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      1 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
      2 Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
      4 This directory contains the Java Protocol Buffers runtime library.
      6 Installation - With Maven
      7 =========================
      9 The Protocol Buffers build is managed using Maven.  If you would
     10 rather build without Maven, see below.
     12 1) Install Apache Maven if you don't have it:
     14      http://maven.apache.org/
     16 2) Build the C++ code, or obtain a binary distribution of protoc.  If
     17    you install a binary distribution, make sure that it is the same
     18    version as this package.  If in doubt, run:
     20      $ protoc --version
     22    You will need to place the protoc executable in ../src.  (If you
     23    built it yourself, it should already be there.)
     25 3) Run the tests:
     27      $ mvn test
     29    If some tests fail, this library may not work correctly on your
     30    system.  Continue at your own risk.
     32 4) Install the library into your Maven repository:
     34      $ mvn install
     36 5) If you do not use Maven to manage your own build, you can build a
     37    .jar file to use:
     39      $ mvn package
     41    The .jar will be placed in the "target" directory.
     43 Installation - 'Lite' Version - With Maven
     44 ==========================================
     46 Building the 'lite' version of the Java Protocol Buffers library is
     47 the same as building the full version, except that all commands are
     48 run using the 'lite' profile.  (see
     49 http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html)
     51 E.g. to install the lite version of the jar, you would run:
     53   $ mvn install -P lite
     55 The resulting artifact has the 'lite' classifier.  To reference it
     56 for dependency resolution, you would specify it as:
     58   <dependency>
     59     <groupId>com.google.protobuf</groupId>
     60     <artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId>
     61     <version>${version}</version>
     62     <classifier>lite</classifier>
     63   </dependency>
     65 Installation - Without Maven
     66 ============================
     68 If you would rather not install Maven to build the library, you may
     69 follow these instructions instead.  Note that these instructions skip
     70 running unit tests.
     72 1) Build the C++ code, or obtain a binary distribution of protoc.  If
     73    you install a binary distribution, make sure that it is the same
     74    version as this package.  If in doubt, run:
     76      $ protoc --version
     78    If you built the C++ code without installing, the compiler binary
     79    should be located in ../src.
     81 2) Invoke protoc to build DescriptorProtos.java:
     83      $ protoc --java_out=src/main/java -I../src \
     84          ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
     86 3) Compile the code in src/main/java using whatever means you prefer.
     88 4) Install the classes wherever you prefer.
     90 Micro version
     91 ============================
     93 The runtime and generated code for MICRO_RUNTIME is smaller
     94 because it does not include support for the descriptor and
     95 reflection, and enums are generated as integer constants in
     96 the parent message or the file's outer class. Also, not
     97 currently supported are packed repeated elements or
     98 extensions.
    100 To create a jar file for the runtime and run tests invoke
    101 "mvn package -P micro" from the <protobuf-root>/java
    102 directory. The generated jar file is
    103 <protobuf-root>java/target/protobuf-java-2.2.0-micro.jar.
    105 If you wish to compile the MICRO_RUNTIME your self, place
    106 the 7 files below, in <root>/com/google/protobuf and
    107 create a jar file for use with your code and the generated
    108 code:
    110 ByteStringMicro.java
    111 CodedInputStreamMicro.java
    112 CodedOutputStreamMicro.java
    113 InvalidProtocolBufferException.java
    114 MessageMicro.java
    115 WireFormatMicro.java
    117 If you wish to change on the code generator it is located
    118 in /src/google/protobuf/compiler/javamicro.
    120 To generate code for the MICRO_RUNTIME invoke protoc with
    121 --javamicro_out command line parameter. javamicro_out takes
    122 a series of optional sub-parameters separated by commas
    123 and a final parameter, with a colon separator, which defines
    124 the source directory. Sub-parameters begin with a name
    125 followed by an equal and if that sub-parameter has multiple
    126 parameters they are seperated by "|". The command line options
    127 are:
    129 opt                  -> speed or space
    130 java_use_vector      -> true or false
    131 java_package         -> <file-name>|<package-name>
    132 java_outer_classname -> <file-name>|<package-name>
    133 java_multiple_files  -> true or false
    135 opt={speed,space} (default: space)
    136   This changes the code generation to optimize for speed or
    137   space. When opt=speed this changes the code generation
    138   for strings so that multiple conversions to Utf8 are
    139   eliminated.
