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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #ifndef WEBRTC_COMMON_TYPES_H
     12 #define WEBRTC_COMMON_TYPES_H
     14 #include "typedefs.h"
     16 #ifdef WEBRTC_EXPORT
     17     #define WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT _declspec(dllexport)
     18 #elif WEBRTC_DLL
     19     #define WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT _declspec(dllimport)
     20 #else
     21     #define WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT
     22 #endif
     24 #ifndef NULL
     25     #define NULL 0
     26 #endif
     28 namespace webrtc {
     30 class InStream
     31 {
     32 public:
     33     virtual int Read(void *buf,int len) = 0;
     34     virtual int Rewind() {return -1;}
     35     virtual ~InStream() {}
     36 protected:
     37     InStream() {}
     38 };
     40 class OutStream
     41 {
     42 public:
     43     virtual bool Write(const void *buf,int len) = 0;
     44     virtual int Rewind() {return -1;}
     45     virtual ~OutStream() {}
     46 protected:
     47     OutStream() {}
     48 };
     50 enum TraceModule
     51 {
     52     // not a module, triggered from the engine code
     53     kTraceVoice              = 0x0001,
     54     // not a module, triggered from the engine code
     55     kTraceVideo              = 0x0002,
     56     // not a module, triggered from the utility code
     57     kTraceUtility            = 0x0003,
     58     kTraceRtpRtcp            = 0x0004,
     59     kTraceTransport          = 0x0005,
     60     kTraceSrtp               = 0x0006,
     61     kTraceAudioCoding        = 0x0007,
     62     kTraceAudioMixerServer   = 0x0008,
     63     kTraceAudioMixerClient   = 0x0009,
     64     kTraceFile               = 0x000a,
     65     kTraceAudioProcessing    = 0x000b,
     66     kTraceVideoCoding        = 0x0010,
     67     kTraceVideoMixer         = 0x0011,
     68     kTraceAudioDevice        = 0x0012,
     69     kTraceVideoRenderer      = 0x0014,
     70     kTraceVideoCapture       = 0x0015,
     71     kTraceVideoPreocessing   = 0x0016
     72 };
     74 enum TraceLevel
     75 {
     76     kTraceNone               = 0x0000,    // no trace
     77     kTraceStateInfo          = 0x0001,
     78     kTraceWarning            = 0x0002,
     79     kTraceError              = 0x0004,
     80     kTraceCritical           = 0x0008,
     81     kTraceApiCall            = 0x0010,
     82     kTraceDefault            = 0x00ff,
     84     kTraceModuleCall         = 0x0020,
     85     kTraceMemory             = 0x0100,   // memory info
     86     kTraceTimer              = 0x0200,   // timing info
     87     kTraceStream             = 0x0400,   // "continuous" stream of data
     89     // used for debug purposes
     90     kTraceDebug              = 0x0800,  // debug
     91     kTraceInfo               = 0x1000,  // debug info
     93     kTraceAll                = 0xffff
     94 };
     96 // External Trace API
     97 class TraceCallback
     98 {
     99 public:
    100     virtual void Print(const TraceLevel level,
    101                        const char *traceString,
    102                        const int length) = 0;
    103 protected:
    104     virtual ~TraceCallback() {}
    105     TraceCallback() {}
    106 };
    109 enum FileFormats
    110 {
    111     kFileFormatWavFile        = 1,
    112     kFileFormatCompressedFile = 2,
    113     kFileFormatAviFile        = 3,
    114     kFileFormatPreencodedFile = 4,
    115     kFileFormatPcm16kHzFile   = 7,
    116     kFileFormatPcm8kHzFile    = 8,
    117     kFileFormatPcm32kHzFile   = 9
    118 };
    121 enum ProcessingTypes
    122 {
    123     kPlaybackPerChannel = 0,
    124     kPlaybackAllChannelsMixed,
    125     kRecordingPerChannel,
    126     kRecordingAllChannelsMixed
    127 };
    129 // Encryption enums
    130 enum CipherTypes
    131 {
    132     kCipherNull               = 0,
    133     kCipherAes128CounterMode  = 1
    134 };
    136 enum AuthenticationTypes
    137 {
    138     kAuthNull       = 0,
    139     kAuthHmacSha1   = 3
    140 };
    142 enum SecurityLevels
    143 {
    144     kNoProtection                    = 0,
    145     kEncryption                      = 1,
    146     kAuthentication                  = 2,
    147     kEncryptionAndAuthentication     = 3
    148 };
    150 class Encryption
    151 {
    152 public:
    153     virtual void encrypt(
    154         int channel_no,
    155         unsigned char* in_data,
    156         unsigned char* out_data,
    157         int bytes_in,
    158         int* bytes_out) = 0;
    160     virtual void decrypt(
    161         int channel_no,
    162         unsigned char* in_data,
    163         unsigned char* out_data,
    164         int bytes_in,
    165         int* bytes_out) = 0;
    167     virtual void encrypt_rtcp(
    168         int channel_no,
    169         unsigned char* in_data,
    170         unsigned char* out_data,
    171         int bytes_in,
    172         int* bytes_out) = 0;
    174     virtual void decrypt_rtcp(
    175         int channel_no,
    176         unsigned char* in_data,
    177         unsigned char* out_data,
    178         int bytes_in,
    179         int* bytes_out) = 0;
    181 protected:
    182     virtual ~Encryption() {}
    183     Encryption() {}
    184 };
    186 // External transport callback interface
    187 class Transport
    188 {
    189 public:
    190     virtual int SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len) = 0;
    191     virtual int SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len) = 0;
    193 protected:
    194     virtual ~Transport() {}
    195     Transport() {}
    196 };
    198 // ==================================================================
    199 // Voice specific types
    200 // ==================================================================
    202 // Each codec supported can be described by this structure.
