;
    892                 else
    893                     nat->discovery_duration = DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_DURATION;
    895                 NFA_SetRfDiscoveryDuration(nat->discovery_duration);
    897                 // Do custom NFCA startup configuration.
    898                 doStartupConfig();
    899                 goto TheEnd;
    900             }
    901         }
    903         ALOGE ("%s: fail nfa enable; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
    905         if (sIsNfaEnabled)
    906             stat = NFA_Disable (FALSE /* ungraceful */);
    908         theInstance.Finalize();
    909     }
    911 TheEnd:
    912     if (sIsNfaEnabled)
    913         PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER);
    914     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
    915     return sIsNfaEnabled ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
    916 }
    919 /*******************************************************************************
    920 **
    921 ** Function:        nfcManager_enableDiscovery
    922 **
    923 ** Description:     Start polling and listening for devices.
    924 **                  e: JVM environment.
    925 **                  o: Java object.
    926 **                  mode: Not used.
    927 **
    928 ** Returns:         None
    929 **
    930 *******************************************************************************/
    931 static void nfcManager_enableDiscovery (JNIEnv* e, jobject o)
    932 {
    934     struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o);
    936     if (nat)
    937         tech_mask = (tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK)nat->tech_mask;
    939     ALOGD ("%s: enter; tech_mask = %02x", __FUNCTION__, tech_mask);
    941     if (sDiscoveryEnabled)
    942     {
    943         ALOGE ("%s: already polling", __FUNCTION__);
    944         return;
    945     }
    947     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK;
    949     ALOGD ("%s: sIsSecElemSelected=%u", __FUNCTION__, sIsSecElemSelected);
    951     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER);
    953     if (sRfEnabled) {
    954         // Stop RF discovery to reconfigure
    955         startRfDiscovery(false);
    956     }
    958     {
    959         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
    960         stat = NFA_EnablePolling (tech_mask);
    961         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
    962         {
    963             ALOGD ("%s: wait for enable event", __FUNCTION__);
    964             sDiscoveryEnabled = true;
    965             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT
    966             ALOGD ("%s: got enabled event", __FUNCTION__);
    967         }
    968         else
    969         {
    970             ALOGE ("%s: fail enable discovery; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
    971         }
    972     }
    974     // Start P2P listening if tag polling was enabled or the mask was 0.
    975     if (sDiscoveryEnabled || (tech_mask == 0))
    976     {
    977         ALOGD ("%s: Enable p2pListening", __FUNCTION__);
    978         PeerToPeer::getInstance().enableP2pListening (true);
    979     }
    981     // Actually start discovery.
    982     startRfDiscovery (true);
    984     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOn (PowerSwitch::DISCOVERY);
    986     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
    987 }
    990 /*******************************************************************************
    991 **
    992 ** Function:        nfcManager_disableDiscovery
    993 **
    994 ** Description:     Stop polling and listening for devices.
    995 **                  e: JVM environment.
    996 **                  o: Java object.
    997 **
    998 ** Returns:         None
    999 **
   1000 *******************************************************************************/
   1001 void nfcManager_disableDiscovery (JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1002 {
   1003     tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_STATUS_OK;
   1004     ALOGD ("%s: enter;", __FUNCTION__);
   1006     pn544InteropAbortNow ();
   1007     if (sDiscoveryEnabled == false)
   1008     {
   1009         ALOGD ("%s: already disabled", __FUNCTION__);
   1010         goto TheEnd;
   1011     }
   1013     // Stop RF Discovery.
   1014     startRfDiscovery (false);
   1016     if (sDiscoveryEnabled)
   1017     {
   1018         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
   1019         status = NFA_DisablePolling ();
   1020         if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1021         {
   1022             sDiscoveryEnabled = false;
   1023             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT
   1024         }
   1025         else
   1026             ALOGE ("%s: Failed to disable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status);
   1027     }
   1029     PeerToPeer::getInstance().enableP2pListening (false);
   1031     //if nothing is active after this, then tell the controller to power down
   1032     if (! PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOff (PowerSwitch::DISCOVERY))
   1033         PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER);
   1035     // We may have had RF field notifications that did not cause
   1036     // any activate/deactive events. For example, caused by wireless
   1037     // charging orbs. Those may cause us to go to sleep while the last
   1038     // field event was indicating a field. To prevent sticking in that
   1039     // state, always reset the rf field status when we disable discovery.
   1040     SecureElement::getInstance().resetRfFieldStatus();
   1041 TheEnd:
   1042     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1043 }
   1045 void enableDisableLptd (bool enable)
   1046 {
   1047     // This method is *NOT* thread-safe. Right now
   1048     // it is only called from the same thread so it's
   1049     // not an issue.
