1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 3 * Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 4 * 5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7 * are met: 8 * 9 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 10 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 11 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 12 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 13 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 14 * 15 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY 16 * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED 17 * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE 18 * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY 19 * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 20 * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 21 * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 22 * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND 23 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 24 * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 25 */ 26 27 #include "config.h" 28 #include "Internals.h" 29 30 #include "HTMLNames.h" 31 #include "InspectorFrontendClientLocal.h" 32 #include "InternalProfilers.h" 33 #include "InternalRuntimeFlags.h" 34 #include "InternalSettings.h" 35 #include "LayerRect.h" 36 #include "LayerRectList.h" 37 #include "MallocStatistics.h" 38 #include "MockPagePopupDriver.h" 39 #include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" 40 #include "TypeConversions.h" 41 #include "bindings/v8/ExceptionState.h" 42 #include "bindings/v8/SerializedScriptValue.h" 43 #include "bindings/v8/V8ThrowException.h" 44 #include "core/css/StyleSheetContents.h" 45 #include "core/css/resolver/StyleResolver.h" 46 #include "core/css/resolver/ViewportStyleResolver.h" 47 #include "core/dom/ClientRect.h" 48 #include "core/dom/ClientRectList.h" 49 #include "core/dom/DOMStringList.h" 50 #include "core/dom/Document.h" 51 #include "core/dom/DocumentMarker.h" 52 #include "core/dom/DocumentMarkerController.h" 53 #include "core/dom/Element.h" 54 #include "core/dom/ExceptionCode.h" 55 #include "core/dom/FullscreenElementStack.h" 56 #include "core/dom/NodeRenderingContext.h" 57 #include "core/dom/PseudoElement.h" 58 #include "core/dom/Range.h" 59 #include "core/dom/StaticNodeList.h" 60 #include "core/dom/TreeScope.h" 61 #include "core/dom/ViewportArguments.h" 62 #include "core/dom/shadow/ComposedShadowTreeWalker.h" 63 #include "core/dom/shadow/ContentDistributor.h" 64 #include "core/dom/shadow/ElementShadow.h" 65 #include "core/dom/shadow/SelectRuleFeatureSet.h" 66 #include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h" 67 #include "core/editing/Editor.h" 68 #include "core/editing/SpellChecker.h" 69 #include "core/editing/TextIterator.h" 70 #include "core/history/BackForwardController.h" 71 #include "core/history/HistoryItem.h" 72 #include "core/html/FormController.h" 73 #include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h" 74 #include "core/html/HTMLMediaElement.h" 75 #include "core/html/HTMLSelectElement.h" 76 #include "core/html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h" 77 #include "core/html/shadow/HTMLContentElement.h" 78 #include "core/inspector/InspectorClient.h" 79 #include "core/inspector/InspectorConsoleAgent.h" 80 #include "core/inspector/InspectorController.h" 81 #include "core/inspector/InspectorCounters.h" 82 #include "core/inspector/InspectorFrontendChannel.h" 83 #include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h" 84 #include "core/inspector/InspectorOverlay.h" 85 #include "core/inspector/InstrumentingAgents.h" 86 #include "core/loader/FrameLoader.h" 87 #include "core/loader/cache/MemoryCache.h" 88 #include "core/loader/cache/ResourceFetcher.h" 89 #include "core/page/Chrome.h" 90 #include "core/page/ChromeClient.h" 91 #include "core/page/DOMPoint.h" 92 #include "core/page/DOMWindow.h" 93 #include "core/page/EventHandler.h" 94 #include "core/page/Frame.h" 95 #include "core/page/FrameView.h" 96 #include "core/page/Page.h" 97 #include "core/page/PagePopupController.h" 98 #include "core/page/PrintContext.h" 99 #include "core/page/Settings.h" 100 #include "core/page/animation/AnimationController.h" 101 #include "core/page/scrolling/ScrollingCoordinator.h" 102 #include "core/platform/ColorChooser.h" 103 #include "core/platform/Cursor.h" 104 #include "core/platform/Language.h" 105 #include "core/platform/chromium/TraceEvent.h" 106 #include "core/platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer.h" 107 #include "core/platform/graphics/IntRect.h" 108 #include "core/platform/graphics/filters/FilterOperation.h" 109 #include "core/platform/graphics/filters/FilterOperations.h" 110 #include "core/platform/graphics/gpu/SharedGraphicsContext3D.h" 111 #include "core/platform/mock/PlatformSpeechSynthesizerMock.h" 112 #include "core/rendering/RenderLayerBacking.h" 113 #include "core/rendering/RenderMenuList.h" 114 #include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h" 115 #include "core/rendering/RenderTreeAsText.h" 116 #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h" 117 #include "core/testing/GCObservation.h" 118 #include "core/workers/WorkerThread.h" 119 #include "modules/speech/DOMWindowSpeechSynthesis.h" 120 #include "modules/speech/SpeechSynthesis.h" 121 #include "weborigin/SchemeRegistry.h" 122 #include "wtf/dtoa.h" 123 #include "wtf/text/StringBuffer.h" 124 #include <v8.h> 125 126 namespace WebCore { 127 128 static MockPagePopupDriver* s_pagePopupDriver = 0; 129 130 using namespace HTMLNames; 131 132 class InspectorFrontendChannelDummy : public InspectorFrontendChannel { 133 public: 134 explicit InspectorFrontendChannelDummy(Page*); 135 virtual ~InspectorFrontendChannelDummy() { } 136 virtual bool sendMessageToFrontend(const String& message) OVERRIDE; 137 138 private: 139 Page* m_frontendPage; 140 }; 141 142 InspectorFrontendChannelDummy::InspectorFrontendChannelDummy(Page* page) 143 : m_frontendPage(page) 144 { 145 } 146 147 bool InspectorFrontendChannelDummy::sendMessageToFrontend(const String& message) 148 { 149 return InspectorClient::doDispatchMessageOnFrontendPage(m_frontendPage, message); 150 } 151 152 static bool markerTypesFrom(const String& markerType, DocumentMarker::MarkerTypes& result) 153 { 154 if (markerType.isEmpty() || equalIgnoringCase(markerType, "all")) 155 result = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers(); 156 else if (equalIgnoringCase(markerType, "Spelling")) 157 result = DocumentMarker::Spelling; 158 else if (equalIgnoringCase(markerType, "Grammar")) 159 result = DocumentMarker::Grammar; 160 else if (equalIgnoringCase(markerType, "TextMatch")) 161 result = DocumentMarker::TextMatch; 162 else 163 return false; 164 165 return true; 166 } 167 168 static SpellChecker* spellchecker(Document* document) 169 { 170 if (!document || !document->frame() || !document->frame()->editor()) 171 return 0; 172 173 return document->frame()->editor()->spellChecker(); 174 } 175 176 const char* Internals::internalsId = "internals"; 177 178 PassRefPtr<Internals> Internals::create(Document* document) 179 { 180 return adoptRef(new Internals(document)); 181 } 182 183 Internals::~Internals() 184 { 185 if (m_scrollingCoordinator) { 186 m_scrollingCoordinator->removeTouchEventTargetRectsObserver(this); 187 } 188 } 189 190 void Internals::resetToConsistentState(Page* page) 191 { 192 ASSERT(page); 193 194 page->setDeviceScaleFactor(1); 195 page->setPageScaleFactor(1, IntPoint(0, 0)); 196 page->setPagination(Pagination()); 197 TextRun::setAllowsRoundingHacks(false); 198 WebCore::overrideUserPreferredLanguages(Vector<String>()); 199 WebCore::Settings::setUsesOverlayScrollbars(false); 200 delete s_pagePopupDriver; 201 s_pagePopupDriver = 0; 202 page->chrome().client()->resetPagePopupDriver(); 203 if (!page->mainFrame()->editor()->isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled()) 204 page->mainFrame()->editor()->toggleContinuousSpellChecking(); 205 if (page->mainFrame()->editor()->isOverwriteModeEnabled()) 206 page->mainFrame()->editor()->toggleOverwriteModeEnabled(); 207 } 208 209 Internals::Internals(Document* document) 210 : ContextLifecycleObserver(document) 211 , m_runtimeFlags(InternalRuntimeFlags::create()) 212 , m_scrollingCoordinator(document->page() ? document->page()->scrollingCoordinator() : 0) 213 , m_touchEventTargetRectUpdateCount(0) 214 { 215 if (m_scrollingCoordinator) { 216 m_scrollingCoordinator->addTouchEventTargetRectsObserver(this); 217 } 218 } 219 220 Document* Internals::contextDocument() const 221 { 222 return toDocument(scriptExecutionContext()); 223 } 224 225 Frame* Internals::frame() const 226 { 227 if (!contextDocument()) 228 return 0; 229 return contextDocument()->frame(); 230 } 231 232 InternalSettings* Internals::settings() const 233 { 234 Document* document = contextDocument(); 235 if (!document) 