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      1 /*
      2 **
      3 ** Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project
      4 **
      5 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 **
      9 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 **
     11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 ** limitations under the License.
     16 */
     19     #error This header file should only be included from AudioFlinger.h
     20 #endif
     22 // playback track
     23 class Track : public TrackBase, public VolumeProvider {
     24 public:
     25                         Track(  PlaybackThread *thread,
     26                                 const sp<Client>& client,
     27                                 audio_stream_type_t streamType,
     28                                 uint32_t sampleRate,
     29                                 audio_format_t format,
     30                                 audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
     31                                 size_t frameCount,
     32                                 const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
     33                                 int sessionId,
     34                                 IAudioFlinger::track_flags_t flags);
     35     virtual             ~Track();
     37     static  void        appendDumpHeader(String8& result);
     38             void        dump(char* buffer, size_t size);
     39     virtual status_t    start(AudioSystem::sync_event_t event =
     40                                     AudioSystem::SYNC_EVENT_NONE,
     41                              int triggerSession = 0);
     42     virtual void        stop();
     43             void        pause();
     45             void        flush();
     46             void        destroy();
     47             int         name() const { return mName; }
     49     virtual uint32_t    sampleRate() const;
     51             audio_stream_type_t streamType() const {
     52                 return mStreamType;
     53             }
     54             bool        isOffloaded() const { return (mFlags & IAudioFlinger::TRACK_OFFLOAD) != 0; }
     55             status_t    setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs);
     56             status_t    attachAuxEffect(int EffectId);
     57             void        setAuxBuffer(int EffectId, int32_t *buffer);
     58             int32_t     *auxBuffer() const { return mAuxBuffer; }
     59             void        setMainBuffer(int16_t *buffer) { mMainBuffer = buffer; }
     60             int16_t     *mainBuffer() const { return mMainBuffer; }
     61             int         auxEffectId() const { return mAuxEffectId; }
     62     virtual status_t    getTimestamp(AudioTimestamp& timestamp);
     63             void        signal();
     65 // implement FastMixerState::VolumeProvider interface
     66     virtual uint32_t    getVolumeLR();
     68     virtual status_t    setSyncEvent(const sp<SyncEvent>& event);
     70 protected:
     71     // for numerous
     72     friend class PlaybackThread;
     73     friend class MixerThread;
     74     friend class DirectOutputThread;
     75     friend class OffloadThread;
     77                         Track(const Track&);
     78                         Track& operator = (const Track&);
     80     // AudioBufferProvider interface
     81     virtual status_t getNextBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer,
     82                                    int64_t pts = kInvalidPTS);
     83     // releaseBuffer() not overridden
     85     // ExtendedAudioBufferProvider interface
     86     virtual size_t framesReady() const;
     87     virtual size_t framesReleased() const;
     89     bool isPausing() const { return mState == PAUSING; }
     90     bool isPaused() const { return mState == PAUSED; }
     91     bool isResuming() const { return mState == RESUMING; }
     92     bool isReady() const;
     93     void setPaused() { mState = PAUSED; }
     94     void reset();
     96     bool isOutputTrack() const {
     97         return (mStreamType == AUDIO_STREAM_CNT);
     98     }
    100     sp<IMemory> sharedBuffer() const { return mSharedBuffer; }
    102     // framesWritten is cumulative, never reset, and is shared all tracks
    103     // audioHalFrames is derived from output latency
    104     // FIXME parameters not needed, could get them from the thread
    105     bool presentationComplete(size_t framesWritten, size_t audioHalFrames);
    107 public:
    108     void triggerEvents(AudioSystem::sync_event_t type);
    109     void invalidate();
    110     bool isInvalid() const { return mIsInvalid; }
    111     virtual bool isTimedTrack() const { return false; }
    112     bool isFastTrack() const { return (mFlags & IAudioFlinger::TRACK_FAST) != 0; }
    113     int fastIndex() const { return mFastIndex; }
    115 protected:
    117     // FILLED state is used for suppressing volume ramp at begin of playing
    119     mutable uint8_t     mFillingUpStatus;
    120     int8_t              mRetryCount;
    122     // see comment at AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::~Track for why this can't be const
    123     sp<IMemory>         mSharedBuffer;
    125     bool                mResetDone;
    126     const audio_stream_type_t mStreamType;
    127     int                 mName;      // track name on the normal mixer,
    128                                     // allocated statically at track creation time,
    129                                     // and is even allocated (though unused) for fast tracks
    130                                     // FIXME don't allocate track name for fast tracks
    131     int16_t             *mMainBuffer;
    132     int32_t             *mAuxBuffer;
    133     int                 mAuxEffectId;
    134     bool                mHasVolumeController;
    135     size_t              mPresentationCompleteFrames; // number of frames written to the
    136                                     // audio HAL when this track will be fully rendered
    137                                     // zero means not monitoring
    138 private:
    139     IAudioFlinger::track_flags_t mFlags;
    141     // The following fields are only for fast tracks, and should be in a subclass
    142     int                 mFastIndex; // index within FastMixerState::mFastTracks[];
    143                                     // either mFastIndex == -1 if not isFastTrack()
    144                                     // or 0 < mFastIndex < FastMixerState::kMaxFast because
    145                                     // index 0 is reserved for normal mixer's submix;
    146                                     // index is allocated statically at track creation time
    147                                     // but the slot is only used if track is active
    148     FastTrackUnderruns  mObservedUnderruns; // Most recently observed value of
    149                                     // mFastMixerDumpState.mTracks[mFastIndex].mUnderruns
    150     volatile float      mCachedVolume;  // combined master volume and stream type volume;
    151                                         // 'volatile' means accessed without lock or
    152                                         // barrier, but is read/written atomically
    153     bool                mIsInvalid; // non-resettable latch, set by invalidate()
    154     AudioTrackServerProxy*  mAudioTrackServerProxy;
    155     bool                mResumeToStopping; // track was paused in stopping state.