   1050     static bool sCheckedLptd = false;
   1051     static bool sHasLptd = false;
   1053     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK;
   1054     if (!sCheckedLptd)
   1055     {
   1056         sCheckedLptd = true;
   1057         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaGetConfigEvent);
   1058         tNFA_PMID configParam[1] = {NCI_PARAM_ID_TAGSNIFF_CFG};
   1059         stat = NFA_GetConfig(1, configParam);
   1060         if (stat != NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1061         {
   1062             ALOGE("%s: NFA_GetConfig failed", __FUNCTION__);
   1063             return;
   1064         }
   1065         sNfaGetConfigEvent.wait ();
   1066         if (sCurrentConfigLen < 4 || sConfig[1] != NCI_PARAM_ID_TAGSNIFF_CFG) {
   1067             ALOGE("%s: Config TLV length %d returned is too short", __FUNCTION__,
   1068                     sCurrentConfigLen);
   1069             return;
   1070         }
   1071         sHasLptd = true;
   1072     }
   1073     // Bail if we checked and didn't find any LPTD config before
   1074     if (!sHasLptd) return;
   1075     UINT8 enable_byte = enable ? 0x01 : 0x00;
   1077     SyncEventGuard guard(sNfaSetConfigEvent);
   1079     stat = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_TAGSNIFF_CFG, 1, &enable_byte);
   1080     if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1081         sNfaSetConfigEvent.wait ();
   1082     else
   1083         ALOGE("%s: Could not configure LPTD feature", __FUNCTION__);
   1084     return;
   1085 }
   1087 void setUiccIdleTimeout (bool enable)
   1088 {
   1089     // This method is *NOT* thread-safe. Right now
   1090     // it is only called from the same thread so it's
   1091     // not an issue.
   1092     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_OK;
   1093     UINT8 swp_cfg_byte0 = 0x00;
   1094     {
   1095         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaGetConfigEvent);
   1096         tNFA_PMID configParam[1] = {0xC2};
   1097         stat = NFA_GetConfig(1, configParam);
   1098         if (stat != NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1099         {
   1100             ALOGE("%s: NFA_GetConfig failed", __FUNCTION__);
   1101             return;
   1102         }
   1103         sNfaGetConfigEvent.wait ();
   1104         if (sCurrentConfigLen < 4 || sConfig[1] != 0xC2) {
   1105             ALOGE("%s: Config TLV length %d returned is too short", __FUNCTION__,
   1106                     sCurrentConfigLen);
   1107             return;
   1108         }
   1109         swp_cfg_byte0 = sConfig[3];
   1110     }
   1111     SyncEventGuard guard(sNfaSetConfigEvent);
   1112     if (enable)
   1113         swp_cfg_byte0 |= 0x01;
   1114     else
   1115         swp_cfg_byte0 &= ~0x01;
   1117     stat = NFA_SetConfig(0xC2, 1, &swp_cfg_byte0);
   1118     if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1119         sNfaSetConfigEvent.wait ();
   1120     else
   1121         ALOGE("%s: Could not configure UICC idle timeout feature", __FUNCTION__);
   1122     return;
   1123 }
   1124 /*******************************************************************************
   1125 **
   1126 ** Function         nfc_jni_cache_object_local
   1127 **
   1128 ** Description      Allocates a java object and calls it's constructor
   1129 **
   1130 ** Returns          -1 on failure, 0 on success
   1131 **
   1132 *******************************************************************************/
   1133 static int nfc_jni_cache_object_local (JNIEnv *e, const char *className, jobject *cachedObj)
   1134 {
   1135     ScopedLocalRef<jclass> cls(e, e->FindClass(className));
   1136     if(cls.get() == NULL) {
   1137         ALOGE ("%s: find class error", __FUNCTION__);
   1138         return -1;
   1139     }
   1141     jmethodID ctor = e->GetMethodID(cls.get(), "<init>", "()V");
   1142     jobject obj = e->NewObject(cls.get(), ctor);
   1143     if (obj == NULL) {
   1144        ALOGE ("%s: create object error", __FUNCTION__);
   1145        return -1;
   1146     }
   1148     *cachedObj = obj;
   1149     if (*cachedObj == NULL) {
   1150         ALOGE ("%s: global ref error", __FUNCTION__);
   1151         return -1;
   1152     }
   1153     return 0;
   1154 }
   1157 /*******************************************************************************
   1158 **
   1159 ** Function:        nfcManager_doCreateLlcpServiceSocket
   1160 **
   1161 ** Description:     Create a new LLCP server socket.
   1162 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1163 **                  o: Java object.
   1164 **                  nSap: Service access point.
   1165 **                  sn: Service name
   1166 **                  miu: Maximum information unit.
   1167 **                  rw: Receive window size.
   1168 **                  linearBufferLength: Max buffer size.
   1169 **
   1170 ** Returns:         NativeLlcpServiceSocket Java object.