236 return 0; 237 Page* page = document->page(); 238 if (!page) 239 return 0; 240 return InternalSettings::from(page); 241 } 242 243 InternalRuntimeFlags* Internals::runtimeFlags() const 244 { 245 return m_runtimeFlags.get(); 246 } 247 248 InternalProfilers* Internals::profilers() 249 { 250 if (!m_profilers) 251 m_profilers = InternalProfilers::create(); 252 return m_profilers.get(); 253 } 254 255 unsigned Internals::workerThreadCount() const 256 { 257 return WorkerThread::workerThreadCount(); 258 } 259 260 String Internals::address(Node* node) 261 { 262 char buf[32]; 263 sprintf(buf, "%p", node); 264 265 return String(buf); 266 } 267 268 PassRefPtr<GCObservation> Internals::observeGC(ScriptValue scriptValue) 269 { 270 v8::Handle<v8::Value> observedValue = scriptValue.v8Value(); 271 ASSERT(!observedValue.IsEmpty()); 272 if (observedValue->IsNull() || observedValue->IsUndefined()) { 273 V8ThrowException::throwTypeError("value to observe is null or undefined", v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()); 274 return 0; 275 } 276 277 return GCObservation::create(observedValue); 278 } 279 280 bool Internals::isPreloaded(const String& url) 281 { 282 Document* document = contextDocument(); 283 return document->fetcher()->isPreloaded(url); 284 } 285 286 bool Internals::isLoadingFromMemoryCache(const String& url) 287 { 288 if (!contextDocument()) 289 return false; 290 Resource* resource = memoryCache()->resourceForURL(contextDocument()->completeURL(url)); 291 return resource && resource->status() == Resource::Cached; 292 } 293 294 void Internals::crash() 295 { 296 CRASH(); 297 } 298 299 PassRefPtr<Element> Internals::createContentElement(ExceptionState& es) 300 { 301 Document* document = contextDocument(); 302 if (!document) { 303 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 304 return 0; 305 } 306 307 return HTMLContentElement::create(document); 308 } 309 310 bool Internals::isValidContentSelect(Element* insertionPoint, ExceptionState& es) 311 { 312 if (!insertionPoint || !insertionPoint->isInsertionPoint()) { 313 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 314 return false; 315 } 316 317 return isHTMLContentElement(insertionPoint) && toHTMLContentElement(insertionPoint)->isSelectValid(); 318 } 319 320 Node* Internals::treeScopeRootNode(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 321 { 322 if (!node) { 323 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 324 return 0; 325 } 326 327 return node->treeScope()->rootNode(); 328 } 329 330 Node* Internals::parentTreeScope(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 331 { 332 if (!node) { 333 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 334 return 0; 335 } 336 const TreeScope* parentTreeScope = node->treeScope()->parentTreeScope(); 337 return parentTreeScope ? parentTreeScope->rootNode() : 0; 338 } 339 340 bool Internals::hasSelectorForIdInShadow(Element* host, const String& idValue, ExceptionState& es) 341 { 342 if (!host || !host->shadow()) { 343 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 344 return 0; 345 } 346 347 return host->shadow()->distributor().ensureSelectFeatureSet(host->shadow()).hasSelectorForId(idValue); 348 } 349 350 bool Internals::hasSelectorForClassInShadow(Element* host, const String& className, ExceptionState& es) 351 { 352 if (!host || !host->shadow()) { 353 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 354 return 0; 355 } 356 357 return host->shadow()->distributor().ensureSelectFeatureSet(host->shadow()).hasSelectorForClass(className); 358 } 359 360 bool Internals::hasSelectorForAttributeInShadow(Element* host, const String& attributeName, ExceptionState& es) 361 { 362 if (!host || !host->shadow()) { 363 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 364 return 0; 365 } 366 367 return host->shadow()->distributor().ensureSelectFeatureSet(host->shadow()).hasSelectorForAttribute(attributeName); 368 } 369 370 bool Internals::hasSelectorForPseudoClassInShadow(Element* host, const String& pseudoClass, ExceptionState& es) 371 { 372 if (!host || !host->shadow()) { 373 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 374 return 0; 375 } 376 377 const SelectRuleFeatureSet& featureSet = host->shadow()->distributor().ensureSelectFeatureSet(host->shadow()); 378 if (pseudoClass == "checked") 379 return featureSet.hasSelectorForChecked(); 380 if (pseudoClass == "enabled") 381 return featureSet.hasSelectorForEnabled(); 382 if (pseudoClass == "disabled") 383 return featureSet.hasSelectorForDisabled(); 384 if (pseudoClass == "indeterminate") 385 return featureSet.hasSelectorForIndeterminate(); 386 if (pseudoClass == "link") 387 return featureSet.hasSelectorForLink(); 388 if (pseudoClass == "target") 389 return featureSet.hasSelectorForTarget(); 390 if (pseudoClass == "visited") 391 return featureSet.hasSelectorForVisited(); 392 393 ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); 394 return false; 395 } 396 397 unsigned short Internals::compareTreeScopePosition(const Node* node1, const Node* node2, ExceptionState& es) const 398 { 399 if (!node1 || !node2) { 400 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 401 return 0; 402 } 403 const TreeScope* treeScope1 = node1->isDocumentNode() ? static_cast<const TreeScope*>(toDocument(node1)) : 404 node1->isShadowRoot() ? static_cast<const TreeScope*>(toShadowRoot(node1)) : 0; 405 const TreeScope* treeScope2 = node2->isDocumentNode() ? static_cast<const TreeScope*>(toDocument(node2)) : 406 node2->isShadowRoot() ? static_cast<const TreeScope*>(toShadowRoot(node2)) : 0; 407 if (!treeScope1 || !treeScope2) { 408 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 409 return 0; 410 } 411 return treeScope1->comparePosition(treeScope2); 412 } 413 414 unsigned Internals::numberOfActiveAnimations() const 415 { 416 Frame* contextFrame = frame(); 417 if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webAnimationsCSSEnabled()) { 418 if (AnimationController* controller = contextFrame->animation()) 419 return controller->numberOfActiveAnimations(contextFrame->document()); 420 } 421 return 0; 422 } 423 424 void Internals::suspendAnimations(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 425 { 426 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 427 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 428 return; 429 } 430 431 if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webAnimationsCSSEnabled()) { 432 AnimationController* controller = document->frame()->animation(); 433 if (!controller) 434 return; 435 436 controller->suspendAnimations(); 437 } 438 } 439 440 void Internals::resumeAnimations(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 441 { 442 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 443 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 444 return; 445 } 446 447 if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webAnimationsCSSEnabled()) { 448 AnimationController* controller = document->frame()->animation(); 449 if (!controller) 450 return; 451 452 controller->resumeAnimations(); 453 } 454 } 455 456 void Internals::pauseAnimations(double pauseTime, ExceptionState& es) 457 { 458 if (pauseTime < 0) { 459 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 460 return; 461 } 462 463 if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webAnimationsCSSEnabled()) 464 frame()->animation()->pauseAnimationsForTesting(pauseTime); 465 } 466 467 bool Internals::hasShadowInsertionPoint(const Node* root, ExceptionState& es) const 468 { 469 if (root && root->isShadowRoot()) 470 return toShadowRoot(root)->containsShadowElements(); 471 472 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 473 return 0; 474 } 475 476 bool Internals::hasContentElement(const Node* root, ExceptionState& es) const 477 { 478 if (root && root->isShadowRoot()) 479 return toShadowRoot(root)->containsContentElements(); 480 481 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 482 return 0; 483 } 484 485 size_t Internals::countElementShadow(const Node* root, ExceptionState& es) const 486 { 487 if (!root || !root->isShadowRoot()) { 488 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 489 return 0; 490 } 491 if (const ScopeContentDistribution* distribution = toShadowRoot(root)->scopeDistribution()) 492 return distribution->numberOfElementShadowChildren(); 493 return 0; 494 } 495 496 bool Internals::attached(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 497 { 498 if (!node) { 499 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 500 return false; 501 } 502 503 return node->attached(); 504 } 505 506 Node* Internals::nextSiblingByWalker(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 507 { 508 if (!node) { 509 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 510 return 0; 511 } 512 ComposedShadowTreeWalker walker(node); 513 walker.nextSibling(); 514 return walker.get(); 515 } 516 517 