    203 struct CodecInst
    204 {
    205     int pltype;
    206     char plname[32];
    207     int plfreq;
    208     int pacsize;
    209     int channels;
    210     int rate;
    211 };
    213 enum FrameType
    214 {
    215     kFrameEmpty            = 0,
    216     kAudioFrameSpeech      = 1,
    217     kAudioFrameCN          = 2,
    218     kVideoFrameKey         = 3,    // independent frame
    219     kVideoFrameDelta       = 4,    // depends on the previus frame
    220     kVideoFrameGolden      = 5,    // depends on a old known previus frame
    221     kVideoFrameAltRef      = 6
    222 };
    224 // RTP
    225 enum {kRtpCsrcSize = 15}; // RFC 3550 page 13
    227 enum RTPDirections
    228 {
    229     kRtpIncoming = 0,
    230     kRtpOutgoing
    231 };
    233 enum PayloadFrequencies
    234 {
    235     kFreq8000Hz = 8000,
    236     kFreq16000Hz = 16000,
    237     kFreq32000Hz = 32000
    238 };
    240 enum VadModes                 // degree of bandwidth reduction
    241 {
    242     kVadConventional = 0,      // lowest reduction
    243     kVadAggressiveLow,
    244     kVadAggressiveMid,
    245     kVadAggressiveHigh         // highest reduction
    246 };
    248 struct NetworkStatistics           // NETEQ statistics
    249 {
    250     // current jitter buffer size in ms
    251     WebRtc_UWord16 currentBufferSize;
    252     // preferred (optimal) buffer size in ms
    253     WebRtc_UWord16 preferredBufferSize;
    254     // adding extra delay due to "peaky jitter"
    255     bool jitterPeaksFound;
    256     // loss rate (network + late) in percent (in Q14)
    257     WebRtc_UWord16 currentPacketLossRate;
    258     // late loss rate in percent (in Q14)
    259     WebRtc_UWord16 currentDiscardRate;
    260     // fraction (of original stream) of synthesized speech inserted through
    261     // expansion (in Q14)
    262     WebRtc_UWord16 currentExpandRate;
    263     // fraction of synthesized speech inserted through pre-emptive expansion
    264     // (in Q14)
    265     WebRtc_UWord16 currentPreemptiveRate;
    266     // fraction of data removed through acceleration (in Q14)
    267     WebRtc_UWord16 currentAccelerateRate;
    268     // clock-drift in parts-per-million (negative or positive)
    269     int32_t clockDriftPPM;
    270     // average packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
    271     int meanWaitingTimeMs;
    272     // median packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
    273     int medianWaitingTimeMs;
    274     // max packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
    275     int maxWaitingTimeMs;
    276 };
    278 typedef struct
    279 {
    280     int min;              // minumum
    281     int max;              // maximum
    282     int average;          // average
    283 } StatVal;
    285 typedef struct           // All levels are reported in dBm0
    286 {
    287     StatVal speech_rx;   // long-term speech levels on receiving side
    288     StatVal speech_tx;   // long-term speech levels on transmitting side
    289     StatVal noise_rx;    // long-term noise/silence levels on receiving side
    290     StatVal noise_tx;    // long-term noise/silence levels on transmitting side
    291 } LevelStatistics;
    293 typedef struct        // All levels are reported in dB
    294 {
    295     StatVal erl;      // Echo Return Loss
    296     StatVal erle;     // Echo Return Loss Enhancement
    297     StatVal rerl;     // RERL = ERL + ERLE
    298     // Echo suppression inside EC at the point just before its NLP
    299     StatVal a_nlp;
    300 } EchoStatistics;
    302 enum TelephoneEventDetectionMethods
    303 {
    304     kInBand = 0,
    305     kOutOfBand = 1,
    306     kInAndOutOfBand = 2
    307 };
    309 enum NsModes    // type of Noise Suppression
    310 {