    141 java_use_vector={true,false} (default: false)
    142   This specifies the collection class for repeated elements.
    143   If false, repeated elements use java.util.ArrayList<> and
    144   the code must be compiled with Java 1.5 or above. If true,
    145   repeated elements use java.util.Vector and the code can
    146   be compiled with Java 1.3 or above. The 'source'
    147   parameter of 'javac' may be used to control the version
    148   of the source: "javac -source 1.3". You can also change
    149   the <source> xml element for the maven-compiler-plugin.
    150   Below is for 1.5 sources:
    152       <plugin>
    153         <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
    154         <configuration>
    155           <source>1.5</source>
    156           <target>1.5</target>
    157         </configuration>
    158       </plugin>
    160   And below would be for 1.3 sources (note when changing
    161   to 1.3 you must also set java_use_vector=true):
    163       <plugin>
    164         <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
    165         <configuration>
    166           <source>1.3</source>
    167           <target>1.5</target>
    168         </configuration>
    169       </plugin>
    171 java_package=<file-name>|<package-name> (no default)
    172   This allows overriding the 'java_package' option value
    173   for the given file from the command line. Use multiple
    174   java_package options to override the option for multiple
    175   files. The final Java package for each file is the value
    176   of this command line option if present, or the value of
    177   the same option defined in the file if present, or the
    178   proto package if present, or the default Java package.
    180 java_outer_classname=<file-name>|<outer-classname> (no default)
    181   This allows overriding the 'java_outer_classname' option
    182   for the given file from the command line. Use multiple
    183   java_outer_classname options to override the option for
    184   multiple files. The final Java outer class name for each
    185   file is the value of this command line option if present,
    186   or the value of the same option defined in the file if
    187   present, or the file name converted to CamelCase. This
    188   outer class will nest all classes and integer constants
    189   generated from file-scope messages and enums.
    191 java_multiple_files={true,false} (no default)
    192   This allows overriding the 'java_multiple_files' option
    193   in all source files and their imported files from the
    194   command line. The final value of this option for each
    195   file is the value defined in this command line option, or
    196   the value of the same option defined in the file if
    197   present, or false. This specifies whether to generate
    198   package-level classes for the file-scope messages in the
    199   same Java package as the outer class (instead of nested
    200   classes in the outer class). File-scope enum constants
    201   are still generated as integer constants in the outer
    202   class. This affects the fully qualified references in the
    203   Java code. NOTE: because the command line option
    204   overrides the value for all files and their imported
    205   files, using this option inconsistently may result in
    206   incorrect references to the imported messages and enum
    207   constants.
    210 IMPORTANT: change of javamicro_out behavior:
    212 In previous versions, if the outer class name has not been
    213 given explicitly, javamicro_out would not infer the outer
    214 class name from the file name, and would skip the outer
    215 class generation. This makes the compilation succeed only
    216 if the source file contains a single message and no enums,
    217 and the generated class for that message is placed at the
    218 package level. To re-align with java_out, javamicro_out
    219 will now always generate the outer class, inferring its
    220 name from the file name if not given, as a container of the
    221 message classes and enum constants. To keep any existing
    222 single-message source file from causing the generation of
    223 an unwanted outer class, you can set the option
    224 java_multiple_files to true, either in the file or as a
    225 command line option.
    228 Below are a series of examples for clarification of the
    229 various parameters and options. Assuming this file:
    231 src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto:
    233     package testprotobuf;
    235     message SimpleData {
    236       optional fixed64 id = 1;
    237       optional string description = 2;
    238       optional bool ok = 3 [default = false];
    239     };
    241 and the compiled protoc in the current working directory,
    242 then a simple command line to compile this file would be:
    244 ./protoc --javamicro_out=. src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto
    246 This will create testprotobuf/SimpleDataProtos.java, which
    247 has the following content (extremely simplified):
    249     package testprotobuf;
    251     public final class SimpleDataProtos {
    252       public static final class SimpleData
    253           extends MessageMicro {
    254         ...