Node* Internals::firstChildByWalker(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 518 { 519 if (!node) { 520 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 521 return 0; 522 } 523 ComposedShadowTreeWalker walker(node); 524 walker.firstChild(); 525 return walker.get(); 526 } 527 528 Node* Internals::lastChildByWalker(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 529 { 530 if (!node) { 531 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 532 return 0; 533 } 534 ComposedShadowTreeWalker walker(node); 535 walker.lastChild(); 536 return walker.get(); 537 } 538 539 Node* Internals::nextNodeByWalker(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 540 { 541 if (!node) { 542 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 543 return 0; 544 } 545 ComposedShadowTreeWalker walker(node); 546 walker.next(); 547 return walker.get(); 548 } 549 550 Node* Internals::previousNodeByWalker(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 551 { 552 if (!node) { 553 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 554 return 0; 555 } 556 ComposedShadowTreeWalker walker(node); 557 walker.previous(); 558 return walker.get(); 559 } 560 561 String Internals::elementRenderTreeAsText(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 562 { 563 if (!element) { 564 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 565 return String(); 566 } 567 568 String representation = externalRepresentation(element); 569 if (representation.isEmpty()) { 570 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 571 return String(); 572 } 573 574 return representation; 575 } 576 577 size_t Internals::numberOfScopedHTMLStyleChildren(const Node* scope, ExceptionState& es) const 578 { 579 if (scope && (scope->isElementNode() || scope->isShadowRoot())) 580 return scope->numberOfScopedHTMLStyleChildren(); 581 582 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 583 return 0; 584 } 585 586 PassRefPtr<CSSComputedStyleDeclaration> Internals::computedStyleIncludingVisitedInfo(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) const 587 { 588 if (!node) { 589 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 590 return 0; 591 } 592 593 bool allowVisitedStyle = true; 594 return CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::create(node, allowVisitedStyle); 595 } 596 597 ShadowRoot* Internals::ensureShadowRoot(Element* host, ExceptionState& es) 598 { 599 if (!host) { 600 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 601 return 0; 602 } 603 604 if (ElementShadow* shadow = host->shadow()) 605 return shadow->youngestShadowRoot(); 606 607 return host->createShadowRoot(es).get(); 608 } 609 610 ShadowRoot* Internals::shadowRoot(Element* host, ExceptionState& es) 611 { 612 // FIXME: Internals::shadowRoot() in tests should be converted to youngestShadowRoot() or oldestShadowRoot(). 613 // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78465 614 return youngestShadowRoot(host, es); 615 } 616 617 ShadowRoot* Internals::youngestShadowRoot(Element* host, ExceptionState& es) 618 { 619 if (!host) { 620 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 621 return 0; 622 } 623 624 if (ElementShadow* shadow = host->shadow()) 625 return shadow->youngestShadowRoot(); 626 return 0; 627 } 628 629 ShadowRoot* Internals::oldestShadowRoot(Element* host, ExceptionState& es) 630 { 631 if (!host) { 632 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 633 return 0; 634 } 635 636 if (ElementShadow* shadow = host->shadow()) 637 return shadow->oldestShadowRoot(); 638 return 0; 639 } 640 641 ShadowRoot* Internals::youngerShadowRoot(Node* shadow, ExceptionState& es) 642 { 643 if (!shadow || !shadow->isShadowRoot()) { 644 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 645 return 0; 646 } 647 648 return toShadowRoot(shadow)->youngerShadowRoot(); 649 } 650 651 ShadowRoot* Internals::olderShadowRoot(Node* shadow, ExceptionState& es) 652 { 653 if (!shadow || !shadow->isShadowRoot()) { 654 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 655 return 0; 656 } 657 658 return toShadowRoot(shadow)->olderShadowRoot(); 659 } 660 661 String Internals::shadowRootType(const Node* root, ExceptionState& es) const 662 { 663 if (!root || !root->isShadowRoot()) { 664 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 665 return String(); 666 } 667 668 switch (toShadowRoot(root)->type()) { 669 case ShadowRoot::UserAgentShadowRoot: 670 return String("UserAgentShadowRoot"); 671 case ShadowRoot::AuthorShadowRoot: 672 return String("AuthorShadowRoot"); 673 default: 674 ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); 675 return String("Unknown"); 676 } 677 } 678 679 Element* Internals::includerFor(Node* node, ExceptionState& es) 680 { 681 if (!node) { 682 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 683 return 0; 684 } 685 686 NodeRenderingTraversal::ParentDetails parentDetails; 687 NodeRenderingTraversal::parent(node, &parentDetails); 688 return parentDetails.insertionPoint(); 689 } 690 691 String Internals::shadowPseudoId(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 692 { 693 if (!element) { 694 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 695 return String(); 696 } 697 698 return element->shadowPseudoId().string(); 699 } 700 701 void Internals::setShadowPseudoId(Element* element, const String& id, ExceptionState& es) 702 { 703 if (!element) { 704 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 705 return; 706 } 707 708 return element->setPart(id); 709 } 710 711 String Internals::visiblePlaceholder(Element* element) 712 { 713 if (element && isHTMLTextFormControlElement(element)) { 714 if (toHTMLTextFormControlElement(element)->placeholderShouldBeVisible()) 715 return toHTMLTextFormControlElement(element)->placeholderElement()->textContent(); 716 } 717 718 return String(); 719 } 720 721 void Internals::selectColorInColorChooser(Element* element, const String& colorValue) 722 { 723 if (!element->hasTagName(inputTag)) 724 return; 725 toHTMLInputElement(element)->selectColorInColorChooser(StyleColor(colorValue).color()); 726 } 727 728 Vector<String> Internals::formControlStateOfPreviousHistoryItem(ExceptionState& es) 729 { 730 HistoryItem* mainItem = frame()->loader()->history()->previousItem(); 731 if (!mainItem) { 732 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 733 return Vector<String>(); 734 } 735 String uniqueName = frame()->tree()->uniqueName(); 736 if (mainItem->target() != uniqueName && !mainItem->childItemWithTarget(uniqueName)) { 737 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 738 return Vector<String>(); 739 } 740 return mainItem->target() == uniqueName ? mainItem->documentState() : mainItem->childItemWithTarget(uniqueName)->documentState(); 741 } 742 743 void Internals::setFormControlStateOfPreviousHistoryItem(const Vector<String>& state, ExceptionState& es) 744 { 745 HistoryItem* mainItem = frame()->loader()->history()->previousItem(); 746 if (!mainItem) { 747 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 748 return; 749 } 750 String uniqueName = frame()->tree()->uniqueName(); 751 if (mainItem->target() == uniqueName) 752 mainItem->setDocumentState(state); 753 else if (HistoryItem* subItem = mainItem->childItemWithTarget(uniqueName)) 754 subItem->setDocumentState(state); 755 else 756 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 757 } 758 759 void Internals::enableMockSpeechSynthesizer() 760 { 761 Document* document = contextDocument(); 762 if (!document || !document->domWindow()) 763 return; 764 SpeechSynthesis* synthesis = DOMWindowSpeechSynthesis::speechSynthesis(document->domWindow()); 765 if (!synthesis) 766 return; 767 768 synthesis->setPlatformSynthesizer(PlatformSpeechSynthesizerMock::create(synthesis)); 769 } 770 771 void Internals::setEnableMockPagePopup(bool enabled, ExceptionState& es) 772 { 773 Document* document = contextDocument(); 774 if (!document || !document->page()) 775 return; 776 Page* page = document->page(); 777 if (!enabled) { 778 page->chrome().client()->resetPagePopupDriver(); 779 return; 780 } 781 if (!s_pagePopupDriver) 782 s_pagePopupDriver = MockPagePopupDriver::create(page->mainFrame()).leakPtr(); 783 page->chrome().client()->setPagePopupDriver(s_pagePopupDriver); 784 } 785 786 PassRefPtr<PagePopupController> Internals::pagePopupController() 787 { 788 return s_pagePopupDriver ? s_pagePopupDriver->pagePopupController() : 0; 789 } 790 791 PassRefPtr<ClientRect> Internals::absoluteCaretBounds(ExceptionState& es) 792 { 793 Document* document = contextDocument(); 794 if (!document || !document->frame() || !document->frame()->selection()) { 795 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 796 return ClientRect::create(); 797 } 798 799 return ClientRect::create(document->frame()->selection()->absoluteCaretBounds()); 800 } 801 802 PassRefPtr<ClientRect> Internals::boundingBox(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 