   1171 **
   1172 *******************************************************************************/
   1173 static jobject nfcManager_doCreateLlcpServiceSocket (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jint nSap, jstring sn, jint miu, jint rw, jint linearBufferLength)
   1174 {
   1175     PeerToPeer::tJNI_HANDLE jniHandle = PeerToPeer::getInstance().getNewJniHandle ();
   1177     ScopedUtfChars serviceName(e, sn);
   1179     ALOGD ("%s: enter: sap=%i; name=%s; miu=%i; rw=%i; buffLen=%i", __FUNCTION__, nSap, serviceName.c_str(), miu, rw, linearBufferLength);
   1181     /* Create new NativeLlcpServiceSocket object */
   1182     jobject serviceSocket = NULL;
   1183     if (nfc_jni_cache_object(e, gNativeLlcpServiceSocketClassName, &(serviceSocket)) == -1)
   1184     {
   1185         ALOGE ("%s: Llcp socket object creation error", __FUNCTION__);
   1186         return NULL;
   1187     }
   1189     /* Get NativeLlcpServiceSocket class object */
   1190     ScopedLocalRef<jclass> clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket(e, e->GetObjectClass(serviceSocket));
   1191     if (e->ExceptionCheck())
   1192     {
   1193         e->ExceptionClear();
   1194         ALOGE("%s: Llcp Socket get object class error", __FUNCTION__);
   1195         return NULL;
   1196     }
   1198     if (!PeerToPeer::getInstance().registerServer (jniHandle, serviceName.c_str()))
   1199     {
   1200         ALOGE("%s: RegisterServer error", __FUNCTION__);
   1201         return NULL;
   1202     }
   1204     jfieldID f;
   1206     /* Set socket handle to be the same as the NfaHandle*/
   1207     f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mHandle", "I");
   1208     e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f, (jint) jniHandle);
   1209     ALOGD ("%s: socket Handle = 0x%X", __FUNCTION__, jniHandle);
   1211     /* Set socket linear buffer length */
   1212     f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mLocalLinearBufferLength", "I");
   1213     e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f,(jint)linearBufferLength);
   1214     ALOGD ("%s: buffer length = %d", __FUNCTION__, linearBufferLength);
   1216     /* Set socket MIU */
   1217     f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mLocalMiu", "I");
   1218     e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f,(jint)miu);
   1219     ALOGD ("%s: MIU = %d", __FUNCTION__, miu);
   1221     /* Set socket RW */
   1222     f = e->GetFieldID(clsNativeLlcpServiceSocket.get(), "mLocalRw", "I");
   1223     e->SetIntField(serviceSocket, f,(jint)rw);
   1224     ALOGD ("%s:  RW = %d", __FUNCTION__, rw);
   1226     sLastError = 0;
   1227     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1228     return serviceSocket;
   1229 }
   1232 /*******************************************************************************
   1233 **
   1234 ** Function:        nfcManager_doGetLastError
   1235 **
   1236 ** Description:     Get the last error code.
   1237 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1238 **                  o: Java object.
   1239 **
   1240 ** Returns:         Last error code.
   1241 **
   1242 *******************************************************************************/
   1243 static jint nfcManager_doGetLastError(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1244 {
   1245     ALOGD ("%s: last error=%i", __FUNCTION__, sLastError);
   1246     return sLastError;
   1247 }
   1250 /*******************************************************************************
   1251 **
   1252 ** Function:        nfcManager_doDeinitialize
   1253 **
   1254 ** Description:     Turn off NFC.
   1255 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1256 **                  o: Java object.
   1257 **
   1258 ** Returns:         True if ok.
   1259 **
   1260 *******************************************************************************/
   1261 static jboolean nfcManager_doDeinitialize (JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1262 {
   1263     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1265     sIsDisabling = true;
   1266     pn544InteropAbortNow ();
   1267     SecureElement::getInstance().finalize ();
   1268     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::UNKNOWN_LEVEL);
   1270     if (sIsNfaEnabled)
   1271     {
   1272         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaDisableEvent);
   1273         tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_Disable (TRUE /* graceful */);
   1274         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1275         {
   1276             ALOGD ("%s: wait for completion", __FUNCTION__);
   1277             sNfaDisableEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA command to finish
   1278             PeerToPeer::getInstance ().handleNfcOnOff (false);
   1279         }
   1280         else
   1281         {
   1282             ALOGE ("%s: fail disable; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
   1283         }
   1284     }
   1285     nativeNfcTag_abortWaits();
   1286     NfcTag::getInstance().abort ();
   1287     sAbortConnlessWait = true;
   1288     nativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket_abortWait();
   1289     sIsNfaEnabled = false;
   1290     sDiscoveryEnabled = false;
   1291     sIsDisabling = false;
   1292     sIsSecElemSelected = false;
   1293     gActivated = false;
   1295     {
   1296         //unblock NFA_EnablePolling() and NFA_DisablePolling()
   1297         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
   1298         sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.notifyOne ();
   1299     }
   1301     NfcAdaptation& theInstance = NfcAdaptation::GetInstance();
   1302     theInstance.Finalize();
   1304     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1305     return JNI_TRUE;
   1306 }
   1309 /*******************************************************************************
   1310 **
   1311 ** Function:        nfcManager_doCreateLlcpSocket
   1312 **
   1313 ** Description:     Create a LLCP connection-oriented socket.
   1314 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1315 **                  o: Java object.
   1316 **                  nSap: Service access point.
   1317 **                  miu: Maximum information unit.
   1318 **                  rw: Receive window size.
   1319 **                  linearBufferLength: Max buffer size.
   1320 **
   1321 ** Returns:         NativeLlcpSocket Java object.
   1322 **
   1323 *******************************************************************************/
   1324 static jobject nfcManager_doCreateLlcpSocket (JNIEnv* e, jobject, jint nSap, jint miu, jint rw, jint linearBufferLength)
   1325 {
   1326     ALOGD ("%s: enter; sap=%d; miu=%d; rw=%d; buffer len=%d", __FUNCTION__, nSap, miu, rw, linearBufferLength);
   1328     PeerToPeer::tJNI_HANDLE jniHandle = PeerToPeer::getInstance().getNewJniHandle ();
   1329     PeerToPeer::getInstance().createClient (jniHandle, miu, rw);
   1331     /* Create new NativeLlcpSocket object */
   1332     jobject clientSocket = NULL;
   1333     if (nfc_jni_cache_object_local(e, gNativeLlcpSocketClassName, &(clientSocket)) == -1)
   1334     {
   1335         ALOGE ("%s: fail Llcp socket creation", __FUNCTION__);
   1336         return clientSocket;
   1337     }
   1339     /* Get NativeConnectionless class object */
   1340     ScopedLocalRef<jclass> clsNativeLlcpSocket(e, e->GetObjectClass(clientSocket));
   1341     if (e->ExceptionCheck())
   1342     {
   1343         e->ExceptionClear();
   1344         ALOGE ("%s: fail get class object", __FUNCTION__);
   1345         return clientSocket;
   1346     }
   1348     jfieldID f;
   1350     /* Set socket SAP */
   1351     f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mSap", "I");
   1352     e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) nSap);
   1354     /* Set socket handle */
   1355     f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mHandle", "I");
   1356     e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) jniHandle);
   1358     /* Set socket MIU */
   1359     f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mLocalMiu", "I");
   1360     e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) miu);
   1362     /* Set socket RW */
   1363     f = e->GetFieldID (clsNativeLlcpSocket.get(), "mLocalRw", "I");
   1364     e->SetIntField (clientSocket, f, (jint) rw);
   1366     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1367     return clientSocket;
   1368 }
   1371 /*******************************************************************************
   1372 **
   1373 ** Function:        nfcManager_doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket
   1374 **
   1375 ** Description:     Create a connection-less socket.