    311     kNsUnchanged = 0,   // previously set mode
    312     kNsDefault,         // platform default
    313     kNsConference,      // conferencing default
    314     kNsLowSuppression,  // lowest suppression
    315     kNsModerateSuppression,
    316     kNsHighSuppression,
    317     kNsVeryHighSuppression,     // highest suppression
    318 };
    320 enum AgcModes                  // type of Automatic Gain Control
    321 {
    322     kAgcUnchanged = 0,        // previously set mode
    323     kAgcDefault,              // platform default
    324     // adaptive mode for use when analog volume control exists (e.g. for
    325     // PC softphone)
    326     kAgcAdaptiveAnalog,
    327     // scaling takes place in the digital domain (e.g. for conference servers
    328     // and embedded devices)
    329     kAgcAdaptiveDigital,
    330     // can be used on embedded devices where the the capture signal is level
    331     // is predictable
    332     kAgcFixedDigital
    333 };
    335 // EC modes
    336 enum EcModes                   // type of Echo Control
    337 {
    338     kEcUnchanged = 0,          // previously set mode
    339     kEcDefault,                // platform default
    340     kEcConference,             // conferencing default (aggressive AEC)
    341     kEcAec,                    // Acoustic Echo Cancellation
    342     kEcAecm,                   // AEC mobile
    343 };
    345 // AECM modes
    346 enum AecmModes                 // mode of AECM
    347 {
    348     kAecmQuietEarpieceOrHeadset = 0,
    349                                // Quiet earpiece or headset use
    350     kAecmEarpiece,             // most earpiece use
    351     kAecmLoudEarpiece,         // Loud earpiece or quiet speakerphone use
    352     kAecmSpeakerphone,         // most speakerphone use (default)
    353     kAecmLoudSpeakerphone      // Loud speakerphone
    354 };
    356 // AGC configuration
    357 typedef struct
    358 {
    359     unsigned short targetLeveldBOv;
    360     unsigned short digitalCompressionGaindB;
    361     bool           limiterEnable;
    362 } AgcConfig;                  // AGC configuration parameters
    364 enum StereoChannel
    365 {
    366     kStereoLeft = 0,
    367     kStereoRight,
    368     kStereoBoth
    369 };
    371 // Audio device layers
    372 enum AudioLayers
    373 {
    374     kAudioPlatformDefault = 0,
    375     kAudioWindowsWave = 1,
    376     kAudioWindowsCore = 2,
    377     kAudioLinuxAlsa = 3,
    378     kAudioLinuxPulse = 4
    379 };
    381 enum NetEqModes             // NetEQ playout configurations
    382 {
    383     // Optimized trade-off between low delay and jitter robustness for two-way
    384     // communication.
    385     kNetEqDefault = 0,
    386     // Improved jitter robustness at the cost of increased delay. Can be
    387     // used in one-way communication.
    388     kNetEqStreaming = 1,
    389     // Optimzed for decodability of fax signals rather than for perceived audio
    390     // quality.
    391     kNetEqFax = 2,
    392 };
    394 enum NetEqBgnModes          // NetEQ Background Noise (BGN) configurations
    395 {
    396     // BGN is always on and will be generated when the incoming RTP stream
    397     // stops (default).
    398     kBgnOn = 0,
    399     // The BGN is faded to zero (complete silence) after a few seconds.
    400     kBgnFade = 1,
    401     // BGN is not used at all. Silence is produced after speech extrapolation
    402     // has faded.
    403     kBgnOff = 2,
    404 };
    406 enum OnHoldModes            // On Hold direction
    407 {
    408     kHoldSendAndPlay = 0,    // Put both sending and playing in on-hold state.
    409     kHoldSendOnly,           // Put only sending in on-hold state.
    410     kHoldPlayOnly            // Put only playing in on-hold state.