803 { 804 if (!element) { 805 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 806 return ClientRect::create(); 807 } 808 809 element->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); 810 RenderObject* renderer = element->renderer(); 811 if (!renderer) 812 return ClientRect::create(); 813 return ClientRect::create(renderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms()); 814 } 815 816 PassRefPtr<ClientRectList> Internals::inspectorHighlightRects(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 817 { 818 if (!document || !document->page() || !document->page()->inspectorController()) { 819 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 820 return ClientRectList::create(); 821 } 822 823 Highlight highlight; 824 document->page()->inspectorController()->getHighlight(&highlight); 825 return ClientRectList::create(highlight.quads); 826 } 827 828 unsigned Internals::markerCountForNode(Node* node, const String& markerType, ExceptionState& es) 829 { 830 if (!node) { 831 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 832 return 0; 833 } 834 835 DocumentMarker::MarkerTypes markerTypes = 0; 836 if (!markerTypesFrom(markerType, markerTypes)) { 837 es.throwDOMException(SyntaxError); 838 return 0; 839 } 840 841 return node->document()->markers()->markersFor(node, markerTypes).size(); 842 } 843 844 DocumentMarker* Internals::markerAt(Node* node, const String& markerType, unsigned index, ExceptionState& es) 845 { 846 if (!node) { 847 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 848 return 0; 849 } 850 851 DocumentMarker::MarkerTypes markerTypes = 0; 852 if (!markerTypesFrom(markerType, markerTypes)) { 853 es.throwDOMException(SyntaxError); 854 return 0; 855 } 856 857 Vector<DocumentMarker*> markers = node->document()->markers()->markersFor(node, markerTypes); 858 if (markers.size() <= index) 859 return 0; 860 return markers[index]; 861 } 862 863 PassRefPtr<Range> Internals::markerRangeForNode(Node* node, const String& markerType, unsigned index, ExceptionState& es) 864 { 865 DocumentMarker* marker = markerAt(node, markerType, index, es); 866 if (!marker) 867 return 0; 868 return Range::create(node->document(), node, marker->startOffset(), node, marker->endOffset()); 869 } 870 871 String Internals::markerDescriptionForNode(Node* node, const String& markerType, unsigned index, ExceptionState& es) 872 { 873 DocumentMarker* marker = markerAt(node, markerType, index, es); 874 if (!marker) 875 return String(); 876 return marker->description(); 877 } 878 879 void Internals::addTextMatchMarker(const Range* range, bool isActive) 880 { 881 range->ownerDocument()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); 882 range->ownerDocument()->markers()->addTextMatchMarker(range, isActive); 883 } 884 885 void Internals::setScrollViewPosition(Document* document, long x, long y, ExceptionState& es) 886 { 887 if (!document || !document->view()) { 888 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 889 return; 890 } 891 892 FrameView* frameView = document->view(); 893 bool constrainsScrollingToContentEdgeOldValue = frameView->constrainsScrollingToContentEdge(); 894 bool scrollbarsSuppressedOldValue = frameView->scrollbarsSuppressed(); 895 896 frameView->setConstrainsScrollingToContentEdge(false); 897 frameView->setScrollbarsSuppressed(false); 898 frameView->setScrollOffsetFromInternals(IntPoint(x, y)); 899 frameView->setScrollbarsSuppressed(scrollbarsSuppressedOldValue); 900 frameView->setConstrainsScrollingToContentEdge(constrainsScrollingToContentEdgeOldValue); 901 } 902 903 void Internals::setPagination(Document* document, const String& mode, int gap, int pageLength, ExceptionState& es) 904 { 905 if (!document || !document->page()) { 906 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 907 return; 908 } 909 Page* page = document->page(); 910 911 Pagination pagination; 912 if (mode == "Unpaginated") 913 pagination.mode = Pagination::Unpaginated; 914 else if (mode == "LeftToRightPaginated") 915 pagination.mode = Pagination::LeftToRightPaginated; 916 else if (mode == "RightToLeftPaginated") 917 pagination.mode = Pagination::RightToLeftPaginated; 918 else if (mode == "TopToBottomPaginated") 919 pagination.mode = Pagination::TopToBottomPaginated; 920 else if (mode == "BottomToTopPaginated") 921 pagination.mode = Pagination::BottomToTopPaginated; 922 else { 923 es.throwDOMException(SyntaxError); 924 return; 925 } 926 927 pagination.gap = gap; 928 pagination.pageLength = pageLength; 929 page->setPagination(pagination); 930 } 931 932 String Internals::configurationForViewport(Document* document, float, int deviceWidth, int deviceHeight, int availableWidth, int availableHeight, ExceptionState& es) 933 { 934 if (!document || !document->page()) { 935 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 936 return String(); 937 } 938 Page* page = document->page(); 939 940 // Update initial viewport size. 941 IntSize initialViewportSize(availableWidth, availableHeight); 942 document->page()->mainFrame()->view()->setFrameRect(IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), initialViewportSize)); 943 document->styleResolver()->viewportStyleResolver()->resolve(); 944 945 ViewportArguments arguments = page->viewportArguments(); 946 PageScaleConstraints constraints = arguments.resolve(initialViewportSize, FloatSize(deviceWidth, deviceHeight), 980 /* defaultLayoutWidthForNonMobilePages */); 947 948 constraints.fitToContentsWidth(constraints.layoutSize.width(), availableWidth); 949 950 StringBuilder builder; 951 952 builder.appendLiteral("viewport size "); 953 builder.append(String::number(constraints.layoutSize.width())); 954 builder.append('x'); 955 builder.append(String::number(constraints.layoutSize.height())); 956 957 builder.appendLiteral(" scale "); 958 builder.append(String::number(constraints.initialScale)); 959 builder.appendLiteral(" with limits ["); 960 builder.append(String::number(constraints.minimumScale)); 961 builder.appendLiteral(", "); 962 builder.append(String::number(constraints.maximumScale)); 963 964 builder.appendLiteral("] and userScalable "); 965 builder.append(arguments.userZoom ? "true" : "false"); 966 967 return builder.toString(); 968 } 969 970 bool Internals::wasLastChangeUserEdit(Element* textField, ExceptionState& es) 971 { 972 if (!textField) { 973 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 974 return false; 975 } 976 977 if (textField->hasTagName(inputTag)) 978 return toHTMLInputElement(textField)->lastChangeWasUserEdit(); 979 980 // FIXME: We should be using hasTagName instead but Windows port doesn't link QualifiedNames properly. 981 if (textField->tagName() == "TEXTAREA") 982 return toHTMLTextAreaElement(textField)->lastChangeWasUserEdit(); 983 984 es.throwDOMException(InvalidNodeTypeError); 985 return false; 986 } 987 988 bool Internals::elementShouldAutoComplete(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 989 { 990 if (!element) { 991 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 992 return false; 993 } 994 995 if (element->hasTagName(inputTag)) 996 return toHTMLInputElement(element)->shouldAutocomplete(); 997 998 es.throwDOMException(InvalidNodeTypeError); 999 return false; 1000 } 1001 1002 String Internals::suggestedValue(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 1003 { 1004 if (!element) { 1005 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1006 return String(); 1007 } 1008 1009 if (!element->hasTagName(inputTag)) { 1010 es.throwDOMException(InvalidNodeTypeError); 1011 return String(); 1012 } 1013 1014 return toHTMLInputElement(element)->suggestedValue(); 1015 } 1016 1017 void Internals::setSuggestedValue(Element* element, const String& value, ExceptionState& es) 1018 { 1019 if (!element) { 1020 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1021 return; 1022 } 1023 1024 if (!element->hasTagName(inputTag)) { 1025 es.throwDOMException(InvalidNodeTypeError); 1026 return; 1027 } 1028 1029 toHTMLInputElement(element)->setSuggestedValue(value); 1030 } 1031 1032 void Internals::setEditingValue(Element* element, const String& value, ExceptionState& es) 1033 { 1034 if (!element) { 1035 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1036 return; 1037 } 1038 1039 if (!element->hasTagName(inputTag)) { 1040 es.throwDOMException(InvalidNodeTypeError); 1041 return; 1042 } 1043 1044 toHTMLInputElement(element)->setEditingValue(value); 1045 } 1046 1047 void Internals::setAutofilled(Element* element, bool enabled, ExceptionState& es) 1048 { 1049 if (!element->hasTagName(inputTag)) { 1050 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1051 return; 1052 } 1053 toHTMLInputElement(element)->setAutofilled(enabled); 1054 } 1055 1056 void Internals::scrollElementToRect(Element* element, long x, long y, long w, long h, ExceptionState& es) 1057 { 1058 if (!element || !element->document() || !element->document()->view()) { 1059 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1060 return; 1061 } 1062 FrameView* frameView = element->document()->view(); 1063 frameView->scrollElementToRect(element, IntRect(x, y, w, h)); 1064 } 1065 1066 void Internals::paintControlTints(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1067 { 1068 if (!document || !document->view()) { 1069 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1070 return; 1071 } 1072 1073 FrameView* frameView = document->view(); 1074 frameView->paintControlTints(); 1075 } 1076 1077 PassRefPtr<Range> Internals::rangeFromLocationAndLength(Element* scope, int rangeLocation, int rangeLength, ExceptionState& es) 1078 { 1079 if (!scope) { 1080 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1081 return 0; 1082 } 1083 1084 return TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(scope, rangeLocation, rangeLength); 1085 } 1086 1087 unsigned Internals::locationFromRange(Element* scope, const Range* range, ExceptionState& es) 1088 { 1089 if (!scope || !range) { 1090 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1091 return 0; 1092 } 1093 1094 size_t location = 0; 1095 size_t unusedLength = 0; 1096 TextIterator::getLocationAndLengthFromRange(scope, range, location, unusedLength); 1097 return location; 1098 } 1099 1100 unsigned Internals::lengthFromRange(Element* scope, const Range* range, ExceptionState& es) 1101 { 1102 if (!scope || !range) { 1103 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1104 return 0; 1105 } 1106 1107 size_t unusedLocation = 0; 1108 size_t length = 0; 1109 TextIterator::getLocationAndLengthFromRange(scope, range, unusedLocation, length); 1110 return length; 1111 } 1112 1113 String Internals::rangeAsText(const Range* range, ExceptionState& es) 1114 { 1115 if (!range) { 1116 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1117 return String(); 1118 } 1119 1120 return range->text(); 1121 } 1122 1123 PassRefPtr<DOMPoint> Internals::touchPositionAdjustedToBestClickableNode(long x, long y, long width, long height, Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1124 { 1125 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1126 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1127 return 0; 1128 } 1129 1130 document->updateLayout(); 1131 1132 IntSize radius(width / 2, height / 2); 1133 IntPoint point(x + radius.width(), y + radius.height()); 1134 1135 Node* targetNode; 1136 IntPoint adjustedPoint; 1137 1138 bool foundNode = document->frame()->eventHandler()->bestClickableNodeForTouchPoint(point, radius, adjustedPoint, targetNode); 1139 if (foundNode) 1140 return DOMPoint::create(adjustedPoint.x(), adjustedPoint.y()); 1141 1142 return 0; 1143 } 1144 1145 Node* Internals::touchNodeAdjustedToBestClickableNode(long x, long y, long width, long height, Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1146 { 1147 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1148 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1149 return 0; 1150 } 1151 1152 document->updateLayout(); 1153 1154 IntSize radius(width / 2, height / 2); 1155 IntPoint point(x + radius.width(), y + radius.height()); 1156 1157 Node* targetNode; 1158 IntPoint adjustedPoint; 1159 document->frame()->eventHandler()->bestClickableNodeForTouchPoint(point, radius, adjustedPoint, targetNode); 1160 return targetNode; 1161 } 1162 1163 PassRefPtr<DOMPoint> Internals::touchPositionAdjustedToBestContextMenuNode(long x, long y, long width, long height, Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1164 { 1165 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1166 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1167 return 0; 1168 } 1169 1170 document->updateLayout(); 1171 1172 IntSize radius(width / 2, height / 2); 1173 IntPoint point(x + radius.width(), y + radius.height()); 1174 1175 Node* targetNode = 0; 1176 IntPoint adjustedPoint; 1177 1178 bool foundNode = document->frame()->eventHandler()->bestContextMenuNodeForTouchPoint(point, radius, adjustedPoint, targetNode); 1179 if (foundNode) 1180 return DOMPoint::create(adjustedPoint.x(), adjustedPoint.y()); 1181 1182 return DOMPoint::create(x, y); 1183 } 1184 1185 Node* Internals::touchNodeAdjustedToBestContextMenuNode(long x, long y, long width, long height, Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1186 { 1187 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1188 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1189 return 0; 1190 } 1191 1192 document->updateLayout(); 1193 1194 IntSize radius(width / 2, height / 2); 1195 IntPoint point(x + radius.width(), y + radius.height()); 1196 1197 Node* targetNode = 0; 1198 IntPoint adjustedPoint; 1199 document->frame()->eventHandler()->bestContextMenuNodeForTouchPoint(point, radius, adjustedPoint, targetNode); 1200 return targetNode; 1201 } 1202 1203 PassRefPtr<ClientRect> Internals::bestZoomableAreaForTouchPoint(long x, long y, long width, long height, Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1204 { 1205 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1206 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1207 return 0; 1208 } 1209 1210 document->updateLayout(); 1211 1212 IntSize radius(width / 2, height / 2); 1213 IntPoint point(x + radius.width(), y + radius.height()); 1214 1215 Node* targetNode; 1216 IntRect zoomableArea; 1217 bool foundNode = document->frame()->eventHandler()->bestZoomableAreaForTouchPoint(point, radius, zoomableArea, targetNode); 1218 if (foundNode) 1219 return ClientRect::create(zoomableArea); 1220 1221 return 0; 1222 } 1223 1224 1225 int Internals::lastSpellCheckRequestSequence(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1226 { 1227 SpellChecker* checker = spellchecker(document); 1228 1229 if (!checker) { 1230 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1231 return -1; 1232 } 1233 1234 return checker->lastRequestSequence(); 1235 } 1236 1237 int Internals::lastSpellCheckProcessedSequence(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1238 { 1239 SpellChecker* checker = spellchecker(document); 1240 1241 if (!checker) { 1242 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1243 return -1; 1244 } 1245 1246 return checker->lastProcessedSequence(); 1247 } 1248 1249 Vector<String> Internals::userPreferredLanguages() const 1250 { 1251 return WebCore::userPreferredLanguages(); 1252 } 1253 1254 void Internals::setUserPreferredLanguages(const Vector<String>& languages) 1255 { 1256 WebCore::overrideUserPreferredLanguages(languages); 1257 } 1258 1259 unsigned Internals::wheelEventHandlerCount(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1260 { 1261 if (!document) { 1262 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1263 return 0; 1264 } 1265 1266 return document->wheelEventHandlerCount(); 1267 } 1268 1269 unsigned Internals::touchEventHandlerCount(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1270 { 1271 if (!document) { 1272 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1273 return 0; 1274 } 1275 1276 const TouchEventTargetSet* touchHandlers = document->touchEventTargets(); 1277 if (!touchHandlers) 1278 return 0; 1279 1280 unsigned count = 0; 1281 for (TouchEventTargetSet::const_iterator iter = touchHandlers->begin(); iter != touchHandlers->end(); ++iter) 1282 count += iter->value; 1283 return count; 1284 } 1285 1286 LayerRectList* Internals::touchEventTargetLayerRects(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1287 { 1288 if (!document || !document->view() || !document->page() || document != contextDocument()) { 1289 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1290 return 0; 1291 } 1292 1293 // Do any pending layouts (which may call touchEventTargetRectsChange) to ensure this 1294 // really takes any previous changes into account. 1295 document->updateLayout(); 1296 return m_currentTouchEventRects.get(); 1297 } 1298 1299 unsigned Internals::touchEventTargetLayerRectsUpdateCount(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1300 { 1301 if (!document || !document->view() || !document->page() || document != contextDocument()) { 1302 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1303 return 0; 1304 } 1305 1306 // Do any pending layouts to ensure this really takes any previous changes into account. 1307 document->updateLayout(); 1308 1309 return m_touchEventTargetRectUpdateCount; 1310 } 1311 1312 void Internals::touchEventTargetRectsChanged(const LayerHitTestRects& rects) 1313 { 1314 // When profiling content_shell, it can be handy to exclude this time (since it's only 1315 // present for testing / debugging). 1316 TRACE_EVENT0("input", "Internals::touchEventTargetRectsChanged"); 1317 1318 m_touchEventTargetRectUpdateCount++; 1319 1320 // Since it's not safe to hang onto the pointers in a LayerHitTestRects, we immediately 1321 // copy into a LayerRectList. 