   1376 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1377 **                  o: Java object.
   1378 **                  nSap: Service access point.
   1379 **                  sn: Service name.
   1380 **
   1381 ** Returns:         NativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket Java object.
   1382 **
   1383 *******************************************************************************/
   1384 static jobject nfcManager_doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint nSap, jstring /*sn*/)
   1385 {
   1386     ALOGD ("%s: nSap=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, nSap);
   1387     return NULL;
   1388 }
   1391 /*******************************************************************************
   1392 **
   1393 ** Function:        nfcManager_doGetSecureElementList
   1394 **
   1395 ** Description:     Get a list of secure element handles.
   1396 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1397 **                  o: Java object.
   1398 **
   1399 ** Returns:         List of secure element handles.
   1400 **
   1401 *******************************************************************************/
   1402 static jintArray nfcManager_doGetSecureElementList(JNIEnv* e, jobject)
   1403 {
   1404     ALOGD ("%s", __FUNCTION__);
   1405     return SecureElement::getInstance().getSecureElementIdList (e);
   1406 }
   1408 /*******************************************************************************
   1409 **
   1410 ** Function:        nfcManager_enableRoutingToHost
   1411 **
   1412 ** Description:     NFC controller starts routing data to host.
   1413 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1414 **                  o: Java object.
   1415 **
   1416 ** Returns:         None
   1417 **
   1418 *******************************************************************************/
   1419 static void nfcManager_enableRoutingToHost(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1420 {
   1421     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1422     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER);
   1423     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOn (PowerSwitch::HOST_ROUTING);
   1424     if (sRfEnabled) {
   1425         // Stop RF discovery to reconfigure
   1426         startRfDiscovery(false);
   1427     }
   1428     RoutingManager::getInstance().commitRouting();
   1429     startRfDiscovery(true);
   1430     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1431 }
   1433 /*******************************************************************************
   1434 **
   1435 ** Function:        nfcManager_disableRoutingToHost
   1436 **
   1437 ** Description:     NFC controller stops routing data to host.
   1438 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1439 **                  o: Java object.
   1440 **
   1441 ** Returns:         None
   1442 **
   1443 *******************************************************************************/
   1444 static void nfcManager_disableRoutingToHost(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1445 {
   1446     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1447     bool rfWasEnabled = false;
   1449     if (PowerSwitch::getInstance ().getLevel() == PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER)
   1450     {
   1451         ALOGD ("%s: no need to disable routing while power is OFF", __FUNCTION__);
   1452         goto TheEnd;
   1453     }
   1455     if (sRfEnabled) {
   1456         rfWasEnabled = true;
   1457         // Stop RF discovery to reconfigure
   1458         startRfDiscovery(false);
   1459     }
   1460     RoutingManager::getInstance().commitRouting();
   1461     if (rfWasEnabled)
   1462     {
   1463         startRfDiscovery(true);
   1464     }
   1465     if (! PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOff (PowerSwitch::HOST_ROUTING))
   1466         PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER);
   1467 TheEnd:
   1468     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1469 }
   1471 /*******************************************************************************
   1472 **
   1473 ** Function:        nfcManager_doSelectSecureElement
   1474 **
   1475 ** Description:     NFC controller starts routing data in listen mode.
   1476 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1477 **                  o: Java object.
   1478 **
   1479 ** Returns:         None
   1480 **
   1481 *******************************************************************************/
   1482 static void nfcManager_doSelectSecureElement(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1483 {
   1484     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1485     bool stat = true;
   1487     if (sIsSecElemSelected)
   1488     {
   1489         ALOGD ("%s: already selected", __FUNCTION__);
   1490         goto TheEnd;
   1491     }
   1493     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::FULL_POWER);
   1495     if (sRfEnabled) {
   1496         // Stop RF Discovery if we were polling
   1497         startRfDiscovery (false);
   1498     }
   1501     stat = SecureElement::getInstance().activate (0xABCDEF);
   1502     sIsSecElemSelected = true;
   1504     startRfDiscovery (true);
   1505     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOn (PowerSwitch::SE_ROUTING);
   1506 TheEnd:
   1507     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1508 }
   1511 /*******************************************************************************
   1512 **
   1513 ** Function:        nfcManager_doDeselectSecureElement
   1514 **
   1515 ** Description:     NFC controller stops routing data in listen mode.
   1516 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1517 **                  o: Java object.