    255       }
    256     }
    258 The message SimpleData is compiled into the SimpleData
    259 class, nested in the file's outer class SimpleDataProtos,
    260 whose name is implicitly defined by the proto file name
    261 "simple-data-protos".
    263 The directory, aka Java package, testprotobuf is created
    264 because on line 1 of simple-data-protos.proto is
    265 "package testprotobuf;". If you wanted a different
    266 package name you could use the java_package option in the
    267 file:
    269     option java_package = "my_package";
    271 or in command line sub-parameter:
    273 ./protoc '--javamicro_out=\
    274 java_package=src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto|my_package:\
    275 .' src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto
    277 Here you see the new java_package sub-parameter which
    278 itself needs two parameters the file name and the
    279 package name, these are separated by "|". The value set
    280 in the command line overrides the value set in the file.
    281 Now you'll find SimpleDataProtos.java in the my_package/
    282 directory.
    284 If you wanted to also change the optimization for
    285 speed you'd add opt=speed with the comma seperator
    286 as follows:
    288 ./protoc '--javamicro_out=\
    289 opt=speed,\
    290 java_package=src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto|my_package:
    291 .' src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto
    293 If you also wanted a different outer class name you'd
    294 do the following:
    296 ./protoc '--javamicro_out=\
    297 opt=speed,\
    298 java_package=src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto|my_package,\
    299 java_outer_classname=src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto|OuterName:\
    300 .' src/proto/simple-data-protos.proto
    302 Now you'll find my_package/OuterName.java and the
    303 message class SimpleData nested in it.
    305 As mentioned java_package, java_outer_classname and
    306 java_multiple_files may also be specified in the file.
    307 In the example below we must define
    308 java_outer_classname because otherwise the outer class
    309 and one of the message classes will have the same name,
    310 which is forbidden to prevent name ambiguity:
    312 src/proto/sample-message.proto:
    314     package testmicroruntime;
    316     option java_package = "com.example";
    317     option java_outer_classname = "SampleMessageProtos";
    319     enum MessageType {
    320       SAMPLE = 1;
    321       EXAMPLE = 2;
    322     }
    324     message SampleMessage {
    325       required int32 id = 1;
    326       required MessageType type = 2;
    327     }
    329     message SampleMessageContainer {
    330       required SampleMessage message = 1;
    331     }
    333 This could be compiled using:
    335 ./protoc --javamicro_out=. src/proto/sample-message.proto
    337 and the output will be:
    339 com/example/SampleMessageProtos.java:
    341     package com.example;
    343     public final class SampleMessageProtos {
    344       public static final int SAMPLE = 1;
    345       public static final int EXAMPLE = 2;
    346       public static final class SampleMessage
    347           extends MessageMicro {
    348         ...
    349       }
    350       public static final class SampleMessageContainer
    351           extends MessageMicro {
    352         ...
    353       }
    354     }
    356 As you can see the file-scope enum MessageType is
    357 disassembled into two integer constants in the outer class.
    358 In javamicro_out, all enums are disassembled and compiled
    359 into integer constants in the parent scope (the containing
    360 message's class or the file's (i.e. outer) class).
    362 You may prefer the file-scope messages to be saved in
    363 separate files. You can do this by setting the option
    364 java_multiple_files to true, in either the file like this:
    366     option java_multiple_files = true;
    368 or the command line like this:
    370 ./protoc --javamicro_out=\
    371 java_multiple_files=true:\
    372 . src/proto/sample-message.proto
    374 The java_multiple_files option causes javamicro to use a
    375 separate file for each file-scope message, which resides
    376 directly in the Java package alongside the outer class:
    378 com/example/SampleMessageProtos.java:
    380     package com.example;
    381     public final class SampleMessageProtos {
    382       public static final int SAMPLE = 1;
    383       public static final int EXAMPLE = 2;
    384     }
    386 com/example/SampleMessage.java:
    388     package com.example;
    389     public final class SampleMessage
    390         extends MessageMicro {
    391       ...
    392     }
    394 com/example/SampleMessageContainer.java:
    396     package com.example;
    397     public final class SampleMessageContainer
    398         extends MessageMicro {
    399       ...
