/external/valgrind/main/none/tests/ |
pending.stdout.exp | 5 5: unblocked...
pending.c | 66 printf("5: unblocked...\n");
/external/chromium/net/test/ |
test_server_win.cc | 79 // Writes |size| bytes to |handle| and sets |*unblocked| to true. 81 void UnblockPipe(HANDLE handle, DWORD size, bool* unblocked) { 91 *unblocked = true; 104 bool unblocked = false; 107 NewRunnableFunction(UnblockPipe, write_fd, bytes_max, &unblocked), 127 if (unblocked) {
/external/chromium_org/net/test/spawned_test_server/ |
local_test_server_win.cc | 29 // Writes |size| bytes to |handle| and sets |*unblocked| to true. 31 void UnblockPipe(HANDLE handle, DWORD size, bool* unblocked) { 41 *unblocked = true; 54 bool unblocked = false; 56 FROM_HERE, base::Bind(UnblockPipe, write_fd, bytes_max, &unblocked), 76 if (unblocked) {
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ui/ |
browser_command_controller_browsertest.cc | 29 // Switching to a new (unblocked) tab should reenable it.
/frameworks/wilhelm/src/ |
ThreadPool.h | 55 pthread_cond_t mCondNotFull; ///< Signalled when a client thread could be unblocked 56 pthread_cond_t mCondNotEmpty; ///< Signalled when a worker thread could be unblocked
/frameworks/av/libvideoeditor/osal/src/ |
M4OSA_Semaphore.c | 201 * priority is unblocked and made ready to run. 202 * @note No hypotheses can be made on which thread will be unblocked
/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Cholesky/ |
LLT.h | 264 static typename MatrixType::Index unblocked(MatrixType& mat) function in struct:Eigen::internal::llt_inplace 296 return unblocked(m); 315 if((ret=unblocked(A11))>=0) return k+ret; 334 static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename MatrixType::Index unblocked(MatrixType& mat) function in struct:Eigen::internal::llt_inplace 337 return llt_inplace<Scalar, Lower>::unblocked(matt);
LDLT.h | 249 static bool unblocked(MatrixType& mat, TranspositionType& transpositions, Workspace& temp, int* sign=0) function in struct:Eigen::internal::ldlt_inplace 393 static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool unblocked(MatrixType& mat, TranspositionType& transpositions, Workspace& temp, int* sign=0) function in struct:Eigen::internal::ldlt_inplace 396 return ldlt_inplace<Lower>::unblocked(matt, transpositions, temp, sign); 439 internal::ldlt_inplace<UpLo>::unblocked(m_matrix, m_transpositions, m_temporary, &m_sign);
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/extensions/api/power/ |
power_api_manager.cc | 98 // unblocked.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/npapi/npspy/extern/nspr/obsolete/ |
prsem.h | 79 ** thread will be unblocked.
/external/wpa_supplicant_8/src/drivers/ |
rfkill.c | 86 wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "rfkill: WLAN unblocked");
/external/chromium_org/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ |
task_unittest.cc | 204 // run the unblocked tasks 527 // run the unblocked tasks 558 // run the unblocked tasks
/external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/ |
brw_fs_schedule_instructions.cpp | 46 * update the earliest-unblocked clock time of its children, and 48 * the earliest-unblocked instruction to schedule. 468 * be scheduled. Update the children's unblocked time for this
/external/mesa3d/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/ |
brw_fs_schedule_instructions.cpp | 46 * update the earliest-unblocked clock time of its children, and 48 * the earliest-unblocked instruction to schedule. 468 * be scheduled. Update the children's unblocked time for this
/external/bison/lib/ |
spawn-pipe.h | 68 action and/or unblocked. In particular, applications written
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/tabs/ |
tab_strip_model_observer.h | 116 // NOTE: This is invoked when a tab becomes blocked/unblocked by a tab modal
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ |
three_d_api_observer.cc | 90 // be unblocked and the web page reload will succeed.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/ |
tab_strip_model_observer.h | 139 // NOTE: This is invoked when a tab becomes blocked/unblocked by a tab modal
/external/chromium_org/net/quic/ |
reliable_quic_stream.h | 95 // becomes unblocked.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/app/webrtc/ |
datachannel_unittest.cc | 149 // to unblocked.
/external/valgrind/main/docs/internals/ |
threads-syscalls-signals.txt | 71 they need to be always unblocked, and the signal handler is called when 88 window where signals are actually unblocked very narrow, the number of 102 That is, because we have to leave SIGSEGV unblocked for faulting 212 mechanism. If its unblocked and ignored, it doesn't interrupt syscalls
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/concurrent/locks/ |
LockSupport.java | 244 * invocation of a park method that has not yet unblocked, or null 246 * snapshot -- the thread may have since unblocked or blocked on a
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ |
task.h | 136 // Called inside the task to signal that the task may be unblocked
/external/chromium_org/chromeos/network/ |
network_device_handler.h | 161 // the SIM will be unblocked and its PIN code will be set to |pin|.