   1518 **
   1519 ** Returns:         None
   1520 **
   1521 *******************************************************************************/
   1522 static void nfcManager_doDeselectSecureElement(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1523 {
   1524     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1525     bool bRestartDiscovery = false;
   1527     if (! sIsSecElemSelected)
   1528     {
   1529         ALOGE ("%s: already deselected", __FUNCTION__);
   1530         goto TheEnd2;
   1531     }
   1533     if (PowerSwitch::getInstance ().getLevel() == PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER)
   1534     {
   1535         ALOGD ("%s: do not deselect while power is OFF", __FUNCTION__);
   1536         sIsSecElemSelected = false;
   1537         goto TheEnd;
   1538     }
   1540     if (sRfEnabled) {
   1541         // Stop RF Discovery if we were polling
   1542         startRfDiscovery (false);
   1543         bRestartDiscovery = true;
   1544     }
   1546     //if controller is not routing to sec elems AND there is no pipe connected,
   1547     //then turn off the sec elems
   1548     if (SecureElement::getInstance().isBusy() == false)
   1549         SecureElement::getInstance().deactivate (0xABCDEF);
   1551     sIsSecElemSelected = false;
   1552 TheEnd:
   1553     if (bRestartDiscovery)
   1554         startRfDiscovery (true);
   1556     //if nothing is active after this, then tell the controller to power down
   1557     if (! PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setModeOff (PowerSwitch::SE_ROUTING))
   1558         PowerSwitch::getInstance ().setLevel (PowerSwitch::LOW_POWER);
   1560 TheEnd2:
   1561     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1562 }
   1565 /*******************************************************************************
   1566 **
   1567 ** Function:        isPeerToPeer
   1568 **
   1569 ** Description:     Whether the activation data indicates the peer supports NFC-DEP.
   1570 **                  activated: Activation data.
   1571 **
   1572 ** Returns:         True if the peer supports NFC-DEP.
   1573 **
   1574 *******************************************************************************/
   1575 static bool isPeerToPeer (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated)
   1576 {
   1577     return activated.activate_ntf.protocol == NFA_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP;
   1578 }
   1580 /*******************************************************************************
   1581 **
   1582 ** Function:        isListenMode
   1583 **
   1584 ** Description:     Indicates whether the activation data indicates it is
   1585 **                  listen mode.
   1586 **
   1587 ** Returns:         True if this listen mode.
   1588 **
   1589 *******************************************************************************/
   1590 static bool isListenMode(tNFA_ACTIVATED& activated)
   1591 {
   1592     return ((NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)
   1593             || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)
   1594             || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)
   1595             || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A_ACTIVE == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)
   1596             || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F_ACTIVE == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)
   1597             || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_ISO15693 == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode)
   1598             || (NFC_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B_PRIME == activated.activate_ntf.rf_tech_param.mode));
   1599 }
   1601 /*******************************************************************************
   1602 **
   1603 ** Function:        nfcManager_doCheckLlcp
   1604 **
   1605 ** Description:     Not used.
   1606 **
   1607 ** Returns:         True
   1608 **
   1609 *******************************************************************************/
   1610 static jboolean nfcManager_doCheckLlcp(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1611 {
   1612     ALOGD("%s", __FUNCTION__);
   1613     return JNI_TRUE;
   1614 }
   1617 /*******************************************************************************
   1618 **
   1619 ** Function:        nfcManager_doActivateLlcp
   1620 **
   1621 ** Description:     Not used.
   1622 **
   1623 ** Returns:         True
   1624 **
   1625 *******************************************************************************/
   1626 static jboolean nfcManager_doActivateLlcp(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1627 {
   1628     ALOGD("%s", __FUNCTION__);
   1629     return JNI_TRUE;
   1630 }
   1633 /*******************************************************************************
   1634 **
   1635 ** Function:        nfcManager_doAbort
   1636 **
   1637 ** Description:     Not used.
   1638 **
   1639 ** Returns:         None
   1640 **
   1641 *******************************************************************************/
   1642 static void nfcManager_doAbort(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1643 {
   1644     ALOGE("%s: abort()", __FUNCTION__);
   1645     abort();
   1646 }
   1649 /*******************************************************************************
   1650 **
   1651 ** Function:        nfcManager_doDownload
   1652 **
   1653 ** Description:     Download firmware patch files.  Do not turn on NFC.
   1654 **
   1655 ** Returns:         True if ok.
   1656 **
   1657 *******************************************************************************/
   1658 static jboolean nfcManager_doDownload(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1659 {
   1660     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1661     NfcAdaptation& theInstance = NfcAdaptation::GetInstance();
   1663     theInstance.Initialize(); //start GKI, NCI task, NFC task
   1664     theInstance.DownloadFirmware ();
   1665     theInstance.Finalize();
   1666     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1667     return JNI_TRUE;
   1668 }
   1671 /*******************************************************************************
   1672 **
   1673 ** Function:        nfcManager_doResetTimeouts
   1674 **
   1675 ** Description:     Not used.
   1676 **
   1677 ** Returns:         None
   1678 **
   1679 *******************************************************************************/
   1680 static void nfcManager_doResetTimeouts(JNIEnv*, jobject)
   1681 {
   1682     ALOGD ("%s", __FUNCTION__);
   1683     NfcTag::getInstance().resetAllTransceiveTimeouts ();
   1684 }
   1687 /*******************************************************************************
   1688 **
   1689 ** Function:        nfcManager_doSetTimeout
   1690 **
   1691 ** Description:     Set timeout value.