    411 };
    413 enum AmrMode
    414 {
    415     kRfc3267BwEfficient = 0,
    416     kRfc3267OctetAligned = 1,
    417     kRfc3267FileStorage = 2,
    418 };
    420 // ==================================================================
    421 // Video specific types
    422 // ==================================================================
    424 // Raw video types
    425 enum RawVideoType
    426 {
    427     kVideoI420     = 0,
    428     kVideoYV12     = 1,
    429     kVideoYUY2     = 2,
    430     kVideoUYVY     = 3,
    431     kVideoIYUV     = 4,
    432     kVideoARGB     = 5,
    433     kVideoRGB24    = 6,
    434     kVideoRGB565   = 7,
    435     kVideoARGB4444 = 8,
    436     kVideoARGB1555 = 9,
    437     kVideoMJPEG    = 10,
    438     kVideoNV12     = 11,
    439     kVideoNV21     = 12,
    440     kVideoBGRA     = 13,
    441     kVideoUnknown  = 99
    442 };
    444 // Video codec
    445 enum { kConfigParameterSize = 128};
    446 enum { kPayloadNameSize = 32};
    447 enum { kMaxSimulcastStreams = 4};
    448 enum { kMaxTemporalStreams = 4};
    450 // H.263 specific
    451 struct VideoCodecH263
    452 {
    453     char quality;
    454 };
    456 // H.264 specific
    457 enum H264Packetization
    458 {
    459     kH264SingleMode         = 0,
    460     kH264NonInterleavedMode = 1
    461 };
    463 enum VideoCodecComplexity
    464 {
    465     kComplexityNormal = 0,
    466     kComplexityHigh    = 1,
    467     kComplexityHigher  = 2,
    468     kComplexityMax     = 3
    469 };
    471 enum VideoCodecProfile
    472 {
    473     kProfileBase = 0x00,
    474     kProfileMain = 0x01
    475 };
    477 enum VP8ResilienceMode {
    478   kResilienceOff,    // The stream produced by the encoder requires a
    479                      // recovery frame (typically a key frame) to be
    480                      // decodable after a packet loss.
    481   kResilientStream,  // A stream produced by the encoder is resilient to
    482                      // packet losses, but packets within a frame subsequent
    483                      // to a loss can't be decoded.
    484   kResilientFrames   // Same as kResilientStream but with added resilience
    485                      // within a frame.
    486 };
    488 struct VideoCodecH264
    489 {
    490     H264Packetization          packetization;
    491     VideoCodecComplexity       complexity;
    492     VideoCodecProfile          profile;
    493     char                       level;
    494     char                       quality;
    496     bool                       useFMO;
    498     unsigned char              configParameters[kConfigParameterSize];
    499     unsigned char              configParametersSize;
    500 };
    502 // VP8 specific
    503 struct VideoCodecVP8
    504 {
    505     bool                 pictureLossIndicationOn;
    506     bool                 feedbackModeOn;
    507     VideoCodecComplexity complexity;
    508     VP8ResilienceMode    resilience;
    509     unsigned char        numberOfTemporalLayers;
    510 };
    512 // MPEG-4 specific
    513 struct VideoCodecMPEG4
    514 {
    515     unsigned char   configParameters[kConfigParameterSize];
    516     unsigned char   configParametersSize;
    517     char            level;
    518 };
    520 // Unknown specific
    521 struct VideoCodecGeneric
    522 {
    523 };
    525 // Video codec types
    526 enum VideoCodecType
    527 {
    528     kVideoCodecH263,
    529     kVideoCodecH264,
    530     kVideoCodecVP8,
    531     kVideoCodecMPEG4,
    532     kVideoCodecI420,
    533     kVideoCodecRED,
    534     kVideoCodecULPFEC,
    535     kVideoCodecUnknown
    536 };
    538 union VideoCodecUnion
    539 {
    540     VideoCodecH263      H263;
    541     VideoCodecH264      H264;
    542     VideoCodecVP8       VP8;
    543     VideoCodecMPEG4     MPEG4;
    544     VideoCodecGeneric   Generic;
    545 };
    547 /*
    548 *  Simulcast is when the same stream is encoded multiple times with different
    549 *  settings such as resolution.
    550 */
    551 struct SimulcastStream
    552 {
    553     unsigned short      width;
    554     unsigned short      height;
    555     unsigned char       numberOfTemporalLayers;
    556     unsigned int        maxBitrate;
    557     unsigned int        qpMax; // minimum quality
    558 };
    560 // Common video codec properties
    561 struct VideoCodec
    562 {
    563     VideoCodecType      codecType;
    564     char                plName[kPayloadNameSize];
    565     unsigned char       plType;
    567     unsigned short      width;
    568     unsigned short      height;
    570     unsigned int        startBitrate;
    571     unsigned int        maxBitrate;
    572     unsigned int        minBitrate;
    573     unsigned char       maxFramerate;
    575     VideoCodecUnion     codecSpecific;
    577     unsigned int        qpMax;
    578     unsigned char       numberOfSimulcastStreams;
    579     SimulcastStream     simulcastStream[kMaxSimulcastStreams];
    580 };
    581 }  // namespace webrtc
    582 #endif  // WEBRTC_COMMON_TYPES_H