/external/chromium_org/third_party/sqlite/ |
OWNERS | 0 # Reviewers:
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/media_galleries/fileapi/ |
OWNERS | 2 # reviewers for generic fileapi changes, otherwise look at ../OWNERS.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/ |
OWNERS | 13 # Additional ChromeOS-specific reviewers
/external/chromium_org/chrome/common/extensions/docs/server2/test_data/rietveld_patcher/api/14096030/ |
json | 1 {"description":"(TEST FOR 14125010, NOT FOR COMMIT) rietveld_patcher_test data","cc":[],"reviewers":[],"owner_email":"fangjue23303@gmail.com","private":false,"base_url":"https://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/","owner":"\u65b9\u89c9(Fang Jue)","subject":"(TEST FOR 14125010, NOT FOR COMMIT) unittest data","created":"2013-04-28 10:29:31.098160","patchsets":[1,3001,5004,4004,14001,22002],"modified":"2013-05-03 08:43:17.504060","closed":false,"commit":false,"issue":14096030}
/external/chromium_org/tools/ |
safely-roll-blink.py | 54 parser.add_option('-r', '--reviewers', default='', 55 help='Add given users as either reviewers or TBR as' 103 options.reviewers)) 114 if options.reviewers:
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/ |
validate-committer-lists | 62 reviewers_list_url = "http://lists.webkit.org/mailman/roster.cgi/webkit-reviewers" 108 list_name = "webkit-reviewers@lists.webkit.org" 110 missing_from_mailing_list = self._commiters_not_found_in_email_list(committer_list.reviewers(), reviewer_emails) 111 print_list_if_non_empty("Reviewers missing from %s:" % list_name, missing_from_mailing_list) 113 missing_from_reviewers = self._emails_not_found_in_committer_list(committer_list.reviewers(), reviewer_emails) 114 print_list_if_non_empty("Subcribers to %s missing from reviewers in committer.py:" % list_name, missing_from_reviewers)
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/GardeningServer/scripts/ |
rollbot_unittests.js | 39 "reviewers": [ 73 "reviewers": [ 99 "reviewers": [
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/ntp4/tools/ |
check.sh | 24 # the compiler and reviewers of my code than the compiler saved me).
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/touch_ntp/tools/ |
check.sh | 25 # the compiler and reviewers of my code than the compiler saved me).
/external/chromium_org/chrome/ |
OWNERS | 4 # Reviewers:
/external/jdiff/ |
README.txt | 50 Many thanks to the reviewers at Sun and Vitria who gave feedback on early
/docs/source.android.com/src/source/ |
submit-patches.jd | 102 your patch on the review server, add comments, or request specific reviewers 125 <h1 id="for-reviewers-and-verifiers">For reviewers and verifiers</h1> 178 <p>To publish your comments so that others using Gerrit will be able to see them, click the Publish Comments button. Your comments will be emailed to all relevant parties for this change, including the change owner, the patch set uploader (if different from the owner), and all current reviewers.</p> 210 fields only if the bug is specific to Android. Bugs are far more likely to receive the reviewers'
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/steps/ |
options.py | 56 suggest_reviewers = make_option("--suggest-reviewers", action="store_true", default=False, help="Offer to CC appropriate reviewers.")
/external/chromium_org/chrome/common/extensions/docs/ |
README | 57 4. Upload patch and offer reviewers a preview link at a URL with your patch
/external/llvm/docs/ |
Phabricator.rst | 63 * Enter a descriptive title and summary; add reviewers and mailing
DeveloperPolicy.rst | 107 a file inline, making it difficult to work with for reviewers using that 133 Developers should participate in code reviews as both reviewers and 161 Note that code ownership is completely different than reviewers: anyone can
/external/pixman/ |
README | 113 If you think that the reviewers are wrong about something, or that the
/external/chromium/testing/gmock/scripts/ |
upload.py | 431 group.add_option("-r", "--reviewers", action="store", dest="reviewers", 432 metavar="REVIEWERS", default=None, 433 help="Add reviewers (comma separated email addresses).") 455 help="Send notification email to reviewers.") [all...] |
/external/chromium/testing/gtest/scripts/ |
upload.py | 431 group.add_option("-r", "--reviewers", action="store", dest="reviewers", 432 metavar="REVIEWERS", default=None, 433 help="Add reviewers (comma separated email addresses).") 455 help="Send notification email to reviewers.") [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/testing/gtest/scripts/ |
upload.py | 431 group.add_option("-r", "--reviewers", action="store", dest="reviewers", 432 metavar="REVIEWERS", default=None, 433 help="Add reviewers (comma separated email addresses).") 455 help="Send notification email to reviewers.") [all...] |
/external/libvpx/libvpx/third_party/googletest/src/scripts/ |
upload.py | 431 group.add_option("-r", "--reviewers", action="store", dest="reviewers", 432 metavar="REVIEWERS", default=None, 433 help="Add reviewers (comma separated email addresses).") 455 help="Send notification email to reviewers.") [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/re2/lib/codereview/ |
codereview.py | 293 reviewers=JoinComma(self.reviewer), cc=JoinComma(self.cc), 318 ("reviewers", JoinComma(self.reviewer)), 532 cl.reviewer = d.get('reviewers', []) [all...] |
/external/regex-re2/lib/codereview/ |
codereview.py | 293 reviewers=JoinComma(self.reviewer), cc=JoinComma(self.cc), 318 ("reviewers", JoinComma(self.reviewer)), 532 cl.reviewer = d.get('reviewers', []) [all...] |
/external/ceres-solver/docs/source/ |
contributing.rst | 115 address of the review. Go to the URL and add reviewers; typically
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/data/ |
summary.html | 76 #reviewers .selected td:first-child {