   1692 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1693 **                  o: Java object.
   1694 **                  tech: technology ID.
   1695 **                  timeout: Timeout value.
   1696 **
   1697 ** Returns:         True if ok.
   1698 **
   1699 *******************************************************************************/
   1700 static bool nfcManager_doSetTimeout(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint tech, jint timeout)
   1701 {
   1702     if (timeout <= 0)
   1703     {
   1704         ALOGE("%s: Timeout must be positive.",__FUNCTION__);
   1705         return false;
   1706     }
   1707     ALOGD ("%s: tech=%d, timeout=%d", __FUNCTION__, tech, timeout);
   1708     NfcTag::getInstance().setTransceiveTimeout (tech, timeout);
   1709     return true;
   1710 }
   1713 /*******************************************************************************
   1714 **
   1715 ** Function:        nfcManager_doGetTimeout
   1716 **
   1717 ** Description:     Get timeout value.
   1718 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1719 **                  o: Java object.
   1720 **                  tech: technology ID.
   1721 **
   1722 ** Returns:         Timeout value.
   1723 **
   1724 *******************************************************************************/
   1725 static jint nfcManager_doGetTimeout(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint tech)
   1726 {
   1727     int timeout = NfcTag::getInstance().getTransceiveTimeout (tech);
   1728     ALOGD ("%s: tech=%d, timeout=%d", __FUNCTION__, tech, timeout);
   1729     return timeout;
   1730 }
   1733 /*******************************************************************************
   1734 **
   1735 ** Function:        nfcManager_doDump
   1736 **
   1737 ** Description:     Not used.
   1738 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1739 **                  o: Java object.
   1740 **
   1741 ** Returns:         Text dump.
   1742 **
   1743 *******************************************************************************/
   1744 static jstring nfcManager_doDump(JNIEnv* e, jobject)
   1745 {
   1746     char buffer[100];
   1747     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "libnfc llc error_count=%u", /*libnfc_llc_error_count*/ 0);
   1748     return e->NewStringUTF(buffer);
   1749 }
   1752 /*******************************************************************************
   1753 **
   1754 ** Function:        nfcManager_doSetP2pInitiatorModes
   1755 **
   1756 ** Description:     Set P2P initiator's activation modes.
   1757 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1758 **                  o: Java object.
   1759 **                  modes: Active and/or passive modes.  The values are specified
   1760 **                          in external/libnfc-nxp/inc/phNfcTypes.h.  See
   1761 **                          enum phNfc_eP2PMode_t.
   1762 **
   1763 ** Returns:         None.
   1764 **
   1765 *******************************************************************************/
   1766 static void nfcManager_doSetP2pInitiatorModes (JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jint modes)
   1767 {
   1768     ALOGD ("%s: modes=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, modes);
   1769     struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o);
   1771     tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK mask = 0;
   1772     if (modes & 0x01) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A;
   1773     if (modes & 0x02) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F;
   1774     if (modes & 0x04) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F;
   1775     if (modes & 0x08) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE;
   1776     if (modes & 0x10) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE;
   1777     if (modes & 0x20) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE;
   1778     nat->tech_mask = mask;
   1779 }
   1782 /*******************************************************************************
   1783 **
   1784 ** Function:        nfcManager_doSetP2pTargetModes
   1785 **
   1786 ** Description:     Set P2P target's activation modes.
   1787 **                  e: JVM environment.
   1788 **                  o: Java object.
   1789 **                  modes: Active and/or passive modes.
   1790 **
   1791 ** Returns:         None.
   1792 **
   1793 *******************************************************************************/
   1794 static void nfcManager_doSetP2pTargetModes (JNIEnv*, jobject, jint modes)
   1795 {
   1796     ALOGD ("%s: modes=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, modes);
   1797     // Map in the right modes
   1798     tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK mask = 0;
   1799     if (modes & 0x01) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A;
   1800     if (modes & 0x02) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F;
   1801     if (modes & 0x04) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F;
   1802     if (modes & 0x08) mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE;
   1804     PeerToPeer::getInstance().setP2pListenMask(mask);
   1805 }
   1807 static void nfcManager_doEnableReaderMode (JNIEnv*, jobject, jint technologies)
   1808 {
   1809     if (sDiscoveryEnabled) {
   1810         sReaderModeEnabled = true;
   1811         PeerToPeer::getInstance().enableP2pListening(false);
   1812         NFA_PauseP2p();
   1813         NFA_DisableListening();
   1814         // Limit polling to these technologies
   1815         int tech_mask = 0;
   1816         if (technologies & 0x01)
   1817            tech_mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A;
   1818         if (technologies & 0x02)
   1819            tech_mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B;
   1820         if (technologies & 0x04)
   1821            tech_mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F;
   1822         if (technologies & 0x08)
   1823            tech_mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_ISO15693;
   1824         if (technologies & 0x10)
   1825            tech_mask |= NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_KOVIO;
   1827         enableDisableLptd(false);
   1828         NFA_SetRfDiscoveryDuration(READER_MODE_DISCOVERY_DURATION);