    156 };  // end of Track
    158 class TimedTrack : public Track {
    159   public:
    160     static sp<TimedTrack> create(PlaybackThread *thread,
    161                                  const sp<Client>& client,
    162                                  audio_stream_type_t streamType,
    163                                  uint32_t sampleRate,
    164                                  audio_format_t format,
    165                                  audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
    166                                  size_t frameCount,
    167                                  const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
    168                                  int sessionId);
    169     virtual ~TimedTrack();
    171     class TimedBuffer {
    172       public:
    173         TimedBuffer();
    174         TimedBuffer(const sp<IMemory>& buffer, int64_t pts);
    175         const sp<IMemory>& buffer() const { return mBuffer; }
    176         int64_t pts() const { return mPTS; }
    177         uint32_t position() const { return mPosition; }
    178         void setPosition(uint32_t pos) { mPosition = pos; }
    179       private:
    180         sp<IMemory> mBuffer;
    181         int64_t     mPTS;
    182         uint32_t    mPosition;
    183     };
    185     // Mixer facing methods.
    186     virtual bool isTimedTrack() const { return true; }
    187     virtual size_t framesReady() const;
    189     // AudioBufferProvider interface
    190     virtual status_t getNextBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer,
    191                                    int64_t pts);
    192     virtual void releaseBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
    194     // Client/App facing methods.
    195     status_t    allocateTimedBuffer(size_t size,
    196                                     sp<IMemory>* buffer);
    197     status_t    queueTimedBuffer(const sp<IMemory>& buffer,
    198                                  int64_t pts);
    199     status_t    setMediaTimeTransform(const LinearTransform& xform,
    200                                       TimedAudioTrack::TargetTimeline target);
    202   private:
    203     TimedTrack(PlaybackThread *thread,
    204                const sp<Client>& client,
    205                audio_stream_type_t streamType,
    206                uint32_t sampleRate,
    207                audio_format_t format,
    208                audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
    209                size_t frameCount,
    210                const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
    211                int sessionId);
    213     void timedYieldSamples_l(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
    214     void timedYieldSilence_l(uint32_t numFrames,
    215                              AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
    216     void trimTimedBufferQueue_l();
    217     void trimTimedBufferQueueHead_l(const char* logTag);
    218     void updateFramesPendingAfterTrim_l(const TimedBuffer& buf,
    219                                         const char* logTag);
    221     uint64_t            mLocalTimeFreq;
    222     LinearTransform     mLocalTimeToSampleTransform;
    223     LinearTransform     mMediaTimeToSampleTransform;
    224     sp<MemoryDealer>    mTimedMemoryDealer;
    226     Vector<TimedBuffer> mTimedBufferQueue;
    227     bool                mQueueHeadInFlight;
    228     bool                mTrimQueueHeadOnRelease;
    229     uint32_t            mFramesPendingInQueue;
    231     uint8_t*            mTimedSilenceBuffer;
    232     uint32_t            mTimedSilenceBufferSize;
    233     mutable Mutex       mTimedBufferQueueLock;
    234     bool                mTimedAudioOutputOnTime;
    235     CCHelper            mCCHelper;
    237     Mutex               mMediaTimeTransformLock;
    238     LinearTransform     mMediaTimeTransform;
    239     bool                mMediaTimeTransformValid;
    240     TimedAudioTrack::TargetTimeline mMediaTimeTransformTarget;
    241 };
    244 // playback track, used by DuplicatingThread
    245 class OutputTrack : public Track {
    246 public:
    248     class Buffer : public AudioBufferProvider::Buffer {
    249     public:
    250         int16_t *mBuffer;
    251     };
    253                         OutputTrack(PlaybackThread *thread,
    254                                 DuplicatingThread *sourceThread,
    255                                 uint32_t sampleRate,
    256                                 audio_format_t format,
    257                                 audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
    258                                 size_t frameCount);
    259     virtual             ~OutputTrack();
    261     virtual status_t    start(AudioSystem::sync_event_t event =
    262                                     AudioSystem::SYNC_EVENT_NONE,
    263                              int triggerSession = 0);
    264     virtual void        stop();
    265             bool        write(int16_t* data, uint32_t frames);
    266             bool        bufferQueueEmpty() const { return mBufferQueue.size() == 0; }
    267             bool        isActive() const { return mActive; }
    268     const wp<ThreadBase>& thread() const { return mThread; }
    270 private:
    272     status_t            obtainBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer,
    273                                      uint32_t waitTimeMs);
    274     void                clearBufferQueue();
    276     // Maximum number of pending buffers allocated by OutputTrack::write()
    277     static const uint8_t kMaxOverFlowBuffers = 10;
    279     Vector < Buffer* >          mBufferQueue;
    280     AudioBufferProvider::Buffer mOutBuffer;
    281     bool                        mActive;
    282     DuplicatingThread* const mSourceThread; // for waitTimeMs() in write()
    283     AudioTrackClientProxy*      mClientProxy;
    284 };  // end of OutputTrack