1322 m_currentTouchEventRects = LayerRectList::create(); 1323 for (LayerHitTestRects::const_iterator iter = rects.begin(); iter != rects.end(); ++iter) { 1324 for (size_t i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { 1325 m_currentTouchEventRects->append(iter->key->renderer()->node(), ClientRect::create(enclosingIntRect(iter->value[i]))); 1326 } 1327 } 1328 } 1329 1330 PassRefPtr<NodeList> Internals::nodesFromRect(Document* document, int centerX, int centerY, unsigned topPadding, unsigned rightPadding, 1331 unsigned bottomPadding, unsigned leftPadding, bool ignoreClipping, bool allowShadowContent, bool allowChildFrameContent, ExceptionState& es) const 1332 { 1333 if (!document || !document->frame() || !document->frame()->view()) { 1334 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1335 return 0; 1336 } 1337 1338 Frame* frame = document->frame(); 1339 FrameView* frameView = document->view(); 1340 RenderView* renderView = document->renderView(); 1341 1342 if (!renderView) 1343 return 0; 1344 1345 float zoomFactor = frame->pageZoomFactor(); 1346 LayoutPoint point = roundedLayoutPoint(FloatPoint(centerX * zoomFactor + frameView->scrollX(), centerY * zoomFactor + frameView->scrollY())); 1347 1348 HitTestRequest::HitTestRequestType hitType = HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active; 1349 if (ignoreClipping) 1350 hitType |= HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping; 1351 if (!allowShadowContent) 1352 hitType |= HitTestRequest::DisallowShadowContent; 1353 if (allowChildFrameContent) 1354 hitType |= HitTestRequest::AllowChildFrameContent; 1355 1356 HitTestRequest request(hitType); 1357 1358 // When ignoreClipping is false, this method returns null for coordinates outside of the viewport. 1359 if (!request.ignoreClipping() && !frameView->visibleContentRect().intersects(HitTestLocation::rectForPoint(point, topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding))) 1360 return 0; 1361 1362 Vector<RefPtr<Node> > matches; 1363 1364 // Need padding to trigger a rect based hit test, but we want to return a NodeList 1365 // so we special case this. 1366 if (!topPadding && !rightPadding && !bottomPadding && !leftPadding) { 1367 HitTestResult result(point); 1368 renderView->hitTest(request, result); 1369 if (result.innerNode()) 1370 matches.append(result.innerNode()->deprecatedShadowAncestorNode()); 1371 } else { 1372 HitTestResult result(point, topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding); 1373 renderView->hitTest(request, result); 1374 copyToVector(result.rectBasedTestResult(), matches); 1375 } 1376 1377 return StaticNodeList::adopt(matches); 1378 } 1379 1380 void Internals::emitInspectorDidBeginFrame() 1381 { 1382 InspectorController* inspectorController = contextDocument()->frame()->page()->inspectorController(); 1383 inspectorController->didBeginFrame(); 1384 } 1385 1386 void Internals::emitInspectorDidCancelFrame() 1387 { 1388 InspectorController* inspectorController = contextDocument()->frame()->page()->inspectorController(); 1389 inspectorController->didCancelFrame(); 1390 } 1391 1392 bool Internals::hasSpellingMarker(Document* document, int from, int length, ExceptionState&) 1393 { 1394 if (!document || !document->frame()) 1395 return 0; 1396 1397 return document->frame()->editor()->selectionStartHasMarkerFor(DocumentMarker::Spelling, from, length); 1398 } 1399 1400 void Internals::setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled(bool enabled, ExceptionState&) 1401 { 1402 if (!contextDocument() || !contextDocument()->frame() || !contextDocument()->frame()->editor()) 1403 return; 1404 1405 if (enabled != contextDocument()->frame()->editor()->isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled()) 1406 contextDocument()->frame()->editor()->toggleContinuousSpellChecking(); 1407 } 1408 1409 bool Internals::isOverwriteModeEnabled(Document* document, ExceptionState&) 1410 { 1411 if (!document || !document->frame()) 1412 return 0; 1413 1414 return document->frame()->editor()->isOverwriteModeEnabled(); 1415 } 1416 1417 void Internals::toggleOverwriteModeEnabled(Document* document, ExceptionState&) 1418 { 1419 if (!document || !document->frame()) 1420 return; 1421 1422 document->frame()->editor()->toggleOverwriteModeEnabled(); 1423 } 1424 1425 unsigned Internals::numberOfLiveNodes() const 1426 { 1427 return InspectorCounters::counterValue(InspectorCounters::NodeCounter); 1428 } 1429 1430 unsigned Internals::numberOfLiveDocuments() const 1431 { 1432 return InspectorCounters::counterValue(InspectorCounters::DocumentCounter); 1433 } 1434 1435 Vector<String> Internals::consoleMessageArgumentCounts(Document* document) const 1436 { 1437 InstrumentingAgents* instrumentingAgents = instrumentationForPage(document->page()); 1438 if (!instrumentingAgents) 1439 return Vector<String>(); 1440 InspectorConsoleAgent* consoleAgent = instrumentingAgents->inspectorConsoleAgent(); 1441 if (!consoleAgent) 1442 return Vector<String>(); 1443 Vector<unsigned> counts = consoleAgent->consoleMessageArgumentCounts(); 1444 Vector<String> result(counts.size()); 1445 for (size_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); i++) 1446 result[i] = String::number(counts[i]); 1447 return result; 1448 } 1449 1450 PassRefPtr<DOMWindow> Internals::openDummyInspectorFrontend(const String& url) 1451 { 1452 Page* page = contextDocument()->frame()->page(); 1453 ASSERT(page); 1454 1455 DOMWindow* window = page->mainFrame()->domWindow(); 1456 ASSERT(window); 1457 1458 m_frontendWindow = window->open(url, "", "", window, window); 1459 ASSERT(m_frontendWindow); 1460 1461 Page* frontendPage = m_frontendWindow->document()->page(); 1462 ASSERT(frontendPage); 1463 1464 OwnPtr<InspectorFrontendClientLocal> frontendClient = adoptPtr(new InspectorFrontendClientLocal(page->inspectorController(), frontendPage)); 1465 1466 frontendPage->inspectorController()->setInspectorFrontendClient(frontendClient.release()); 1467 1468 m_frontendChannel = adoptPtr(new InspectorFrontendChannelDummy(frontendPage)); 1469 1470 page->inspectorController()->connectFrontend(m_frontendChannel.get()); 1471 1472 return m_frontendWindow; 1473 } 1474 1475 void Internals::closeDummyInspectorFrontend() 1476 { 1477 Page* page = contextDocument()->frame()->page(); 1478 ASSERT(page); 1479 ASSERT(m_frontendWindow); 1480 1481 page->inspectorController()->disconnectFrontend(); 1482 1483 m_frontendChannel.release(); 1484 1485 m_frontendWindow->close(m_frontendWindow->scriptExecutionContext()); 1486 m_frontendWindow.release(); 1487 } 1488 1489 Vector<unsigned long> Internals::setMemoryCacheCapacities(unsigned long minDeadBytes, unsigned long maxDeadBytes, unsigned long totalBytes) 1490 { 1491 Vector<unsigned long> result; 1492 result.append(memoryCache()->minDeadCapacity()); 1493 result.append(memoryCache()->maxDeadCapacity()); 1494 result.append(memoryCache()->capacity()); 1495 memoryCache()->setCapacities(minDeadBytes, maxDeadBytes, totalBytes); 1496 return result; 1497 } 1498 1499 void Internals::setInspectorResourcesDataSizeLimits(int maximumResourcesContentSize, int maximumSingleResourceContentSize, ExceptionState& es) 1500 { 1501 Page* page = contextDocument()->frame()->page(); 1502 if (!page || !page->inspectorController()) { 1503 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1504 return; 1505 } 1506 page->inspectorController()->setResourcesDataSizeLimitsFromInternals(maximumResourcesContentSize, maximumSingleResourceContentSize); 1507 } 1508 1509 bool Internals::hasGrammarMarker(Document* document, int from, int length, ExceptionState&) 1510 { 1511 if (!document || !document->frame()) 1512 return 0; 1513 1514 return document->frame()->editor()->selectionStartHasMarkerFor(DocumentMarker::Grammar, from, length); 1515 } 1516 1517 unsigned Internals::numberOfScrollableAreas(Document* document, ExceptionState&) 1518 { 1519 unsigned count = 0; 1520 Frame* frame = document->frame(); 1521 if (frame->view()->scrollableAreas()) 1522 count += frame->view()->scrollableAreas()->size(); 1523 1524 for (Frame* child = frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) { 1525 if (child->view() && child->view()->scrollableAreas()) 1526 count += child->view()->scrollableAreas()->size(); 1527 } 1528 1529 return count; 1530 } 1531 1532 bool Internals::isPageBoxVisible(Document* document, int pageNumber, ExceptionState& es) 1533 { 1534 if (!document) { 1535 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1536 return false; 1537 } 1538 1539 return document->isPageBoxVisible(pageNumber); 1540 } 1541 1542 String Internals::layerTreeAsText(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 1543 { 1544 return layerTreeAsText(document, 0, es); 1545 } 1546 1547 String Internals::elementLayerTreeAsText(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) const 1548 { 1549 return elementLayerTreeAsText(element, 0, es); 1550 } 1551 1552 static