   1829         restartPollingWithTechMask(tech_mask);
   1830     }
   1831 }
   1833 static void nfcManager_doDisableReaderMode (JNIEnv* e, jobject o)
   1834 {
   1835     struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(e, o);
   1836     if (sDiscoveryEnabled) {
   1837         sReaderModeEnabled = false;
   1838         NFA_ResumeP2p();
   1839         PeerToPeer::getInstance().enableP2pListening(true);
   1840         NFA_EnableListening();
   1842         enableDisableLptd(true);
   1843         NFA_SetRfDiscoveryDuration(nat->discovery_duration);
   1844         restartPollingWithTechMask(nat->tech_mask);
   1845     }
   1846 }
   1849 /*****************************************************************************
   1850 **
   1851 ** JNI functions for android-4.0.1_r1
   1852 **
   1853 *****************************************************************************/
   1854 static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] =
   1855 {
   1856     {"doDownload", "()Z",
   1857             (void *)nfcManager_doDownload},
   1859     {"initializeNativeStructure", "()Z",
   1860             (void*) nfcManager_initNativeStruc},
   1862     {"doInitialize", "()Z",
   1863             (void*) nfcManager_doInitialize},
   1865     {"doDeinitialize", "()Z",
   1866             (void*) nfcManager_doDeinitialize},
   1868     {"sendRawFrame", "([B)Z",
   1869             (void*) nfcManager_sendRawFrame},
   1871     {"routeAid", "([BI)Z",
   1872             (void*) nfcManager_routeAid},
   1874     {"unrouteAid", "([B)Z",
   1875             (void*) nfcManager_unrouteAid},
   1877     {"enableDiscovery", "()V",
   1878             (void*) nfcManager_enableDiscovery},
   1880     {"enableRoutingToHost", "()V",
   1881             (void*) nfcManager_enableRoutingToHost},
   1883     {"disableRoutingToHost", "()V",
   1884             (void*) nfcManager_disableRoutingToHost},
   1886     {"doGetSecureElementList", "()[I",
   1887             (void *)nfcManager_doGetSecureElementList},
   1889     {"doSelectSecureElement", "()V",
   1890             (void *)nfcManager_doSelectSecureElement},
   1892     {"doDeselectSecureElement", "()V",
   1893             (void *)nfcManager_doDeselectSecureElement},
   1895     {"doCheckLlcp", "()Z",
   1896             (void *)nfcManager_doCheckLlcp},
   1898     {"doActivateLlcp", "()Z",
   1899             (void *)nfcManager_doActivateLlcp},
   1901     {"doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket", "(ILjava/lang/String;)Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpConnectionlessSocket;",
   1902             (void *)nfcManager_doCreateLlcpConnectionlessSocket},
   1904     {"doCreateLlcpServiceSocket", "(ILjava/lang/String;III)Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpServiceSocket;",
   1905             (void*) nfcManager_doCreateLlcpServiceSocket},
   1907     {"doCreateLlcpSocket", "(IIII)Lcom/android/nfc/dhimpl/NativeLlcpSocket;",
   1908             (void*) nfcManager_doCreateLlcpSocket},
   1910     {"doGetLastError", "()I",
   1911             (void*) nfcManager_doGetLastError},
   1913     {"disableDiscovery", "()V",
   1914             (void*) nfcManager_disableDiscovery},
   1916     {"doSetTimeout", "(II)Z",
   1917             (void *)nfcManager_doSetTimeout},
   1919     {"doGetTimeout", "(I)I",
   1920             (void *)nfcManager_doGetTimeout},
   1922     {"doResetTimeouts", "()V",
   1923             (void *)nfcManager_doResetTimeouts},
   1925     {"doAbort", "()V",
   1926             (void *)nfcManager_doAbort},
   1928     {"doSetP2pInitiatorModes", "(I)V",
   1929             (void *)nfcManager_doSetP2pInitiatorModes},
   1931     {"doSetP2pTargetModes", "(I)V",
   1932             (void *)nfcManager_doSetP2pTargetModes},
   1934     {"doEnableReaderMode", "(I)V",
   1935             (void *)nfcManager_doEnableReaderMode},
   1937     {"doDisableReaderMode", "()V",
   1938             (void *)nfcManager_doDisableReaderMode},
   1940     {"doDump", "()Ljava/lang/String;",
   1941             (void *)nfcManager_doDump},
   1942 };
   1945 /*******************************************************************************
   1946 **
   1947 ** Function:        register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcManager
   1948 **
   1949 ** Description:     Regisgter JNI functions with Java Virtual Machine.
   1950 **                  e: Environment of JVM.
   1951 **
   1952 ** Returns:         Status of registration.
   1953 **
   1954 *******************************************************************************/
   1955 int register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcManager (JNIEnv *e)
   1956 {
   1957     ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
   1958     PowerSwitch::getInstance ().initialize (PowerSwitch::UNKNOWN_LEVEL);
   1959     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   1960     return jniRegisterNativeMethods (e, gNativeNfcManagerClassName, gMethods, NELEM (gMethods));
   1961 }
   1964 /*******************************************************************************
   1965 **
   1966 ** Function:        startRfDiscovery
   1967 **
   1968 ** Description:     Ask stack to start polling and listening for devices.
   1969 **                  isStart: Whether to start.
   1970 **
   1971 ** Returns:         None
   1972 **
   1973 *******************************************************************************/
   1974 void startRfDiscovery(bool isStart)
   1975 {
   1976     tNFA_STATUS status = NFA_STATUS_FAILED;
   1978     ALOGD ("%s: is start=%d", __FUNCTION__, isStart);
   1979     SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
   1980     status  = isStart ? NFA_StartRfDiscovery () : NFA_StopRfDiscovery ();
   1981     if (status == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   1982     {
   1983         sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_xxxx_EVT
   1984         sRfEnabled = isStart;
   1985     }
   1986     else
   1987     {
   1988         ALOGE ("%s: Failed to start/stop RF discovery; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status);
   1989     }
   1990 }
   1993 /*******************************************************************************
   1994 **
   1995 ** Function:        doStartupConfig
   1996 **
   1997 ** Description:     Configure the NFC controller.