    400     }
    402 As you can see, the outer class now contains only the
    403 integer constants, generated from the file-scope enum
    404 "MessageType". Please note that message-scope enums are
    405 still generated as integer constants in the message class.
    408 Nano version
    409 ============================
    411 Nano is even smaller than micro, especially in the number of generated
    412 functions. It is like micro except:
    414 - No setter/getter/hazzer functions.
    415 - Has state is not available. Outputs all fields not equal to their
    416   default. (See important implications below.)
    417 - CodedInputStreamMicro is renamed to CodedInputByteBufferNano and can
    418   only take byte[] (not InputStream).
    419 - Similar rename from CodedOutputStreamMicro to
    420   CodedOutputByteBufferNano.
    421 - Repeated fields are in arrays, not ArrayList or Vector.
    422 - Unset messages/groups are null, not an immutable empty default
    423   instance.
    424 - Required fields are always serialized.
    425 - toByteArray(...) and mergeFrom(...) are now static functions of
    426   MessageNano.
    427 - "bytes" are of java type byte[].
    429 IMPORTANT: If you have fields with defaults
    431 How fields with defaults are serialized has changed. Because we don't
    432 keep "has" state, any field equal to its default is assumed to be not
    433 set and therefore is not serialized. Consider the situation where we
    434 change the default value of a field. Senders compiled against an older
    435 version of the proto continue to match against the old default, and
    436 don't send values to the receiver even though the receiver assumes the
    437 new default value. Therefore, think carefully about the implications
    438 of changing the default value.
    440 IMPORTANT: If you have "bytes" fields with non-empty defaults
    442 Because the byte buffer is now of mutable type byte[], the default
    443 static final cannot be exposed through a public field. Each time a
    444 message's constructor or clear() function is called, the default value
    445 (kept in a private byte[]) is cloned. This causes a small memory
    446 penalty. This is not a problem if the field has no default or is an
    447 empty default.
    449 Nano Generator options
    451 java_package           -> <file-name>|<package-name>
    452 java_outer_classname   -> <file-name>|<package-name>
    453 java_multiple_files    -> true or false
    454 java_nano_generate_has -> true or false
    456 java_package:
    457 java_outer_classname:
    458 java_multiple_files:
    459   Same as Micro version.
    461 java_nano_generate_has={true,false} (default: false)
    462   If true, generates a public boolean variable has<fieldname>
    463   accompanying each optional or required field (not present for
    464   repeated fields, groups or messages). It is set to false initially
    465   and upon clear(). If parseFrom(...) reads the field from the wire,
    466   it is set to true. This is a way for clients to inspect the "has"
    467   value upon parse. If it is set to true, writeTo(...) will ALWAYS
    468   output that field (even if field value is equal to its
    469   default).
    471   IMPORTANT: This option costs an extra 4 bytes per primitive field in
    472   the message. Think carefully about whether you really need this. In
    473   many cases reading the default works and determining whether the
    474   field was received over the wire is irrelevant.
    476 To use nano protobufs:
    478 - Link with the generated jar file
    479   <protobuf-root>java/target/protobuf-java-2.3.0-nano.jar.
    480 - Invoke with --javanano_out, e.g.:
    482 ./protoc '--javanano_out=\
    483 java_package=src/proto/simple-data.proto|my_package,\
    484 java_outer_classname=src/proto/simple-data.proto|OuterName:\
    485 .' src/proto/simple-data.proto
    487 Contributing to nano:
    489 Please add/edit tests in NanoTest.java.
    491 Please run the following steps to test:
    493 - cd external/protobuf
    494 - ./configure
    495 - Run "make -j12 check" and verify all tests pass.
    496 - cd java
    497 - Run "mvn test" and verify all tests pass.
    498 - cd ../../..
    499 - . build/envsetup.sh
    500 - lunch 1
    501 - "make -j12 aprotoc libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-nano aprotoc-test-nano-params" and
    502   check for build errors.
    503 - repo sync -c -j256
    504 - "make -j12" and check for build errors
    507 Usage
    508 =====
    510 The complete documentation for Protocol Buffers is available via the
    511 web at:
    513   http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/