1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h" 6 7 namespace google_update { 8 9 const wchar_t kChromeUpgradeCode[] = L"{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}"; 10 11 const wchar_t kExperimentLabels[] = L"experiment_labels"; 12 13 const wchar_t kGoogleUpdateUpgradeCode[] = 14 L"{430FD4D0-B729-4F61-AA34-91526481799D}"; 15 16 const wchar_t kGoogleUpdateSetupExe[] = L"GoogleUpdateSetup.exe"; 17 18 const wchar_t kRegPathClients[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update\\Clients"; 19 const wchar_t kRegPathClientState[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update\\ClientState"; 20 const wchar_t kRegPathClientStateMedium[] = 21 L"Software\\Google\\Update\\ClientStateMedium"; 22 const wchar_t kRegPathGoogleUpdate[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update"; 23 24 const wchar_t kRegCommandsKey[] = L"Commands"; 25 26 const wchar_t kRegApField[] = L"ap"; 27 const wchar_t kRegAutoRunOnOSUpgradeField[] = L"AutoRunOnOSUpgrade"; 28 const wchar_t kRegBrandField[] = L"brand"; 29 const wchar_t kRegBrowserField[] = L"browser"; 30 const wchar_t kRegCFEndTempOptOutCmdField[] = L"CFEndTempOptOutCmd"; 31 const wchar_t kRegCFOptInCmdField[] = L"CFOptInCmd"; 32 const wchar_t kRegCFOptOutCmdField[] = L"CFOptOutCmd"; 33 const wchar_t kRegCFTempOptOutCmdField[] = L"CFTempOptOutCmd"; 34 const wchar_t kRegClientField[] = L"client"; 35 const wchar_t kRegCommandLineField[] = L"CommandLine"; 36 const wchar_t kRegCriticalVersionField[] = L"cpv"; 37 const wchar_t kRegDidRunField[] = L"dr"; 38 const wchar_t kRegEULAAceptedField[] = L"eulaaccepted"; 39 const wchar_t kRegGoogleUpdateVersion[] = L"version"; 40 const wchar_t kRegLangField[] = L"lang"; 41 const wchar_t kRegLastStartedAUField[] = L"LastStartedAU"; 42 const wchar_t kRegLastCheckedField[] = L"LastChecked"; 43 const wchar_t kRegLastCheckSuccessField[] = L"LastCheckSuccess"; 44 const wchar_t kRegLastInstallerResultField[] = L"LastInstallerResult"; 45 const wchar_t kRegLastInstallerErrorField[] = L"LastInstallerError"; 46 const wchar_t kRegLastInstallerExtraField[] = L"LastInstallerExtraCode1"; 47 const wchar_t kRegLastRunTimeField[] = L"lastrun"; 48 const wchar_t kRegMetricsId[] = L"metricsid"; 49 const wchar_t kRegMSIField[] = L"msi"; 50 const wchar_t kRegNameField[] = L"name"; 51 const wchar_t kRegOemInstallField[] = L"oeminstall"; 52 const wchar_t kRegOldVersionField[] = L"opv"; 53 const wchar_t kRegOopcrashesField[] = L"oopcrashes"; 54 const wchar_t kRegPathField[] = L"path"; 55 const wchar_t kRegRLZBrandField[] = L"brand"; 56 const wchar_t kRegRLZReactivationBrandField[] = L"reactivationbrand"; 57 const wchar_t kRegReferralField[] = L"referral"; 58 const wchar_t kRegRenameCmdField[] = L"cmd"; 59 const wchar_t kRegRunAsUserField[] = L"RunAsUser"; 60 const wchar_t kRegSendsPingsField[] = L"SendsPings"; 61 const wchar_t kRegUninstallCmdLine[] = L"UninstallCmdLine"; 62 const wchar_t kRegUsageStatsField[] = L"usagestats"; 63 const wchar_t kRegVersionField[] = L"pv"; 64 const wchar_t kRegWebAccessibleField[] = L"WebAccessible"; 65 66 } // namespace google_update 67