   1998 **
   1999 ** Returns:         None
   2000 **
   2001 *******************************************************************************/
   2002 void doStartupConfig()
   2003 {
   2004     struct nfc_jni_native_data *nat = getNative(0, 0);
   2005     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_FAILED;
   2006     int actualLen = 0;
   2008     // If polling for Active mode, set the ordering so that we choose Active over Passive mode first.
   2009     if (nat && (nat->tech_mask & (NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE | NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE)))
   2010     {
   2011         UINT8  act_mode_order_param[] = { 0x01 };
   2012         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaSetConfigEvent);
   2013         stat = NFA_SetConfig(NCI_PARAM_ID_ACT_ORDER, sizeof(act_mode_order_param), &act_mode_order_param[0]);
   2014         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   2015             sNfaSetConfigEvent.wait ();
   2016     }
   2018     //configure RF polling frequency for each technology
   2019     static tNFA_DM_DISC_FREQ_CFG nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg;
   2020     //values in the polling_frequency[] map to members of nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg
   2021     UINT8 polling_frequency [8] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
   2022     actualLen = GetStrValue(NAME_POLL_FREQUENCY, (char*)polling_frequency, 8);
   2023     if (actualLen == 8)
   2024     {
   2025         ALOGD ("%s: polling frequency", __FUNCTION__);
   2026         memset (&nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg, 0, sizeof(nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg));
   2027         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pa = polling_frequency [0];
   2028         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pb = polling_frequency [1];
   2029         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pf = polling_frequency [2];
   2030         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pi93 = polling_frequency [3];
   2031         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pbp = polling_frequency [4];
   2032         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pk = polling_frequency [5];
   2033         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.paa = polling_frequency [6];
   2034         nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg.pfa = polling_frequency [7];
   2035         p_nfa_dm_rf_disc_freq_cfg = &nfa_dm_disc_freq_cfg;
   2036     }
   2037 }
   2040 /*******************************************************************************
   2041 **
   2042 ** Function:        nfcManager_isNfcActive
   2043 **
   2044 ** Description:     Used externaly to determine if NFC is active or not.
   2045 **
   2046 ** Returns:         'true' if the NFC stack is running, else 'false'.
   2047 **
   2048 *******************************************************************************/
   2049 bool nfcManager_isNfcActive()
   2050 {
   2051     return sIsNfaEnabled;
   2052 }
   2054 void restartPollingWithTechMask (int tech_mask)
   2055 {
   2056     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_FAILED;
   2057     startRfDiscovery (false);
   2058     {
   2059         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
   2060         stat = NFA_DisablePolling ();
   2061         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   2062         {
   2063             ALOGD ("%s: wait for enable event", __FUNCTION__);
   2064             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT
   2065         }
   2066         else
   2067         {
   2068             ALOGE ("%s: failed to disable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
   2069             goto TheEnd;
   2070         }
   2071         stat = NFA_EnablePolling (tech_mask);
   2072         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   2073         {
   2074             ALOGD ("%s: wait for enable event", __FUNCTION__);
   2075             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT
   2076         }
   2077         else
   2078             ALOGE ("%s: fail enable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
   2079     }
   2080 TheEnd:
   2081     startRfDiscovery(true);
   2082 }
   2084 /*******************************************************************************
   2085 **
   2086 ** Function:        startStopPolling
   2087 **
   2088 ** Description:     Start or stop polling.
   2089 **                  isStartPolling: true to start polling; false to stop polling.
   2090 **
   2091 ** Returns:         None.
   2092 **
   2093 *******************************************************************************/
   2094 void startStopPolling (bool isStartPolling)
   2095 {
   2096     ALOGD ("%s: enter; isStart=%u", __FUNCTION__, isStartPolling);
   2097     tNFA_STATUS stat = NFA_STATUS_FAILED;
   2099     startRfDiscovery (false);
   2100     if (isStartPolling)
   2101     {
   2102         tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_mask = DEFAULT_TECH_MASK;
   2103         unsigned long num = 0;
   2104         if (GetNumValue(NAME_POLLING_TECH_MASK, &num, sizeof(num)))
   2105             tech_mask = num;
   2107         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
   2108         ALOGD ("%s: enable polling", __FUNCTION__);
   2109         stat = NFA_EnablePolling (tech_mask);
   2110         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   2111         {
   2112             ALOGD ("%s: wait for enable event", __FUNCTION__);
   2113             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_ENABLED_EVT
   2114         }
   2115         else
   2116             ALOGE ("%s: fail enable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
   2117     }
   2118     else
   2119     {
   2120         SyncEventGuard guard (sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent);
   2121         ALOGD ("%s: disable polling", __FUNCTION__);
   2122         stat = NFA_DisablePolling ();
   2123         if (stat == NFA_STATUS_OK)
   2124         {
   2125             sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait (); //wait for NFA_POLL_DISABLED_EVT
   2126         }
   2127         else
   2128             ALOGE ("%s: fail disable polling; error=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, stat);
   2129     }
   2130     startRfDiscovery (true);
   2131     ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
   2132 }
   2135 } /* namespace android */