PassRefPtr<NodeList> paintOrderList(Element* element, ExceptionState& es, RenderLayer::PaintOrderListType type) 1553 { 1554 if (!element) { 1555 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1556 return 0; 1557 } 1558 1559 element->document()->updateLayout(); 1560 1561 RenderObject* renderer = element->renderer(); 1562 if (!renderer || !renderer->isBox()) { 1563 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1564 return 0; 1565 } 1566 1567 RenderLayer* layer = toRenderBox(renderer)->layer(); 1568 if (!layer) { 1569 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1570 return 0; 1571 } 1572 1573 Vector<RefPtr<Node> > nodes; 1574 layer->computePaintOrderList(type, nodes); 1575 return StaticNodeList::adopt(nodes); 1576 } 1577 1578 PassRefPtr<NodeList> Internals::paintOrderListBeforePromote(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 1579 { 1580 return paintOrderList(element, es, RenderLayer::BeforePromote); 1581 } 1582 1583 PassRefPtr<NodeList> Internals::paintOrderListAfterPromote(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 1584 { 1585 return paintOrderList(element, es, RenderLayer::AfterPromote); 1586 } 1587 1588 String Internals::layerTreeAsText(Document* document, unsigned flags, ExceptionState& es) const 1589 { 1590 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1591 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1592 return String(); 1593 } 1594 1595 return document->frame()->layerTreeAsText(flags); 1596 } 1597 1598 String Internals::elementLayerTreeAsText(Element* element, unsigned flags, ExceptionState& es) const 1599 { 1600 if (!element) { 1601 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1602 return String(); 1603 } 1604 1605 element->document()->updateLayout(); 1606 1607 RenderObject* renderer = element->renderer(); 1608 if (!renderer || !renderer->isBox()) { 1609 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1610 return String(); 1611 } 1612 1613 RenderLayer* layer = toRenderBox(renderer)->layer(); 1614 if (!layer 1615 || !layer->backing() 1616 || !layer->backing()->graphicsLayer()) { 1617 // Don't raise exception in these cases which may be normally used in tests. 1618 return String(); 1619 } 1620 1621 return layer->backing()->graphicsLayer()->layerTreeAsText(flags); 1622 } 1623 1624 void Internals::setNeedsCompositedScrolling(Element* element, unsigned needsCompositedScrolling, ExceptionState& es) 1625 { 1626 if (!element) { 1627 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1628 return; 1629 } 1630 1631 element->document()->updateLayout(); 1632 1633 RenderObject* renderer = element->renderer(); 1634 if (!renderer || !renderer->isBox()) { 1635 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1636 return; 1637 } 1638 1639 RenderLayer* layer = toRenderBox(renderer)->layer(); 1640 if (!layer) { 1641 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1642 return; 1643 } 1644 1645 layer->setForceNeedsCompositedScrolling(static_cast<RenderLayer::ForceNeedsCompositedScrollingMode>(needsCompositedScrolling)); 1646 } 1647 1648 String Internals::repaintRectsAsText(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 1649 { 1650 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1651 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1652 return String(); 1653 } 1654 1655 return document->frame()->trackedRepaintRectsAsText(); 1656 } 1657 1658 String Internals::scrollingStateTreeAsText(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 1659 { 1660 return String(); 1661 } 1662 1663 String Internals::mainThreadScrollingReasons(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 1664 { 1665 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1666 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1667 return String(); 1668 } 1669 1670 Page* page = document->page(); 1671 if (!page) 1672 return String(); 1673 1674 return page->mainThreadScrollingReasonsAsText(); 1675 } 1676 1677 PassRefPtr<ClientRectList> Internals::nonFastScrollableRects(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 1678 { 1679 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1680 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1681 return 0; 1682 } 1683 1684 Page* page = document->page(); 1685 if (!page) 1686 return 0; 1687 1688 return page->nonFastScrollableRects(document->frame()); 1689 } 1690 1691 void Internals::garbageCollectDocumentResources(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) const 1692 { 1693 if (!document) { 1694 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1695 return; 1696 } 1697 1698 ResourceFetcher* fetcher = document->fetcher(); 1699 if (!fetcher) 1700 return; 1701 fetcher->garbageCollectDocumentResources(); 1702 } 1703 1704 void Internals::evictAllResources() const 1705 { 1706 memoryCache()->evictResources(); 1707 } 1708 1709 void Internals::allowRoundingHacks() const 1710 { 1711 TextRun::setAllowsRoundingHacks(true); 1712 } 1713 1714 void Internals::insertAuthorCSS(Document* document, const String& css) const 1715 { 1716 RefPtr<StyleSheetContents> parsedSheet = StyleSheetContents::create(document); 1717 parsedSheet->setIsUserStyleSheet(false); 1718 parsedSheet->parseString(css); 1719 document->styleSheetCollection()->addAuthorSheet(parsedSheet); 1720 } 1721 1722 void Internals::insertUserCSS(Document* document, const String& css) const 1723 { 1724 RefPtr<StyleSheetContents> parsedSheet = StyleSheetContents::create(document); 1725 parsedSheet->setIsUserStyleSheet(true); 1726 parsedSheet->parseString(css); 1727 document->styleSheetCollection()->addUserSheet(parsedSheet); 1728 } 1729 1730 String Internals::counterValue(Element* element) 1731 { 1732 if (!element) 1733 return String(); 1734 1735 return counterValueForElement(element); 1736 } 1737 1738 int Internals::pageNumber(Element* element, float pageWidth, float pageHeight) 1739 { 1740 if (!element) 1741 return 0; 1742 1743 return PrintContext::pageNumberForElement(element, FloatSize(pageWidth, pageHeight)); 1744 } 1745 1746 Vector<String> Internals::iconURLs(Document* document, int iconTypesMask) const 1747 { 1748 Vector<IconURL> iconURLs = document->iconURLs(iconTypesMask); 1749 Vector<String> array; 1750 1751 Vector<IconURL>::const_iterator iter(iconURLs.begin()); 1752 for (; iter != iconURLs.end(); ++iter) 1753 array.append(iter->m_iconURL.string()); 1754 1755 return array; 1756 } 1757 1758 Vector<String> Internals::shortcutIconURLs(Document* document) const 1759 { 1760 return iconURLs(document, Favicon); 1761 } 1762 1763 Vector<String> Internals::allIconURLs(Document* document) const 1764 { 1765 return iconURLs(document, Favicon | TouchIcon | TouchPrecomposedIcon); 1766 } 1767 1768 int Internals::numberOfPages(float pageWidth, float pageHeight) 1769 { 1770 if (!frame()) 1771 return -1; 1772 1773 return PrintContext::numberOfPages(frame(), FloatSize(pageWidth, pageHeight)); 1774 } 1775 1776 String Internals::pageProperty(String propertyName, int pageNumber, ExceptionState& es) const 1777 { 1778 if (!frame()) { 1779 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1780 return String(); 1781 } 1782 1783 return PrintContext::pageProperty(frame(), propertyName.utf8().data(), pageNumber); 1784 } 1785 1786 String Internals::pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(int pageNumber, int width, int height, int marginTop, int marginRight, int marginBottom, int marginLeft, ExceptionState& es) const 1787 { 1788 if (!frame()) { 1789 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1790 return String(); 1791 } 1792 1793 return PrintContext::pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(frame(), pageNumber, width, height, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft); 1794 } 1795 1796 void Internals::setDeviceScaleFactor(float scaleFactor, ExceptionState& es) 1797 { 1798 Document* document = contextDocument(); 1799 if (!document || !document->page()) { 1800 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1801 return; 1802 } 1803 Page* page = document->page(); 1804 page->setDeviceScaleFactor(scaleFactor); 1805 } 1806 1807 void Internals::setIsCursorVisible(Document* document, bool isVisible, ExceptionState& es) 1808 { 1809 if (!document || !document->page()) { 1810 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1811 return; 1812 } 1813 document->page()->setIsCursorVisible(isVisible); 1814 } 1815 1816 void Internals::webkitWillEnterFullScreenForElement(Document* document, Element* element) 1817 { 1818 if (!document) 1819 return; 1820 FullscreenElementStack::from(document)->webkitWillEnterFullScreenForElement(element); 1821 } 1822 1823 void Internals::webkitDidEnterFullScreenForElement(Document* document, Element* element) 1824 { 1825 if (!document) 1826 return; 1827 FullscreenElementStack::from(document)->webkitDidEnterFullScreenForElement(element); 1828 } 1829 1830 void Internals::webkitWillExitFullScreenForElement(Document* document, Element* element) 1831 { 1832 if (!document) 1833 return; 1834 FullscreenElementStack::from(document)->webkitWillExitFullScreenForElement(element); 1835 } 1836 1837 void Internals::webkitDidExitFullScreenForElement(Document* document, Element* element) 1838 { 1839 if (!document) 1840 return; 1841 FullscreenElementStack::from(document)->webkitDidExitFullScreenForElement(element); 1842 } 1843 1844 void Internals::registerURLSchemeAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(const String& scheme) 1845 { 1846 SchemeRegistry::registerURLSchemeAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(scheme); 1847 } 1848 1849 void Internals::removeURLSchemeRegisteredAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(const String& scheme) 1850 { 1851 SchemeRegistry::removeURLSchemeRegisteredAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(scheme); 1852 } 1853 1854 PassRefPtr<MallocStatistics> Internals::mallocStatistics() const 1855 { 1856 return MallocStatistics::create(); 1857 } 1858 1859 PassRefPtr<TypeConversions> Internals::typeConversions() const 1860 { 1861 return TypeConversions::create(); 1862 } 1863 1864 Vector<String> Internals::getReferencedFilePaths() const 1865 { 1866 frame()->loader()->history()->saveDocumentAndScrollState(); 1867 return FormController::getReferencedFilePaths(frame()->loader()->history()->currentItem()->documentState()); 1868 } 1869 1870 void Internals::startTrackingRepaints(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1871 { 1872 if (!document || !document->view()) { 1873 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1874 return; 1875 } 1876 1877 FrameView* frameView = document->view(); 1878 frameView->setTracksRepaints(true); 1879 } 1880 1881 void Internals::stopTrackingRepaints(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1882 { 1883 if (!document || !document->view()) { 1884 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1885 return; 1886 } 1887 1888 FrameView* frameView = document->view(); 1889 frameView->setTracksRepaints(false); 1890 } 1891 1892 static const char* cursorTypeToString(Cursor::Type cursorType) 1893 { 1894 switch (cursorType) { 1895 case Cursor::Pointer: return "Pointer"; 1896 case Cursor::Cross: return "Cross"; 1897 case Cursor::Hand: return "Hand"; 1898 case Cursor::IBeam: return "IBeam"; 1899 case Cursor::Wait: return "Wait"; 1900 case Cursor::Help: return "Help"; 1901 case Cursor::EastResize: return "EastResize"; 1902 case Cursor::NorthResize: return "NorthResize"; 1903 case Cursor::NorthEastResize: return "NorthEastResize"; 1904 case Cursor::NorthWestResize: return "NorthWestResize"; 1905 case Cursor::SouthResize: return "SouthResize"; 1906 case Cursor::SouthEastResize: return "SouthEastResize"; 1907 case Cursor::SouthWestResize: return "SouthWestResize"; 1908 case Cursor::WestResize: return "WestResize"; 1909 case Cursor::NorthSouthResize: return "NorthSouthResize"; 1910 case Cursor::EastWestResize: return "EastWestResize"; 1911 case Cursor::NorthEastSouthWestResize: return "NorthEastSouthWestResize"; 1912 case Cursor::NorthWestSouthEastResize: return "NorthWestSouthEastResize"; 1913 case Cursor::ColumnResize: return "ColumnResize"; 1914 case Cursor::RowResize: return "RowResize"; 1915 case Cursor::MiddlePanning: return "MiddlePanning"; 1916 case Cursor::EastPanning: return "EastPanning"; 1917 case Cursor::NorthPanning: return "NorthPanning"; 1918 case Cursor::NorthEastPanning: return "NorthEastPanning"; 1919 case Cursor::NorthWestPanning: return "NorthWestPanning"; 1920 case Cursor::SouthPanning: return "SouthPanning"; 1921 case Cursor::SouthEastPanning: return "SouthEastPanning"; 1922 case Cursor::SouthWestPanning: return "SouthWestPanning"; 1923 case Cursor::WestPanning: return "WestPanning"; 1924 case Cursor::Move: return "Move"; 1925 case Cursor::VerticalText: return "VerticalText"; 1926 case Cursor::Cell: return "Cell"; 1927 case Cursor::ContextMenu: return "ContextMenu"; 1928 case Cursor::Alias: return "Alias"; 1929 case Cursor::Progress: return "Progress"; 1930 case Cursor::NoDrop: return "NoDrop"; 1931 case Cursor::Copy: return "Copy"; 1932 case Cursor::None: return "None"; 1933 case Cursor::NotAllowed: return "NotAllowed"; 1934 case Cursor::ZoomIn: return "ZoomIn"; 1935 case Cursor::ZoomOut: return "ZoomOut"; 1936 case Cursor::Grab: return "Grab"; 1937 case Cursor::Grabbing: return "Grabbing"; 1938 case Cursor::Custom: return "Custom"; 1939 } 1940 1941 ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); 1942 return "UNKNOWN"; 1943 } 1944 1945 String Internals::getCurrentCursorInfo(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 1946 { 1947 if (!document || !document->frame()) { 1948 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 1949 return String(); 1950 } 1951 1952 Cursor cursor = document->frame()->eventHandler()->currentMouseCursor(); 1953 1954 StringBuilder result; 1955 result.append("type="); 1956 result.append(cursorTypeToString(cursor.type())); 1957 result.append(" hotSpot="); 1958 result.appendNumber(cursor.hotSpot().x()); 1959 result.append(","); 1960 result.appendNumber(cursor.hotSpot().y()); 1961 if (cursor.image()) { 1962 IntSize size = cursor.image()->size(); 1963 result.append(" image="); 1964 result.appendNumber(size.width()); 1965 result.append("x"); 1966 result.appendNumber(size.height()); 1967 } 1968 if (cursor.imageScaleFactor() != 1) { 1969 result.append(" scale="); 1970 NumberToStringBuffer buffer; 1971 result.append(numberToFixedPrecisionString(cursor.imageScaleFactor(), 8, buffer, true)); 1972 } 1973 1974 return result.toString(); 1975 } 1976 1977 PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> Internals::serializeObject(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> value) const 1978 { 1979 String stringValue = value->toWireString(); 1980 RefPtr<ArrayBuffer> buffer = ArrayBuffer::createUninitialized(stringValue.length(), sizeof(UChar)); 1981 stringValue.copyTo(static_cast<UChar*>(buffer->data()), 0, stringValue.length()); 1982 return buffer.release(); 1983 } 1984 1985 PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> Internals::deserializeBuffer(PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> buffer) const 1986 { 1987 String value(static_cast<const UChar*>(buffer->data()), buffer->byteLength() / sizeof(UChar)); 1988 return SerializedScriptValue::createFromWire(value); 1989 } 1990 1991 void Internals::setUsesOverlayScrollbars(bool enabled) 1992 { 1993 WebCore::Settings::setUsesOverlayScrollbars(enabled); 1994 } 1995 1996 void Internals::forceReload(bool endToEnd) 1997 { 1998 frame()->loader()->reload(endToEnd ? EndToEndReload : NormalReload); 1999 } 2000 2001 PassRefPtr<ClientRect> Internals::selectionBounds(ExceptionState& es) 2002 { 2003 Document* document = contextDocument(); 2004 if (!document || !document->frame() || !document->frame()->selection()) { 2005 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 2006 return 0; 2007 } 2008 2009 return ClientRect::create(document->frame()->selection()->bounds()); 2010 } 2011 2012 String Internals::markerTextForListItem(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 2013 { 2014 if (!element) { 2015 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 2016 return String(); 2017 } 2018 return WebCore::markerTextForListItem(element); 2019 } 2020 2021 String Internals::getImageSourceURL(Element* element, ExceptionState& es) 2022 { 2023 if (!element) { 2024 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 2025 return String(); 2026 } 2027 return element->imageSourceURL(); 2028 } 2029 2030 String Internals::baseURL(Document* document, ExceptionState& es) 2031 { 2032 if (!document) { 2033 es.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError); 2034 return String(); 2035 } 2036 2037 return document->baseURL().string(); 2038 } 2039 2040 bool Internals::isSelectPopupVisible(Node* node) 2041 { 2042 if (!node->hasTagName(HTMLNames::selectTag)) 2043 return false; 2044 2045 HTMLSelectElement* select = toHTMLSelectElement(node); 2046 2047 RenderObject* renderer = select->renderer(); 2048 if (!renderer->isMenuList()) 2049 return false; 2050 2051 RenderMenuList* menuList = toRenderMenuList(renderer); 2052 return menuList->popupIsVisible(); 2053 } 2054 2055 bool Internals::loseSharedGraphicsContext3D() 2056 { 2057 RefPtr<GraphicsContext3D> sharedContext = SharedGraphicsContext3D::get(); 2058 if (!sharedContext) 2059 return false; 2060 sharedContext->getExtensions()->loseContextCHROMIUM(Extensions3D::GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB, Extensions3D::INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB); 2061 // To prevent tests that call loseSharedGraphicsContext3D from being 2062 // flaky, we call finish so that the context is guaranteed to be lost 2063 // synchronously (i.e. before returning). 2064 sharedContext->finish(); 2065 return true; 2066 } 2067 2068 } 2069